114 resultados para Islam - Indonesia


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This article reviews the minefield of Muslim integration in Europe, paying special attention to the legal integration of Islam, which has not yet found the attention that it deserves. In a first step, the article contrasts ‘victimist’ and ‘alarmist’ views on contemporary Muslim integration, both of which are found misleading. Instead, as argued in the second part, significant progress has been made through the legal route. The conclusion provides a reflection on the role of Islam for Europe’s ‘liberal identity’ today.


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In Europe and North America, migration and integration has become a busy subfield of political sociology. Of particular interest in this respect is the integration of Muslims and Islam, which has dominated the debate in Europe. Broadly conceived «political opportunity structures» have received much attention in this context. But the role of liberal law in the integration of Islam has been largely ignored, not by lawyers of course, but by political sociologists who have thus delivered far too negative and truncated pictures of Muslims and Islam in Europe. This is the deficit we sought to redress in Legal Integration of Islam; A Transatlantic Comparison (2013) (co-authored with John Torpey). Some of this study’s main ideas and findings are presented in the following.


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Lange war man im Westen davon überzeugt gewesen, dass zwischen Religion, Gesellschaft und Staat in der Epoche der europäischen Aufklärung ein Einverständnis gefunden worden ist. Diese Sicherheit ist in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten ins Wanken geraten. Im Namen ‘des’ Islam werden Terroranschläge verübt und Kriege geführt. Von vielen Menschen wird ‘der’ Islam als eine Religion wahrgenommen, die nicht zwischen Religion und Zivilgesellschaft unterscheidet und den Friedenszustand gefährdet. Doch gibt es überhaupt ‘den’ Islam oder ‘den’ Koran? Der Islam wird oft in einer problematischen Vereinfachung auf den Koran und den Propheten Muḥammad reduziert. Daraus wird dann der Kurzschluss gezogen, der Islam lasse sich aus diesem Ursprung heraus definieren. Gegen dieses ahistorische Ursprungsdenken und die damit einhergehenden Stereotypen zu ‘dem’ Islam und ‘dem’ Koran bring Reinhard Schulze die Geschichte in Anschlag. Er verfolgt in seiner gelehrten und analytisch präzisen Studie die Geschichte der Entstehung der Schrift Koran über deren sprachliche Verfasstheit (das Arabische) und Intertexte; betrachtet die Offenbarung an Muḥammad aus historischer Perspektive und reflektiert – nicht zuletzt – über die Voraussetzungen und unhinterfragten Prämissen des wissenschaftlichen Diskurses über den Islam – so etwa im Orientalismus des 19. Jahrhunderts, in der Rede von der Religion als anthropologischer Konstante oder neurobiologischer ‘Programmierung’.


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Lake Towuti (2.5°S, 121.5°E) is a long-lived, tectonic lake located on the Island of Sulawesi, Indonesia, and in the center of the Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP). Lake Towuti is connected with upstream lakes Matano and Mahalona through the Mahalona River, which constitutes the largest inlet to the lake. The Mahalona River Delta is prograding into Lake Towuti’s deep northern basin thus exerting significant control on depositional processes in the basin. We combine high-resolution seismic reflection and sedimentological datasets from a 19.8-m-long sediment piston core from the distal edge of this delta to characterize fluctuations in deltaic sedimentation during the past ~29 kyr BP and their relation to climatic change. Our datasets reveal that, in the present, sedimentation is strongly influenced by deposition of laterally transported sediments sourced from the Mahalona River Delta. Variations in the amount of laterally transported sediments, as expressed by coarse fraction amounts in pelagic muds and turbidite recurrence rates and cumulative thicknesses, are primarily a function of lake-level induced delta slope instability and delta progradation into the basin. We infer lowest lake-levels between ~29 and 16, a gradual lake level rise between ~16 and 11, and high lake-levels between ~11 and 0 kyr BP. Periods of highest turbidite deposition, ~26 to 24 and ~18 to 16 kyr BP coincide with Heinrich events 2 and 1, respectively. Our lake-level reconstruction therefore supports previous observations based on geochemical hydroclimate proxies of a very dry last glacial and a wet Holocene in the region, and provides new evidence of millennial-scale variations in moisture balance in the IPWP.