202 resultados para pulmonary vasoreactivity
We evaluated the feasibility of a modified embolization technique of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVM) using venous sac embolization with detachable coils combined with the feeding artery embolization with the Amplatzer vascular plug (AVP).
Changes in PESI scores predict mortality in intermediate-risk patients with acute pulmonary embolism
Although the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) accurately identifies 35% of patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) as being low risk, some patients deemed high risk by the PESI on admission might be treated safely in the outpatient environment. This retrospective cohort study included a total of 304 consecutive patients with acute PE, classified at the time of hospital admission into PESI class III. The PESI was recalculated 48 h after admission (PESI(48)) and each patient reclassified into the corresponding risk category. The primary outcome of the study was all-cause mortality between day 2 and day 30 after PE diagnosis. 26 (8.5%) patients (95% CI 5.4-11.7%) died between day 2 and day 30 after PE diagnosis. Investigators reclassified 83 (27.3%) patients (95% CI 22.3-32.3%) as low risk (classes I and II) at 48 h. 30-day mortality in these patients was 1.2% (95% CI 0-3.5%) as opposed to 11.3% (95% CI 7.1-15.5%) in those who remained high risk. The net improvement in reclassification was estimated at 54% (p<0.001). In a cohort of intermediate-risk patients with acute PE, calculation of the PESI(48) allows identification of those patients at very low risk of dying during the first month of follow-up.
There is growing evidence that the great phenotypic variability in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) not only depends on the genotype, but apart from a combination of environmental and stochastic factors predominantly also on modifier gene effects. It has been proposed that genes interacting with CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) are potential modifiers. Therefore, we assessed the impact of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of several of these interacters on CF disease outcome. SNPs that potentially alter gene function were genotyped in 95 well-characterized p.Phe508del homozygous CF patients. Linear mixed-effect model analysis was used to assess the relationship between sequence variants and the repeated measurements of lung function parameters. In total, we genotyped 72 SNPs in 10 genes. Twenty-five SNPs were used for statistical analysis, where we found strong associations for one SNP in PPP2R4 with the lung clearance index (P ≤ 0.01), the specific effective airway resistance (P ≤ 0.005) and the forced expiratory volume in 1 s (P ≤ 0.005). In addition, we identified one SNP in SNAP23 to be significantly associated with three lung function parameters as well as one SNP in PPP2R1A and three in KRT19 to show a significant influence on one lung function parameter each. Our findings indicate that direct interacters with CFTR, such as SNAP23, PPP2R4 and PPP2R1A, may modify the residual function of p.Phe508del-CFTR while variants in KRT19 may modulate the amount of p.Phe508del-CFTR at the apical membrane and consequently modify CF disease.
A 20-month old girl with severe pulmonary hypertension and cardiomegaly was admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit with right ventricular failure of unknown origin. Only after decompression of the heart chambers under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), did the pathognomonic membrane of Cor triatriatum become visible on echocardiography. The patient underwent successful surgical correction and subsequently cardiac function recovered completely. Cor triatriatum remains a rare congenital cardiac disorder with a variable presentation, often including recurrent respiratory infections before right-sided heart failure occurs. This case illustrates that ECMO can serve not only as a bridge to diagnosis, but can also facilitate correct diagnosis. Given the excellent outcome after surgical treatment, it is crucial that cardiologists rule out the possibility of cor triatriatum when assessing a child with unexplained pulmonary hypertension.
The hepato-pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is characterized by a combination of liver disease and pulmonary gas exchange abnormalities with arterial hypoxemia, intrapulmonary vasodilatation and arteriovenous shunting in the absence of intrinsic cardiopulmonary disease. The course of the disease is typically progressive. The mortality rate correlates with the pulmonary shunt volume and the degree of hypoxemia at room air. While the patho-physiology of HPS is still not fully understood, a multifactorial etiology is favored. Apart from functional intrapulmonary arteriovenous shunts which appear to represent a major factor in the development of HPS, both ventilation-perfusion mismatch and limited oxygen diffusion contribute to the HPS. Regarding its clinical appearance, pulmonary and hepatic symptoms have to be distinguished. Contrast echocardiography is the primary diagnostic tool. Symptomatically, hypoxemia can be treated with oxygen. So far, the only successful treatment approach which has been tested in larger patient groups, is liver transplantation. Given this background, the aim of this review is to critically discuss current concepts of this serious complication of liver diseases.
RATIONALE: ABCA3 mutations are known to cause fatal surfactant deficiency. OBJECTIVE: We studied ABCA3 protein expression in full-term newborns with unexplained respiratory distress syndrome (URDS) as well as the relevance of ABCA3 mutations for surfactant homeostasis. METHODS: Lung tissue of infants with URDS was analyzed for the expression of ABCA3 in type II pneumocytes. Coding exons of the ABCA3 gene were sequenced. Surfactant protein expression was studied by immunohistochemistry, immunoelectron microscopy, and Western blotting. RESULTS: ABCA3 protein expression was found to be greatly reduced or absent in 10 of 14 infants with URDS. Direct sequencing revealed distinct ABCA3 mutations clustering within vulnerable domains of the ABCA3 protein. A strong expression of precursors of surfactant protein B (pro-SP-B) but only low levels and aggregates of mature surfactant protein B (SP-B) within electron-dense bodies in type II pneumocytes were found. Within the matrix of electron-dense bodies, we detected precursors of SP-C (pro-SP-C) and cathepsin D. SP-A was localized in small intracellular vesicles, but not in electron-dense bodies. SP-A and pro-SP-B were shown to accumulate in the intraalveolar space, whereas mature SP-B and SP-C were reduced or absent, respectively. CONCLUSION: Our data provide evidence that ABCA3 mutations are associated not only with a deficiency of ABCA3 but also with an abnormal processing and routing of SP-B and SP-C, leading to severe alterations of surfactant homeostasis and respiratory distress syndrome. To identify infants with hereditary ABCA3 deficiency, we suggest a combined diagnostic approach including immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and mutation analysis.
