149 resultados para Haugen, Anders


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OBJECTIVES To investigate and correct the temperature dependence of postmortem MR quantification used for soft tissue characterization and differentiation in thoraco-abdominal organs. MATERIAL AND METHODS Thirty-five postmortem short axis cardiac 3-T MR examinations were quantified using a quantification sequence. Liver, spleen, left ventricular myocardium, pectoralis muscle and subcutaneous fat were analysed in cardiac short axis images to obtain mean T1, T2 and PD tissue values. The core body temperature was measured using a rectally inserted thermometer. The tissue-specific quantitative values were related to the body core temperature. Equations to correct for temperature differences were generated. RESULTS In a 3D plot comprising the combined data of T1, T2 and PD, different organs/tissues could be well differentiated from each other. The quantitative values were influenced by the temperature. T1 in particular exhibited strong temperature dependence. The correction of quantitative values to a temperature of 37 °C resulted in better tissue discrimination. CONCLUSION Postmortem MR quantification is feasible for soft tissue discrimination and characterization of thoraco-abdominal organs. This provides a base for computer-aided diagnosis and detection of tissue lesions. The temperature dependence of the T1 values challenges postmortem MR quantification. Equations to correct for the temperature dependence are provided. KEY POINTS • Postmortem MR quantification is feasible for soft tissue discrimination and characterization • Temperature dependence of the T1 values challenges the MR quantification approach • The results provide the basis for computer-aided postmortem MRI diagnosis • Diagnostic criteria may also be applied for living patients.


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BACKGROUND Extensive coronary artery disease (CAD) is associated with higher risk. In this substudy of the PLATO trial, we examined the effects of randomized treatment on outcome events and safety in relation to the extent of CAD. METHODS Patients were classified according to presence of extensive CAD (defined as 3-vessel disease, left main disease, or prior coronary artery bypass graft surgery). The trial's primary and secondary end points were compared using Cox proportional hazards regression. RESULTS Among 15,388 study patients for whom the extent of CAD was known, 4,646 (30%) had extensive CAD. Patients with extensive CAD had more high-risk characteristics and experienced more clinical events during follow-up. They were less likely to undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (58% vs 79%, P < .001) but more likely to undergo coronary artery bypass graft surgery (16% vs 2%, P < .001). Ticagrelor, compared with clopidogrel, reduced the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in patients with extensive CAD (14.9% vs 17.6%, hazard ratio [HR] 0.85 [0.73-0.98]) similar to its reduction in those without extensive CAD (6.8% vs 8.0%, HR 0.85 [0.74-0.98], Pinteraction = .99). Major bleeding was similar with ticagrelor vs clopidogrel among patients with (25.7% vs 25.5%, HR 1.02 [0.90-1.15]) and without (7.3% vs 6.4%, HR 1.14 [0.98-1.33], Pinteraction = .24) extensive CAD. CONCLUSIONS Patients with extensive CAD have higher rates of recurrent cardiovascular events and bleeding. Ticagrelor reduced ischemic events to a similar extent both in patients with and without extensive CAD, with bleeding rates similar to clopidogrel.


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When an ice core sample is analysed for its aeolian dust content, it is melted and the particles detected are suspended in water. Consequently, dust measurement techniques employed in the ice core community differ from those used for in-situ studies of airborne dust. Methods commonly used to classify insolubles suspended in a liquid are either based on the particles’ interaction with light or on the detection of resistive pulses by means of Coulter counting. Data sets obtained with Coulter counters are widely accepted as references and other techniques are judged against their ability to reproduce these. Unfortunately, optically acquired ice core dust records were found to differ. By analyzing two sections of the NEEM dust record, two different evaluation procedures are discussed before a third protocol is proposed. It is found that relative changes in the archived dust load can be reproduced, while the simultaneous attainment of absolute concentrations or changes in the grain size frequency histograms in high resolution remains difficult.


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The conservation of large carnivores is a formidable challenge for biodiversity conservation. Using a data set on the past and current status of brown bears (Ursus arctos), Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), gray wolves (Canis lupus), and wolverines (Gulo gulo) in European countries, we show that roughly one-third of mainland Europe hosts at least one large carnivore species, with stable or increasing abundance in most cases in 21st-century records. The reasons for this overall conservation success include protective legislation, supportive public opinion, and a variety of practices making coexistence between large carnivores and people possible. The European situation reveals that large carnivores and people can share the same landscape.


