133 resultados para PA chest X-ray


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XMapTools is a MATLAB©-based graphical user interface program for electron microprobe X-ray image processing, which can be used to estimate the pressure–temperature conditions of crystallization of minerals in metamorphic rocks. This program (available online at http://www.xmaptools.com) provides a method to standardize raw electron microprobe data and includes functions to calculate the oxide weight percent compositions for various minerals. A set of external functions is provided to calculate structural formulae from the standardized analyses as well as to estimate pressure–temperature conditions of crystallization, using empirical and semi-empirical thermobarometers from the literature. Two graphical user interface modules, Chem2D and Triplot3D, are used to plot mineral compositions into binary and ternary diagrams. As an example, the software is used to study a high-pressure Himalayan eclogite sample from the Stak massif in Pakistan. The high-pressure paragenesis consisting of omphacite and garnet has been retrogressed to a symplectitic assemblage of amphibole, plagioclase and clinopyroxene. Mineral compositions corresponding to ~165,000 analyses yield estimates for the eclogitic pressure–temperature retrograde path from 25 kbar to 9 kbar. Corresponding pressure–temperature maps were plotted and used to interpret the link between the equilibrium conditions of crystallization and the symplectitic microstructures. This example illustrates the usefulness of XMapTools for studying variations of the chemical composition of minerals and for retrieving information on metamorphic conditions on a microscale, towards computation of continuous pressure–temperature-and relative time path in zoned metamorphic minerals not affected by post-crystallization diffusion.


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Dehydration behaviour of the zeolite merlinoite, NaK11[Al12Si20O64]·15H2O, from the Khibiny massif (Russia) was studied by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction conjoined with step-wise heating to 225 C. At room temperature merlinoite has the space group Immm with a = 14.0312(5), b = 14.2675(6), c = 10.0874(4) Å, and V = 2019.40(14) Å3. At 75 °C the merlinoite structure undergoes pronounced dehydration accompanied by a phase transition to a structure that has the space group P42/nmc and remains consistent at elevated temperature. A fully dehydrated phase occurs at 200 °C (at 225 °C: a = 13.341(4), b = 13.341(4), c = 9.707(4) Å, V = 1727.7(12) Å3). Dehydration-induced framework distortion and symmetry were found to be different from those observed for synthetic potassium merlinoite with the K11.5[Al11.5Si20.5O64]·15H2O composition.


