109 resultados para Pterygoalar ligament
Obesity is increasing throughout the globe and characterized by excess adipose tissue, which represents a complex endocrine organ. Adipose tissue secrets bioactive molecules called adipokines, which act at endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine levels. Obesity has recently been shown to be associated with periodontitis, a disease characterized by the irreversible destruction of the tooth-supporting tissues, that is, periodontium, and also with compromised periodontal healing. Although the underlying mechanisms for these associations are not clear yet, increased levels of proinflammatory adipokines, such as leptin, as found in obese individuals, might be a critical pathomechanistic link. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of leptin on the regenerative capacity of human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells and also to study the local leptin production by these cells. Leptin caused a significant downregulation of growth (TGFβ1, and VEGFA) and transcription (RUNX2) factors as well as matrix molecules (collagen, and periostin) and inhibited SMAD signaling under regenerative conditions. Moreover, the local expression of leptin and its full-length receptor was significantly downregulated by inflammatory, microbial, and biomechanical signals. This study demonstrates that the hormone leptin negatively interferes with the regenerative capacity of PDL cells, suggesting leptin as a pathomechanistic link between obesity and compromised periodontal healing.
The present study aimed to evaluate in vitro whether biomechanical loading modulates proinflammatory and bone remodeling mediators production by periodontal ligament (PDL) cells in the presence of bacterial challenge. Cells were seeded on BioFlex culture plates and exposed to Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 25586 and/or cyclic tensile strain (CTS) of low (CTSL) and high (CTSH) magnitudes for 1 and 3 days. Synthesis of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) was evaluated by ELISA. Gene expression and protein secretion of osteoprotegerin (OPG) and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) were evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR and ELISA, respectively. F. nucleatum increased the production of COX2 and PGE2, which was further increased by CTS. F. nucleatum-induced increase of PGE2 synthesis was significantly (P < 0.05) increased when CTSH was applied at 1 and 3 days. In addition, CTSH inhibited the F. nucleatum-induced upregulation of OPG at 1 and 3 days, thereby increasing the RANKL/OPG ratio. OPG and RANKL mRNA results correlated with the protein results. In summary, our findings provide original evidence that CTS can enhance bacterial-induced syntheses of molecules associated with inflammation and bone resorption by PDL cells. Therefore, biomechanical, such as orthodontic or occlusal, loading may enhance the bacterial-induced inflammation and destruction in periodontitis.
The goal of regenerative periodontal therapy is to completely restore the tooth's supporting apparatus that has been lost due to inflammatory periodontal disease or injury. It is characterized by formation of new cementum with inserting collagen fibers, new periodontal ligament, and new alveolar bone. Indeed conventional, nonsurgical, and surgical periodontal therapy usually result in clinical improvements evidenced by probing depth reduction and clinical attachment gain, but the healing occurs predominantly through formation of a long junctional epithelium and no or only unpredictable periodontal regeneration. Therefore, there is an ongoing search for new materials and improved surgical techniques, with the aim of predictably promoting periodontal wound healing/regeneration and improving the clinical outcome. This article attempts to provide the clinician with an overview of the most important biologic events involved in periodontal wound healing/ regeneration and on the criteria on how to select the appropriate regenerative material and surgical technique in order to optimize the clinical outcomes.
OBJECTIVE To systematically analyze the regenerative effect of the available biomaterials either alone or in various combinations for the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects as evaluated in preclinical histologic studies. DATA SOURCES A protocol covered all aspects of the systematic review methodology. A literature search was performed in Medline, including hand searching. Combinations of searching terms and several criteria were applied for study identification, selection, and inclusion. The preliminary outcome variable was periodontal regeneration after reconstructive surgery obtained with the various regenerative materials, as demonstrated through histologic/ histomorphometric analysis. New periodontal ligament, new cementum, and new bone formation as a linear measurement in mm or as a percentage of the instrumented root length were recorded. Data were extracted based on the general characteristics, study characteristics, methodologic characteristics, and conclusions. Study selection was limited to preclinical studies involving histologic analysis, evaluating the use of potential regenerative materials (ie, barrier membranes, grafting materials, or growth factors/proteins) for the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects. Any type of biomaterial alone or in various combinations was considered. All studies reporting histologic outcome measures with a healing period of at least 6 weeks were included. A meta-analysis was not possible due to the heterogeneity of the data. CONCLUSION Flap surgery in conjunction with most of the evaluated biomaterials used either alone or in various combinations has been shown to promote periodontal regeneration to a greater extent than control therapy (flap surgery without biomaterials). Among the used biomaterials, autografts revealed the most favorable outcomes, whereas the use of most biologic factors showed inferior results compared to flap surgery.
