127 resultados para Biological chemistry


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Eph family receptor tyrosine kinases signal axonal guidance, neuronal bundling, and angiogenesis; yet the signaling systems that couple these receptors to targeting and cell-cell assembly responses are incompletely defined. Functional links to regulators of cytoskeletal structure are anticipated based on receptor mediated cell-cell aggregation and migratory responses. We used two-hybrid interaction cloning to identify EphB1-interactive proteins. Six independent cDNAs encoding the SH2 domain of the adapter protein, Nck, were recovered in a screen of a murine embryonic library. We mapped the EphB1 subdomain that binds Nck and its Drosophila homologue, DOCK, to the juxtamembrane region. Within this subdomain, Tyr594 was required for Nck binding. In P19 embryonal carcinoma cells, activation of EphB1 (ELK) by its ligand, ephrin-B1/Fc, recruited Nck to native receptor complexes and activated c-Jun kinase (JNK/SAPK). Transient overexpression of mutant EphB1 receptors (Y594F) blocked Nck recruitment to EphB1, attenuated downstream JNK activation, and blocked cell attachment responses. These findings identify Nck as an important intermediary linking EphB1 signaling to JNK.


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In his famous children’s book, “Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver”, Michael Ende describes a curious character: A phantom giant. Clothed in rags and with a long beard, the phantom giant appears enormous from far away, but shrinks to normal size as one gets closer. Most people avoid the poor creature, but the ones that dare approach it encounter a gentle, lonely being called Mr. Tur Tur. Chemical ecology is just the opposite of Mr. Tur Tur: A phantom dwarf. Or, in other words, an inverted phantom giant. From a distance, chemical ecology appears like a slightly odd, marginal section of biology and chemistry. But, as the interested scholar approaches, it starts growing and very quickly reaches gigantic dimensions, because all life is explained by chemistry, and all biological chemistry is guided by ecological principles. Herein lies the difficulty with chemical ecology: As it is not perceived well by biologists and chemists, few approach it to understand its significance, and the ones that do find themselves in front of a giant that defies their attempts to define and contain it. This is where the Journal of Chemical Ecology comes in: It invites us to take a closer look at an underestimated discipline and supports us to explore it and deal with its multidimensionality through the promotion of knowledge and methods. These services are unique and make the journal stand out of the crowd of scientific journals. Writing children’s books has become difficult in the era of information technology. And, so has the job of the Journal of Chemical Ecology. Young scientists gather information through accessible, dynamic websites and social platforms. They want articles that are available through a single mouse click, anywhere, anytime. They prefer advanced interactive hypertext protocols over clumsy pdf files. They care about transparency, non-profit and open access just as much as about traditional journal properties. In my view, reaching “the kids” is the major challenge of the Journal over the next years. Promoting an inverted phantom giant in the 21st century requires a combination of high-quality information and boosted visibility. In Michael Ende’s book, Jim and Luke follow exactly this strategy with Mr. Tur Tur: They become friends and offer him a job as a living lighthouse to protect their small island. They combine a quality relationship with high visibility, et voilà, the story ends well! I am looking forward to seeing if the Journal of Chemical Ecology will follow a similar path to reach the next generation of biologists and chemists. If yes, there is a good chance that in 40 years from now, somebody will write a laudation and refer to another famous book by Michael Ende: “The Neverending Story”.


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Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a heritable connective tissue disease characterized by bone fragility and increased risk of fractures. Up to now, mutations in at least 18 genes have been associated with dominant and recessive forms of OI that affect the production or post-translational processing of procollagen or alter bone homeostasis. Among those, SERPINH1 encoding heat shock protein 47 (HSP47), a chaperone exclusive for collagen folding in the ER, was identified to cause a severe form of OI in dachshunds (L326P) as well as in humans (one single case with a L78P mutation). To elucidate the disease mechanism underlying OI in the dog model, we applied a range of biochemical assays to mutant and control skin fibroblasts as well as on bone samples. These experiments revealed that type I collagen synthesized by mutant cells had decreased electrophoretic mobility. Procollagen was retained intracellularly with concomitant dilation of ER cisternae and activation of the ER stress response markers GRP78 and phospho-eIF2α, thus suggesting a defect in procollagen processing. In line with the migration shift detected on SDS-PAGE of cell culture collagen, extracts of bone collagen from the OI dog showed a similar mobility shift, and on tandem mass spectrometry, the chains were post-translationally overmodified. The bone collagen had a higher content of pyridinoline than control dog bone. We conclude that the SERPINH1 mutation in this naturally occurring model of OI impairs how HSP47 acts as a chaperone in the ER. This results in abnormal post-translational modification and cross-linking of the bone collagen.