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Deep geological storage of radioactive waste foresees cementitious materials as reinforcement of tunnels and as backfill. Bentonite is proposed to enclose spent fuel canisters and as drift seals. Sand/bentonite (s/b) is foreseen as backfill material of access galleries or as drift seals. The emplacement of cementitious material next to clay material generates an enormous chemical gradient in pore-water composition that drives diffusive solute transport. Laboratory studies and reactive transport modeling predicted significant mineral alteration at and near interfaces, mainly resulting in a decrease of porosity in bentonite. The goal of this thesis was to characterize and quantify the cement/bentonite interactions both spatially and temporally in laboratory experiments. A newly developed mobile X-ray transparent core infiltration device was used to perform X-ray computed tomography (CT) scans without interruption of running experiments. CT scans allowed tracking the evolution of the reaction plume and changes in core volume/diameter/density during the experiments. In total 4 core infiltration experiments were carried out for this study with the compacted and saturated cores consisting of MX-80 bentonite and sand/MX-80 bentonite mixture (s/b; 65/35%). Two different high-pH cementitious pore-fluids were infiltrated: a young (early) ordinary Portland cement pore-fluid (APWOPC; K+–Na+–OH-; pH 13.4; ionic strength 0.28 mol/kg) and a young ‘low-pH’ ESDRED shotcrete pore-fluid (APWESDRED; Ca2+–Na+–K+–formate; pH 11.4; ionic strength 0.11 mol/kg). The experiments lasted between 1 and 2 years. In both bentonite experiments, the hydraulic conductivity was strongly reduced after switching to high-pH fluids, changing eventually from an advective to a diffusion-dominated transport regime. The reduction was mainly induced by mineral precipitation and possibly partly also by high ionic strength pore-fluids. Both bentonite cores showed a volume reduction and a resulting transient flow in which pore-water was squeezed out during high-pH infiltration. The outflow chemistry was characterized by a high ionic strength, while chloride in the initial pore water got replaced as main anionic charge carrier by sulfate, originating from gypsum dissolution. The chemistry of the high-pH fluids got strongly buffered by the bentonite, consuming hydroxide and in case of APWESDRED also formate. Hydroxide got consumed by mineral reactions (saponite and possibly talc and brucite precipitation), while formate being affected by bacterial degradation. Post-mortem analysis showed reaction zones near the inlet of the bentonite core, characterized by calcium and magnesium enrichment, consisting predominately of calcite and saponite, respectively. Silica got enriched in the outflow, indicating dissolution of silicate-minerals, identified as preferentially cristobalite. In s/b, infiltration of APWOPC reduced the hydraulic conductivity strongly, while APWESDRED infiltration had no effect. The reduction was mainly induced by mineral precipitation and probably partly also by high ionic strength pore-fluids. Not clear is why the observed mineral precipitates in the APWESDRED experiment had no effect on the fluid flow. Both s/b cores showed a volume expansion along with decreasing ionic strengths of the outflow, due to mineral reactions or in case of APWESDRED infiltration also mediated by microbiological activity, consuming hydroxide and formate, respectively. The chemistry of the high-pH fluids got strongly buffered by the s/b. In the case of APWESDRED infiltration, formate reached the outflow only for a short time, followed by enrichment in acetate, indicating most likely biological activity. This was in agreement to post-mortem analysis of the core, observing black spots on the inflow surface, while the sample had a rotten-egg smell indicative of some sulfate reduction. Post-mortem analysis showed further in both cores a Ca-enrichment in the first 10 mm of the core due to calcite precipitation. Mg-enrichment was only observed in the APWOPC experiment, originating from newly formed saponite. Silica got enriched in the outflow of both experiments, indicating dissolution of silicate-minerals, identified in the OPC experiment as cristobalite. The experiments attested an effective buffering capacity for bentonite and s/b, a progressing coupled hydraulic-chemical sealing process and also the preservation of the physical integrity of the interface region in this setup with a total pressure boundary condition on the core sample. No complete pore-clogging was observed but the hydraulic conductivity got rather strongly reduced in 3 experiments, explained by clogging of the intergranular porosity (macroporosity). Such a drop in hydraulic conductivity may impact the saturation time of the buffer in a nuclear waste repository, although the processes and geometry will be more complex in repository situation.


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High-pressure powder X-ray diffraction is a fundamental technique for investigating structural responses to externally applied force. Synchrotron sources and two-dimensional detectors are required. In contrast to this conventional setup, high-resolution beamlines equipped with one-dimensional detectors could offer much better resolved peaks but cannot deliver accurate structure factors because they only sample a small portion of the Debye rings, which are usually inhomogeneous and spotty because of the small amount of sample. In this study, a simple method to overcome this problem is presented and successfully applied to solving the structure of an L-serine polymorph from powder data. A comparison of the obtained high-resolution high-pressure data with conventional data shows that this technique, providing up to ten times better angular resolution, can be of advantage for indexing, for lattice parameter refinement, and even for structure refinement and solution in special cases.


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The first objective of this study was to determine normative digital X-ray radiogrammetry (DXR) values, based on original digital images, in a pediatric population (aged 6-18 years). The second aim was to compare these reference data with patients suffering from distal radius fractures, whereas both cohorts originated from the same geographical region and were evaluated using the same technical parameters as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria. DXR-BMD and DXR-MCI of the metacarpal bones II-IV were assessed on standardized digital hand radiographs, without printing or scanning procedures. DXR parameters were estimated separately by gender and among six age groups; values in the fracture group were compared to age- and gender-matched normative data using Student's t tests and Z scores. In the reference cohort (150 boys, 138 girls), gender differences were found in bone mineral density (DXR-BMD), with higher values for girls from 11 to 14 years and for boys from 15 to 18 years (p < 0.05). Girls had higher normative metacarpal index (DXR-MCI) values than boys, with significant differences at 11-14 years (p < 0.05). In the case-control investigation, the fracture group (95 boys, 69 girls) presented lower DXR-BMD at 15-18 years in boys and 13-16 years in girls vs. the reference cohort (p < 0.05); DXR-MCI was lower at 11-18 years in boys and 11-16 years in girls (p < 0.05). Mean Z scores in the fracture group for DXR-BMD were -0.42 (boys) and -0.46 (girls), and for DXR-MCI were -0.51 (boys) and -0.53 (girls). These findings indicate that the fully digital DXR technique can be accurately applied in pediatric populations ≥ 6 years of age. The lower DXR-BMD and DXR-MCI values in the fracture group suggest promising early identification of individuals with increased fracture risk, without the need for additional radiation exposure, enabling the initiation of prevention strategies to possibly reduce the incidence of osteoporosis later in life.


