120 resultados para RSS adaptation
This research investigated how an individual’s endorsements of mitigation and adaptation relate to each other, and how well each of these can be accounted for by relevant social psychological factors. Based on survey data from two European convenience samples (N = 616 / 309) we found that public endorsements of mitigation and adaptation are strongly associated: Someone who is willing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) is also willing to prepare for climate change impacts (adaptation). Moreover, people endorsed the two response strategies for similar reasons: People who believe that climate change is real and dangerous, who have positive attitudes about protecting the environment and the climate, and who perceive climate change as a risk, are willing to respond to climate change. Furthermore, distinguishing between (spatially) proximal and distant risk perceptions suggested that the idea of portraying climate change as a proximal (i.e., local) threat might indeed be effective in promoting personal actions. However, to gain endorsement of broader societal initiatives such as policy support, it seems advisable to turn to the distant risks of climate change. The notion that “localising” climate change might not be the panacea for engaging people in this domain is discussed in regard to previous theory and research.
Yakutia, Sakha Republic, in the Siberian Far East, represents one of the coldest places on Earth, with winter record temperatures dropping below -70 °C. Nevertheless, Yakutian horses survive all year round in the open air due to striking phenotypic adaptations, including compact body conformations, extremely hairy winter coats, and acute seasonal differences in metabolic activities. The evolutionary origins of Yakutian horses and the genetic basis of their adaptations remain, however, contentious. Here, we present the complete genomes of nine present-day Yakutian horses and two ancient specimens dating from the early 19th century and ∼5,200 y ago. By comparing these genomes with the genomes of two Late Pleistocene, 27 domesticated, and three wild Przewalski's horses, we find that contemporary Yakutian horses do not descend from the native horses that populated the region until the mid-Holocene, but were most likely introduced following the migration of the Yakut people a few centuries ago. Thus, they represent one of the fastest cases of adaptation to the extreme temperatures of the Arctic. We find cis-regulatory mutations to have contributed more than nonsynonymous changes to their adaptation, likely due to the comparatively limited standing variation within gene bodies at the time the population was founded. Genes involved in hair development, body size, and metabolic and hormone signaling pathways represent an essential part of the Yakutian horse adaptive genetic toolkit. Finally, we find evidence for convergent evolution with native human populations and woolly mammoths, suggesting that only a few evolutionary strategies are compatible with survival in extremely cold environments.
Tropical forests are believed to be very harsh environments for human life. It is unclear whether human beings would have ever subsisted in those environments without external resources. It is therefore possible that humans have developed recent biological adaptations in response to specific selective pressures to cope with this challenge. To understand such biological adaptations we analyzed genome-wide SNP data under a Bayesian statistics framework, looking for outlier markers with an overly large extent of differentiation between populations living in a tropical forest, as compared to genetically related populations living outside the forest in Africa and the Americas. The most significant positive selection signals were found in genes related to lipid metabolism, the immune system, body development, and RNA Polymerase III transcription initiation. The results are discussed in the light of putative tropical forest selective pressures, namely food scarcity, high prevalence of pathogens, difficulty to move, and inefficient thermoregulation. Agreement between our results and previous studies on the pygmy phenotype, a putative prototype of forest adaptation, were found, suggesting that a few genetic regions previously described as associated with short stature may be evolving under similar positive selection in Africa and the Americas. In general, convergent evolution was less pervasive than local adaptation in one single continent, suggesting that Africans and Amerindians may have followed different routes to adapt to similar environmental selective pressures.
This research examined the effect of marital status and gender on various indicators of psychological adaptation, namely depressive symptoms, loneliness, and life satisfaction. It further explores the role of trait resilience, marital history, and context of death for predicting These outcomes in bereaved individuals. Four hundred eighty widowed individuals aged between 60 and 89 were compared with 759 married peers. Main effects were found for marital status and gender for all indicators. The regression analyses illustrate the multifaceted structure of psychological adaptation. Trait resilience is a key factor in adapting to spousal bereavement, whereas marital history and the context are secondary.
