127 resultados para Asthma


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IgE antibodies bind the high-affinity IgE Fc receptor (FcεRI), found primarily on mast cells and basophils, and trigger inflammatory cascades of the allergic response. Inhibitors of IgE-FcεRI binding have been identified and an anti-IgE therapeutic antibody (omalizumab) is used to treat severe allergic asthma. However, preformed IgE-FcεRI complexes that prime cells before allergen exposure dissociate extremely slowly and cannot be disrupted by strictly competitive inhibitors. IgE-Fc conformational flexibility indicated that inhibition could be mediated by allosteric or other non-classical mechanisms. Here we demonstrate that an engineered protein inhibitor, DARPin E2_79 (refs 9, 10, 11), acts through a non-classical inhibition mechanism, not only blocking IgE-FcεRI interactions, but actively stimulating the dissociation of preformed ligand-receptor complexes. The structure of the E2_79-IgE-Fc(3-4) complex predicts the presence of two non-equivalent E2_79 sites in the asymmetric IgE-FcεRI complex, with site 1 distant from the receptor and site 2 exhibiting partial steric overlap. Although the structure is indicative of an allosteric inhibition mechanism, mutational studies and quantitative kinetic modelling indicate that E2_79 acts through a facilitated dissociation mechanism at site 2 alone. These results demonstrate that high-affinity IgE-FcεRI complexes can be actively dissociated to block the allergic response and suggest that protein-protein complexes may be more generally amenable to active disruption by macromolecular inhibitors.


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Profiling miRNA expression in cells that directly contribute to human disease pathogenesis is likely to aid the discovery of novel drug targets and biomarkers. However, tissue heterogeneity and the limited amount of human diseased tissue available for research purposes present fundamental difficulties that often constrain the scope and potential of such studies. We established a flow cytometry-based method for isolating pure populations of pathogenic T cells from bronchial biopsy samples of asthma patients, and optimized a high-throughput nano-scale qRT-PCR method capable of accurately measuring 96 miRNAs in as little as 100 cells. Comparison of circulating and airway T cells from healthy and asthmatic subjects revealed asthma-associated and tissue-specific miRNA expression patterns. These results establish the feasibility and utility of investigating miRNA expression in small populations of cells involved in asthma pathogenesis, and set a precedent for application of our nano-scale approach in other human diseases. The microarray data from this study (Figure 7) has been submitted to the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO; http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo) under accession no. GSE31030.


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The existing evidence for treatment of atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis, AE) is evaluated using the national standard Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation. The consensus process consisted of a nominal group process and a DELPHI procedure. Management of AE must consider the individual symptomatic variability of the disease. Basic therapy is focused on hydrating topical treatment, and avoidance of specific and unspecific provocation factors. Anti-inflammatory treatment based on topical glucocorticosteroids and topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCI) is used for exacerbation management and more recently for proactive therapy in selected cases. Topical corticosteroids remain the mainstay of therapy, but the TCI tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are preferred in certain locations. Systemic immune-suppressive treatment is an option for severe refractory cases. Microbial colonization and superinfection may induce disease exacerbation and can justify additional antimicrobial treatment. Adjuvant therapy includes UV irradiation preferably with UVA1 wavelength or UVB 311 nm. Dietary recommendations should be specific and given only in diagnosed individual food allergy. Allergen-specific immunotherapy to aeroallergens may be useful in selected cases. Stress-induced exacerbations may make psychosomatic counselling recommendable. 'Eczema school' educational programs have been proven to be helpful. Pruritus is targeted with the majority of the recommended therapies, but some patients need additional antipruritic therapies.