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The susceptibility of humans to the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is greatly influenced by polymorphisms within the human prion protein gene (PRNP). Similar genetic differences exist in sheep, in which PRNP polymorphisms modify the susceptibility to scrapie. However, the known coding polymorphisms within the bovine PRNP gene have little or no effect on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) susceptibility in cattle. We have recently found a tentative association between PRNP promoter polymorphisms and BSE susceptibility in German cattle (Sander, P., Hamann, H., Pfeiffer, I., Wemheuer, W., Brenig, B., Groschup, M., Ziegler, U., Distl, O., and Leeb, T. (2004) Neurogenetics 5, 19-25). A plausible hypothesis explaining this observation could be that the bovine PRNP promoter polymorphisms cause changes in PRNP expression that might be responsible for differences in BSE incubation time and/or BSE susceptibility. To test this hypothesis, we performed a functional promoter analysis of the different bovine PRNP promoter alleles by reporter gene assays in vitro and by measuring PRNP mRNA levels in calves with different PRNP genotypes in vivo. Two variable sites, a 23-bp insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphism containing a RP58-binding site and a 12-bp indel polymorphism containing an SP1-binding site, were investigated. Band shift assays indicated differences in transcription factor binding to the different alleles at the two polymorphisms. Reporter gene assays demonstrated an interaction between the two postulated transcription factors and lower expression levels of the ins/ins allele compared with the del/del allele. The in vivo data revealed substantial individual variation of PRNP expression in different tissues. In intestinal lymph nodes, expression levels differed between the different PRNP genotypes.


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Myosin B (MyoB) is one of the two short class XIV myosins encoded in the Plasmodium genome. Class XIV myosins are characterized by a catalytic "head," a modified "neck," and the absence of a "tail" region. Myosin A (MyoA), the other class XIV myosin in Plasmodium, has been established as a component of the glideosome complex important in motility and cell invasion, but MyoB is not well characterized. We analyzed the properties of MyoB using three parasite species as follows: Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium berghei, and Plasmodium knowlesi. MyoB is expressed in all invasive stages (merozoites, ookinetes, and sporozoites) of the life cycle, and the protein is found in a discrete apical location in these polarized cells. In P. falciparum, MyoB is synthesized very late in schizogony/merogony, and its location in merozoites is distinct from, and anterior to, that of a range of known proteins present in the rhoptries, rhoptry neck or micronemes. Unlike MyoA, MyoB is not associated with glideosome complex proteins, including the MyoA light chain, myosin A tail domain-interacting protein (MTIP). A unique MyoB light chain (MLC-B) was identified that contains a calmodulin-like domain at the C terminus and an extended N-terminal region. MLC-B localizes to the same extreme apical pole in the cell as MyoB, and the two proteins form a complex. We propose that MLC-B is a MyoB-specific light chain, and for the short class XIV myosins that lack a tail region, the atypical myosin light chains may fulfill that role.


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Glutamate transporters maintain synaptic concentration of the excitatory neurotransmitter below neurotoxic levels. Their transport cycle consists of cotransport of glutamate with three sodium ions and one proton, followed by countertransport of potassium. Structural studies proposed that a highly conserved serine located in the binding pocket of the homologous GltPh coordinates l-aspartate as well as the sodium ion Na1. To experimentally validate these findings, we generated and characterized several mutants of the corresponding serine residue, Ser-364, of human glutamate transporter SLC1A2 (solute carrier family 1 member 2), also known as glutamate transporter GLT-1 and excitatory amino acid transporter EAAT2. S364T, S364A, S364C, S364N, and S364D were expressed in HEK cells and Xenopus laevis oocytes to measure radioactive substrate transport and transport currents, respectively. All mutants exhibited similar plasma membrane expression when compared with WT SLC1A2, but substitutions of serine by aspartate or asparagine completely abolished substrate transport. On the other hand, the threonine mutant, which is a more conservative mutation, exhibited similar substrate selectivity, substrate and sodium affinities as WT but a lower selectivity for Na(+) over Li(+). S364A and S364C exhibited drastically reduced affinities for each substrate and enhanced selectivity for l-aspartate over d-aspartate and l-glutamate, and lost their selectivity for Na(+) over Li(+). Furthermore, we extended the analysis of our experimental observations using molecular dynamics simulations. Altogether, our findings confirm a pivotal role of the serine 364, and more precisely its hydroxyl group, in coupling sodium and substrate fluxes.


