116 resultados para 070709 Veterinary Pathology


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We report a case of an outbreak of inflammatory dermatophytoses caused by Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii (formally Trichophyton mentagrophytes pro parte) that involved an infected horse, the owner and at least 20 students, staff and stablemen at a veterinary school in Bern (Switzerland) that presented highly inflammatory dermatitis of the body and the face. Transmission from human to human was also recorded as one patient was the partner of an infected person. Both the phenotypic characteristics and ITS sequence of the dermatophytes isolated from the horse and patients were identical, consistent with the conclusion that the fungus originated from the horse. Three infected persons had not been in direct contact with the horse. Although direct transmission from human to human cannot be ruled out, fomites were most likely the source of infection for these three patients. Inspection of the literature at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century revealed that this dermatophyte was frequently transmitted from horses to humans in contact with horses (stablemen, coachmen, carters and artillery soldiers). The rarity of the present case report at the present time is likely related to the transformation of civilisation from the nineteenth century to nowadays in Europe with the change of horse husbandry. In addition, the inadequate immune response of the horse and the high number of people in contact with it at the equine clinic may explain the exceptional aspect of this case report.


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The classification of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) has been evolving steadily over the last decades. Important prognostic factors of NENs are their proliferative activity and presence/absence of necrosis. These factors are reported in NENs of all body sites; however, the terminology as well as the exact rules of classification differ according to the location of the primary tumor. Only in gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) NENs a formal grading is performed. This grading is based on proliferation assessed by the mitotic count and/or Ki-67 proliferation index. In the lung, NEN grading is an intrinsic part of the tumor designation with typical carcinoids corresponding to neuroendocrine tumor (NET) G1 and atypical carcinoids to NET G2; however, the presence or absence of necrotic foci is as important as proliferation for the differentiation between typical and atypical carcinoids. Immunohistochemical markers can be used to demonstrate neuroendocrine differentiation. Synaptophysin and chromogranin A are, to date, the most reliable and most commonly used for this purpose. Beyond this, other markers can be helpful, for example in the situation of a NET metastasis of unknown primary, where a hormonal profile or a panel of transcription factors can give hints to the primary site. Many immunohistochemical markers have been shown to correlate with prognosis but are not used in clinical practice, for example cytokeratin 19 and KIT expression in pancreatic NETs. There is no predictive biomarker in use, with the exception of somatostatin receptor (SSTR) 2 expression for predicting the amenability of a tumor to in vivo SSTR targeting for imaging or therapy.


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Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) is an emerging disease threatening wild salmonid populations. In temperature-controlled aquaria, PKD can cause mortality rates of up to 85% in rainbow trout. So far, no data about PKD-related mortality in wild brown trout Salmo trutta fario are available. The aim of this study was to investigate mortality rates and pathology in brown trout kept in a cage within a natural river habitat known to harbor Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae. Young-of-the-year (YOY) brown trout, free of T. bryosalmonae, were exposed in the River Wutach, in the northeast of Switzerland, during 3 summer months. Samples of wild brown trout caught by electrofishing near the cage location were examined in parallel. The incidence of PKD in cage-exposed animals (69%) was not significantly different to the disease prevalence of wild fish (82 and 80% in the upstream and downstream locations, respectively). The mortality in cageexposed animals, however, was as low as 15%. At the termination of the exposure experiment, surviving fish showed histological lesions typical for PKD regression, suggesting that many YOY brown trout survive the initial infection. Our results at the River Wutach suggest that PKD in brown trout does not always result in high mortality under natural conditions.


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Diagnostic records are a key feature of any cancer epidemiology, prevention or control strategy for man and animals. Therefore, the information stored in human and animal cancer registries is essential for undertaking comparative epidemiological, pathogenic and therapeutic research. This study presents the Swiss Canine Cancer Registry, containing case data compiled between 1955 and 2008. The data consist of pathology diagnostic records issued by three veterinary diagnostic laboratories in Switzerland. The tumours were classified according to the guidelines of the International Classification of Oncology for Humans on the basis of tumour type, malignancy and body location. The dogs were classified according to breed, age, sex, neuter status and place of residence. The diagnostic data were correlated with data on the Swiss general dog population and the incidence of cancer in dogs was thus investigated. A total of 67,943 tumours were diagnosed in 121,963 dogs and 47.07% of these were malignant. The most common tumour location was the skin (37.05%), followed by mammary glands (23.55%) and soft tissue (13.66%). The most common tumour diagnoses were epithelial (38.45%), mesenchymal (35.10%) and lymphoid tumours (13.23%). The results are compared with data in other canine registries and similarities in tumour distribution and incidence are noted. It is hoped that this study will mark the beginning of continuous registration of dog tumours in Switzerland, which, in turn, will serve as a reference for research in the fields of animal and human oncology.


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Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in companion animals. Information on the epidemiology of cancer is instrumental for veterinary practitioners in patient management; however, spontaneously arising tumours in companion animals also resemble those in man and can provide useful data in combating cancer. Veterinary cancer registries for cats are few in number and have often remained short-lived. This paper presents a retrospective study of tumours in cats in Switzerland from 1965 to 2008. Tumour diagnoses were coded according to topographical and morphological keys of the International Classification of Oncology for Humans (ICD-O-3). Correlations between breed, sex and age were then examined using a multiple logistic regression model. A total of 18,375 tumours were diagnosed in 51,322 cats. Of these, 14,759 (80.3%) tumours were malignant. Several breeds had significantly lower odds ratios for developing a tumour compared with European shorthair cats. The odds of a cat developing a tumour increased with age, up to the age of 16 years, and female cats had higher risk of developing a tumour compared with male cats. Skin (4,970; 27.05%) was the most frequent location for tumours, followed by connective tissue (3,498; 19.04%), unknown location (2,532; 13.78%) and female sexual organs (1,564; 8.51%). The most common tumour types were epithelial tumours (7,913; 43.06%), mesenchymal tumours (5,142; 27.98%) and lymphoid tumours (3,911; 21.28%).