PURPOSE Fixation of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) substitutes with non-physiological anteroposterior translation (APT) worsens outcome. The aim was to present a technique for physiological APT adjustment of the transplant in ACL reconstruction and its outcome at midterm. METHODS In a consecutive series of 28 patients (age 32 ± 11 years, 24 male), chronic ACL deficiency was treated by bone-patella-tendon-bone reconstruction. Transplant APT was adjusted to that of the contralateral uninjured ACL, measured 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively using the Rolimeter. At a median follow-up of 5.3 years (3-8 years), 82% of the patients were re-evaluated with APT measurement and using IKDC-, Tegner-, Lysholm-Scores, conventional radiographs and MRI. RESULTS No differences in APT (mean ± SD) between uninjured and reconstructed knees were observed after adjustment (6 ± 1 versus 6 ± 1 mm, n.s.). Three months postoperatively, a statistically significant increase in APT (7 ± 1 mm) and a further increase at midterm (9 ± 2 mm) were observed. Patients scored "normal" or "nearly normal", respectively, in 79% (IKDC) and 4 (3-9) points (Tegner; median, range) or 89 ± 9 points (Lysholm; mean ± SD). Radiological evaluation showed no, minimal or moderate joint degeneration in 5, 20 and 75% of patients, respectively. MRI confirmed intact ACL transplants in all patients. CONCLUSION ACL reconstruction using the presented technique was considered successful, as patients did not suffer from subjective instability, radiographic analysis did not provide evidence for graft rupture at midterm. However, APT increase and occurrence of degenerative changes in reconstructed knees at the midterm might not be prevented even by restoration of a physiological APT in ACL reconstruction. The Rolimeter can be used for quick and easy intraoperative indirect control of the applied tension to the ACL transplant by measuring the APT to obtain physiological tensioning resulting in a satisfying outcome at midterm. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE IV.
Falling on the outstretched hand is a common trauma mechanism. In contrast to fractures of the distal radius, which usually are diagnosed on plain film radiographs, identifying wrist injuries requires further diagnostic methods, e.g., MRI or CT. This article provides a review of the use of MRI in the most common traumatic wrist injuries, including scaphoid fractures, TFCC lesions, and tears of the scapholunate ligament. Early and selective use of MRI as a further diagnostic method in cases of adequate clinical suspicion helps to initiate the correct treatment and, thus, prevents long-term arthrotic injuries and reduces unnecessary absence due to illness. MRI shows a high reliability in the diagnosis of scaphoid fractures and the America College of Radiology recommends MRI as method of choice after X-ray images have been made. In the diagnosis of ligament and discoid lesions, MR arthrography (MRA) using intraarticular contrast agent has considerably higher accuracy than i.v.-enhanced and especially unenhanced MRI.
BACKGROUND Traumatic knee dislocation represents a rare but devastating injury. Several controversies persist regarding type of treatment, surgical timing, graft selection, repair versus reconstruction of the medial and lateral structures, surgical techniques and postoperative rehabilitation. A new technique for primary ACL stabilization, dynamic intaligamentary stabilization (DIS) was developed at the authors' institution. The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical and radiological outcomes of surgically treated traumatic knee dislocations by means of the DIS technique for the ACL, primary suturing for PCL, MCL and LCL. METHODS Between 2009 and 2012, 35 patients treated surgically for traumatic knee dislocation with primary anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with DIS, suturing of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and primary complete repair of collaterals, were evaluated clinically (IKDC score, SF12 health survey, Lysholm score, Tegner score) and radiologically with a mean follow up of 2.2 years (range 1.00-3.50 years) years. Instrumented anterior-posterior translation was measured (KT-2000). RESULTS Anterior/posterior translation (KT-2000) for the healthy and injured limb was 4.8mm (range 3-8mm) and 7.3mm (range 5-10) (89N) respectively. Valgus and varus stress testing in 30° flexion was normal in 26 (75%) and 29 (83%) patients, respectively. The IKDC score was B in 29 (83%) and C in 6 (17%) patients, while the mean Tegner score was 6 (range 4-8). The mean Lysholm score was 90.83 (range 81-95) and mean SF-12 physical and mental scores were 54.1 (range 45-60) and 51.0 (range 39-62) respectively. In 2 patients, a secondary operation was performed. CONCLUSIONS Early, one stage reconstruction with DIS can achieve good functional results and patient satisfaction with overall restoration of sports and working capacity without graft requirements.
