122 resultados para PHASE-II TRIAL
Chemotherapy-induced anemia is often an important problem for cancer patients, and this complication can be treated with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs). This commentary discusses the findings of a study by Bastit et al., in which 396 patients with nonmyeloid malignancies and chemotherapy-induced anemia were treated with darbepoetin alfa with or without intravenous iron. This phase III trial showed that intravenous iron supplementation increases the hematopoietic response rates to ESAs in cancer patients; however, this study provides no information as to whether all cancer patients with anemia should receive intravenous iron as well as treatment with ESAs. Further data are needed to identify those patients who might benefit from intravenous iron supplementation in addition to ESAs, in order to avoid overtreatment of patients who are unlikely to benefit from the additional iron. As both ESAs and intravenous iron have known short-term and long-term risks, identification of reliable predictors of response that can guide these treatments is necessary before this strategy can be implemented into practice.
In 1992, it was shown that monoclonal antibodies blocking alpha(4)-integrins prevent the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, an animal model for multiple sclerosis (MS). As alpha(4)beta(1)-integrin was demonstrated to mediate the attachment of immune-competent cells to inflamed brain endothelium in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, the therapeutic effect was attributed to the inhibition of immune cell extravasation and inflammation in the central nervous system. This novel therapeutic approach was rapidly and successfully translated into the clinic. The humanized anti-alpha(4)-integrin antibody natalizumab demonstrated an unequivocal therapeutic effect in preventing relapses and slowing down the pace of neurological deterioration in patients with relapsing-remitting MS in phase II and phase III clinical trials. The occurrence of 3 cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patients treated with natalizumab led to the voluntary withdrawal of the drug from the market. After a thorough safety evaluation of all patients receiving this drug in past and ongoing studies for MS and Crohn's disease, natalizumab again obtained approval in the US and the European Community. A treatment targeting leukocyte trafficking in MS has now re-entered the clinic. Further thorough evaluation is necessary for a better understanding of the risk-benefit balance of this new treatment option for relapsing MS. In this review, we discuss the basic mechanism of action, key clinical results of clinical trials and the emerging indication of natalizumab in MS.
In 186 patients with early colon cancer, we investigated the assumption that the meaning of 'quality of life' (QL) remains constant over time. Within a phase-III trial (SAKK 40/93), patients estimated both their overall QL and a range of disease- and treatment-related domains at five timepoints, comprising three concurrent and 2 retrospective estimates: their pre-surgery QL both before surgery and retrospectively thereafter, and their pre-adjuvant QL both at the beginning of adjuvant treatment and retrospectively about 2 months later, and their current QL 2 weeks thereafter. Multilevel models were developed to determine whether the selected domains made stable contributions to overall QL at the concurrent estimates. The weights of the domains changed over time. They did not differ significantly according to whether patients were considering their concurrent state or reflecting on this state at a later timepoint. In the process of adaptation, patients with early colon cancer substantially change the relative importance of QL domains to overall QL. This finding argues for QL as a changing construct and against the assumption that domain-specific weights are stable across distinct clinical phases.
In this prospective two-phase experimental trial, 10 pigs were anaesthetized twice with isoflurane only. In the first phase, the individual minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) was determined and in the second phase the effects on withdrawal reflexes of increasing end-tidal isoflurane concentrations (from 1.6% to 2.8%) were assessed. Single, 10 and 60 repeated electrical stimulations were used to evoke withdrawal reflexes which were recorded and quantified by electromyography. Recruitment curves for reflex amplitude for increasing stimulation intensities and isoflurane concentrations were constructed. Isoflurane MAC was 1.9+/-0.3%. Reflexes evoked by repeated stimulation were suppressed at isoflurane concentrations significantly higher than those which suppressed complex movements during MAC determination (P=0.014 and P=0.006 for 10 and 60 repeated stimuli respectively). Isoflurane up to 2.8% was still not able to abolish reflex activity evoked by repeated stimulations in all pigs. Single stimulation reflexes were suppressed at significantly lower concentrations than repeated stimulation reflexes (P=0.008 and P=0.004 for 10 and 60 repeated stimuli, respectively). Reflex amplitude was significantly correlated with isoflurane concentration (P<0.001, r=-0.85) independent of the individual MAC. The findings indicate that the level at which isoflurane suppresses withdrawal reflexes is dependent on the stimulation paradigm (single vs. repeated electrical stimulation), and there is limited value in expressing reflex withdrawal suppression in terms of MAC as purposeful and reflex movements are independently affected by isoflurane in individual animals.