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Waddlia chondrophila is a known bovine abortigenic Chlamydia-related bacterium that has been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes in human. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how W. chondrophila infection spreads, its ability to elicit an immune response and induce pathology. A murine model of genital infection was developed to investigate the pathogenicity and immune response associated with a W. chondrophila infection. Genital inoculation of the bacterial agent resulted in a dose-dependent infection that spread to lumbar lymph nodes and successively to spleen and liver. Bacterial-induced pathology peaked on day 14, characterized by leukocyte infiltration (uterine horn, liver, and spleen), necrosis (liver) and extramedullary hematopoiesis (spleen). Immunohistochemistry demonstrated the presence of a large number of W. chondrophila in the spleen on day 14. Robust IgG titers were detected by day 14 and remained high until day 52. IgG isotypes consisted of high IgG2a, moderate IgG3 and no detectable IgG1, indicating a Th1-associated immune response. This study provides the first evidence that W. chondrophila genital infection is capable of inducing a systemic infection that spreads to major organs, induces uterus, spleen, and liver pathology and elicits a Th1-skewed humoral response. This new animal model will help our understanding of the mechanisms related to intracellular bacteria-induced miscarriages, the most frequent complication of pregnancy that affects one in four women.


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Dendritic cells (DC) have a main function in innate immunity in that they sense infections and environmental antigens at the skin and mucosal surfaces and thereby critically influence decisions about immune activation or tolerance. As professional antigen-presenting cells, they are essential for induction of adaptive immune responses. Consequently, knowledge on this cell type is required to understand the immune systems of veterinary mammals, including cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, cats, and horses. Recent ontogenic studies define bona fide DC as an independent lineage of hematopoietic cells originating from a common precursor. Distinct transcription factors control the development into the two subsets of classical DC and plasmacytoid DC. These DC subsets express a distinguishable transcriptome, which differs from that of monocyte-derived DC. Using a comparative approach based on phenotype and function, this review attempts to classify DC of veterinary mammals and to describe important knowledge gaps.


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Schmallenberg virus (SBV) was first detected in Switzerland in July 2012 and many Swiss dairy farmers reported acute clinical signs in dairy cattle during the spread of the virus until December 2012. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the effects of an acute infection with SBV on milk yield, fertility and veterinary costs in dairy farms with clinical signs of SBV infection (case farms), and to compare those farms to a matched control group of dairy farms in which cattle did not show clinical signs of SBV infection. Herd size was significantly (p<0.001) larger in case farms (33 cows, n=77) than in control farms (25 cows, n=84). Within case herds, 14.8% (median) of the cows showed acute clinical signs. Managers from case farms indicated to have observed a higher abortion rate during the year with SBV (6.5%) than in the previous year (3.7%). Analysis of fertility parameters based on veterinary bills and data from the breeding associations showed no significant differences between case and control farms. The general veterinary costs per cow from July to December 2012 were significantly higher (p=0.02) in case (CHF 19.80; EUR 16.50) than in control farms (CHF 15.90; EUR 13.25). No differences in milk yield were found between groups, but there was a significant decrease in milk production in case farms in the second half year in 2012 compared to the same period in 2011 (p<0.001) and 2013 (p=0.009). The average daily milk yield per cow (both groups together) was +0.73kg higher (p=0.03) in the second half year 2011 and +0.52kg (p=0.12) in the second half year 2013 compared to the same half year 2012. Fifty-seven percent of the cows with acute clinical signs (n=461) were treated by a veterinarian. The average calculated loss after SBV infection for a standardized farm was CHF 1606 (EUR 1338), which can be considered as low at the national level, but the losses were subject to great fluctuations between farms, so that individual farms could have very high losses (>CHF 10,000, EUR 8333).


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BACKGROUND Canine S100 calcium-binding protein A12 (cS100A12) shows promise as biomarker of inflammation in dogs. A previously developed cS100A12-radioimmunoassay (RIA) requires radioactive tracers and is not sensitive enough for fecal cS100A12 concentrations in 79% of tested healthy dogs. An ELISA assay may be more sensitive than RIA and does not require radioactive tracers. OBJECTIVE The purpose of the study was to establish a sandwich ELISA for serum and fecal cS100A12, and to establish reference intervals (RI) for normal healthy canine serum and feces. METHODS Polyclonal rabbit anti-cS100A12 antibodies were generated and tested by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. A sandwich ELISA was developed and validated, including accuracy and precision, and agreement with cS100A12-RIA. The RI, stability, and biologic variation in fecal cS100A12, and the effect of corticosteroids on serum cS100A12 were evaluated. RESULTS Lower detection limits were 5 μg/L (serum) and 1 ng/g (fecal), respectively. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were ≤ 4.4% and ≤ 10.9%, respectively. Observed-to-expected ratios for linearity and spiking recovery were 98.2 ± 9.8% (mean ± SD) and 93.0 ± 6.1%, respectively. There was a significant bias between the ELISA and the RIA. The RI was 49-320 μg/L for serum and 2-484 ng/g for fecal cS100A12. Fecal cS100A12 was stable for 7 days at 23, 4, -20, and -80°C; biologic variation was negligible but variation within one fecal sample was significant. Corticosteroid treatment had no clinically significant effect on serum cS100A12 concentrations. CONCLUSIONS The cS100A12-ELISA is a precise and accurate assay for serum and fecal cS100A12 in dogs.