163 resultados para presentation frameworks
We report the case of a 47-year-old male obese Caucasian patient presenting 2 hours after ingestion of 11.5 g of diphenhydramine. Despite this excessive overdose, he showed only a few hours of impaired consciousness and no further symptoms. A diphenhydramine plasma concentration of 15,352 nmol/L was measured 8 hours after the overdose ingestion. A heterogeneous CYP2D6 extensive metabolizer genotype excludes a pharmacokinetic explanation for this unusually oligosymptomatic presentation. However, the patient suffered from longstanding, refractory depression despite numerous treatment attempts with various drugs, pointing to the possibility of decreased pharmacodynamic responsiveness for therapeutic and toxic effects.
STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective 9-year survey. OBJECTIVES: Clinical presentation of acute myelitis syndromes is variable, and neuroimaging and laboratory findings are not specific enough to establish the diagnosis with certainty. We evaluated the spectrum clinical features and paraclinical findings encountered during diagnostic workup and aiding the diagnosis. SETTING: Department of Neurology, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland. MATERIAL: Charts and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of 63 patients discharged with the diagnosis of acute transverse myelitis. RESULTS: The diagnosis was supported by abnormal MRI and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) findings in 52 patients (82.5%) and suspected in the remaining either because of a spinal cord MRI lesion suggestive of myelitis (n=5), or abnormal CSF findings (n=4), or electrophysiological evidence of a spinal cord dysfunction (n=2). Clinical impairment was mild (ASIA D) in the majority. All patients had sensory disturbances, whereas motor deficit and autonomic dysfunction were less frequent. Neurological levels were mainly located in cervical or thoracic dermatomes. Spinal cord lesions were visualized by MRI in 90.4% of the patients and distributed either in the cervical or thoracic cord, or both. Multiple lesions were present in more than half of the patients, and lateral, centromedullary and posterior locations were most common. A high percentage of multiple sclerosis (MS)-typical brain lesions and CSF findings suggested a substantial number of MS-related myelitis in our cohort. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic workup of acute myelitis discloses a broad spectrum of CSF or MRI findings, and may be associated with diagnostic uncertainty due to lack of specific CSF or MRI features, or pathological findings.
Clinical presentation of celiac disease and the diagnostic accuracy of serologic markers in children
There has been growing recognition of a changing clinical presentation of celiac disease (CD), with the manifestation of milder symptoms. Serologic testing is widely used to screen patients with suspected CD and populations at risk. The aim of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate the clinical presentation of CD in childhood, assess the diagnostic value of serologic tests, and investigate the impact of IgA deficiency on diagnostic accuracy. We evaluated 206 consecutive children with suspected CD on the basis of clinical symptoms and positive serology results. Ninety-four (46%) had biopsy-proven CD. The median age at diagnosis of CD was 6.8 years; 15% of the children were <2 years of age. There was a higher incidence of CD in girls (p = 0.003). Iron deficiency and intestinal complaints were more frequent in children with CD than those without CD (61% vs. 33%, p = 0.0001 and 71% vs. 55%, p = 0.02, respectively), while failure to thrive was less common (35% vs. 53%, p = 0.02). The sensitivity of IgA tissue transglutaminase (IgA-tTG) was 0.98 when including all children and 1.00 after excluding children with selective IgA deficiency. The specificity of IgA-tTG was 0.73 using the recommended cut-off value of 20 IU, and this improved to 0.94 when using a higher cut-off value of 100 IU. All children with CD and relative IgA deficiency (IgA levels that are measurable but below the age reference [n = 8]) had elevated IgA-tTG. In conclusion, CD is frequently diagnosed in school-age children with relatively mild symptoms. The absence of intestinal symptoms does not preclude the diagnosis of CD; many children with CD do not report intestinal symptoms. While the sensitivity of IgA-tTG is excellent, its specificity is insufficient for the diagnostic confirmation of a disease requiring life-long dietary restrictions. Children with negative IgA-tTG and decreased but measurable IgA values are unlikely to have CD.
ABSTRACT: Isolated non-skeletal injuries of the cervical spine are rare and frequently missed. Different evaluation algorithms for C-spine injuries, such as the Canadian C-spine Rule have been proposed, however with strong emphasis on excluding osseous lesions. Discoligamentary injuries may be masked by unique clinical situations presenting to the emergency physician. We report on the case of a 28-year-old patient being admitted to our emergency department after a snowboarding accident, with an assumed hyperflexion injury of the cervical spine. During the initial clinical encounter the only clinical finding the patient demonstrated, was a burning sensation in the palms bilaterally. No neck pain could be elicited and the patient was not intoxicated and did not have distracting injuries. Since the patient described a fall prevention attempt with both arms, a peripheral nerve contusion was considered as a differential diagnosis. However, a high level of suspicion and the use of sophisticated imaging (MRI and CT) of the cervical spine, ultimately led to the diagnosis of a traumatic disc rupture at the C5/6 level. The patient was subsequently treated with a ventral microdiscectomy with cage interposition and ventral plate stabilization at the C5/C6 level and could be discharged home with clearly improving symptoms and without further complications.This case underlines how clinical presentation and extent of injury can differ and it furthermore points out, that injuries contracted during alpine snow sports need to be considered high velocity injuries, thus putting the patient at risk for cervical spine trauma. In these patients, especially when presenting with an unclear neurologic pattern, the emergency doctor needs to be alert and may have to interpret rigid guidelines according to the situation. The importance of correctly using CT and MRI according to both - standardized protocols and the patient's clinical presentation - is crucial for exclusion of C-spine trauma.
