137 resultados para Informal consequences
The availability of recombinant human growth hormone (GH) has resulted in investigation of the role of GH in adulthood and the effects of GH replacement in the GH-deficient adult. These studies have led to the recognition of a specific syndrome of GH-deficiency, characterized by symptoms, signs and investigative findings. Adults with long-standing growth hormone deficiency are often overweight, have altered body composition, with reduced lean body mass (LBM), increased fat mass (FM), reduced total body water and reduced bone mass. In addition, there is reduced physical and cardiac performance, altered substrate metabolism and an abnormal lipid profile predisposing to the development of cardiovascular disease. Adults with GH deficiency report reduced psychological well-being and quality of life. These changes may contribute to the morbidity and premature mortality observed in hypopituitary adults on conventional replacement therapy. GH treatment restores LBM, reduces FM, increases total body water and increases bone mass. Following GH therapy, increases are recorded in exercise capacity and protein synthesis, and "favourable" alterations occur in plasma lipids. In addition, psychological well-being and quality of life improve with replacement therapy. GH is well tolerated; adverse effects are largely related to fluid retention and respond to dose adjustment. It is likely that GH replacement will become standard therapy for the hypopituitary adult in the near future. The benefits of GH replacement in the GH-deficient adult have been unequivocally demonstrated in studies lasting up to 3 years. The results of longer term studies are awaited to determine whether these benefits are sustained over a lifetime.
The multi-BCL-2 homology domain pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family members BAK and BAX have critical roles in apoptosis. They are essential for mitochondrial outer-membrane permeabilization, leading to the release of apoptogenic factors such as cytochrome-c, which promote activation of the caspase cascade and cellular demolition. The BOK protein has extensive amino-acid sequence similarity to BAK and BAX and is expressed in diverse cell types, particularly those of the female reproductive tissues. The BOK-deficient mice have no readily discernible abnormalities, and its function therefore remains unresolved. We hypothesized that BOK may exert functions that overlap with those of BAK and/or BAX and examined this by generating Bok−/−Bak−/− and Bok−/−Bax−/− mice. Combined loss of BOK and BAK did not elicit any noticeable defects, although it remains possible that BOK and BAK have critical roles in developmental cell death that overlap with those of BAX. In most tissues examined, loss of BOK did not exacerbate the abnormalities caused by loss of BAX, such as defects in spermatogenesis or the increase in neuronal populations in the brain and retina. Notably, however, old Bok−/−Bax−/− females had abnormally increased numbers of oocytes from different stages of development, indicating that BOK may have a pro-apoptotic function overlapping with that of BAX in age-related follicular atresia.
The giant tortoises of the Galapagos have become greatly depleted since European discovery of the islands in the 16th Century, with populations declining from an estimated 250000 to between 8000 and 14000 in the 1970s. Successful tortoise conservation efforts have focused on species recovery, but ecosystem conservation and restoration requires a better understanding of the wider ecological consequences of this drastic reduction in the archipelago's only large native herbivore. We report the first evidence from palaeoecological records of coprophilous fungal spores of the formerly more extensive geographical range of giant tortoises in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island. Upland tortoise populations on Santa Cruz declined 500-700years ago, likely the result of human impact or possible climatic change. Former freshwater wetlands, a now limited habitat-type, were found to have converted to Sphagnum bogs concomitant with tortoise loss, subsequently leading to the decline of several now-rare or extinct plant species.
A critical phase in goal striving occurs when setbacks accumulate and goal disengagement becomes an issue. This critical phase is conceptualized as an action crisis and assumed to be characterized by an intrapsychic conflict in which the individual becomes torn between further goal pursuit and goal disengagement. Our theorizing converges with Klinger’s conceptualization of goal disengagement as a process, rather than a discrete event. Two longitudinal field studies tested and found support for the hypothesis that an action crisis not only compromises an individual’s psychological and physiological well-being, but also dampens the cognitive evaluation of the respective goal. In Study 3, marathon runners experiencing an action crisis in their goal of running marathons showed a stronger cortisol secretion and a lower performance in the race 2 weeks later. Results are interpreted in terms of action-phase–specific mindsets with a focus on self-regulatory processes in goal disengagement.
The aim of the present study was to examine the molecular and organism reaction of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, to the combined impact of two environmental stressors. The two stressors were the myxozoan parasite, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, which is the etiological agent of proliferative kidney disease (PKD) and a natural stressor to salmonid populations, and 17β-estradiol (E2) as prototype of estrogen-active chemical stressors in the aquatic environment. Both stressors, the parasite and estrogenic contaminants, co-exist in Swiss rivers and are discussed as factors contributing to the decline of Swiss brown trout populations over the last decades. Using a microarray approach contrasting parasite-infected and non-infected rainbow trout at low or high estrogen levels, it was observed that molecular response patterns under joint exposure differed from those to the single stressors. More specifically, three major response patterns were present: (i) expression responses of gene transcripts to one stressor are weakened by the presence of the second stressor; (ii) expression responses of gene transcripts to one stressor are enhanced by the presence of the second stressor; (iii) expression responses of gene transcripts at joint treatment are dominated by one of the two stressors. Organism-level responses to concurrent E2 and parasite treatment - assessed through measuring parasite loads in the fish host and cumulative mortalities of trout - were dominated by the pathogen, with no modulating influence of E2. The findings reveal function- and level-specific responses of rainbow trout to stressor combinations, which are only partly predictable from the response to the single stressors.
QUESTION UNDER STUDY Handling emergency telephone consultations (ETCs) is a challenging and very important task for doctors. The aims of the study were to document insecurity in medical students during ETCs and to identify the reasons for that insecurity. We hypothesised that insecurity is associated with advising more urgent action (e.g. advice to call for an ambulance) in ETCs. METHODS We used ETCs with simulated patients (SPs), with each student randomly allocated two of four possible cases. After the training, 137 students reported on any insecurity that they had in the various ETC phases. We analysed the reasons for insecurity using descriptive statistics. The association between the students' advice that urgent action was needed and their insecurity was analysed with Spearman rank correlation. RESULTS Overall, 95% of the students felt insecure in at least one phase of their ETC. History taking was the phase in which students felt most insecure (63.1%), followed by the phase of analysing the information given by the patient (44.9%). Perceived insecurity was associated with more urgent advice in one case scenario (abdominal pain; correlation r = 0.46; p <0.01). The other two cases (child with fever; chest pain) also had a positive, but not statistically significant, correlation trend (p <0.12; p <0.08). CONCLUSIONS Insecurity is highly prevalent among medical students in their ETC decision-making. ETC training in medical schools, with a focus on structured history taking and formulating discriminating questions, might help decrease insecurity in ETCs. Medical education should also teach management of insecurity.