135 resultados para Glacial epoch.


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Plant macrofossils from the end of the Younger Dryas were analysed at three sites, Gerzensee (603 m asl), Leysin (1230 m asl), and Zeneggen (1510 m asl). For the first two sites an oxygen-isotope record is also available that was used to develop a time scale (Schwander et al., this volume); dates refer therefore to calibrated years according to the GRIP time scale. Around Gerzensee a pine forest with some tree birches grew during the Younger Dryas. With the onset of the isotopic shift initiating the rapid warming (about 11,535 cal. years before 1950), the pine forest became more productive and denser. At Leysin no trees except some juniper scrub grew during the Younger Dryas. Tree birches, pine, and poplar immigrated from lower altitudes and arrived after the end of the isotopic shift (about 11,487 B.P.), i.e., at the beginning of the Preboreal (at about 11,420 B.P.). Zeneggen is situated somewhat higher than Leysin, but single tree birches and pines survived the Younger Dryas at the site. At the beginning of the Preboreal their productivity and population densities increased. Simultaneously shifts from Nitella to Chara and from silt to gyttja are recorded, all indicating rapidly warming conditions and higher nutrient levels of the lake water (and probably of the soils in the catchment). At Gerzensee the beginning of the Younger Dryas was also analysed: the beginning of the isotopic shift correlates within one sample (about 15 years) to rapid decreases of macrofossils of pines and tree birches.


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Reconstructing past modes of ocean circulation is an essential task in paleoclimatology and paleoceanography. To this end, we combine two sedimentary proxies, Nd isotopes (εNd) and the 231Pa/230Th ratio, both of which are not directly involved in the global carbon cycle, but allow the reconstruction of water mass provenance and provide information about the past strength of overturning circulation, respectively. In this study, combined 231Pa/230Th and εNd down-core profiles from six Atlantic Ocean sediment cores are presented. The data set is complemented by the two available combined data sets from the literature. From this we derive a comprehensive picture of spatial and temporal patterns and the dynamic changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation over the past ∼25 ka. Our results provide evidence for a consistent pattern of glacial/stadial advances of Southern Sourced Water along with a northward circulation mode for all cores in the deeper (>3000 m) Atlantic. Results from shallower core sites support an active overturning cell of shoaled Northern Sourced Water during the LGM and the subsequent deglaciation. Furthermore, we report evidence for a short-lived period of intensified AMOC in the early Holocene.


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The palynostratigraphy of two sediment cores from Soppensee, Central Switzerland (596 m asl) was correlated with nine regional pollen assemblage zones defined for the Swiss Plateau. This biostratigraphy shows that the sedimentary record of Soppensee includes the last 15 000 years, i.e. the entire Late-glacial and Holocene environmental history. The vegetation history of the Soppensee catchment was inferred by pollen and plant-macrofossil analyses on three different cores taken in the deepest part of the lake basin (27 m). On the basis of a high-resolution varve and calibrated radiocarbonchronology it was possible to estimate pollen accumulation rates, which together with the pollen percentage data, formed the basis for the interpretation of the past vegetation dynamics. The basal sediment dates back to the last glacial. After reforestation with juniper and birch at ca. 12 700 B.P., the vegetation changed at around 12 000 B.P. to a pine-birch woodland and at the onset of the Holocene to a mixed deciduous forest. At ca. 7000 B.P., fir expanded and dominated the vegetation with beech becoming predominant at ca. 50014C-years later until sometime during the Iron Age. Large-scale deforestation, especially during the Middle Ages, altered the vegetation cover drastically. During the Late-glacial period two distinct regressive phases in vegetation development are demonstrated, namely, the Aegelsee oscillation (equivalent to the Older Dryas biozone) and the Younger Dryas biozone. No unambiguous evidence for Holocene climatic change was detected at Soppensee. Human presence is indicated by early cereal pollen and distinct pulses of forest clearance as a result of human activity can be observed from the Neolithic period onwards.