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Wird das Volk von den Parteien gesteuert? Wären gewisse Abstimmungsergebnisse anders ausgefallen, hätten sich alle beteiligt? Wie verhalten sich die Schweizer Stimmbürger? Wie informiert ist das Stimmvolk über die ihr vorgelegten Sachfragen? Welche Rolle spielen die Medien? Die drei Politikwissenschaftler Thomas Milic, Bianca Rousselot und Adrian Vatter bieten einen systematischen Überblick über die schweizerische Abstimmungsforschung. Ein erster Teil beschäftigt sich mit der Ausgestaltung der direkten Demokratie auf nationaler, kantonaler und lokaler Ebene und der Nutzung der direktdemokratischen Instrumente. Ein zweiter Teil handelt von den Wirkungen der Volksrechte auf das politische System der Schweiz. Der weitere Fokus liegt auf dem Entscheidverhalten der Schweizer Stimmbürger. Dabei stellen die Autoren zunächst die dominanten theoretischen Ansätze zur Erklärung des Abstimmungsverhaltens vor, dann präsentieren und kommentieren sie kritisch die Schweizer Anwendungen, um schliesslich die Ergebnisse der Abstimmungsforschung aufzuführen.


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Über Gewalt und Liebe: Transnationale Adoption in Österreich Julia Rehsmann Eine Adoption bedeutet meist den Bruch mit der leiblichen Familie – zu verstehen als ein „Akt der Gewalt“ – und die Inkorporation in ein neues Familiennetzwerk – ein „Akt der Liebe“. Kinder zu bekommen wird in unserer Gesellschaft als wichtiger Teil des Lebens gesehen und trotz Fortschritten in der Reproduktionsmedizin bleibt die Zahl international adoptierter Kinder global gesehen auf einem gleich hohen Niveau. Im Rahmen einer Adoption werden vorherrschende Konzepte von Verwandtschaft und Zugehörigkeit in Frage gestellt, da die Beziehung zwischen Eltern und Kind nicht auf biogenetischer, sondern auf sozialer, emotionaler und rechtlicher Verbundenheit basiert. Wenn Adoptionen zwischen verschiedenen Ländern zustande kommen und das Kind meist anders aussieht als die Adoptiveltern, tauchen unweigerlich Fragen zu Identität, Zu- gehörigkeit, race und Kultur auf. Antworten zu Fragen wie „Wer bin ich?“ und „Woher komme ich?“ sind im Falle von Adoption und insbesondere von transnationaler Adoption komplizierter und schwieriger zu finden als im Falle der klaren biogenetischen Eltern-Kind-Beziehung. Welche Bedeutung hat diese Migration junger Kinder vor allem aus armen Nationen in die wohlhabenderen Länder der Vereinigten Staaten und Europas? Welche Bedeutung haben die in den letzten Jahren vermehrt auftretenden Reisen von Adoptierten und ihren Familien in ihre jeweiligen Geburtsländer? Die Adoptionsfamilie widerspricht in gewisser Hinsicht dem Bild der Familie als Teil des privaten Lebens, da sie während des Adoptionsprozesses von Bereichen des öffentlichen Lebens (Institutionen, Agenturen, Gesetzen) beeinflusst und bestimmt wird. Transnationale Adoptionen stellen nicht nur Individuen, sondern auch staatliche Institutionen vor große Herausforderungen und verlangen nach neuen Strategien im Umgang mit neuen Familienstrukturen. Im Rahmen des Vortrags soll ein Überblick über das Phänomen in Österreich gegeben werden und in Bezug zu anderen sozialanthro-pologischen Arbeiten zum Thema gesetzt werden, wobei in der empirischen Forschung der Fokus auf Familien mit Kindern aus Äthiopien lag.


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In the context of a memory task, participants were presented with pictures displaying biological and cultural threat stimuli or neutral stimuli (stimulus relevance manipulation) with superimposed symbols signaling monetary gains or losses (goal conduciveness manipulation). Results for heart rate and facial electromyogram show differential efferent effects of the respective appraisal outcomes and provide first evidence for sequential processing, as postulated by Scherer's component process model of emotion. Specifically, as predicted, muscle activity over the brow and cheek regions marking the process of relevance appraisal occurred significantly earlier than facial muscle activity markers of goal conduciveness appraisal. Heart rate, in contrast, was influenced by the stimulus relevance manipulation only.


