100 resultados para endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule 1


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Plasma microparticles (MPs, <1.5 mum) originate from platelet and cell membrane lipid rafts and possibly regulate inflammatory responses and thrombogenesis. These actions are mediated through their phospholipid-rich surfaces and associated cell-derived surface molecules. The ectonucleotidase CD39/ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase1 (E-NTPDase1) modulates purinergic signalling through pericellular ATP and ADP phosphohydrolysis and is localized within lipid rafts in the membranes of endothelial- and immune cells. This study aimed to determine whether CD39 associates with circulating MPs and might further impact phenotype and function. Plasma MPs were found to express CD39 and exhibited classic E-NTPDase ecto-enzymatic activity. Entpd1 (Cd39) deletion in mice produced a pro-inflammatory phenotype associated with quantitative and qualitative differences in the MP populations, as determined by two dimensional-gel electrophoresis, western blot and flow cytometry. Entpd1-null MPs were also more abundant, had significantly higher proportions of platelet- and endothelial-derived elements and decreased levels of interleukin-10, tumour necrosis factor receptor 1 and matrix metalloproteinase 2. Consequently, Cd39-null MP augment endothelial activation, as determined by inflammatory cytokine release and upregulation of adhesion molecules in vitro. In conclusion, CD39 associates with circulating MP and may directly or indirectly confer functional properties. Our data also suggest a modulatory role for CD39 within MP in the exchange of regulatory signals between leucocytes and vascular cells.


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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a highly specialized structural and functional component of the central nervous system that separates the circulating blood from the brain and spinal cord parenchyma. Brain endothelial cells (BECs) that primarily constitute the BBB are tightly interconnected by multiprotein complexes, the adherens junctions and the tight junctions, thereby creating a highly restrictive cellular barrier. Lipid-enriched membrane microdomain compartmentalization is an inherent property of BECs and allows for the apicobasal polarity of brain endothelium, temporal and spatial coordination of cell signaling events, and actin remodeling. In this manuscript, we review the role of membrane microdomains, in particular lipid rafts, in the BBB under physiological conditions and during leukocyte transmigration/diapedesis. Furthermore, we propose a classification of endothelial membrane microdomains based on their function, or at least on the function ascribed to the molecules included in such heterogeneous rafts: (1) rafts associated with interendothelial junctions and adhesion of BECs to basal lamina (scaffolding rafts); (2) rafts involved in immune cell adhesion and migration across brain endothelium (adhesion rafts); (3) rafts associated with transendothelial transport of nutrients and ions (transporter rafts).


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Many hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections worldwide are with the genotype 1 and 3 strains of the virus. Cellular immune responses are known to be important in the containment of HCV genotype 1 infection, and many genotype 1 T cell targets (epitopes) that are presented by host human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) have been identified. In contrast, there is almost no information known about the equivalent responses to genotype 3. Immune escape mechanisms used by HCV include the evolution of viral polymorphisms (adaptations) that abrogate this host-viral interaction. Evidence of HCV adaptation to HLA-restricted immune pressure on HCV can be observed at the population level as viral polymorphisms associated with specific HLA types. To evaluate the escape patterns of HCV genotypes 1 and 3, we assessed the associations between viral polymorphisms and specific HLA types from 187 individuals with genotype 1a and 136 individuals with genotype 3a infection. We identified 51 HLA-associated viral polymorphisms (32 for genotype 1a and 19 for genotype 3a). Of these putative viral adaptation sites, six fell within previously published epitopes. Only two HLA-associated viral polymorphisms were common to both genotypes. In the remaining sites with HLA-associated polymorphisms, there was either complete conservation or no significant HLA association with viral polymorphism in the alternative genotype. This study also highlights the diverse mechanisms by which viral evasion of immune responses may be achieved and the role of genotype variation in these processes. CONCLUSION: There is little overlap in HLA-associated polymorphisms in the nonstructural proteins of HCV for the two genotypes, implying differences in the cellular immune pressures acting on these viruses and different escape profiles. These findings have implications for future therapeutic strategies to combat HCV infection, including vaccine design.