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The existing evidence for treatment of atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis, AE) is evaluated using the national standard Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation. The consensus process consisted of a nominal group process and a DELPHI procedure. Management of AE must consider the individual symptomatic variability of the disease. Basic therapy is focused on hydrating topical treatment, and avoidance of specific and unspecific provocation factors. Anti-inflammatory treatment based on topical glucocorticosteroids and topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCI) is used for exacerbation management and more recently for proactive therapy in selected cases. Topical corticosteroids remain the mainstay of therapy, but the TCI tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are preferred in certain locations. Systemic immune-suppressive treatment is an option for severe refractory cases. Microbial colonization and superinfection may induce disease exacerbation and can justify additional antimicrobial treatment. Adjuvant therapy includes UV irradiation preferably with UVA1 wavelength or UVB 311 nm. Dietary recommendations should be specific and given only in diagnosed individual food allergy. Allergen-specific immunotherapy to aeroallergens may be useful in selected cases. Stress-induced exacerbations may make psychosomatic counselling recommendable. 'Eczema school' educational programs have been proven to be helpful. Pruritus is targeted with the majority of the recommended therapies, but some patients need additional antipruritic therapies.


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Aufgrund ihrer großen Oberfläche und des dort stattfindenden Gasaustauschs ist die Lunge den zahlreichen Luftschadstoffen unmittelbar ausgesetzt. Besonders empfindlich hierfür ist die noch wachsende Lunge. Atemwegserkrankungen und Allergien können dann die Folge sein. Sowohl in Mitteleuropa wie auch in den sog. Entwicklungsländern sind Atemwegserkrankungen eine bedeutende Ursache der Krankheitslast (Burden of Disease). Betroffen sind vorwiegend Kinder und ältere Menschen. In Entwicklungsländern tragen Lungenentzündung und Tuberkulose signifikant zur Gesamtmortalität bei, in den westlichen Industrienationen sind chronische Atemwegserkrankungen wie COPD und Asthma für einen erheblichen Teil der Gesamtmorbidität verantwortlich. In diesem Abschnitt betrachten wir die Entwicklung der Lungenfunktion im Laufe des Lebens, die unterschiedliche Vulnerabilität der Lunge gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen in den verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien sowie die globale Krankheitslast als Folge von respiratorischen Erkrankungen. Anschließend beschreiben wir das Asthma und die COPD hinsichtlich ihrer Risikofaktoren und erörtern, mit welchen präventiven Maßnahmen diese Erkrankungen zu verhindern wären. Schweizerische Lernziele: CPH 40


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Allergies to animals are behind the house-dust mite allergy the most frequent cause for indoor allergic respiratory symptoms. In case of persistent allergen exposure symptoms like rhinitis, itch of the skin or asthma are usually not perceived intensively and, thus, can not assigned to an animal or an animal source. In many cases animal allergies are based on a perennial allergen exposure. Although most likely all animals may be the cause of a respiratory allergy, cats, dogs, and horses are the most frequent elicitors. The diagnosis of an allergy to an animal needs to be set with due care, since it often causes emotional reactions, diverse conflicts, but also lack of understanding. Rarer are allergies to fungi even though fungi as allergen sources since decades belong to the differential diagnosis in respiratory allergies particularly in case of late summer asthma. Fungi are ubiquitous and present indoors as well as outdoors. Unfortunately the field of fungal allergy is not well explored and diagnostic possibilities are limited. The most promising therapy in both allergy to animals and fungi would be complete avoiding of contact with the respective allergen source. Indeed many preventive recommendations are given; however, realization is often not successful. In selected cases specific immunotherapy for both animal and fungal allergies is a potential therapeutic option.


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House dust mites can be found all over the world where human beings live independent from the climate. Proteins from the gastrointestinal tract- almost all known as enzymes - are the allergens which induce chronic allergic diseases. The inhalation of small amounts of allergens on a regular base all night leads to a slow beginning of the disease with chronically stuffed nose and an exercise induced asthma which later on persists. House dust mites grow well in a humid climate - this can be in well isolated dwellings or in the tropical climate - and nourish from human skin dander. Scales are found in mattresses, upholstered furniture and carpets. The clinical picture with slowly aggravating complaints leads quite often to a delayed diagnosis, which is accidently done on the occasion of a wider spectrum of allergy skin testing. The beginning of a medical therapy with topical steroids as nasal spray or inhalation leads to a fast relief of the complaints. Although discussed in extensive controversies in the literature - at least in Switzerland with the cold winter and dry climate - the recommendation of house dust mite avoidance measures is given to patients with good clinical results. The frequent ventilation of the dwelling with cold air in winter time cause a lower indoor humidity. Covering encasings on mattresses, pillow, and duvets reduces the possibility of chronic contact with mite allergens as well as the weekly changing the bed linen. Another option of therapy is the specific immunotherapy with extracts of house dust mites showing good results in children and adults. Using recombinant allergens will show a better quality in diagnostic as well as in therapeutic specific immunotherapy.