BACKGROUND Although regenerative treatment options are available, periodontal regeneration is still regarded as insufficient and unpredictable. AIM This review article provides scientific background information on the animated 3D film Cell-to-Cell Communication - Periodontal Regeneration. RESULTS Periodontal regeneration is understood as a recapitulation of embryonic mechanisms. Therefore, a thorough understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating normal tooth root development is imperative to improve existing and develop new periodontal regenerative therapies. However, compared to tooth crown and earlier stages of tooth development, much less is known about the development of the tooth root. The formation of root cementum is considered the critical element in periodontal regeneration. Therefore, much research in recent years has focused on the origin and differentiation of cementoblasts. Evidence is accumulating that the Hertwig's epithelial root sheath (HERS) has a pivotal role in root formation and cementogenesis. Traditionally, ectomesenchymal cells in the dental follicle were thought to differentiate into cementoblasts. According to an alternative theory, however, cementoblasts originate from the HERS. What happens when the periodontal attachment system is traumatically compromised? Minor mechanical insults to the periodontium may spontaneously heal, and the tissues can structurally and functionally be restored. But what happens to the periodontium in case of periodontitis, an infectious disease, after periodontal treatment? A non-regenerative treatment of periodontitis normally results in periodontal repair (i.e., the formation of a long junctional epithelium) rather than regeneration. Thus, a regenerative treatment is indicated to restore the original architecture and function of the periodontium. Guided tissue regeneration or enamel matrix proteins are such regenerative therapies, but further improvement is required. As remnants of HERS persist as epithelial cell rests of Malassez in the periodontal ligament, these epithelial cells are regarded as a stem cell niche that can give rise to new cementoblasts. Enamel matrix proteins and members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) superfamily have been implicated in cementoblast differentiation. CONCLUSION A better knowledge of cell-to-cell communication leading to cementoblast differentiation may be used to develop improved regenerative therapies to reconstitute periodontal tissues that were lost due to periodontitis.
BACKGROUND The use of an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) has been shown to enhance periodontal regeneration (e.g., formation of root cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone). However, in certain clinical situations, the use of EMD alone may not be sufficient to prevent flap collapse or provide sufficient stability of the blood clot. Data from clinical and preclinical studies have demonstrated controversial results after application of EMD combined with different types of bone grafting materials in periodontal regenerative procedures. The aim of the present study is to investigate the adsorption properties of enamel matrix proteins to bone grafts after surface coating with either EMD (as a liquid formulation) or EMD (as a gel formulation). METHODS Three different types of grafting materials, including a natural bone mineral (NBM), demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA), or a calcium phosphate (CaP), were coated with either EMD liquid or EMD gel. Samples were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using an immunostaining assay with gold-conjugated anti-EMD antibody. Total protein adsorption to bone grafting material was quantified using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit for amelogenin. RESULTS The adsorption of amelogenin to the surface of grafting material varied substantially based on the carrier system used. EMD gel adsorbed less protein to the surface of grafting particles, which easily dissociated from the graft surface after phosphate-buffered saline rinsing. Analyses by TEM revealed that adsorption of amelogenin proteins were significantly farther from the grafting material surface, likely a result of the thick polyglycolic acid gel carrier. ELISA protein quantification assay demonstrated that the combination of EMD liquid + NBM and EMD liquid + DFDBA adsorbed higher amounts of amelogenin than all other treatment modalities. Furthermore, amelogenin proteins delivered by EMD liquid were able to penetrate the porous surface structure of NBM and DFDBA and adsorb to the interior of bone grafting particles. Grafting materials coated with EMD gel adsorbed more frequently to the exterior of grafting particles with little interior penetration. CONCLUSIONS The present study demonstrates a large variability of adsorbed amelogenin to the surface of bone grafting materials when enamel matrix proteins were delivered in either a liquid formulation or gel carrier. Furthermore, differences in amelogenin adsorption were observed among NBM, DFDBA, and biphasic CaP particles. Thus, the potential for a liquid carrier system for EMD, used to coat EMD, may be advantageous for better surface coating.
