212 resultados para 1515
In the course of language acquisition learners have to deal with the task of producing narrative texts that are coherent across a range of conceptual domains (space, time, entities) -- both within as well as across utterances. The organization of information is analyzed in this study, on the basis of retellings of a silent film, in terms of devices used in the coordination and subordination of events within the narrative sequence. The focus on subordination reflects a core grammatical difference between Italian and French, as Italian is a null-subject language while French is not. The implications of this contrast for information structure include differences in topic management within the sequence of events. The present study investigates in how far Italian-French bilingual speakers acquire the patterns of monolingual speakers of Italian. It compares how early and late bilinguals of these two languages proceed when linking information in narratives in Italian.
In many regions, tectonic uplift is the main driver of erosion over million-year (Myr) timescales, but climate changes can markedly affect the link between tectonics and erosion, causing transient variations in erosion rates. Here we study the driving forces of millennial to Myr-scale erosion rates in the French Western Alps, as estimated from in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be and a newly developed approach integrating detrital and bedrock apatite fission-track thermochronology. Millennial erosion rates from 10Be analyses vary between ~0.27 and ~1.33 m/kyr, similar to rates measured in adjacent areas of the Alps. Significant positive correlations of millennial erosion rates with geomorphic measures, in particular with the LGM ice thickness, reveal a strong transient morphological and erosional perturbation caused by repeated Quaternary glaciations. The perturbation appears independent of Myr-scale uplift and erosion gradients, with the effect that millennial erosion rates exceed Myr-scale erosion rates only in the internal Alps where the latter are low (<0.4 km/Myr). These areas, moreover, exhibit channels that clearly plot above a general linear positive relation between Myr-scale erosion rates and normalized steepness index. Glacial erosion acts irrespective of rock uplift and thus not only leads to an overall increase in erosion rates but also regulates landscape morphology and erosion rates in regions with considerable spatial gradients in Myr-scale tectonic uplift. Our study demonstrates that climate change, e.g., through occurrence of major glaciations, can markedly perturb landscape morphology and related millennial erosion rate patterns, even in regions where Myr-scale erosion rates are dominantly controlled by tectonics.
BACKGROUND: Chemotherapies of solid tumors commonly include 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). With standard doses of 5-FU, substantial inter-patient variability has been observed in exposure levels and treatment response. Recently, improved outcomes in colorectal cancer patients due to pharmacokinetically guided 5-FU dosing were reported. We aimed at establishing a rapid and sensitive method for monitoring 5-FU plasma levels in cancer patients in our routine clinical practice. METHODS: Performance of the Saladax My5-FU™ immunoassay was evaluated on the Roche Cobas® Integra 800 analyzer. Subsequently, 5-FU concentrations of 247 clinical plasma samples obtained with this assay were compared to the results obtained by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and other commonly used clinical analyzers (Olympus AU400, Roche Cobas c6000, and Thermo Fisher CDx90). RESULTS: The My-FU assay was successfully validated on the Cobas Integra 800 analyzer in terms of linearity, precision, accuracy, recovery, interference, sample carryover, and dilution integrity. Method comparison between the Cobas Integra 800 and LC-MS/MS revealed a proportional bias of 7% towards higher values measured with the My5-FU assay. However, when the Cobas Integra 800 was compared to three other clinical analyzers in addition to LC-MS/MS including 50 samples representing the typical clinical range of 5-FU plasma concentrations, only a small proportional bias (≤1.6%) and a constant bias below the limit of detection was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The My5-FU assay demonstrated robust and highly comparable performance on different analyzers. Therefore, the assay is suitable for monitoring 5-FU plasma levels in routine clinical practice and may contribute to improved efficacy and safety of commonly used 5-FU-based chemotherapies.
High-performance thermoplastics including polyetheretherketone (PEEK) are key biomaterials for load-bearing implants. Plasma treatment of implants surfaces has been shown to chemically activate its surface, which is a prerequisite to achieve proper cell attachment. Oxygen plasma treatment of PEEK films results in very reproducible surface nanostructures and has been reported in the literature. Our goal is to apply the plasma treatment to another promising polymer, polyetherketoneketone (PEKK), and compare its characteristics to the ones of PEEK. Oxygen plasma treatments of plasma powers between 25 and 150 W were applied on 60 μm-thick PEKK and 100 μm-thick PEEK films. Analysis of the nanostructures by atomic force microscopy showed that the roughness increased and island density decreased with plasma power for both PEKK and PEEK films correlating with contact angle values without affecting bulk properties of the used films. Thermal analysis of the plasma-treated films shows that the plasma treatment does not change the bulk properties of the PEKK and PEEK films.
Computerspiele sind ein religionswissenschaftlich relevanter Forschungsgegenstand. Durch ihre weite gesellschaftliche Verbreitung und die häufige Vermittlung religiöser Inhalte sind sie Beispiele der medialen Kommunikation über Religion sowie Agenten der religiösen Sozialisation. Bislang fehlen Methoden, um Computerspiele auf relevante Inhalte und deren Bedeutungen hin zu lesen. Auf der Grundlage der Zeichenlehre von Charles S. Peirce und der Theorie der Spielelemente nach Aki Järvinen wird eine Methode zur Feststellung und Analyse von religiösen Inhalten in Computerspielen vorgestellt und am Beispiel des erfolgreichen Strategiespiels Civilization V: Gods & Kings veranschaulicht. Der Beschreibung und Inhaltsanalyse folgt eine Interpretation in Anlehnung an medienspezifische Theorien und Beobachtungen.
Abstract Several monogenic defects have been reported to be associated with idiopathic short stature. Focusing on growth hormone receptor (GHR)-gene alterations, the heterozygosity of the same gene defect may be associated with a range of growth deficits. We found a heterozygous mutation (V144I) within exon 6 of the GHR gene in a patient with a low level of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), normal level of GH, and severe short stature. Despite the lack of statistical difference, an overall tendency for reduced wt-GH-induction of GHR activation and Jak/Stat signalling in cells transiently expressing GHR-V144I alone or co-expressing wt-GHR compared to cells expressing only wt-GHR was found when GH doses were increased. Our results suggest that, although GHR sequence variants are responsible for some functional alterations commonly observed in children with idiopathic short stature, these changes may not explain all the height deficits observed in these subjects.
AIMS High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is a strong predictor of cardiovascular mortality. This work aimed to investigate whether the presence of coronary artery disease (CAD) impacts on its predictive value. METHODS AND RESULTS We studied 3141 participants (2191 males, 950 females) of the LUdwigshafen RIsk and Cardiovascular health (LURIC) study. They had a mean ± standard deviation age of 62.6 ± 10.6 years, body mass index of 27.5 ± 4.1 kg/m², and HDL cholesterol of 38.9 ± 10.8 mg/dL. The cohort consisted of 699 people without CAD, 1515 patients with stable CAD, and 927 patients with unstable CAD. The participants were prospectively followed for cardiovascular mortality over a median (inter-quartile range) period of 9.9 (8.7-10.7) years. A total of 590 participants died from cardiovascular diseases. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol by tertiles was inversely related to cardiovascular mortality in the entire cohort (P = 0.009). There was significant interaction between HDL cholesterol and CAD in predicting the outcome (P = 0.007). In stratified analyses, HDL cholesterol was strongly associated with cardiovascular mortality in people without CAD [3rd vs. 1st tertile: HR (95% CI) = 0.37 (0.18-0.74), P = 0.005], but not in patients with stable [3rd vs. 1st tertile: HR (95% CI) = 0.81 (0.61-1.09), P = 0.159] and unstable [3rd vs. 1st tertile: HR (95% CI) = 0.91 (0.59-1.41), P = 0.675] CAD. These results were replicated by analyses in 3413 participants of the AtheroGene cohort and 5738 participants of the ESTHER cohort, and by a meta-analysis comprising all three cohorts. CONCLUSION The inverse relationship of HDL cholesterol with cardiovascular mortality is weakened in patients with CAD. The usefulness of considering HDL cholesterol for cardiovascular risk stratification seems limited in such patients.
Marinetti is known for his call to arms against Mallarmé's aesthetics, but, in actual fact, he admired the great Symbolist at the beginning of his literary career. Nevertheless, his heritage from Mallarmé was not pure. This becomes most apparent in their diverging attitude towards the book as a cultural attainment and a literariy vehicle. While Mallarmé's Book was organized according to the model of the constellation, where all elements answer each other in a system of echoes, the Futurist text was characterized by the absence of both memory and echoes between the different parts of the book.]