Intussusceptive angiogenesis is a novel mode of blood vessel formation and remodeling, which occurs by internal division of the preexisting capillary plexus without sprouting. In this study, the process is demonstrated in developing chicken eye vasculature and in the chorioallantoic membrane by methylmethacrylate (Mercox) casting, transmission electron microscopy, and in vivo observation. In a first step of intussusceptive angiogenesis, the capillary plexus expands by insertion of numerous transcapillary tissue pillars, ie, by intussusceptive microvascular growth. In a subsequent step, a vascular tree arises from the primitive capillary plexus as a result of intussusceptive pillar formation and pillar fusions, a process we termed "intussusceptive arborization." On the basis of the morphological observations, a 4-step model for intussusceptive arborization is proposed, as follows: phase I, numerous circular pillars are formed in rows, thus demarcating future vessels; phase II, formation of narrow tissue septa by pillar reshaping and pillar fusions; phase III, delineation, segregation, growth, and extraction of the new vascular entity by merging of septa; and phase IV, formation of new branching generations by successively repeating the process, complemented by growth and maturation of all components. In contrast to sprouting, intussusceptive angiogenesis does not require intense local endothelial cell proliferation; it is implemented primarily by rearrangement and attenuation of the endothelial cell plates. In summary, transcapillary pillar formation, ie, intussusception, is a central and probably widespread process, which plays a role not only in capillary network growth and expansion (intussusceptive microvascular growth), but also in vascular plexus remodeling and tree formation (intussusceptive arborization).
BACKGROUND Evidence exists that a farming environment in childhood may provide protection against atopic respiratory disease. In the GABRIEL project based in Poland and Alpine regions of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, we aimed to assess whether a farming environment in childhood is protective against allergic diseases in Poland and whether specific exposures explain any protective effect. METHODS In rural Poland, 23 331 families of schoolchildren completed a questionnaire enquiring into farming practices and allergic diseases (Phase I). A subsample (n = 2586) participated in Phase II involving a more detailed questionnaire on specific farm exposures with objective measures of atopy. RESULTS Farming differed between Poland and the Alpine centres; in the latter, cattle farming was prevalent, whereas in Poland 18% of village farms kept ≥1 cow and 34% kept ≥1 pig. Polish children in villages had lower prevalences of asthma and hay fever than children from towns, and in the Phase II population, farm children had a reduced risk of atopy measured by IgE (aOR = 0.72, 95% CI 0.57, 0.91) and skin prick test (aOR = 0.65, 95% CI 0.50, 0.86). Early-life contact with grain was inversely related to the risk of atopy measured by IgE (aOR = 0.66, 95% CI 0.47, 0.92) and appeared to explain part of the farming effect. CONCLUSION While farming in Poland differed from that in the Alpine areas as did the exposure-response associations, we found in communities engaged in small-scale, mixed farming, there was a protective farming effect against objective measures of atopy potentially related to contact with grain or associated farm activities.
OBJECTIVES To assess the feasibility of using volumetric capnography in spontaneously breathing small infants and its ability to discriminate between infants with and without bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). STUDY DESIGN Lung function variables for 231 infants (102 term, 52 healthy preterm, 77 BPD), matched for post-conceptional age of 44 weeks, were collected. BPD was defined as supplemental oxygen requirement at 36 weeks post-menstrual age. Tidal breath-by-breath volume capnograms were obtained by mainstream capnography. The capnographic slope of phase II (SII) and slope of phase III (SIII) were calculated and compared between study groups. The effect of BPD, tidal volume (VT), respiratory rate (RR), and prematurity on the magnitude of the slopes was assessed. RESULTS SII was steeper in infants with BPD (100 ± 28/L) compared with healthy preterm (88 ± 22/L; P = .007) and term infants (79 ± 18/L; P < .001), but this finding was attributed to differences in VT, RR, and gestational age. SIII was steeper in the BPD group (26.8 ± 14.1/L) compared with healthy preterm (16.2 ± 6.2/L; P < .001) and term controls (14.8 ± 5.4/L; P < .001). BPD was a significant predictor of SIII independently of VT, RR, and gestational age. The ability of SIII to discriminate between BPD and controls was significantly higher compared with lung clearance index (area under the curve 0.83 vs 0.56; P < .001). CONCLUSIONS Volumetric capnography may provide valuable information regarding functional lung alterations related to BPD and might be considered as an alternative to more involved lung function techniques for monitoring chronic lung disease during early infancy.