OBJECTIVES Saliva has been implicated to support oral wound healing, a process that requires a transient inflammatory reaction. However, definitive proof that saliva can provoke an inflammatory response remained elusive. MATERIALS AND METHODS We investigated the ability of freshly harvested and sterile-filtered saliva to cause an inflammatory response of oral fibroblasts and epithelial cells. The expression of cytokines and chemokines was assessed by microarray, RT-PCR, immunoassays, and Luminex technology. The involvement of signaling pathways was determined by Western blot analysis and pharmacologic inhibitors. RESULTS We report that sterile-filtered whole saliva was a potent inducer of IL-6 and IL-8 in fibroblasts from the gingiva, the palate, and the periodontal ligament, but not of oral epithelial cells. This strong inflammatory response requires nuclear factor-kappa B and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. The pro-inflammatory capacity is heat stable and has a molecular weight of <40 kDa. Genome-wide microarrays and Luminex technology further revealed that saliva substantially increased expression of other inflammatory genes and various chemokines. To preclude that the observed pro-inflammatory activity is the result of oral bacteria, sterile-filtered parotid saliva, collected under almost aseptic conditions, was used and also increased IL-6 and IL-8 expression in gingiva fibroblasts. The inflammatory response was, furthermore, independent of MYD88, an adapter protein of the Toll-like receptor signaling pathway. CONCLUSIONS We conclude that saliva can provoke a robust inflammatory response in oral fibroblasts involving the classical nuclear factor-kappa B and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Since fibroblasts but not epithelial cells show a strong inflammatory response, saliva may support the innate immunity of defect sites exposing the oral connective tissue.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the biomechanical properties of a ventral transarticular lag screw fixation technique, a new dorsal atlantoaxial instability (AAI) clamp, and a new ventral AAI hook plate under sagittal shear loading after transection of the ligaments of the atlantoaxial joint. STUDY DESIGN: Cadaveric biomechanical study. ANIMALS: Canine cadavers (n = 10). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The occipitoatlantoaxial region of Beagles euthanatized for reasons unrelated to the study was prepared leaving only ligamentous structures and the joint capsules between the first 2 cervical vertebrae (C1 and C2). The atlanto-occipital joints were stabilized with 2 transarticular diverging positive threaded K-wires. The occipital bone and the caudal end of C2 were embedded in polymethylmethacrylate and loaded in shear to a force of 50 Newtons. The range of motion (ROM) and neutral zone (NZ) of the atlantoaxial joint were determined after 3 loading cycles with atlantoaxial ligaments intact, after ligament transection, and after fixation with each implant. The testing order of implants was randomly assigned. The implants tested last were subjected to failure testing. RESULTS: All stabilization procedures decreased the ROM and NZ of the atlantoaxial joint compared to transected ligament specimens. Only stabilization with transarticular lag screws and ventral plates produced a significant reduction of ROM compare to intact specimens. CONCLUSION: Fixation with transarticular lag screws and a ventral hook plate was biomechanically similar and provided more rigidity compared to dorsal clamp fixation. Further load cycling to failure tests and clinical studies are required before making clinical recommendations.
AIM The local delivery of growth factors via gene therapy has gained tremendous awareness in recent years due to their sustained growth factor delivery to target tissues. The aim of this study was to fabricate and investigate a scaffold able to release growth factors via gene therapy for the repair of periodontal tissues. MATERIALS AND METHODS Novel mesoporous bioglass (MBG)/silk fibrin scaffold combined with BMP7 and/or PDGF-B adenovirus was fabricated and tested in vitro for cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. Furthermore, acute-type buccal dehiscence periodontal defects (mesiodistal width × depth: 5 × 5 mm) were created on the buccal portion of the maxillary premolars in five normal male beagle dogs (12 months old, 15.0 ± 2.0 kg) and histologically examined for periodontal regeneration following implantation of the following five groups: (1) no scaffold, (2) MBG/silk scaffold alone, (3) scaffold + adPDGF-B, (4) scaffold + adBMP7, (5) scaffold + adPDGF-b + adBMP7. RESULTS In vitro findings demonstrated that adPDGF-B was able to rapidly recruit periodontal ligament (PDL) cells over sixfold more effectively than adBMP7, whereas adBMP7 was more able to induce osteoblast differentiation of PDL cells. In vivo findings demonstrate that scaffolds loaded with adPDGF-B were able to partially regenerate the periodontal ligament while adBMP7 scaffolds primarily improved new bone formation. The combination of both adPDGF-B and adBMP7 synergistically promoted periodontal regeneration by allowing up to two times greater regeneration of the periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and cementum when compared to each adenovirus used alone. CONCLUSIONS Although both PDGF-B and BMP7 are individually capable of promoting periodontal regeneration to some degree, their combination synergistically promotes wound healing in acute-type buccal dehiscence periodontal defects when delivered simultaneously. This study demonstrates the promise for successful delivery of low-cost, effective growth factor delivery via gene therapy for the treatment of periodontal defects.