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The domestication of the horse revolutionized warfare, trade, and the exchange of people and ideas. This at least 5,500-y-long process, which ultimately transformed wild horses into the hundreds of breeds living today, is difficult to reconstruct from archeological data and modern genetics alone. We therefore sequenced two complete horse genomes, predating domestication by thousands of years, to characterize the genetic footprint of domestication. These ancient genomes reveal predomestic population structure and a significant fraction of genetic variation shared with the domestic breeds but absent from Przewalski’s horses. We find positive selection on genes involved in various aspects of locomotion, physiology, and cognition. Finally, we show that modern horse genomes contain an excess of deleterious mutations, likely representing the genetic cost of domestication.


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INTRODUCTION Post-mortem cardiac MR exams present with different contraction appearances of the left ventricle in cardiac short axis images. It was hypothesized that the grade of post-mortem contraction may be related to the post-mortem interval (PMI) or cause of death and a phenomenon caused by internal rigor mortis that may give further insights in the circumstances of death. METHOD AND MATERIALS The cardiac contraction grade was investigated in 71 post-mortem cardiac MR exams (mean age at death 52y, range 12-89y; 48 males, 23 females). In cardiac short axis images the left ventricular lumen volume as well as the left ventricular myocardial volume were assessed by manual segmentation. The quotient of both (LVQ) represents the grade of myocardial contraction. LVQ was correlated to the PMI, sex, age, cardiac weight, body mass and height, cause of death and pericardial tamponade when present. In cardiac causes of death a separate correlation was investigated for acute myocardial infarction cases and arrhythmic deaths. RESULTS LVQ values ranged from 1.99 (maximum dilatation) to 42.91 (maximum contraction) with a mean of 15.13. LVQ decreased slightly with increasing PMI, however without significant correlation. Pericardial tamponade positively correlated with higher LVQ values. Variables such as sex, age, body mass and height, cardiac weight and cause of death did not correlate with LVQ values. There was no difference in LVQ values for myocardial infarction without tamponade and arrhythmic deaths. CONCLUSION Based on the observation in our investigated cases, the phenomenon of post-mortem myocardial contraction cannot be explained by the influence of the investigated variables, except for pericardial tamponade cases. Further research addressing post-mortem myocardial contraction has to focus on other, less obvious factors, which may influence the early post-mortem phase too.


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Przewalski's horses (PHs, Equus ferus ssp. przewalskii) were discovered in the Asian steppes in the 1870s and represent the last remaining true wild horses. PHs became extinct in the wild in the 1960s but survived in captivity, thanks to major conservation efforts. The current population is still endangered, with just 2,109 individuals, one-quarter of which are in Chinese and Mongolian reintroduction reserves [1]. These horses descend from a founding population of 12 wild-caught PHs and possibly up to four domesticated individuals [2-4]. With a stocky build, an erect mane, and stripped and short legs, they are phenotypically and behaviorally distinct from domesticated horses (DHs, Equus caballus). Here, we sequenced the complete genomes of 11 PHs, representing all founding lineages, and five historical specimens dated to 1878-1929 CE, including the Holotype. These were compared to the hitherto-most-extensive genome dataset characterized for horses, comprising 21 new genomes. We found that loci showing the most genetic differentiation with DHs were enriched in genes involved in metabolism, cardiac disorders, muscle contraction, reproduction, behavior, and signaling pathways. We also show that DH and PH populations split ∼45,000 years ago and have remained connected by gene-flow thereafter. Finally, we monitor the genomic impact of ∼110 years of captivity, revealing reduced heterozygosity, increased inbreeding, and variable introgression of domestic alleles, ranging from non-detectable to as much as 31.1%. This, together with the identification of ancestry informative markers and corrections to the International Studbook, establishes a framework for evaluating the persistence of genetic variation in future reintroduced populations.