Verwitwung stellt ein typisches und dennoch sehr stressreiches kritisches Lebensereignis des späteren Lebensalters dar. Die Forschung zeigt, dass Betroffene Einbussen in verschiedenen Dimensionen des Wohlbefindens im Vergleich zu verheirateten Gleichaltrigen aufweisen. Die Stärke und Dauer dieser negativen Folgen ist jedoch sehr individuell. Sowohl die Multidimensionalität des Wohlbefindens wie auch die Variabilität in der psychischen Adaptation nach Verwitwung wurden in der bisherigen Forschung überwiegend vernachlässigt. Ausgehend davon ist es das Ziel der vorliegenden Inauguraldissertation, die Folgen der Verwitwung für das Wohlbefinden wie auch die individuellen Unterschiede in der psychischen Adaptation differentiell – unter Berücksichtigung von emotionalen, kognitiven, sozialen und physischen Indikatoren – zu untersuchen. Basierend auf einer interaktionistischen Perspektive werden dabei sowohl personale Ressourcen als auch beziehungs-‐ und verlustbezogene sowie sozio-‐historische Faktoren als mögliche Determinanten der psychischen Adaptation nach Verwitwung im Alter berücksichtigt. Auf der Grundlage empirischer Daten zweier Forschungsprojekte des Nationalen Forschungsschwerpunkts LIVES zu Partnerschaft und Altern in der Schweiz, wurden zu diesem Ziel vier Artikel veröffentlicht. Diese bestätigen das im Mittel tiefere emotionale, kognitive und soziale Wohlbefinden Verwitweter, wobei das Ausmass dieser Einbussen stark individuell variiert, besonders abhängig von den verfügbaren intrapersonalen Ressourcen. Der Vergleich über dreissig Jahre zeigt, dass sich die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Fortschritte dieser Zeit besonders für Frauen günstig auf die Herausforderungen der Verwitwung im Alter ausgewirkt haben. Die psychische Bewältigung jedoch zeigt sich unabhängig von den gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen und so bestätigt sich die Verwitwung – zumindest aus psychologischer Sicht – als eine der grossen Herausforderungen des Alters. Die Artikel werden im vorliegenden Manteltext in den zugrundeliegenden Forschungsstand und theoretischen Zugang eigebettet, ihre Ergebnisse thematisch zusammengefasst, diskutiert und Implikationen für weitere Forschung und Praxis abgeleitet.
Institutions are one of the decisive factors which enable, constrain and shape adaptation to the impacts of climate change, variability and extreme events. However, current understanding of institutions in adaptation situations is fragmented across the scientific community, evidence diverges, and cumulative learning beyond single studies is limited. This study adopts a diagnostic approach to elaborate a nuanced understanding of institutional barriers and opportunities in climate adaptation by means of a model-centred meta-analysis of 52 case studies of public climate adaptation in Europe. The first result is a novel taxonomy of institutional attributes in adaptation situations. It conceptually organises and decomposes the many details of institutions that empirical research has shown to shape climate adaptation. In the second step, the paper identifies archetypical patterns of institutional traps and trade-offs which hamper adaptation. Thirdly, corresponding opportunities are identified that enable actors to alleviate, prevent or overcome specific institutional traps or trade-offs. These results cast doubt on the validity of general institutional design principles for successful adaptation. In contrast to generic principles, the identified opportunities provide leverage to match institutions to specific governance problems that are encountered in specific contexts. Taken together, the results may contribute to more coherence and integration of adaptation research that we need if we are to foster learning about the role of institutions in adaptation situations in a cumulative fashion.