Intrabony periodontal defects are a frequent complication of periodontitis and, if left untreated, may negatively affect long-term tooth prognosis. The optimal outcome of treatment in intrabony defects is considered to be the absence of bleeding on probing, the presence of shallow pockets associated with periodontal regeneration (i.e. formation of new root cementum with functionally orientated inserting periodontal ligament fibers connected to new alveolar bone) and no soft-tissue recession. A plethora of different surgical techniques, often including implantation of various types of bone graft and/or bone substitutes, root surface demineralization, guided tissue regeneration, growth and differentiation factors, enamel matrix proteins or various combinations thereof, have been employed to achieve periodontal regeneration. Despite positive observations in animal models and successful outcomes reported for many of the available regenerative techniques and materials in patients, including histologic reports, robust information on the degree to which reported clinical improvements reflect true periodontal regeneration does not exist. Thus, the aim of this review was to summarize, in a systematic manner, the available histologic evidence on the effect of reconstructive periodontal surgery using various types of biomaterials to enhance periodontal wound healing/regeneration in human intrabony defects. In addition, the inherent problems associated with performing human histologic studies and in interpreting the results, as well as certain ethical considerations, are discussed. The results of the present systematic review indicate that periodontal regeneration in human intrabony defects can be achieved to a variable extent using a range of methods and materials. Periodontal regeneration has been observed following the use of a variety of bone grafts and substitutes, guided tissue regeneration, biological factors and combinations thereof. Combination approaches appear to provide the best outcomes, whilst implantation of alloplastic material alone demonstrated limited, to no, periodontal regeneration.
OBJECTIVES: To compare the practicability, visualization of structures, and iatrogenic damage of direct and transthecal approaches to the navicular bursa for diagnostic needle endoscopy. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Equine cadaver forelimbs (n = 30). METHODS: Direct and transthecal approaches for insertion of a needle endoscope into the navicular bursa were performed. Video recordings of endoscopic procedures were assessed to determine all structures visualized within the navicular bursa. Number of attempts to gain access to the navicular bursa and total time for insertion and examination were recorded. Distribution and severity of iatrogenic lesions were assessed and scored after dissection. RESULTS: There were no statistical differences for number of attempts or time needed for insertion and examination between direct and transthecal approaches. The direct approach offered significantly increased visibility of the ipsilateral abaxial and proximal margins of the navicular bone, and ipsilateral collateral sesamoidean ligament. Iatrogenic lesions were superficial and focal, regardless of approach taken, or whether a blunt or sharp trocar tip was used. CONCLUSIONS: The direct approach provided significantly better visualization of the ipsilateral structures within the navicular bursa compared to the transthecal approach. Needle endoscopy offers a reliable technique to evaluate the navicular bursa and may complement or replace other diagnostic modalities in horses with lameness localized to the navicular region.
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is an established diagnostic tool with regards to the central nervous system (CNS) and research into its application in the musculoskeletal system has been growing. It has been shown that DWI has utility in differentiating vertebral compression fractures from malignant ones, assessing partial and complete tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), monitoring tumor response to therapy, and characterization of soft-tissue and bone tumors. DWI is however less useful in differentiating malignant vs. infectious processes. As of yet, no definitive qualitative or quantitative properties have been established due to reasons ranging from variability in acquisition protocols to overlapping imaging characteristics. Even with these limitations, DWI can still provide clinically useful information, increasing diagnostic accuracy and improving patient management when magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings are inconclusive. The purpose of this article is to summarize recent research into DWI applications in the musculoskeletal system.