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We present new δ¹³C measurements of atmospheric CO₂ covering the last glacial/interglacial cycle, complementing previous records covering Terminations I and II. Most prominent in the new record is a significant depletion in δ¹³C(atm) of 0.5‰ occurring during marine isotope stage (MIS) 4, followed by an enrichment of the same magnitude at the beginning of MIS 3. Such a significant excursion in the record is otherwise only observed at glacial terminations, suggesting that similar processes were at play, such as changing sea surface temperatures, changes in marine biological export in the Southern Ocean (SO) due to variations in aeolian iron fluxes, changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, upwelling of deep water in the SO, and long-term trends in terrestrial carbon storage. Based on previous modeling studies, we propose constraints on some of these processes during specific time intervals. The decrease in δ¹³C(atm) at the end of MIS 4 starting approximately 64 kyr B.P. was accompanied by increasing [CO₂]. This period is also marked by a decrease in aeolian iron flux to the SO, followed by an increase in SO upwelling during Heinrich event 6, indicating that it is likely that a large amount of δ¹³C-depleted carbon was transferred to the deep oceans previously, i.e., at the onset of MIS 4. Apart from the upwelling event at the end of MIS 4 (and potentially smaller events during Heinrich events in MIS 3), upwelling of deep water in the SO remained reduced until the last glacial termination, whereupon a second pulse of isotopically light carbon was released into the atmosphere.


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Deep polar ice cores provide atmospheric records of nitrous oxide (N₂O) and other trace gases reflecting climate history along with a parallel archive of microbial cells transported with mineral dust, marine and volcanic aerosols from around the globe. Our interdisciplinary study of 32 samples from different depths of the recently drilled NEEM Greenland ice core addressed the question whether the identified microorganisms were capable of post-depositional biological production of N₂O in situ. We used high-resolution geochemical and microbiological approaches to examine the N₂O concentrations, the quantitative distributions of dust, Ca⁺², NH₄⁺ and NO₃⁻ ¡ons related to N cycle pathways, the microbial abundance and diversity at specific NEEM core depths from 1758 m to 1867.8 m. Results showed varying concentrations of N₂O (220 –271.5 ppb). Microbial abundance fluctuated between 3.3 x 10⁴ and 3.3 x 10⁶ cells mL⁻¹ in direct correlation with dust and Ca²⁺ concentrations with higher cell numbers deposited during colder periods. The average values of NH₄⁺ and NO₃⁻ indicated that substrates were available for the microorganisms capable of utilizing them. PCR amplification of selected functional genes involved in bacterial and archaeal nitrification and denitrification was not successful. Sanger and Illumina MiSeq sequence analyses of SSU rRNA genes showed variable representation of Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, chloroplasts and fungi. The metabolic potential of the dominant genera of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes as possible N₂O producers suggested that denitrification activity may have led to in-situ production and accumulation of N₂O.


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The Alps and the Alpine foreland have been shaped by repeated glaciations during Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles. Extent, timing and impact on landscape evolution of these glaciations are, however, poorly constrained due to the fragmentary character of terrestrial archives. In this context, the sedimentary infills of subglacially eroded, ‘overdeepened’, basins may serve as important archives to complement the Quaternary stratigraphy over several glacial-interglacial cycles. In this thesis, the infills of deep subglacial basins in the Lower Glatt valley (N Switzerland) are explored to better constrain the Middle- to Late Pleistocene environmental change. Five drill cores gave direct insight into to the up to ~200 m thick valley fill at the study site and allowed for detailed analysis of sedimentary facies, age and architecture of the basin fills. A first focus is set on the sedimentology of coarse-grained diamicts with sorted interbeds overlying bedrock in the trough center, which mark the onset of deposition in many glacial bedrock troughs. Evidence from macro- and microsedimentology suggests that these sediments are emplaced subglacially and reflect deposition, reworking and deformation in response to repeated coupling and decoupling of the ice-bed interface promoted by high basal water pressures. Overlying these subglacial sediments, large volumes of sandy glacio-deltaic, fine-grained glacio-lacustrine and lacustrine sediments document sedimentation during glacier retreat from the basins. On these thick valley fill sequences the applicability and reliability of luminescence dating is investigated in a second step on the basis of experiments with several different luminescence signals, protocols and experiments to assess the signal stability. The valley fill of the Lower Glatt valley is then grouped into nine depositional cycles (Formations A-I), which are related to the Birrfeld Glaciation (~MIS2), the Beringen Glaciation (~MIS6), and up to three earlier Middle Pleistocene glaciations, tentatively correlated to the Hagenholz, Habsburg, and Möhlin Glaciations, according to the regional glaciation history. The complex bedrock geometry and valley fill architecture are shown to be the result of multiple erosion and infilling cycles and reflect the interplay of subglacial erosion, glacial to lacustrine infilling of overdeepened basins, and fluvial down-cutting and aggradation in the non-overdeepened valley fill. Evidence suggests that in the study area deep bedrock incision, and/or partial re-excavation, occurred mainly during the Beringen and Hagenholz Glaciation, while older structures may have existed. Together with the observation of minor, ‘inlaid’ glacial basins, dynamic changes in the magnitude and focus of subglacial erosion over time are documented.