2-Methiopropamine [1-(thiophen-2-yl)-2-methylaminopropane, 2-MPA], a thiophene analogue of methamphetamine, is available from online vendors selling "Research chemicals." The first samples were seized by the German police in 2011. As it is a recreational stimulant, its inclusion in routine drug screening protocols should be required. The aims of this study were to identify the phase I and II metabolites of 2-MPA in rat and human urine and to identify the human cytochrome-P450 (CYP) isoenzymes involved in its phase I metabolism. In addition, the detectability of 2-MPA in urine samples using the authors' well-established gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-linear ion trap-mass spectrometry (LC-MS(n)) screening protocols was also evaluated. The metabolites were isolated from rat and human urine samples by solid-Phase extraction without or following enzymatic cleavage of conjugates. The phase I metabolites, following acetylation, were separated and identified by GC-MS and/or liquid chromatography-high-resolution linear ion trap mass spectrometry (LC-HR-MS(n)) and the phase II metabolites by LC-HR-MS(n). The following Major metabolic pathways were proposed: N-demethylation, hydroxylation at the side chain and at the thiophene ring, and combination of these transformations followed by glucuronidation and/or sulfation. CYP1A2, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4 were identified as the major phase I metabolizing enzymes. They were also involved in the N-demethylation of the analogue methamphetamine and CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4 in its ring hydroxylation. Following the administration of a typical user's dose, 2-MPA and its metabolites were identified in rat urine using the authors' GC-MS and the LC-MS(n) screening approaches. Ingestion of 2-MPA could also be detected by both protocols in an authentic human urine sample.
CONTEXT Aims of bladder preservation in muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) are to offer a quality-of-life advantage and avoid potential morbidity or mortality of radical cystectomy (RC) without compromising oncologic outcomes. Because of the lack of a completed randomised controlled trial, oncologic equivalence of bladder preservation modality treatments compared with RC remains unknown. OBJECTIVE This systematic review sought to assess the modern bladder-preservation treatment modalities, focusing on trimodal therapy (TMT) in MIBC. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION A systematic literature search in the PubMed and Cochrane databases was performed from 1980 to July 2013. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS Optimal bladder-preservation treatment includes a safe transurethral resection of the bladder tumour as complete as possible followed by radiation therapy (RT) with concurrent radiosensitising chemotherapy. A standard radiation schedule includes external-beam RT to the bladder and limited pelvic lymph nodes to an initial dose of 40Gy, with a boost to the whole bladder to 54Gy and a further tumour boost to a total dose of 64-65Gy. Radiosensitising chemotherapy with phase 3 trial evidence in support exists for cisplatin and mitomycin C plus 5-fluorouracil. A cystoscopic assessment with systematic rebiopsy should be performed at TMT completion or early after TMT induction. Thus, nonresponders are identified early to promptly offer salvage RC. The 5-yr cancer-specific survival and overall survival rates range from 50% to 82% and from 36% to 74%, respectively, with salvage cystectomy rates of 25-30%. There are no definitive data to support the benefit of using of neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy. Critical to good outcomes is proper patient selection. The best cancers eligible for bladder preservation are those with low-volume T2 disease without hydronephrosis or extensive carcinoma in situ. CONCLUSIONS A growing body of accumulated data suggests that bladder preservation with TMT leads to acceptable outcomes and therefore may be considered a reasonable treatment option in well-selected patients. PATIENT SUMMARY Treatment based on a combination of resection, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy as bladder-sparing strategies may be considered as a reasonable treatment option in properly selected patients.
