237 resultados para Buhr, Manfred


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Organic management is one of the most popular strategies to reduce negative environmental impacts of intensive agriculture. However, little is known about benefits for biodiversity and potential worsening of yield under organic grasslands management across different grassland types, i.e. meadow, pasture and mown pasture. Therefore, we studied the diversity of vascular plants and foliage-living arthropods (Coleoptera, Araneae, Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha), yield, fodder quality, soil phosphorus concentrations and land-use intensity of organic and conventional grasslands across three study regions in Germany. Furthermore, all variables were related to the time since conversion to organic management in order to assess temporal developments reaching up to 18 years. Arthropod diversity was significantly higher under organic than conventional management, although this was not the case for Araneae, Heteroptera and Auchenorrhyncha when analyzed separately. On the contrary, arthropod abundance, vascular plant diversity and also yield and fodder quality did not considerably differ between organic and conventional grasslands. Analyses did not reveal differences in the effect of organic management among grassland types. None of the recorded abiotic and biotic parameters showed a significant trend with time since transition to organic management, except soil organic phosphorus concentrations which decreased with time. This implies that permanent grasslands respond slower and probably weaker to organic management than crop fields do. However, as land-use intensity and inorganic soil phosphorus concentrations were significantly lower in organic grasslands, overcoming seed and dispersal limitation by re-introducing plant species might be needed to exploit the full ecological potential of organic grassland management. We conclude that although organic management did not automatically increase the diversity of all studied taxa, it is a reasonable and useful way to support agro-biodiversity.


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Seed dispersal is one of the most important mechanisms shaping biodiversity, and animals are one of the key dispersal vectors. Animal seed dispersal can directly or indirectly be altered by invasive organisms through the establishment of new or the disruption of existing seed dispersal interactions. So far it is known for a few gastropod species that they ingest and defecate viable plant seeds and consequently act as seed dispersers, referred to as gastropodochory. In a multi-species experiment, consisting of five different plant species and four different gastropod species, we tested with a fully crossed design whether gastropodochory is a general mechanism across native gastropod species, and whether it is altered by the invasive alien slug species Arion lusitanicus. Specifically, we hypothesized that a) native gastropod species consume the seeds from all tested plant species in equal numbers (have no preference), b) the voracious invasive alien slug A. lusitanicus – similarly to its herbivore behaviour – consumes a higher amount of seeds than native gastropods, and that c) seed viability is equal among different gastropod species after gut passage. As expected all tested gastropod species consumed all tested plant species. Against our expectation there was a difference in the amount of consumed seeds, with the largest and native mollusk Helix pomatia consuming most seeds, followed by the invasive slug and the other gastropods. Seed damage and germination rates did not differ after gut passage through different native species, but seed damage was significantly higher after gut passage through the invasive slug A. lusitanicus, and their germination rates were significantly reduced.


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PURPOSE Different international target volume delineation guidelines exist and different treatment techniques are available for salvage radiation therapy (RT) for recurrent prostate cancer, but less is known regarding their respective applicability in clinical practice. METHODS AND MATERIALS A randomized phase III trial testing 64 Gy vs 70 Gy salvage RT was accompanied by an intense quality assurance program including a site-specific and study-specific questionnaire and a dummy run (DR). Target volume delineation was performed according to the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer guidelines, and a DR-based treatment plan was established for 70 Gy. Major and minor protocol deviations were noted, interobserver agreement of delineated target contours was assessed, and dose-volume histogram (DVH) parameters of different treatment techniques were compared. RESULTS Thirty European centers participated, 43% of which were using 3-dimensional conformal RT (3D-CRT), with the remaining centers using intensity modulated RT (IMRT) or volumetric modulated arc technique (VMAT). The first submitted version of the DR contained major deviations in 21 of 30 (70%) centers, mostly caused by inappropriately defined or lack of prostate bed (PB). All but 5 centers completed the DR successfully with their second submitted version. The interobserver agreement of the PB was moderate and was improved by the DR review, as indicated by an increased κ value (0.59 vs 0.55), mean sensitivity (0.64 vs 0.58), volume of total agreement (3.9 vs 3.3 cm(3)), and decrease in the union volume (79.3 vs 84.2 cm(3)). Rectal and bladder wall DVH parameters of IMRT and VMAT vs 3D-CRT plans were not significantly different. CONCLUSIONS The interobserver agreement of PB delineation was moderate but was improved by the DR. Major deviations could be identified for the majority of centers. The DR has improved the acquaintance of the participating centers with the trial protocol.