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We present a record of particulate dust concentration and size distribution in subannual resolution measured on the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dronning Maud Land (EDML) ice core drilled in the Atlantic sector of the East Antarctic plateau. The record reaches from present day back to the penultimate glacial until 145,000 years B.P. with subannual resolution from 60,000 years B.P. to the present. Mean dust concentrations are a factor of 46 higher during the glacial (~850–4600 ng/mL) compared to the Holocene (~16–112 ng/mL) with slightly smaller dust particles during the glacial comparedto the Holocene and with an absolute minimum in the dust size at 16,000 years B.P. The changes in dust concentration are mainly attributed to changes in source conditions in southern South America. An increase in the modal value of the dust size suggests that at 16,000 years B.P. a major change in atmospheric circulation apparently allowed more direct transport of dust particles to the EDML drill site. We find a clear in-phase relation of the seasonal variation in dust mass concentration and dust size during the glacial (r(conc,size) = 0.8) but no clear phase relationship during the Holocene (0


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This study reports the chemical composition of particles present along Greenland’s North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) ice core, back to 110,000 years before present. Insoluble and soluble particles larger than 0.45 μm were extracted from the ice core by ice sublimation, and their chemical composition was analyzed using scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy. We show that the dominant insoluble components are silicates, whereas NaCl, Na₂SO₄, CaSO ₄, and CaCO₃ represent major soluble salts. For the first time, particles of CaMg(CO₃)₂ and Ca(NO₃)₂ 4H₂O are identified in a Greenland ice core. The chemical speciation of salts varies with past climatic conditions. Whereas the fraction of Na salts (NaCl + Na₂SO₄) exceeds that of Ca salts (CaSO₄+ CaCO₃) during the Holocene (0.6–11.7 kyr B.P.), the two fractions are similar during the Bølling-Allerød period (12.9–14.6 kyr B.P.). During cold climate such as over the Younger Dryas (12.0–12.6 kyr B.P.) and the Last Glacial Maximum (15.0–26.9 kyr B.P.), the fraction of Ca salts exceeds that of Na salts, showing that the most abundant ion generally controls the salt budget in each period. High-resolution analyses reveal changing particle compositions: those in Holocene ice show seasonal changes, and those in LGM ice show a difference between cloudy bands and clear layers, which again can be largely explained by the availability of ionic components in the atmospheric aerosol body of air masses reaching Greenland.


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Drought strongly influences root activities in crop plants and weeds. This paper is focused on the performance of the heavy metal accumulator Solanum nigrum, a plant which might be helpful for phytoremediation. The water potential in a split root system was decreased by the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000). Rubidium, strontium and radionuclides of heavy metals were used as markers to investigate the uptake into roots, the release to the shoot via the xylem, and finally the basipetal transport via the phloem to unlabeled roots. The uptake into the roots (total contents in the plant) was for most makers more severely decreased than the transport to the shoot or the export from the shoot to the unlabeled roots via the phloem. Regardless of the water potential in the labeling solution, 63Ni and 65Zn were selectively redistributed within the plant. From autoradiographs, it became evident that 65Zn accumulated in root tips, in the apical shoot meristem and in axillary buds, while 63Ni accumulated in young expanded leaves and roots but not in the meristems. Since both radionuclides are mobile in the phloem and are, therefore, well redistributed within the plant, the unequal transfer to shoot and root apical meristems is most likely caused by differences in the cell-to-cell transport in differentiation zones without functional phloem (immature sieve tubes).


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The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether serous fluids, blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and putrefied CSF can be characterized and differentiated in synthetically calculated magnetic resonance (MR) images based on their quantitative T 1, T 2, and proton density (PD) values. Images from 55 postmortem short axis cardiac and 31 axial brain 1.5-T MR examinations were quantified using a quantification sequence. Serous fluids, fluid blood, sedimented blood, blood clots, CSF, and putrefied CSF were analyzed for their mean T 1, T 2, and PD values. Body core temperature was measured during the MRI scans. The fluid-specific quantitative values were related to the body core temperature. Equations to correct for temperature differences were generated. In a 3D plot as well as in statistical analysis, the quantitative T 1, T 2 and PD values of serous fluids, fluid blood, sedimented blood, blood clots, CSF, and putrefied CSF could be well differentiated from each other. The quantitative T 1 and T 2 values were temperature-dependent. Correction of quantitative values to a temperature of 37 °C resulted in significantly better discrimination between all investigated fluid mediums. We conclude that postmortem 1.5-T MR quantification is feasible to discriminate between blood, serous fluids, CSF, and putrefied CSF. This finding provides a basis for the computer-aided diagnosis and detection of fluids and hemorrhages.