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The extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-C (TNC) is a major component of the cancer-specific matrix, and high TNC expression is linked to poor prognosis in several cancers. To provide a comprehensive understanding of TNC's functions in cancer, we established an immune-competent transgenic mouse model of pancreatic β-cell carcinogenesis with varying levels of TNC expression and compared stochastic neuroendocrine tumor formation in abundance or absence of TNC. We show that TNC promotes tumor cell survival, the angiogenic switch, more and leaky vessels, carcinoma progression, and lung micrometastasis. TNC downregulates Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) promoter activity through the blocking of actin stress fiber formation, activates Wnt signaling, and induces Wnt target genes in tumor and endothelial cells. Our results implicate DKK1 downregulation as an important mechanism underlying TNC-enhanced tumor progression through the provision of a proangiogenic tumor microenvironment.


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BACKGROUND Endothelial glycocalyx participates in the maintenance of vascular integrity, and its perturbations cause capillary leakage, loss of vascular responsiveness, and enhanced adhesion of leukocytes and platelets. We hypothesized that marked shedding of the glycocalyx core protein, syndecan-1, occurs in end-stage liver disease (ESLD) and that it increases during orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). We further evaluated the effects of general anesthesia on glycocalyx shedding and its association with acute kidney injury (AKI) after OLT. PATIENTS AND METHODS Thirty consecutive liver transplant recipients were enrolled in this prospective study. Ten healthy volunteers served as a control. Acute kidney injury was defined by Acute Kidney Injury Network criteria. RESULTS Plasma syndecan-1 was significantly higher in ESLD patients than in healthy volunteers (74.3 ± 59.9 vs 10.7 ± 9.4 ng/mL), and it further increased significantly after reperfusion (74.3 ± 59.9 vs 312.6 ± 114.8 ng/mL). The type of general anesthesia had no significant effect on syndecan-1. Syndecan-1 was significantly higher during the entire study in patients with posttransplant AKI stage 2 or 3 compared to patients with AKI stage 0 or 1. The area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristics curve of syndecane-1 to predict AKI stage 2 or 3 within 48 hours after reperfusion was 0.76 (95% confidence interval, 0.57-0.89, P = 0.005). CONCLUSIONS Patients with ESLD suffer from glycocalyx alterations, and ischemia-reperfusion injury during OLT further exacerbates its damage. Despite a higher incidence of AKI in patients with elevated syndecan-1, it is not helpful to predict de novo AKI. Volatile anesthetics did not attenuate glycocalyx shedding in human OLT.


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The extravasation of CD4(+) effector/memory T cells (TEM cells) across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a crucial step in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) or multiple sclerosis (MS). Endothelial ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 are essential for CD4(+) TEM cell crawling on the BBB prior to diapedesis. Here, we investigated the influence of cell surface levels of endothelial ICAM-1 in determining the cellular route of CD4(+) TEM -cell diapedesis across cytokine treated primary mouse BBB endothelial cells under physiological flow. Inflammatory conditions, inducing high levels of endothelial ICAM-1, promoted rapid initiation of transcellular diapedesis of CD4(+) T cells across the BBB, while intermediate levels of endothelial ICAM-1 favored paracellular CD4(+) T-cell diapedesis. Importantly, the route of T-cell diapedesis across the BBB was independent of loss of BBB barrier properties. Unexpectedly, a low number of CD4(+) TEM cells was found to cross the inflamed BBB in the absence of endothelial ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 via an obviously alternatively regulated transcellular pathway. In vivo, this translated to the development of ameliorated EAE in ICAM-1(null) //ICAM-2(-/-) C57BL/6J mice. Taken together, our study demonstrates that cell surface levels of endothelial ICAM-1 rather than the inflammatory stimulus or BBB integrity influence the pathway of T-cell diapedesis across the BBB.