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Drawing on the European Union (EU) foreign policy literature on effectiveness, this article studies how the European Union chooses judges to serve on the World Trade Organization’s key judicial institution: the Appellate Body. Conceptually, the article differentiates between effectiveness in representation and effectiveness in impact. The article shows how delegation to the European Commission has increased the strategic agenda-setting power for championing its preferred candidates. The article further compares European and US practice in nominating candidates. Overall, the article finds that effectiveness in representation has increased over time. In terms of effectiveness in impact, the article shows how the international environment conditions the EU’s influence. The article also exposes the difficulties of studying the effectiveness of EU external relations due to the peculiar decision-making processes dominant in judicial bodies.


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Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes sind in einer doppelten Weise mit Manfred G. Schmidt verbunden. Sie wurden von Schülern oder von wissenschaftlichen Weggefährten verfasst und sie beziehen sich inhaltlich auf sein Werk. Die thematische Breite der Beiträge entspricht der Breite seines Werkes: Die Aufsätze analysieren Staatstätigkeiten –Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Bildungspolitiken --, sie untersuchen Parteien, Institutionen, Demokratien und Autokratien, sie beantworten theoretisch-konzeptuelle oder empirische Fragen, sie nutzen die vergleichende Methode oder liefern einen Beitrag zum Verständnis des politischen Systems Deutschlands und sie sprengen engere Fachgrenzen, indem sie wissenschaftliche Kontexte und praktische Folgen von politikwissenschaftlicher Forschung und Lehre thematisieren. Zu all’ diesen Themen hat Manfred Schmidt wichtige Beiträge geliefert. Es war ein Vergnügen diese Festschrift zusammenzustellen. Die schwerste Entscheidung betraf die anzufragenden Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Einfach war die Identifikation von Kollegen am Heidelberger Institut, die besonders eng mit Manfred Schmidt zusammengearbeitet haben und von Schülern und von ihm geprägten Wissenschaftlern, die heute politikwissenschaftliche Professuren innehaben oder auf dem Weg dorthin sind. Bei der Auswahl von Autoren aus dem großen Kreis der Doktoranden spielten auch der Zufall und die Erreichbarkeit eine Rolle. Besonders schwierig war es, die Zahl der etablierten Forscher und Forscherinnen zu limitieren, die das Werk von Manfred G. Schmidt besonders schätzen und mit ihm in verschiedenen Funktionen wissenschaftlich verbunden waren. Mit guten Gründen hätte ich noch viele andere Kolleginnen und Kollegen anfragen können. Nur die Begrenzung des Seitenumfangs hat mich daran gehindert. Daraus wird auch schon deutlich, dass es keineswegs schwierig war, die Autoren zu gewinnen. Für viele war es eine Freude und Ehre an diesem Band mitzuwirken. Ich bedanke mich ganz herzlichen bei allen, die so engagiert zu diesem Projekt beigetragen haben. Frank Castles hat sich Zeit genommen, mit mir auf dem Krindenhof oberhalb des Thunersees die Konzeption des Bandes zu diskutieren; Dietmar Braun, Wolfgang Merkel und Ferdinand Müller-Rommel und viele andere Kollegen standen jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Verfügung. Ein besonderer Dank geht an die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter meiner Arbeitsgruppe – allen voran David Weisstanner und Monique Stoll – die in vielen Stunden mühevoller und konzentrierter Arbeit Korrekturen in die Manuskripte übertrugen, die Literaturlisten überprüften und anglichen sowie Tabellen und Graphiken standardisierten. Manfred Schmidts Heidelberger Sekretärin, Ingeborg Zimmermann, begleitete und unterstützte die Arbeiten aufmerksam und mit Feuereifer. Klaus Armingeon im Januar 2013.