This paper reports on the results of a research project, on comparing one virtual collaborative environment with a first-person visual immersion (first-perspective interaction) and a second one where the user interacts through a sound-kinetic virtual representation of himself (avatar), as a stress-coping environment in real-life situations. Recent developments in coping research are proposing a shift from a trait-oriented approach of coping to a more situation-specific treatment. We defined as real-life situation a target-oriented situation that demands a complex coping skills inventory of high self-efficacy and internal or external "locus of control" strategies. The participants were 90 normal adults with healthy or impaired coping skills, 25-40 years of age, randomly spread across two groups. There was the same number of participants across groups and gender balance within groups. All two groups went through two phases. In Phase I, Solo, one participant was assessed using a three-stage assessment inspired by the transactional stress theory of Lazarus and the stress inoculation theory of Meichenbaum. In Phase I, each participant was given a coping skills measurement within the time course of various hypothetical stressful encounters performed in two different conditions and a control group. In Condition A, the participant was given a virtual stress assessment scenario relative to a first-person perspective (VRFP). In Condition B, the participant was given a virtual stress assessment scenario relative to a behaviorally realistic motion controlled avatar with sonic feedback (VRSA). In Condition C, the No Treatment Condition (NTC), the participant received just an interview. In Phase II, all three groups were mixed and exercised the same tasks but with two participants in pairs. The results showed that the VRSA group performed notably better in terms of cognitive appraisals, emotions and attributions than the other two groups in Phase I (VRSA, 92%; VRFP, 85%; NTC, 34%). In Phase II, the difference again favored the VRSA group against the other two. These results indicate that a virtual collaborative environment seems to be a consistent coping environment, tapping two classes of stress: (a) aversive or ambiguous situations, and (b) loss or failure situations in relation to the stress inoculation theory. In terms of coping behaviors, a distinction is made between self-directed and environment-directed strategies. A great advantage of the virtual collaborative environment with the behaviorally enhanced sound-kinetic avatar is the consideration of team coping intentions in different stages. Even if the aim is to tap transactional processes in real-life situations, it might be better to conduct research using a sound-kinetic avatar based collaborative environment than a virtual first-person perspective scenario alone. The VE consisted of two dual-processor PC systems, a video splitter, a digital camera and two stereoscopic CRT displays. The system was programmed in C++ and VRScape Immersive Cluster from VRCO, which created an artificial environment that encodes the user's motion from a video camera, targeted at the face of the users and physiological sensors attached to the body.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the association of renal impairment on functional outcome and complications in stroke patients treated with IV thrombolysis (IVT). METHODS In this observational study, we compared the estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) with poor 3-month outcome (modified Rankin Scale scores 3-6), death, and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) based on the criteria of the European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study II trial. Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated. Patients without IVT treatment served as a comparison group. RESULTS Among 4,780 IVT-treated patients, 1,217 (25.5%) had a low GFR (<60 mL/min/1.73 m(2)). A GFR decrease by 10 mL/min/1.73 m(2) increased the risk of poor outcome (OR [95% CI]): (ORunadjusted 1.20 [1.17-1.24]; ORadjusted 1.05 [1.01-1.09]), death (ORunadjusted 1.33 [1.28-1.38]; ORadjusted 1.18 [1.11-1.249]), and sICH (ORunadjusted 1.15 [1.01-1.22]; ORadjusted 1.11 [1.04-1.20]). Low GFR was independently associated with poor 3-month outcome (ORadjusted 1.32 [1.10-1.58]), death (ORadjusted 1.73 [1.39-2.14]), and sICH (ORadjusted 1.64 [1.21-2.23]) compared with normal GFR (60-120 mL/min/1.73 m(2)). Low GFR (ORadjusted 1.64 [1.21-2.23]) and stroke severity (ORadjusted 1.05 [1.03-1.07]) independently determined sICH. Compared with patients who did not receive IVT, treatment with IVT in patients with low GFR was associated with poor outcome (ORadjusted 1.79 [1.41-2.25]), and with favorable outcome in those with normal GFR (ORadjusted 0.77 [0.63-0.94]). CONCLUSION Renal function significantly modified outcome and complication rates in IVT-treated stroke patients. Lower GFR might be a better risk indicator for sICH than age. A decrease of GFR by 10 mL/min/1.73 m(2) seems to have a similar impact on the risk of death or sICH as a 1-point-higher NIH Stroke Scale score measuring stroke severity.
OBJECTIVE Group B streptococci (GBS) may lead to early onset neonatal sepsis with severe morbidity and mortality of newborns. Intrapartum detection of GBS is needed. The objective was to compare a PCR-based test performed in the laboratory versus labor ward. STUDY DESIGN 300 patients were included prospectively. In phase I, swabs were analyzed by selective culture and rapid PCR in the laboratory. In phase II, swabs were analyzed accordingly, but the PCR test was conducted in labor ward. Test performances were analyzed and compared. RESULTS In phase I the rapid PCR test had a sensitivity of 85.71% and a specificity of 95.9%. The GBS colonization rate was 18.67%. Overall 8.5% of the PCR results were invalid. In phase II the PCR test showed a sensitivity of 85.71% and a specificity of 95.65%. The GBS colonization rate was 23.3%. Overall 23.5% of swabs tested with PCR were invalid. Initiation of specific, short 2-hour training for operating personnel in the labor ward reduced the invalid test rate to 13.4%. CONCLUSION The rapid PCR-based test yields adequate results to identify GBS colonization when performed in labor ward. In order to reduce the number of invalid tests a short training period is needed.