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Bimetallic, oxalate-bridged compounds with bi- and trivalent transition metals comprise a class of layered materials which express a large variety in their molecular-based magnetic behavior. Because of this, the availability of the corresponding single-crystal structural data is essential to the successful interpretation of the experimental magnetic results. We report in this paper the crystal structure and magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic compound {[N(n-C3H7)4][MnIICrIII(C2O4)3]}n (1), the crystal structure of the antiferromagnetic compound {[N(n-C4H9)4][MnIIFeIII(C2O4)3]}n (2), and the results of a neutron diffraction study of a polycrystalline sample of the ferromagnetic compound {[P(C6D5)4][MnIICrIII(C2O4)3]}n (3). Crystal data:  1, rhombohedral, R3c, a = 9.363(3) Å, c = 49.207(27) Å, Z = 6; 2, hexagonal, P63, a = 9.482(2) Å, c = 17.827(8) Å, Z = 2. The structures consist of anionic, two-dimensional, honeycomb networks formed by the oxalate-bridged metal ions, interleaved by the templating cations. Single-crystal field dependent magnetization measurements as well as elastic neutron scattering experiments on the manganese(II)−chromium(III) samples show the existence of long-range ferromagnetic ordering behavior below Tc = 6 K. The magnetic structure corresponds to an alignment of the spins perpendicular to the network layers. In contrast, the manganese(II)−iron(III) compound expresses a two-dimensional antiferromagnetic ordering.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of full-body linear X-ray scanning (LS) in multiple trauma patients in comparison to 128-multislice computed tomography (MSCT). Materials and Methods: 106 multiple trauma patients (female: 33; male: 73) were retrospectively included in this study. All patients underwent LS of the whole body, including extremities, and MSCT covering the neck, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. The diagnostic accuracy of LS for the detection of fractures of the truncal skeleton and pneumothoraces was evaluated in comparison to MSCT by two observers in consensus. Extremity fractures detected by LS were documented. Results: The overall sensitivity of LS was 49.2 %, the specificity was 93.3 %, the positive predictive value was 91 %, and the negative predictive value was 57.5 %. The overall sensitivity for vertebral fractures was 16.7 %, and the specificity was 100 %. The sensitivity was 48.7 % and the specificity 98.2 % for all other fractures. Pneumothoraces were detected in 12 patients by CT, but not by LS. 40 extremity fractures were detected by LS, of which 4 fractures were dislocated, and 2 were fully covered by MSCT. Conclusion: The diagnostic accuracy of LS is limited in the evaluation of acute trauma of the truncal skeleton. LS allows fast whole-body X-ray imaging, and may be valuable for detecting extremity fractures in trauma patients in addition to MSCT. Key Points: • The overall sensitivity of LS for truncal skeleton injuries in multiple-trauma patients was < 50 %.• The diagnostic reference standard MSCT is the preferred and reliable imaging modality.• LS may be valuable for quick detection of extremity fractures. Citation Format: • Jöres APW., Heverhagen JT, Bonél H et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Full-Body Linear X-Ray Scanning in Multiple Trauma Patients in Comparison to Computed Tomography. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2016; 188: 163 - 171.


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DNA duplexes containing unnatural base-pair surrogates are attractive biomolecular nanomaterials with potentially beneficial photophysical or electronic properties. Herein we report the first X-ray structure of a duplex containing a phen-pair in the center of the double helix in a zipper like stacking arrangement.