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Both of the sphingosine kinase (SK) subtypes SK-1 and SK-2 catalyze the production of the bioactive lipid molecule sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P). However, the subtype-specific cellular functions are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the cellular function of SK-2 in primary mouse renal mesangial cells (mMC) and embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) from wild-type C57BL/6 or SK-2 knockout (SK2ko) mice. We found that SK2ko cells displayed a significantly higher proliferative and migratory activity when compared to wild-type cells, with concomitant increased cellular activities of the classical extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) and PI3K/Akt cascades, and of the small G protein RhoA. Furthermore, we detected an upregulation of SK-1 protein and S1P3 receptor mRNA expression in SK-2ko cells. The MEK inhibitor U0126 and the S1P1/3 receptor antagonist VPC23019 blocked the increased migration of SK-2ko cells. Additionally, S1P3ko mesangial cells showed a reduced proliferative behavior and reduced migration rate upon S1P stimulation, suggesting a crucial involvement of the S1P3 receptor. In summary, our data demonstrate that SK-2 exerts suppressive effects on cell growth and migration in renal mesangial cells and fibroblasts, and that therapeutic targeting of SKs for treating proliferative diseases requires subtype-selective inhibitors.


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FTY720 (Fingolimod; Gilenya®) is an immune-modulatory prodrug which, after intracellular phosphorylation by sphingosine kinase 2 (SphK2) and export, mimics effects of the endogenous lipid mediator sphingosine-1-phosphate. Fingolimod has been introduced to treat relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. However, little has been published about the immune cell membrane penetration and subcellular distribution of FTY720 and FTY720-P. Thus, we applied a newly established LC-MS/MS method to analyze the subcellular distribution of FTY720 and FTY720-P in subcellular compartments of spleen cells of wild type, SphK1- and SphK2-deficient mice. These studies demonstrated that, when normalized to the original cell volume and calculated on molar basis, FTY720 and FTY720-P dramatically accumulated several hundredfold within immune cells reaching micromolar concentrations. The amount and distribution of FTY720 was differentially affected by SphK1- and SphK2-deficiency. On the background of recently described relevant intracellular FTY720 effects in the nanomolar range and the prolonged application in multiple sclerosis, this data showing a substantial intracellular accumulation of FTY720, has to be considered for benefit/risk ratio estimates.


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Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is generated by sphingosine kinase (SK)-1 and -2 and acts mainly as an extracellular ligand at five specific receptors, denoted S1P1-5. After activation, S1P receptors regulate important processes in the progression of renal diseases, such as mesangial cell migration and survival. Previously, we showed that dexamethasone enhances SK-1 activity and S1P formation, which protected mesangial cells from stress-induced apoptosis. Here we demonstrate that dexamethasone treatment lowered S1P1 mRNA and protein expression levels in rat mesangial cells. This effect was abolished in the presence of the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU-486. In addition, in vivo studies showed that dexamethasone downregulated S1P1 expression in glomeruli isolated from mice treated with dexamethasone (10 mg/kg body weight). Functionally, we identified S1P1 as a key player mediating S1P-induced mesangial cell migration. We show that dexamethasone treatment significantly lowered S1P-induced migration of mesangial cells, which was again reversed in the presence of RU-486. In summary, we suggest that dexamethasone inhibits S1P-induced mesangial cell migration via downregulation of S1P1. Overall, these results demonstrate that dexamethasone has functional important effects on sphingolipid metabolism and action in renal mesangial cells.


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Adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) sulfotransferase and APS reductase have been described as key enzymes of assimilatory sulfate reduction of plants catalyzing the reduction of APS to bound and free sulfite, respectively. APS sulfotransferase was purified to homogeneity from Lemna minor and compared with APS reductase previously obtained by functional complementation of a mutant strain of Escherichia coli with an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library. APS sulfotransferase was a homodimer with a monomer M r of 43,000. Its amino acid sequence was 73% identical with APS reductase. APS sulfotransferase purified from Lemna as well as the recombinant enzyme were yellow proteins, indicating the presence of a cofactor. Like recombinant APS reductase, recombinant APS sulfotransferase used APS (K m = 6.5 μM) and not adenosine 3′-phosphate 5′-phosphosulfate as sulfonyl donor. TheV max of recombinant Lemna APS sulfotransferase (40 μmol min−1 mg protein−1) was about 10 times higher than the previously published V max of APS reductase. The product of APS sulfotransferase from APS and GSH was almost exclusively SO3 2−. Bound sulfite in the form ofS-sulfoglutathione was only appreciably formed when oxidized glutathione was added to the incubation mixture. Because SO3 2− was the first reaction product of APS sulfotransferase, this enzyme should be renamed APS reductase.