Latrepirdine (Dimebon; dimebolin) is a neuroactive compound that was associated with enhanced cognition, neuroprotection and neurogenesis in laboratory animals, and has entered phase II clinical trials for both Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease (HD). Based on recent indications that latrepirdine protects cells against cytotoxicity associated with expression of aggregatable neurodegeneration-related proteins, including Aβ42 and γ-synuclein, we sought to determine whether latrepirdine offers protection to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We utilized separate and parallel expression in yeast of several neurodegeneration-related proteins, including α-synuclein (α-syn), the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated genes TDP43 and FUS, and the HD-associated protein huntingtin with a 103 copy-polyglutamine expansion (HTT gene; htt-103Q). Latrepirdine effects on α-syn clearance and toxicity were also measured following treatment of SH-SY5Y cells or chronic treatment of wild-type mice. Latrepirdine only protected yeast against the cytotoxicity associated with α-syn, and this appeared to occur via induction of autophagy. We further report that latrepirdine stimulated the degradation of α-syn in differentiated SH-SY5Y neurons, and in mouse brain following chronic administration, in parallel with elevation of the levels of markers of autophagic activity. Ongoing experiments will determine the utility of latrepirdine to abrogate α-syn accumulation in transgenic mouse models of α-syn neuropathology. We propose that latrepirdine may represent a novel scaffold for discovery of robust pro-autophagic/anti-neurodegeneration compounds, which might yield clinical benefit for synucleinopathies including Parkinson's disease, Lewy body dementia, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep disorder and/or multiple system atrophy, following optimization of its pro-autophagic and pro-neurogenic activities.
PURPOSE Survivin is a member of the inhibitor-of-apoptosis family. Essential for tumor cell survival and overexpressed in most cancers, survivin is a promising target for anti-cancer immunotherapy. Immunogenicity has been demonstrated in multiple cancers. Nonetheless, few clinical trials have demonstrated survivin-vaccine-induced immune responses. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN This phase I trial was conducted to test whether vaccine EMD640744, a cocktail of five HLA class I-binding survivin peptides in Montanide(®) ISA 51 VG, promotes anti-survivin T-cell responses in patients with solid cancers. The primary objective was to compare immunologic efficacy of EMD640744 at doses of 30, 100, and 300 μg. Secondary objectives included safety, tolerability, and clinical efficacy. RESULTS In total, 49 patients who received ≥2 EMD640744 injections with available baseline- and ≥1 post-vaccination samples [immunologic-diagnostic (ID)-intention-to-treat] were analyzed by ELISpot- and peptide/MHC-multimer staining, revealing vaccine-activated peptide-specific T-cell responses in 31 patients (63 %). This cohort included the per study protocol relevant ID population for the primary objective, i.e., T-cell responses by ELISpot in 17 weeks following first vaccination, as well as subjects who discontinued the study before week 17 but showed responses to the treatment. No dose-dependent effects were observed. In the majority of patients (61 %), anti-survivin responses were detected only after vaccination, providing evidence for de novo induction. Best overall tumor response was stable disease (28 %). EMD640744 was well tolerated; local injection-site reactions constituted the most frequent adverse event. CONCLUSIONS Vaccination with EMD640744 elicited T-cell responses against survivin peptides in the majority of patients, demonstrating the immunologic efficacy of EMD640744.
The integrin antagonist cilengitide has been explored as an adjunct with anti-angiogenic properties to standard of care temozolomide chemoradiotherapy (TMZ/RT → TMZ) in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Preclinical data as well as anecdotal clinical observations indicate that anti-angiogenic treatment may result in altered patterns of tumor progression. Using a standardized approach, we analyzed patterns of progression on MRI in 21 patients enrolled onto a phase 2 trial of cilengitide added to TMZ/RT → TMZ in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Thirty patients from the experimental treatment arm of the EORTC/NCIC pivotal TMZ trial served as a reference. MRIcro software was used to map location and extent of initial preoperative and recurrent tumors on MRI of both groups into the same stereotaxic space which were then analyzed using an automated tool of image analysis. Clinical and outcome data of the cilengitide-treated patients were similar to those of the EORTC/NCIC trial except for a higher proportion of patients with a methylated O(6)-methylguanyl-DNA-methyltransferase gene promoter. Analysis of recurrence pattern revealed neither a difference in the size of the recurrent tumor nor in the distance of the recurrences from the preoperative tumor location between groups. Overall frequencies of distant recurrences were 20 % in the reference group and 19 % (4/21 patients) in the cilengitide group. Compared with TMZ/RT → TMZ alone, the addition of cilengitide does not alter patterns of progression. This analysis does not support concerns that integrin antagonism by cilengitide may induce a more aggressive phenotype at progression, but also provides no evidence for an anti-invasive activity of cilengitide in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma.