557 resultados para corpúsculos de Heinz


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Courses in the Advanced Trauma Life Support are a well-accepted concept throughout the world for training in the emergency treatment of polytraumatized patients. Switzerland, a multilingual country with a long tradition of multidisciplinary collaboration in trauma care, introduced its first student courses in 1998. Unlike some countries where the courses are attended only by surgeons, instructors and students in Switzerland include surgeons, anaesthetists and physicians from other specialties.


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Adrenalin-seeking airborne sports like BASE-jumping, paragliding, parachuting, delta-gliding, speedflying, and skysurfing are now firmly with us as outdoor lifestyle activities and are associated with a high frequency of severe injuries, especially to the spine.


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Background Injuries from skiing and snowboarding became a major challenge for emergency care providers in Switzerland. In the alpine setting, early assessment of injury and health status is essential for the initiation of adequate means of care and transport. Nevertheless, validated standardized protocols for on-slope triage are missing. This article can assist in understanding the characteristics of injured winter sportsmen and exigencies for future on-slope triage protocols. Methods Six-year review of trauma cases in a tertiary trauma centre. Consecutive inclusion of all injured skiers and snowboarders aged >15 (total sample) years with predefined, severe injury to the head, spine, chest, pelvis or abdomen (study sample) presenting at or being transferred to the study hospital. Descriptive analysis of age, gender and injury pattern. Results Amongst 729 subjects (total sample) injured from skiing or snowboarding, 401 (55%, 54% of skiers and 58% of snowboarders) suffered from isolated limb injury. Amongst the remaining 328 subjects (study sample), the majority (78%) presented with monotrauma. In the study sample, injury to the head (52%) and spine (43%) was more frequent than injury to the chest (21%), pelvis (8%), and abdomen (5%). The three most frequent injury combinations were head/spine (10% of study sample), head/thorax (9%), and spine/thorax (6%). Fisher's exact test demonstrated an association for injury combinations of head/thorax (p < 0.001), head/abdomen (p = 0.019), and thorax/abdomen (p < 0.001). Conclusion The data presented and the findings from previous investigations indicate the need for development of dedicated on-slope triage protocols. Future research must address the validity and practicality of diagnostic on-slope tests for rapid decision making by both professional and lay first responders. Thus, large-scale and detailed injury surveillance is the future research priority.


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Lodox Statscan provides high-speed, high-quality, low radiation, full body imaging in a single scan, combined with three-dimensional reconstructive and zooming functionality. Several trauma centres have incorporated it into their advanced trauma life support protocol. This review gives a brief overview of the system.


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The implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is the gold standard therapy to prevent life-threatening arrhythmias. Phobic anxiety predicts ventricular arrhythmia in coronary heart disease patients, but little is known about phobic anxiety in ICD patients. This study aimed to identify determinants and the course of phobic anxiety in ICD patients.


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Voclosporin, a novel immunomodulatory drug inhibiting the calcineurin enzyme, was developed to prevent organ graft rejection and to treat autoimmune diseases. The chemical structure of voclosporin is similar to that of cyclosporine A, with a difference in one amino acid, leading to superior calcineurin inhibition and less variability in plasma concentration. Compared with placebo, voclosporin may significantly reduce inflammation and prevent recurrences of inflammation in patients with noninfectious uveitis. Future studies have to show if these advantages are accompanied by greater clinical efficacy and fewer side effects compared with the classic calcineurin inhibitors.


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To evaluate the prognostic value of anterior chamber (AC) laser flare (LF) in uveitis associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).


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The rhizome of ginger (Zingiber officinale) is employed in Asian traditional medicine to treat mild forms of rheumatoid arthritis and fever. We have profiled ginger constituents for robust effects on proinflammatory signaling and cytokine expression in a validated assay using human whole blood. Independent of the stimulus used (LPS, PMA, anti-CD28 Ab, anti-CD3 Ab, and thapsigargin), ginger constituents potently and specifically inhibited IL-1β expression in monocytes/macrophages. Both the calcium-independent phospholipase A(2) (iPLA(2))-triggered maturation and the cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2))-dependent secretion of IL-1β from isolated human monocytes were inhibited. In a fluorescence-coupled PLA(2) assay, most major ginger phenylpropanoids directly inhibited i/cPLA(2) from U937 macrophages, but not hog pancreas secretory phospholipase A(2). The effects of the ginger constituents were additive and the potency comparable to the mechanism-based inhibitor bromoenol lactone for iPLA(2) and methyl arachidonyl fluorophosphonate for cPLA(2), with 10-gingerol/-shogaol being most effective. Furthermore, a ginger extract (2 μg/ml) and 10-shogaol (2 μM) potently inhibited the release of PGE(2) and thromboxane B2 (>50%) and partially also leukotriene B(4) in LPS-stimulated macrophages. Intriguingly, the total cellular arachidonic acid was increased 2- to 3-fold in U937 cells under all experimental conditions. Our data show that the concurrent inhibition of iPLA(2) and prostanoid production causes an accumulation of free intracellular arachidonic acid by disrupting the phospholipid deacylation-reacylation cycle. The inhibition of i/cPLA(2), the resulting attenuation of IL-1β secretion, and the simultaneous inhibition of prostanoid production by common ginger phenylpropanoids uncover a new anti-inflammatory molecular mechanism of dietary ginger that may be exploited therapeutically.


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The cannabinoid CB(2) receptor is known to modulate osteoclast function by poorly understood mechanisms. Here, we report that the natural biphenyl neolignan 4'-O-methylhonokiol (MH) is a CB(2) receptor-selective antiosteoclastogenic lead structure (K(i) < 50 nM). Intriguingly, MH triggers a simultaneous G(i) inverse agonist response and a strong CB(2) receptor-dependent increase in intracellular calcium. The most active inverse agonists from a library of MH derivatives inhibited osteoclastogenesis in RANK ligand-stimulated RAW264.7 cells and primary human macrophages. Moreover, these ligands potently inhibited the osteoclastogenic action of endocannabinoids. Our data show that CB(2) receptor-mediated cAMP formation, but not intracellular calcium, is crucially involved in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis, primarily by inhibiting macrophage chemotaxis and TNF-α expression. MH is an easily accessible CB(2) receptor-selective scaffold that exhibits a novel type of functional heterogeneity.


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A general strategy has been devised for the stereoselective synthesis of 12,13-cyclopropyl-epothilone B and side-chain-modified variants thereof, which relies on late stage introduction of the heterocycle through Wittig olefination of ketone 14. Formation of the macrocycle was achieved through RCM-based ring closure and introduction of the cyclopropane moiety involved a highly selective Charette cyclopropanation of allylic alcohol 7.


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INTRODUCTION: Guidelines for the treatment of patients in severe hypothermia and mainly in hypothermic cardiac arrest recommend the rewarming using the extracorporeal circulation (ECC). However,guidelines for the further in-hospital diagnostic and therapeutic approach of these patients, who often suffer from additional injuries—especially in avalanche casualties, are lacking. Lack of such algorithms may relevantly delay treatment and put patients at further risk. Together with a multidisciplinary team, the Emergency Department at the University Hospital in Bern, a level I trauma centre, created an algorithm for the in-hospital treatment of patients with hypothermic cardiac arrest. This algorithm primarily focuses on the decision-making process for the administration of ECC. THE BERNESE HYPOTHERMIA ALGORITHM: The major difference between the traditional approach, where all hypothermic patients are primarily admitted to the emergency centre, and our new algorithm is that hypothermic cardiac arrest patients without obvious signs of severe trauma are taken to the operating theatre without delay. Subsequently, the interdisciplinary team decides whether to rewarm the patient using ECC based on a standard clinical trauma assessment, serum potassium levels, core body temperature, sonographic examinations of the abdomen, pleural space, and pericardium, as well as a pelvic X-ray, if needed. During ECC, sonography is repeated and haemodynamic function as well as haemoglobin levels are regularly monitored. Standard radiological investigations according to the local multiple trauma protocol are performed only after ECC. Transfer to the intensive care unit, where mild therapeutic hypothermia is maintained for another 12 h, should not be delayed by additional X-rays for minor injuries. DISCUSSION: The presented algorithm is intended to facilitate in-hospital decision-making and shorten the door-to-reperfusion time for patients with hypothermic cardiac arrest. It was the result of intensive collaboration between different specialties and highlights the importance of high-quality teamwork for rare cases of severe accidental hypothermia. Information derived from the new International Hypothermia Registry will help to answer open questions and further optimize the algorithm.


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