110 resultados para Library information networks


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Vom Kaukasus bis in den Pamir und vom Tien-Shan zurück nach Moskau, St. Petersburg und Kiew: Die Geschichte der sowjetischen Bergsteiger und ihrer Formen von Gemeinschaft gewährt zum einen neue Einblicke in die Kultur-, Alltags- und Sozialgeschichte der stalinistischen Sowjetunion und in die Lebenswelten eines Teils der intellektuellen Elite, zum andern in die unterschiedliche Symbolik und Funktion dieser nichtrussischen Bergperipherien für das Selbstverständnis des multinationalen sowjetischen Herrschaftsgebiets. Das Machtzentrum Moskau ist dabei geographisch oft weit entfernt und doch stets präsent – ob in der politischen Symbolik vertikaler Berghierarchien (so am Pik Stalin mitten im Pamir) oder in den Repressionen des 'Grossen Terrors', der auch die Alpinisten traf. Die Studie stellt die Bergsteiger als erfolgreiche Akteure in eigener Sache ins Zentrum und eröffnet so eine Perspektive auf die Ebene zwischen Individuum und Staatsmacht im Stalinismus. Sie zeigt, wie die staatlichen Monopolorganisationen im Bereich des Sports und der Freizeit nicht nur der Kontrolle und Sozialisierung ins Sowjetsystem dienten, sondern auch als Ausgangspunkt für eigene Aktivitäten und manchmal sogar als halböffentliche Nischen des Rückzugs und der Kritik genutzt werden konnten. Der zeitliche Bogen spannt sich von den zwanziger bis zu den ausgehenden fünfziger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ein ausführliches Einleitungskapitel bietet ausserdem einen Einblick in die Entstehung des russländischen Bergsteigens vor der Revolution.


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Information Centric Networking (ICN) as an emerging paradigm for the Future Internet has initially been rather focusing on bandwidth savings in wired networks, but there might also be some significant potential to support communication in mobile wireless networks as well as opportunistic network scenarios, where end systems have spontaneous but time-limited contact to exchange data. This chapter addresses the reasoning why ICN has an important role in mobile and opportunistic networks by identifying several challenges in mobile and opportunistic Information-Centric Networks and discussing appropriate solutions for them. In particular, it discusses the issues of receiver and source mobility. Source mobility needs special attention. Solutions based on routing protocol extensions, indirection, and separation of name resolution and data transfer are discussed. Moreover, the chapter presents solutions for problems in opportunistic Information-Centric Networks. Among those are mechanisms for efficient content discovery in neighbour nodes, resume mechanisms to recover from intermittent connectivity disruptions, a novel agent delegation mechanisms to offload content discovery and delivery to mobile agent nodes, and the exploitation of overhearing to populate routing tables of mobile nodes. Some preliminary performance evaluation results of these developed mechanisms are provided.


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Computational network analysis provides new methods to analyze the brain's structural organization based on diffusion imaging tractography data. Networks are characterized by global and local metrics that have recently given promising insights into diagnosis and the further understanding of psychiatric and neurologic disorders. Most of these metrics are based on the idea that information in a network flows along the shortest paths. In contrast to this notion, communicability is a broader measure of connectivity which assumes that information could flow along all possible paths between two nodes. In our work, the features of network metrics related to communicability were explored for the first time in the healthy structural brain network. In addition, the sensitivity of such metrics was analysed using simulated lesions to specific nodes and network connections. Results showed advantages of communicability over conventional metrics in detecting densely connected nodes as well as subsets of nodes vulnerable to lesions. In addition, communicability centrality was shown to be widely affected by the lesions and the changes were negatively correlated with the distance from lesion site. In summary, our analysis suggests that communicability metrics that may provide an insight into the integrative properties of the structural brain network and that these metrics may be useful for the analysis of brain networks in the presence of lesions. Nevertheless, the interpretation of communicability is not straightforward; hence these metrics should be used as a supplement to the more standard connectivity network metrics.


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In this paper, we describe dynamic unicast to increase communication efficiency in opportunistic Information-centric networks. The approach is based on broadcast requests to quickly find content and dynamically creating unicast links to content sources without the need of neighbor discovery. The links are kept temporarily as long as they deliver content and are quickly removed otherwise. Evaluations in mobile networks show that this approach maintains ICN flexibility to support seamless mobile communication and achieves up to 56.6% shorter transmission times compared to broadcast in case of multiple concurrent requesters. Apart from that, dynamic unicast unburdens listener nodes from processing unwanted content resulting in lower processing overhead and power consumption at these nodes. The approach can be easily included into existing ICN architectures using only available data structures.


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With the current growth of mobile devices usage, mobile net- works struggle to deliver content with an acceptable Quality of Experience. In this paper, we propose the integration of Information Centric Networking into 3GPP Long Term Evolution mobile networks, allowing its inherent caching feature to be explored in close proximity to the end users by deploying components inside the evolved Node B. Apart from the advantages brought by Information-Centric Networking’s content requesting paradigm, its inherent caching features enable lower latencies to access content and reduce traffic at the core network. Results show that the impact on the evolved Node B performance is low and ad- vantages coming from Information-Centric Networking are considerable. Thus, mobile network operators reduce operational costs and users end up with a higher perceived network quality even in peak utilization periods.


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Modern policy-making is increasingly influenced by different types of uncertainty. Political actors are supposed to behave differently under the context of uncertainty then in “usual” decision-making processes. Actors exchange information in order to convince other actors and decision-makers, to coordinate their lobbying activities and form coalitions, and to get information and learn on the substantive issue. The literature suggests that preference similarity, social trust, perceived power and functional interdependence are particularly important drivers of information exchange. We assume that social trust as well as being connected to scientific actors is more important under uncertainty than in a setting with less uncertainty. To investigate information exchange under uncertainty analyze the case of unconventional shale gas development in the UK from 2008 till 2014. Our study will rely on statistical analyses of survey data on a diverse set of actors dealing with shale gas development and regulation in the UK.


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Mobile networks usage rapidly increased over the years, with great consequences in terms of performance requirements. In this paper, we propose mechanisms to use Information-Centric Networking to perform load balancing in mobile networks, providing content delivery over multiple radio technologies at the same time and thus efficiently using resources and improving the overall performance of content transfer. Meaningful results were obtained by comparing content transfer over single radio links with typical strategies to content transfer over multiple radio links with Information-Centric Networking load balancing. Results demonstrate that Information-Centric Networking load balancing increases the performance and efficiency of 3GPP Long Term Evolution mobile networks while greatly improving the network perceived quality for end users.