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Previous studies have demonstrated that children raised on farms are protected from asthma and allergies. It is unknown whether the farming effect is solely mediated by atopy or also affects nonatopic wheeze phenotypes.


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Rhinovirus (RV) infections occur early and recurrently in life, imposing a significant burden of disease on infants and young children. They are the most frequent causative agents of both upper and lower respiratory tract infections in this age group and are associated with a broad variety of clinical outcomes, ranging from asymptomatic infections to severe respiratory disease requiring hospitalisation. In addition to their impact on short-term morbidity, RVs are also debated as important pathogens in the development of recurrent wheeze and/or asthma. Several studies in infants at high-risk for atopy and asthma and in hospitalised children have demonstrated that recurrent wheezing illnesses induced by RVs early in life are a risk factor for the development of asthma later in childhood. However, underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. The question whether RVs are directly involved in the development of childhood wheeze and asthma, or whether symptomatic RV infections only represent a proxy for infants prone to develop obstructive lung diseases, is still open. In this review we provide an overview on the role of RVs as important disease-causing agents from infancy to early childhood and discuss their contribution to the subsequent development of childhood wheeze and/or asthma.


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Deficient type I interferon-β and type III interferon-λ induction by rhinoviruses has previously been reported in mild/moderate atopic asthmatic adults. No studies have yet investigated if this occurs in severe therapy resistant asthma (STRA). Here, we show that compared with non-allergic healthy control children, bronchial epithelial cells cultured ex vivo from severe therapy resistant atopic asthmatic children have profoundly impaired interferon-β and interferon-λ mRNA and protein in response to rhinovirus (RV) and polyIC stimulation. Severe treatment resistant asthmatics also exhibited increased virus load, which negatively correlated with interferon mRNA levels. Furthermore, uninfected cells from severe therapy resistant asthmatic children showed lower levels of Toll-like receptor-3 mRNA and reduced retinoic acid inducible gene and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 mRNA after RV stimulation. These data expand on the original work, suggesting that the innate anti-viral response to RVs is impaired in asthmatic tissues and demonstrate that this is a feature of STRA.


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The aim of this update is to describe, in the context of the current literature, major papers from the seven groups of the Paediatric Assembly (Respiratory Physiology; Asthma and Allergy; Cystic Fibrosis; Respiratory Infection and Immunology; Neonatology and Paediatric Intensive Care; Respiratory Epidemiology; and Bronchology) presented during the European Respiratory Society's annual meeting held in 2012 in Vienna, Austria.


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RATIONALE: Exhaled nitric oxide (NO) is a well-known marker of established airway inflammation in asthma. Its role in the disease process before the onset of respiratory symptoms remains unclear. Objectives: To examine whether elevated NO in newborns with clinically naive airways is associated with subsequent respiratory symptoms in infancy. METHODS: We measured exhaled NO concentration and output after birth and prospectively assessed respiratory symptoms during infancy in a birth cohort of 164 unselected healthy neonates. We examined a possible association between NO and respiratory symptoms using Poisson regression analysis. RESULTS: In infants of atopic mothers, elevated NO levels after birth were associated with increased risk of subsequent respiratory symptoms (risk ratio [RR], 7.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7-32.4 for each nl/s increase in NO output; p = 0.007). Similarly, a positive association between NO and symptoms was seen in infants of smoking mothers (RR, 6.6; 95% CI, 2.3-19.3; p = 0.001), with the strongest association in infants whose mothers had both risk factors (RR, 21.8; 95% CI, 5.8-81.3; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The interaction of NO with maternal atopy and smoking on subsequent respiratory symptoms is present early in life. Clinically, noninvasive NO measurements in newborns may prove useful as a new means to identify high-risk infants. Future confirmation of a role for NO metabolism in the evolution of respiratory disease may provide an avenue for preventative strategies.