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Although temporal heterogeneity is a well-accepted driver of biodiversity, effects of interannual variation in land-use intensity (LUI) have not been addressed yet. Additionally, responses to land use can differ greatly among different organisms; therefore, overall effects of land-use on total local biodiversity are hardly known. To test for effects of LUI (quantified as the combined intensity of fertilization, grazing, and mowing) and interannual variation in LUI (SD in LUI across time), we introduce a unique measure of whole-ecosystem biodiversity, multidiversity. This synthesizes individual diversity measures across up to 49 taxonomic groups of plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria from 150 grasslands. Multidiversity declined with increasing LUI among grasslands, particularly for rarer species and aboveground organisms, whereas common species and belowground groups were less sensitive. However, a high level of interannual variation in LUI increased overall multidiversity at low LUI and was even more beneficial for rarer species because it slowed the rate at which the multidiversity of rare species declined with increasing LUI. In more intensively managed grasslands, the diversity of rarer species was, on average, 18% of the maximum diversity across all grasslands when LUI was static over time but increased to 31% of the maximum when LUI changed maximally over time. In addition to decreasing overall LUI, we suggest varying LUI across years as a complementary strategy to promote biodiversity conservation.


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Recent studies on environmental regimes suggest that important lessons and policy recommendations may be drawn from the functioning of the multilateral trading regime. This brief compares the needs and goals of the trade and environment regimes, and discusses how insights from over sixty years of experience of the multilateral trading system might provide ideas for redesigning the architecture of the international environmental regime. It further calls for a better dialogue and improved complementarities between the two fields in order to enhance coherence within international law.


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BACKGROUND Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the etiologic agent of furunculosis, is a major pathogen of fisheries worldwide. Despite the identification of several virulence factors the pathogenesis is still poorly understood. We have used high-throughput proteomics to display the differences between in vitro secretome of A. salmonicida wild-type (wt, hypervirulent, JF5054) and T3SS-deficient (isogenic ΔascV, extremely low-virulent, JF2747) strains in exponential (GP) and stationary (SP) phases of growth. RESULTS Among the different experimental conditions we obtained semi-quantitative values for a total of 2136 A. salmonicida proteins. Proteins of specific A. salmonicida species were proportionally less detected than proteins common to the Aeromonas genus or those shared with other Aeromonas species, suggesting that in vitro growth did not induce the expression of these genes. Four detected proteins which are unidentified in the genome of reference strains of A. salmonicida were homologous to components of the conjugative T4SS of A. hydrophila pRA1 plasmid. Polypeptides of three proteins which are specific to the 01-B526 strain were also discovered. In supernatants (SNs), the number of detected proteins was higher in SP (326 for wt vs 329 for mutant) than in GP (275 for wt vs 263 for mutant). In pellets, the number of identified proteins (a total of 1536) was approximately the same between GP and SP. Numerous highly conserved cytoplasmic proteins were present in A. salmonicida SNs (mainly EF-Tu, EF-G, EF-P, EF-Ts, TypA, AlaS, ribosomal proteins, HtpG, DnaK, peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases, GAPDH, Enolase, FbaA, TpiA, Pgk, TktA, AckA, AcnB, Mdh, AhpC, Tpx, SodB and PNPase), and several evidences support the theory that their extracellular localization was not the result of cell lysis. According to the Cluster of Orthologous Groups classification, 29% of excreted proteins in A. salmonicida SNs were currently poorly characterized. CONCLUSIONS In this part of our work we elucidated the whole in vitro exoproteome of hypervirulent A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and showed the secretion of several highly conserved cytoplasmic proteins with putative moonlighting functions and roles in virulence. All together, our results offer new information about the pathogenesis of furunculosis and point out potential candidates for vaccine development.