Millets are major food and feed sources in the developing world especially in the semi-arid tropical regions of Africa and Asia. The most widely cultivated millets are pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn], foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauvois], Japanese barnyard millet [Echinochloa esculneta (A. Braun) H. Scholz], Indian Barnyard millet [Echinochloa frumetacea Link], kodo millet [Paspalum scrobiculatum L.], little millet [Panicum sumatrense Roth.ex.Roem. & Schult.], proso millet [Panicum miliaceum L.], tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] and fonio or acha [Digitaria exilis (Kippist) Stapf and D. iburua Stapf]. Millets are resilient to extreme environmental conditions especially to inadequate moisture and are rich in nutrients. Millets are also considered to be a healthy food, mainly due to the lack of gluten (a substance that causes coeliac disease) in their grain. Despite these agronomic, nutritional and health-related benefits, millets produce very low yield compared to major cereals such as wheat and rice. This extremely low productivity is related to the challenging environment in which they are extensively cultivated and to the little research investment in these crops. Recently, several national and international initiatives have begun to support the improvement of diverse millet types.
Eheliche Trennungen und Scheidungen gehören zu den häufigsten und zugleich schwierigsten biografischen Transitionen des mittleren Erwachsenenalters. In der Scheidungsforschung sind vor allem die negativen Auswirkungen der Scheidung gut belegt. Allerdings gibt es grosse individuelle Unterschiede bei der psychischen Adaptation, die noch nicht genügend verstanden werden. In diesem Beitrag sollen zunächst die Auswirkungen einer Scheidung sowie die individuellen Unterschiede bei der psychischen Adaptation ausgeleuchtet werden. Des Weiteren interessieren die Determinanten, die zu den unterschiedlichen Adaptationsverläufen führen.
OBJECTIVE High altitude-related hypoxia induces pulmonary vasoconstriction. In Fontan patients without a contractile subpulmonary ventricle, an increase in pulmonary artery pressure is expected to decrease circulatory output and reduce exercise capacity. This study investigates the direct effects of short-term high altitude exposure on pulmonary blood flow (PBF) and exercise capacity in Fontan patients. METHODS 16 adult Fontan patients (mean age 28±7 years, 56% female) and 14 matched controls underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing with measurement of PBF with a gas rebreathing system at 540 m (low altitude) and at 3454 m (high altitude) within 12 weeks. RESULTS PBF at rest and at exercise was higher in controls than in Fontan patients, both at low and high altitude. PBF increased twofold in Fontan patients and 2.8-fold in the control group during submaximal exercise, with no significant difference between low and high altitude (p=0.290). A reduction in peak oxygen uptake at high compared with low altitude was observed in Fontan patients (22.8±5.1 and 20.5±3.8 mL/min/kg, p<0.001) and the control group (35.0±7.4 and 29.1±6.5 mL/min/kg, p<0.001). The reduction in exercise capacity was less pronounced in Fontan patients compared with controls (9±12% vs 17±8%, p=0.005). No major adverse clinical event was observed. CONCLUSIONS Short-term high altitude exposure has no negative impact on PBF and exercise capacity in Fontan patients when compared with controls, and was clinically well tolerated. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER NCT02237274: Results.
Change Adaptation: Open or Closed? Paper read at the Second African International Economic Law Network Conference, 7-8 March 2013, Wits School of Law, Johannesburg, South Africa. In a time of rapid convergence of technologies, goods, services, hardware, software, the traditional classifications that informed past treaties fail to remove legal uncertainty, or advance welfare and innovation. As a result, we turn our attention to the role and needs of the public domain at the interface of existing intellectual property rights and new modes of creation, production and distribution of goods and services. The concept of open culture would have it that knowledge should be spread freely and its growth should come from further developing existing works on the basis of sharing and collaboration without the shackles of intellectual property. Intellectual property clauses find their way into regional, multilateral, bilateral and free trade agreements more often than not, and can cause public discontent and incite unrest. Many of these intellectual property clauses raise the bar on protection beyond the clauses found in the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). In this paper we address the question of the protection and development of the public domain in service of open innovation in accord with Article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) in light of the Objectives (Article 7) and Principles (Article 8) set forth in TRIPS. Once areas of divergence and reinforcement between the intellectual property regime and human rights have been discussed, we will enter into options that allow for innovation and prosperity in the global south. We then conclude by discussing possible policy developments.