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RATIONALE: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is characterized by a Th2 immune response. Mouse models suggest a critical role for the Th2 chemokines thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) and macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC) in ABPA. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether serum levels of TARC and MDC characterize ABPA in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and to examine longitudinally if levels of TARC and MDC indicate ABPA exacerbations in patients with CF. METHODS: Levels of TARC and MDC and levels of Th1 (IL-12 and IFN-gamma) and Th2 (IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13) cytokines were analyzed in serum of 16 patients with CF with ABPA, six non-CF patients with asthma with ABPA, 13 patients with CF colonized with Aspergillus fumigatus, six patients with CF sensitized to A. fumigatus, 12 atopic patients with CF, and 13 non-CF atopic control subjects by ELISA. The longitudinal course of TARC, MDC, and IgE levels was assessed during ABPA episodes. RESULTS: Patients with ABPA had significantly higher serum levels of TARC compared with the other patient groups. Cytokine levels did not differ among the patient groups. Longitudinally, levels of TARC indicated ABPA exacerbations in patients with CF more clearly than IgE levels. In patients with CF and ABPA, levels of TARC correlated positively with specific IgE to A. fumigatus and rAsp f4. CONCLUSIONS: Serum levels of TARC differentiate patients with CF or patients with asthma with ABPA from patients with CF colonized with or sensitized to A. fumigatus, atopic patients with CF, and atopic control subjects. Longitudinally, levels of TARC indicate ABPA exacerbations, suggesting TARC as a marker for identification and monitoring of ABPA in patients with CF.


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Erosive tooth wear in children is a common condition. The overlapping of erosion with mechanical forces like attrition or abrasion is probably in deciduous teeth more pronounced than in permanent teeth. Early erosive damage to the permanent teeth may compromise the dentition for the entire lifetime and require extensive restorative procedures. Therefore, early diagnosis of the condition and adequate preventive measures are of importance. Knowledge of the etiological factors for erosive tooth wear is a prerequisite for such measures. In children and adolescents (like in adults) extrinsic and intrinsic factors or a combination of them are possible reasons for the condition. Such factors are frequent and extensive consumption of erosive foodstuffs and drinks, the intake of medicaments (asthma), gastro-esophageal reflux (a case history is discussed) or vomiting. But also behavioral factors like unusual eating and drinking habits, the consumption of designer drugs and socio-economic aspects are of importance.


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The current study aimed to assess prevalence and distribution of use of asthma medication for wheeze in pre-school children in the community. We sent a postal questionnaire to the parents of a random population-based sample of 4,277 UK children aged 1-5 years; 3,410 participated (children of south Asian decent were deliberately over-represented). During the previous 12 months, 18% of the children were reported to have received bronchodilators, 8% inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and 3% oral corticosteroids. Among current wheezers these proportions were 55%, 25%, and 12%, respectively. Use of ICS increased with reported severity of wheeze, but did not reach 60% even in the most severe category. In contrast, 42% of children receiving ICS reported no or very infrequent recent wheeze. Among children with the episodic viral wheeze phenotype, 17% received ICS compared with 40% among multiple-trigger wheezers. Use of ICS by current wheezers was less common in children of South Asian ethnicity and in girls. Although a high proportion of pre-school children in the community used asthma inhalers, treatment seemed to be insufficiently adjusted to severity or phenotype of wheeze, with relative under-treatment of severe wheeze with ICS, especially in girls and South Asian children, but apparent over-treatment of mild and episodic viral wheeze and chronic cough.