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Salmonella typhimurium can colonize the gut, invade intestinal tissues, and cause enterocolitis. In vitro studies suggest different mechanisms leading to mucosal inflammation, including 1) direct modulation of proinflammatory signaling by bacterial type III effector proteins and 2) disruption or penetration of the intestinal epithelium so that penetrating bacteria or bacterial products can trigger innate immunity (i.e., TLR signaling). We studied these mechanisms in vivo using streptomycin-pretreated wild-type and knockout mice including MyD88(-/-) animals lacking an adaptor molecule required for signaling via most TLRs. The Salmonella SPI-1 and the SPI-2 type III secretion systems (TTSS) contributed to inflammation. Mutants that retain only a functional SPI-1 (M556; sseD::aphT) or a SPI-2 TTSS (SB161; DeltainvG) caused attenuated colitis, which reflected distinct aspects of the colitis caused by wild-type S. typhimurium: M556 caused diffuse cecal inflammation that did not require MyD88 signaling. In contrast, SB161 induced focal mucosal inflammation requiring MyD88. M556 but not SB161 was found in intestinal epithelial cells. In the lamina propria, M556 and SB161 appeared to reside in different leukocyte cell populations as indicated by differential CD11c staining. Only the SPI-2-dependent inflammatory pathway required aroA-dependent intracellular growth. Thus, S. typhimurium can use two independent mechanisms to elicit colitis in vivo: SPI-1-dependent and MyD88-independent signaling to epithelial cells and SPI-2-dependent intracellular proliferation in the lamina propria triggering MyD88-dependent innate immune responses.


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BACKGROUND Asialoglycoprotein receptor-1 (ASGR1) mediates capture and phagocytosis of platelets in pig-to-primate liver xenotransplantation. However, thrombocytopenia is also observed in xenotransplantation or xenoperfusion of other porcine organs than liver. We therefore assessed ASGR1 expression as well as ASGR1-mediated xenogeneic platelet phagocytosis in vitro and ex vivo on porcine aortic, femoral arterial, and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (PAEC/PFAEC/PLSEC). METHODS Porcine forelimbs were perfused with whole, heparinized human or autologous pig blood. Platelets were counted at regular intervals. Pig limb muscle and liver, as well as PAEC/PFAEC/PLSEC, were characterized for ASGR1 expression. In vitro, PAEC cultured on microcarrier beads and incubated with non-anticoagulated human blood were used to study binding of human platelets and platelet-white blood cell aggregation. Carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-labeled human platelets were exposed to PAEC/PFAEC/PLSEC and analyzed for ASGR1-mediated phagocytosis. RESULTS Human platelet numbers decreased from 102 ± 33 at beginning to 13 ± 6 × 10/μL (P < 0.0001) after 10 minutes of perfusion, whereas no significant decrease of platelets was seen during autologous perfusions (171 ± 26 to 122 ± 95 × 10/μL). The PAEC, PFAEC, and PLSEC all showed similar ASGR1 expression. In vitro, no correlation was found between reduction in platelet count and platelet-white blood cell aggregation. Phagocytosis of human carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-labeled platelets by PAEC/PFAEC/PLSEC peaked at 15 minutes and was inhibited (P < 0.05 to P < 0.0001) by rabbit anti-ASGR1 antibody and asialofetuin. CONCLUSIONS The ASGR1 expressed on aortic and limb arterial pig vascular endothelium plays a role in binding and phagocytosis of human platelets. Therefore, ASGR1 may represent a novel therapeutic target to overcome thrombocytopenia associated with vascularized pig-to-primate xenotransplantation.


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BACKGROUND Cell-derived plasma microparticles (<1.5 μm) originating from various cell types have the potential to regulate thrombogenesis and inflammatory responses. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that microparticles generated during hepatic surgery co-regulate postoperative procoagulant and proinflammatory events. METHODS In 30 patients undergoing liver resection, plasma microparticles were isolated, quantitated, and characterized as endothelial (CD31+, CD41-), platelet (CD41+), or leukocyte (CD11b+) origin by flow cytometry and their procoagulant and proinflammatory activity was measured by immunoassays. RESULTS During liver resection, the total numbers of microparticles increased with significantly more Annexin V-positive, endothelial and platelet-derived microparticles following extended hepatectomy compared to standard and minor liver resections. After liver resection, microparticle tissue factor and procoagulant activity increased along with overall coagulation as assessed by thrombelastography. Levels of leukocyte-derived microparticles specifically increased in patients with systemic inflammation as assessed by C-reactive protein but are independent of the extent of liver resection. CONCLUSIONS Endothelial and platelet-derived microparticles are specifically elevated during liver resection, accompanied by increased procoagulant activity. Leukocyte-derived microparticles are a potential marker for systemic inflammation. Plasma microparticles may represent a specific response to surgical stress and may be an important mediator of postoperative coagulation and inflammation.