BACKGROUND: Graphical displays of results allow researchers to summarise and communicate the key findings of their study. Diagnostic information should be presented in an easily interpretable way, which conveys both test characteristics (diagnostic accuracy) and the potential for use in clinical practice (predictive value). METHODS: We discuss the types of graphical display commonly encountered in primary diagnostic accuracy studies and systematic reviews of such studies, and systematically review the use of graphical displays in recent diagnostic primary studies and systematic reviews. RESULTS: We identified 57 primary studies and 49 systematic reviews. Fifty-six percent of primary studies and 53% of systematic reviews used graphical displays to present results. Dot-plot or box-and- whisker plots were the most commonly used graph in primary studies and were included in 22 (39%) studies. ROC plots were the most common type of plot included in systematic reviews and were included in 22 (45%) reviews. One primary study and five systematic reviews included a probability-modifying plot. CONCLUSION: Graphical displays are currently underused in primary diagnostic accuracy studies and systematic reviews of such studies. Diagnostic accuracy studies need to include multiple types of graphic in order to provide both a detailed overview of the results (diagnostic accuracy) and to communicate information that can be used to inform clinical practice (predictive value). Work is required to improve graphical displays, to better communicate the utility of a test in clinical practice and the implications of test results for individual patients.
An 80-year-old nonsmoking man was referred to our hospital with bilateral perihilar pulmonary opacities. He had a history of epilepsy, sclerosing cholangitis, cutaneous lesions previously diagnosed as localised Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Symptoms included dry cough and dyspnea. Chest CT showed bilateral perihilar alveolar consolidation with bronchiectasis. Histological examination of a lung biopsy showed typical features of Langerhans cell granulomatosis. Investigations revealed anterior and posterior hypopituitarism. An important improvement occurred with corticosteroid and vinblastine treatment.
Transmigration through the liver endothelium is a prerequisite for the homeostatic balance of intrahepatic T cells and a key regulator of inflammatory processes within the liver. Extravasation into the liver parenchyma is regulated by the distinct expression patterns of adhesion molecules and chemokines and their receptors on the lymphocyte and endothelial cell surface. In the present study, we investigated whether liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) inhibit or support the chemokine-driven transmigration and differentially influence the transmigration of pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory CD4(+) T cells, indicating a mechanism of hepatic immunoregulation. Finally, the results shed light on the molecular mechanisms by which LSEC modulate chemokine-dependent transmigration. LSEC significantly enhanced the chemotactic effect of CXC-motif chemokine ligand 12 (CXCL12) and CXCL9, but not of CXCL16 or CCL20, on naive and memory CD4(+) T cells of a T helper 1, T helper 2, or interleukin-10-producing phenotype. In contrast, brain and lymphatic endothelioma cells and ex vivo isolated lung endothelia inhibited chemokine-driven transmigration. As for the molecular mechanisms, chemokine-induced activation of LSEC was excluded by blockage of G(i)-protein-coupled signaling and the use of knockout mice. After preincubation of CXCL12 to the basal side, LSEC took up CXCL12 and enhanced transmigration as efficiently as in the presence of the soluble chemokine. Blockage of transcytosis in LSEC significantly inhibited this effect, and this suggested that chemokines taken up from the basolateral side and presented on the luminal side of endothelial cells trigger T cell transmigration. CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrate a unique capacity of LSEC to present chemokines to circulating lymphocytes and highlight the importance of endothelial cells for the in vivo effects of chemokines. Chemokine presentation by LSEC could provide a future therapeutic target for inhibiting lymphocyte immigration and suppressing hepatic inflammation.
CD4(+) T cells play a central role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Generation, activation and effector function of these cells crucially depends on their interaction with MHC II-peptide complexes displayed by antigen presenting cells (APC). Processing and presentation of self antigens by different APC therefore influences the disease course at all stages. Selection by thymic APC leads to the generation of autoreactive T cells, which can be activated by peripheral APC. Reactivation by central nervous system APC leads to the initiation of the inflammatory response resulting in demyelination. In this review we will focus on how MHC class II antigenic epitopes are created by different APC from the thymus, the periphery and from the brain, and will discuss the relevance of the balance between creation and destruction of such epitopes in the context of MS. A solid understanding of these processes offers the possibility for designing future therapeutic strategies.
Canalicular adenomas are uncommon, benign epithelial neoplasms of the salivary glands that usually involve the upper lip and buccal mucosa of elderly people. Differential diagnosis of the canalicular adenoma versus adenocarcinoma is important, as it may result in unjustified radiotherapy or extensive and aggressive surgery. Despite the benign nature of canalicular adenomas, complete surgical removal and a regular clinical follow-up are recommended. The present article describes the diagnostic procedures, surgical management, and follow-up of a canalicular adenoma involving the palate of a 71-year-old man.
Cystadenomas are a rare, painless, and slow-growing benign epithelial tumor of the salivary gland. This article describes the case of a papillary cystadenoma in the lower lip of a 46-year-old man. The lesion was removed using a carbon dioxide laser, and there were no signs of recurrence 1 year postoperatively.