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Upon activation, platelets release plasma-membrane derived microparticles (PMPs) exposing phosphatidylserine (PS) on their surface. The function and clearance mechanism of these MPs are incompletely understood. As they are pro-coagulant and potentially pro-inflammatory, rapid clearance from the circulation is essential for prevention of thrombotic diseases. The tyrosine kinase receptors Tyro3, Axl and Mer (TAMs) and their ligands protein S and Gas6 are involved in the uptake of PS-exposing apoptotic cells in macrophages and dendritic cells. Both TAMs and their ligands are expressed in the vasculature, the functional significance of which is poorly understood. In this study we investigated how vascular TAMs and their ligands may mediate endothelial uptake of PMPs. PMPs, generated from purified human platelets, were isolated by ultracentrifugation and labeled with biotin or PKH67. The uptake of labeled MPs in the presence of protein S and Gas6 in human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) was monitored by flow cytometry, western blotting and confocal/electron microscopy. We found that both endothelial cell types can phagocytose PMPs, and using TAM-blocking antibodies or siRNA knock-down of individual TAMs we show that the uptake is mediated by endothelial Axl and Gas6. As circulating PMPs-levels were not altered in Gas6-/- mice compared to Gas6+/+ mice, we hypothesize that the Gas6-mediated uptake is not a means to clear the bulk of circulating PMPs but may serve to phagocytose PMPs locally generated at sites of platelet activation and as a way to affect endothelial responses.


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Adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductase (APR) catalyzes the two-electron reduction of adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate to sulfite and AMP, which represents the key step of sulfate assimilation in higher plants. Recombinant APRs from both Lemna minorand Arabidopsis thaliana were overexpressed inEscherichia coli and isolated as yellow-brown proteins. UV-visible spectra of these recombinant proteins indicated the presence of iron-sulfur centers, whereas flavin was absent. This result was confirmed by quantitative analysis of iron and acid-labile sulfide, suggesting a 4Fe-4S cluster as the cofactor. EPR spectroscopy of freshly purified enzyme showed, however, only a minor signal at g = 2.01. Therefore, Mössbauer spectra of 57Fe-enriched APR were obtained at 4.2 K in magnetic fields of up to 7 tesla, which were assigned to a diamagnetic 4Fe-4S2+ cluster. This cluster was unusual because only three of the iron sites exhibited the same Mössbauer parameters. The fourth iron site gave, because of the bistability of the fit, a significantly smaller isomer shift or larger quadrupole splitting than the other three sites. Thus, plant assimilatory APR represents a novel type of adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductase with a 4Fe-4S center as the sole cofactor, which is clearly different from the dissimilatory adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductases found in sulfate reducing bacteria.


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Nuclear factor-kappaB regulates genes that control immune and inflammatory responses and are involved in the pathogenesis of several diseases, including AIDS and cancer. It has been proposed that reactive oxygen intermediates participate in NF-kappaB activation pathways, and compounds with putative antioxidant activity such as N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) and pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) have been used interchangeably to demonstrate this point. We examined their effects, separately and combined, on different stages of the NF-kappaB activation pathway, in primary and in transformed T cells. We show that NAC, contrary to its reported role as an NF-kappaB inhibitor, can actually enhance rather than inhibit IkappaB degradation and, most importantly, show that in all cases NAC exerts a dominant antagonistic effect on PDTC-mediated NF-kappaB inhibition. This was observed at the level of IkappaB degradation, NF-kappaB DNA binding, and HIV-LTR-driven reporter gene expression. NAC also counteracted growth arrest and apoptosis induced by dithiocarbamates. Antagonistic effects were further observed at the level of jun-NH2-terminal kinase, p38 and ATF-2 activation. Our findings argue against the widely accepted assumption that NAC inhibits all NF-kappaB activation pathways and shows that two compounds, previously thought to function through a common inhibitory mechanism, can also have antagonistic effects.


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Intraerythrocytic growth of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum depends on delivery of nutrients. Moreover, infection challenges cell volume constancy of the host erythrocyte requiring enhanced activity of cell volume regulatory mechanisms. Patch clamp recording demonstrated inwardly and outwardly rectifying anion channels in infected but not in control erythrocytes. The molecular identity of those channels remained elusive. We show here for one channel type that voltage dependence, cell volume sensitivity, and activation by oxidation are identical to ClC-2. Moreover, Western blots and FACS analysis showed protein and functional ClC-2 expression in human erythrocytes and erythrocytes from wild type (Clcn2(+/+)) but not from Clcn2(-/-) mice. Finally, patch clamp recording revealed activation of volume-sensitive inwardly rectifying channels in Plasmodium berghei-infected Clcn2(+/+) but not Clcn2(-/-) erythrocytes. Erythrocytes from infected mice of both genotypes differed in cell volume and inhibition of ClC-2 by ZnCl(2) (1 mm) induced an increase of cell volume only in parasitized Clcn2(+/+) erythrocytes. Lack of ClC-2 did not inhibit P. berghei development in vivo nor substantially affect the mortality of infected mice. In conclusion, activation of host ClC-2 channels participates in the altered permeability of Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes but is not required for intraerythrocytic parasite survival.