Pulmonary hypertension in high-altitude dwellers: novel mechanisms, unsuspected predisposing factors
Studies of high-altitude populations, and in particular of maladapted subgroups, may provide important insight into underlying mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of hypoxemia-related disease states in general. Over the past decade, studies involving short-term hypoxic exposure have greatly advanced our knowledge regarding underlying mechanisms and predisposing events of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Studies in high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE)-prone subjects, a condition characterized by exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, have provided evidence for the central role of pulmonary vascular endothelial and respiratory epithelial nitric oxide (NO) for pulmonary artery pressure homeostasis. More recently, it has been shown that pathological events during the perinatal period (possibly by impairing pulmonary NO synthesis), predispose to exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary hypertension later in life. In an attempt to translate some of this new knowledge to the understanding of underlying mechanisms and predisposing events of chronic hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, we have recently initiated a series of studies among high-risk subpopulations (experiments of nature) of high-altitude dwellers. These studies have allowed to identify novel risk factors and underlying mechanisms that may predispose to sustained hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. The aim of this article is to briefly review this new data, and demonstrate that insufficient NO synthesis/bioavailability, possibly related in part to augmented oxidative stress, may represent an important underlying mechanism predisposing to pulmonary hypertension in high-altitude dwellers.
Visualization of the complex lung microvasculature and resolution of its three-dimensional architecture remains a difficult experimental challenge. We present a novel fluorescent microscopy technique to visualize both the normal and diseased pulmonary microvasculature. Physiologically relevant pulmonary perfusion conditions were applied using a low-viscosity perfusate infused under continuous airway ventilation. Intensely fluorescent polystyrene microspheres, confined to the vascular space, were imaged through confocal optical sectioning of 200 microm-thick lung sections. We applied this technique to rat lungs and the markedly enhanced depth of field in projected images allowed us to follow vascular branching patterns in both normal lungs and lungs from animals with experimentally induced pulmonary arterial hypertension. In addition, this method allowed complementary immunostaining and identification of cellular components surrounding the blood vessels. Fluorescent microangiography is a widely applicable and quantitative tool for the study of vascular changes in animal models of pulmonary disease.
HISTORY: A 76-year-old woman and a 62-year-old man were both referred to our clinic because of an unexplained weight loss, increasing dry cough and shortness of breath. INVESTIGATIONS: Investigations revealed an adenocarcinoma of the colon with retroperitoneal, mediastinal and supraclavicular lymph node metastasis and poorly differentiated carcinoma of the prostate with extensive bone metastases. During their hospital stay both patients developed increasing shortness of breath and clinical signs of right heart failure. Echocardiography confirmed severe pulmonary hypertension and dilatation of the right ventricle in both patients. Despite the high degree of clinical suspicion CT scans of the thorax could not demonstrate pulmonary embolism. DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND COURSE: During the following days the patients condition deteriorated further and both patients' died from irreversible right heart failure. Both autopsies showed extensive metastatic adenocarcinoma with marked angiosis carcinomatosa of the lungs with numerous occlusions of small arteries and arterioles and resulting cor pulmonale. Thrombotic pulmonary embolism could not be detected. CONCLUSION: In patients with malignant neoplasms, especially adenocarcinomas, dyspnea and signs of increasing pulmonary artery pressure, the possibility of a microscopic pulmonary tumor embolism should be considered after exclusion of more usual causes especially thrombotic pulmonary embolism. In selected cases a cytologic examination of blood aspirated from a wedged pulmonary artery catheter can be performed to prove angiosis is carcinomatosa.
Pulmonary capillary pressure (Pcap) is the predominant force that drives fluid out of the pulmonary capillaries into the interstitium. Increasing hydrostatic capillary pressure is directly proportional to the lung's transvascular filtration rate, and in the extreme leads to pulmonary edema. In the pulmonary circulation, blood flow arises from the transpulmonary pressure gradient, defined as the difference between pulmonary artery (diastolic) pressure and left atrial pressure. The resistance across the pulmonary vasculature consists of arterial and venous components, which interact with the capacitance of the compliant pulmonary capillaries. In pathological states such as acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, and high altitude or neurogenic lung edema, the longitudinal distribution of the precapillary arterial and the postcapillary venous resistance varies. Subsequently, the relationship between Pcap and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) is greatly variable and Pcap can no longer be predicted from PAOP. In clinical practice, PAOP is commonly used to guide fluid therapy, and Pcap as a hemodynamic target is rarely assessed. This approach is potentially misleading. In the presence of a normal PAOP and an increased pressure gradient between Pcap and PAOP, the tendency for fluid leakage in the capillaries and subsequent edema development may substantially be underestimated. Tho-roughly validated methods have been developed to assess Pcap in humans. At the bedside, measurement of Pcap can easily be determined by analyzing a pressure transient after an acute pulmonary artery occlusion with the balloon of a Swan-Ganz catheter.