117 resultados para Effetto Compton Inverso, Comptonizzazione, alte energie,scattering,
In this paper we make a further step towards a dispersive description of the hadronic light-by-light (HLbL) tensor, which should ultimately lead to a data-driven evaluation of its contribution to (g − 2) μ . We first provide a Lorentz decomposition of the HLbL tensor performed according to the general recipe by Bardeen, Tung, and Tarrach, generalizing and extending our previous approach, which was constructed in terms of a basis of helicity amplitudes. Such a tensor decomposition has several advantages: the role of gauge invariance and crossing symmetry becomes fully transparent; the scalar coefficient functions are free of kinematic singularities and zeros, and thus fulfill a Mandelstam double-dispersive representation; and the explicit relation for the HLbL contribution to (g − 2) μ in terms of the coefficient functions simplifies substantially. We demonstrate explicitly that the dispersive approach defines both the pion-pole and the pion-loop contribution unambiguously and in a model-independent way. The pion loop, dispersively defined as pion-box topology, is proven to coincide exactly with the one-loop scalar QED amplitude, multiplied by the appropriate pion vector form factors.
The largest uncertainties in the Standard Model calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g − 2)μ come from hadronic contributions. In particular, it can be expected that in a few years the subleading hadronic light-by-light (HLbL) contribution will dominate the theory uncertainty. We present a dispersive description of the HLbL tensor, which is based on unitarity, analyticity, crossing symmetry, and gauge invariance. Such a model-independent Approach opens up an avenue towards a data-driven determination of the HLbL contribution to the (g − 2)μ.