123 resultados para Ovine Fetus
Importance of cholesterol and cholesterol transporters in the placental trophoblast during pregnancy
Membrane transporters are essential during pregnancy, being a core component of the exchange of nutrients, gases, and metabolic products between the mother and the developing fetus. Important compounds to be transported include vitamins and minerals, amino acids, glucose, as well as cholesterol. Cholesterol transport across the plasma membrane is mediated mainly by members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter family. Cholesterol is present in every cell of the body, where it helps maintain the integrity of cell membranes and also plays an important role in cell signaling events. Cholesterol also acts as a precursor for the biosynthesis of steroids that include sex hormones, glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids, as well as bile acids and oxysterols. Cholesterol transport is therefore crucial for a host of different physiological processes. The following chapter addresses the involvement and importance of ABC transporters in these different processes. The critical role that ABC transporters Play for a successful pregnancy outcome is highlighted by pathological processes that result malfunction of cholesterol transport during pregnancy. Avenues of future research are also described, which may help to further delineate the function and mechanism of action of ABC transporters.
Neospora caninum is an intracellular apicomplexan parasite, which is a leading cause of abortion in cattle; thus neosporosis represents an important veterinary health problem and is of high economic significance. The parasite can infect cattle via trans-placental transmission from an infected cow to its fetus (vertical transmission), or through the oral route via ingestion of food or water contaminated with oocysts that were previously shed with the feces of a canid definitive host (horizontal transmission). Although vaccination was considered a rational strategy to prevent bovine neosporosis, the only commercialized vaccine (Neoguard®) produced ambiguous results with relatively low efficacy, and was recently removed from the market. Therefore, there is a need to develop an efficient vaccine capable of preventing both, the horizontal transmission through infected food or water to a naïve animal as well as the vertical transmission from infected but clinically asymptomatic dams to the fetus. Different vaccine strategies have been investigated, including the use of live attenuated vaccines, killed parasite lysates, total antigens or antigen fractions from killed parasites, and subunit vaccines. The vast majority of experimental studies were performed in mice, and to a certain extent in gerbils, but there is also a large number of investigations that were conducted in cattle and sheep. However, it is difficult to directly compare these studies due to the high variability of the parameters employed. In this review, we will summarize the recent advances made in vaccine development against N. caninum in cattle and in mice and highlight the most important factors, which are likely to influence the degree of protection mediated by vaccination.
Neospora caninum is a leading cause of abortion in cattle, and is thus an important veterinary health problem of high economic significance. Vaccination has been considered a viable strategy to prevent bovine neosporosis. Different approaches have been investigated, and to date the most promising results have been achieved with live-attenuated vaccines. Subunit vaccines have also been studied, and most of them represented components that are functionally involved in (i) the physical interaction between the parasite and its host cell during invasion or (ii) tachyzoite-to-bradyzoite stage conversion. Drugs have been considered as an option to limit the effects of vertical transmission of N. caninum. Promising results with a small panel of compounds in small laboratory animal models indicate the potential value of a chemotherapeutical approach for the prevention of neosporosis in ruminants. For both, vaccines and drugs, the key for success in preventing vertical transmission lies in the application of bioactive compounds that limit parasite proliferation and dissemination, without endangering the developing fetus not only during an exogenous acute infection but also during recrudescence of a chronic infection. In this review, the current status of vaccine and drug development is presented and novel strategies against neosporosis are discussed.