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Im Allgemeinen wird zum einen die Auffassung geteilt, dass auch ein Land wie die Schweiz auf ein steigendes Angebot qualifizierter und hochqualifizierter Arbeitskräfte angewiesen ist, um wirtschaftliche Prosperität und allgemeine Wohlfahrt dauerhaft sicherstellen zu können (vgl. SKBF 2010). Zum anderen wird dem modernen Bildungssystem – unter Gewährleistung zumindest formaler Chancengleichheit – die Aufgabe zugeschrieben, mittels ausreichender Bildungsgelegenheiten für dieses Angebot an Humankapital zu sorgen (vgl. Müller und Kogan 2010; Müller et al. 1997; Seibert et al. 2010).


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Aufgrund der institutionalisierten Kopplung des Bildungssystems mit den Arbeitsmärkten und der Verteilung von Einkommen und sozialstaatlichen Anrechten über das Erwerbssystem ist das zuvor erworbene Bildungszertifikat eine bedeutsame Voraussetzung nicht nur für den Arbeitsmarktzutritt, sondern auch für die Klassenpositionen im Lebensverlauf und den daran geknüpften Lebenschancen (vgl. Allmendinger 1989; Mayer und Blossfeld 1990; Müller und Shavit 1998; Solga 2005). Während in den 1980er und 1990er Jahren der Zusammenhang von Bildung, Beschäftigung und Sozialstatus sowie die Beschreibung der Bildungsexpansion und sozialen Ungleichheit von Bildungschancen (vgl. Müller und Haun 1994; Handl 1985; Henz und Maas 1995; Meulemann 1995; Schimpl-Neimanns 2000) im Vordergrund der deutschsprachigen soziologischen Bildungsforschung standen, bemüht sie sich seit Ende der 1990er Jahren die Genese und Reproduktion von Bildungsungleichheiten systematisch statt ad hoc zu erklären (vgl. Becker 2011).


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Back Cover Text This collection covers how success and well-being relate to each other in early career development in the domains of employment and education. It gives a conceptual overview of success and well-being as established in the psychological research tradition, complemented by educational and sociological approaches. The volume presents articles on success and well-being in applied contexts, such as well-being as an individual resource during school-to-work transition, or well-being and success at the workplace. Work psychologists, social psychologists, educational researchers, and sociologists will find this book valuable, as it provides unique insights into social and psychological processes afforded by the combination of disciplines, concepts, and a diversity of approaches. Table of Contents Acknowledgements 1. Introduction Robin Samuel, Manfred Max Bergman, Anita C. Keller and Norbert K. Semmer 2. The Influence of Career Success on Subjective Well-Being Andrea E. Abele-Brehm 3. Upper-Secondary Educational Trajectories and Young Men’s and Women’s Self-Esteem Development in Switzerland Sybille Bayard, Monika Staffelbach, Phillip Fischer and Marlies Buchmann. 4. Young People’s Progress after Dropout from Vocational Edu-cation and Training: Transitions and Occupational Integration at Stake. Longitudinal Qualitative Perspective Barbara Duc and Nadia Lamamra 5. Success, Well-Being and Social Recognition: An Interactional Perspective on Vocational Training Practices Stefano A. Losa, Barbara Duc and Laurent Filliettaz. 6. Agentic Pathways toward Fulfillment in Work Jeylan T. Mortimer, Mike Vuolo and Jeremy Staff 7. The How and Why of the Relationship between Job Insecuri-ty, Subjective Career Success, and Turnover Intention Cécile Tschopp and Gudela Grote 8. Work Experiences and Well-Being in the First Years of Professional Work in Switzerland: A Ten-Year Follow-up Study Wolfgang Kälin, Anita C. Keller, Franziska Tschan, Achim Elfering and Norbert K. Semmer 9. The Meaning and Measurement of Well-Being as an Indicator of Success Anita C. Keller, Norbert K. Semmer, Robin Samuel and Manfred Max Bergman


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