153 resultados para pacemaker experiment
Background: Today’s medical devices are powered by batteries with a limited energy storage capacity. Depleted batteries have to be replaced, exposing the patients to the risk of adverse events. Thus, a method for harvesting energy inside the body is desirable since it would allow building devices without batteries. Methods: A miniaturized intravascular Tesla turbine was implanted as an arteriovenous shunt between the common carotid artery and external jugular vein of a pig. The harvested energy was used to power a custom-built temporary cardiac pacemaker. Results: At a flow rate of ~150 ml/min, an output power of 0.4 mW was measured. Successful ventricular pacing was performed. Conclusion: Harvesting energy from the circulation using an intravascular turbine is technically feasible and provides enough energy to power a cardiac pacemaker.
A first result of the search for ν ( )μ( ) → ν ( )e( ) oscillations in the OPERA experiment, located at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory, is presented. The experiment looked for the appearance of ν ( )e( ) in the CNGS neutrino beam using the data collected in 2008 and 2009. Data are compatible with the non-oscillation hypothesis in the three-flavour mixing model. A further analysis of the same data constrains the non-standard oscillation parameters θ (new) and suggested by the LSND and MiniBooNE experiments. For large values (>0.1 eV(2)), the OPERA 90% C.L. upper limit on sin(2)(2θ (new)) based on a Bayesian statistical method reaches the value 7.2 × 10(−3).
Der Artikel diskutiert das methodische Vorgehen, neutestamentliche Forschung und empirische Methoden zu verbinden bzw. aufeinander zu beziehen. Das Vorgehen wird beispielhaft an einer Studie zum Matthäusevangelium und zu einer schweizerischen Kirchgemeinde vorgeführt. Die Verbindung von exegetischer Forschung und empirischer Untersuchung bildet in diesem Fall die hermeneutische Brücke des Trennungskonflikts.
The OPERA neutrino experiment is designed to perform the first observation of neutrino oscillations in direct appearance mode in the νμ→ντ channel, via the detection of the τ-leptons created in charged current ντ interactions. The detector, located in the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory, consists of an emulsion/lead target with an average mass of about 1.2 kt, complemented by electronic detectors. It is exposed to the CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso beam, with a baseline of 730 km and a mean energy of 17 GeV. The observation of the first ντ candidate event and the analysis of the 2008-2009 neutrino sample have been reported in previous publications. This work describes substantial improvements in the analysis and in the evaluation of the detection efficiencies and backgrounds using new simulation tools. The analysis is extended to a sub-sample of 2010 and 2011 data, resulting from an electronic detector-based pre-selection, in which an additional ντ candidate has been observed. The significance of the two events in terms of a νμ→ντ oscillation signal is of 2.40 σ.
The main goal of the AEgIS experiment at CERN is to test the weak equivalence principle for antimatter. We will measure the Earth ' s gravitational acceleration g with antihydrogen atoms being launched in a horizontal vacuum tube and traversing a moiré de fl ectometer. We intend to use a position sensitive device made of nuclear emulsions (combined with a time-of- fl ight detector such as silicon μ strips) to measure precisely their annihilation points at the end of the tube. The goal is to determine g with a 1% relative accuracy. In 2012 we tested emulsion fi lms in vacuum and at room temperature with low energy antiprotons from the CERN antiproton decelerator. First results on the expected performance for AEgIS are presented
Background Atrioventricular (AV) conduction disturbances requiring permanent pacemaker (PPM) implantation may complicate transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Available evidence on predictors of PPM is sparse and derived from small studies. Objectives The objective of this study was to provide summary effect estimates for clinically useful predictors of PPM implantation after TAVR. Methods We performed a systematic search for studies that reported the incidence of PPM implantation after TAVR and that provided raw data for the predictors of interest. Data on study, patient, and procedural characteristics were abstracted. Crude risk ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals for each predictor were calculated by use of random effects models. Stratified analyses by type of implanted valve were performed. Results We obtained data from 41 studies that included 11,210 TAVR patients, of whom 17% required PPM implantation after intervention. The rate of PPM ranged from 2% to 51% in individual studies (with a median of 28% for the Medtronic CoreValve Revalving System [MCRS] and 6% for the Edwards SAPIEN valve [ESV]). The summary estimates indicated increased risk of PPM after TAVR for men (RR: 1.23; p < 0.01); for patients with first-degree AV block (RR: 1.52; p < 0.01), left anterior hemiblock (RR: 1.62; p < 0.01), or right bundle branch block (RR: 2.89; p < 0.01) at baseline; and for patients with intraprocedural AV block (RR: 3.49; p < 0.01). These variables remained significant predictors when only patients treated with the MCRS bioprosthesis were considered. The data for ESV were limited. Unadjusted estimates indicated a 2.5-fold higher risk for PPM implantation for patients who received the MCRS than for those who received the ESV. Conclusions Male sex, baseline conduction disturbances, and intraprocedural AV block emerged as predictors of PPM implantation after TAVR. This study provides useful tools to identify high-risk patients and to guide clinical decision making before and after intervention.
In several extensions of the Standard Model, the top quark can decay into a bottom quark and a light charged Higgs boson H+, t -> bH(+), in addition to the Standard Model decay t -> bW. Since W bosons decay to the three lepton generations equally, while H+ may predominantly decay into tau nu, charged Higgs bosons can be searched for using the violation of lepton universality in top quark decays. The analysis in this paper is based on 4.6 fb(-1) of proton-proton collision data at root s = 7 TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Signatures containing leptons (e or mu) and/or a hadronically decaying tau (tau(had)) are used. Event yield ratios between e+ tau(had) and e + mu, as well as between mu + tau(had) and mu + e, final states are measured in the data and compared to predictions from simulations. This ratio-based method reduces the impact of systematic uncertainties in the analysis. No significant deviation from the Standard Model predictions is observed. With the assumption that the branching fraction B(H+ -> tau nu) is 100%, upper limits in the range 3.2%-4.4% can be placed on the branching fraction B(t -> bH(+)) for charged Higgs boson masses m(H+) in the range 90-140GeV. After combination with results from a search for charged Higgs bosons in t (t) over bar decays using the tau(had) + jets final state, upper limits on B(t -> bH(+)) can be set in the range 0.8%-3.4%, for m(H+) in the range 90-160GeV.