188 resultados para Fatal


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Implantation of stents into the bronchial walls is a newly developed method to treat lung emphysema, which is now being tested clinically. During this procedure, a bronchoscope carrying a Doppler ultrasonography head is placed into a segmental bronchus and the blood vessels running in parallel to the bronchus are localized. Once a safe location without blood vessels is found, the bronchial wall is perforated and a stent is placed within the wall to improve the expiratory volume of these "bypasses" to the adjacent lung parenchyma. We observed a fatal complication with this method in a 60-year-old man. The bronchial wall and the pulmonary artery were perforated by one of the stents inducing massive bleeding, which could not be stopped. The patient died due to aspiration of blood in combination with massive loss of blood. The general risk to perforate the pulmonary artery during this procedure cannot be estimated from this single observation but should be considered regarding the legal and clinical aspects.


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Central nervous system aspergillosis is an often fatal complication of invasive Aspergillus infection. Relevant disease models are needed to study the pathophysiology of cerebral aspergillosis and to develop novel therapeutic approaches. This study presents a model of central nervous system aspergillosis that mimics important aspects of human disease. Eleven-day-old non-immunosuppressed male Wistar rats were infected by an intracisternal injection of 10 mul of a conidial suspension of Aspergillus fumigatus. An inoculum of 7.18 log(10) colony-forming units (CFU) consistently produced cerebral infection and resulted in death of all animals (n = 25) within 3-10 days. Median survival time was 3 days. Histomorphologically, all animals developed intracerebral abscesses (2-26 per brain) containing abundant fungal hyphae and neutrophils. Fungal culture of cortical homogenates yielded maximal growth on day 3 after infection (5.4 log(10) CFU/g, n = 15) that declined over time. Galactomannan concentrations in cortical homogenates, assessed as an index for hyphal burden, peaked on days 3-5. Fungal infection spread to peripheral organs in 83% of animals. Fungal burden in lung, liver, spleen and kidney was two orders of magnitude lower than in the brain. The successful establishment of a model of cerebral aspergillosis in a non-immunosuppressed host provides the opportunity to investigate mechanisms of disease and to develop novel treatment regimens for this commonly fatal infection.


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Due to the decomposition of biological material, hydrogen sulphide (H(2)S) is produced. In low concentrations, the well-known smell of "rotten eggs" is associated with H(2)S. In higher concentrations, H(2)S is an odourless and colourless gas that may cause rapid loss of consciousness, neurological and respiratory depression and imminent death-"... like a stroke of lightening". Hydrogen sulphide poisoning is an un-common incident that is often associated with colleague fatalities. In this study, 4 fatal accidents with 10 deceased victims are reported and the morphological and phenomenological aspects are presented. In these cases, the morphological findings, namely, discolouration of the livores, pulmonary pathologies and sub-mucosal or sub-serosal congestion bleeding were found in nearly all cases. Also the impending threat for colleagues, first aid helpers and professional rescue teams is demonstrated. The suspicion of a fatal H(2)S intoxication should be based on a precise scene analysis with respect to the possibility of life-threatening H(2)S intoxication for the helpers, the typical scent of rotten eggs, which may be noted on the corpses and the abovementioned morphological findings. The diagnosis should be confirmed by a qualitative and, if possible, quantitative analysis of H(2)S.


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STUDY DESIGN: A prospective case control study design was conducted. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the current study was to determine the intraoperative radiation hazard to spine surgeons by occupational radiation exposure during percutaneous vertebroplasty and possible consequences with respect to radiation protection. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: The development of minimally invasive surgery techniques has led to an increasing number of fluoroscopically guided procedures being done percutaneously such as vertebroplasty, which is the percutaneous cement augmentation of vertebral bodies. METHODS: Three months of occupational dose data for two spine surgeons was evaluated measuring the radiation doses to the thyroid gland, the upper extremities, and the eyes during vertebroplasty. RESULTS: The annual risk of developing a fatal cancer of the thyroid is 0.0025%, which means a very small to small risk. The annual morbidity (the risk of developing a cancer including nonfatal ones) is 0.025%, which already means a small to medium risk. The dose for the eye lens was about 8% of the threshold dose to develop a radiation induced cataract (150 mSv); therefore, the risk is very low but not negligible. The doses measured for the skin are 10% of the annual effective dose limit (500 mSv) recommended by the ICRP (International Commission on Radiologic Protection); therefore, the annual risk for developing a fatal skin cancer is very low. CONCLUSION: While performing percutaneous vertebroplasty, the surgeon is exposed to a significant amount of radiation. Proper surgical technique and shielding devices to decrease potentially high morbidity are mandatory. Training in radiation protection should be an integral part of the education for all surgeons using minimally invasive radiologic-guided interventional techniques.


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Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and T. b. gambiense are the causative agents of sleeping sickness, a fatal disease that affects 36 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Nevertheless, only a handful of clinically useful drugs are available. These drugs suffer from severe side-effects. The situation is further aggravated by the alarming incidence of treatment failures in several sleeping sickness foci, apparently indicating the occurrence of drug-resistant trypanosomes. Because of these reasons, and since vaccination does not appear to be feasible due to the trypanosomes' ever changing coat of variable surface glycoproteins (VSGs), new drugs are needed urgently. The entry of Trypanosoma brucei into the post-genomic age raises hopes for the identification of novel kinds of drug targets and in turn new treatments for sleeping sickness. The pragmatic definition of a drug target is, a protein that is essential for the parasite and does not have homologues in the host. Such proteins are identified by comparing the predicted proteomes of T. brucei and Homo sapiens, then validated by large-scale gene disruption or gene silencing experiments in trypanosomes. Once all proteins that are essential and unique to the parasite are identified, inhibitors may be found by high-throughput screening. However powerful, this functional genomics approach is going to miss a number of attractive targets. Several current, successful parasiticides attack proteins that have close homologues in the human proteome. Drugs like DFMO or pyrimethamine inhibit parasite and host enzymes alike--a therapeutic window is opened only by subtle differences in the regulation of the targets, which cannot be recognized in silico. Working against the post-genomic approach is also the fact that essential proteins tend to be more highly conserved between species than non-essential ones. Here we advocate drug targeting, i.e. uptake or activation of a drug via parasite-specific pathways, as a chemotherapeutic strategy to selectively inhibit enzymes that have equally sensitive counterparts in the host. The T. brucei purine salvage machinery offers opportunities for both metabolic and transport-based targeting: unusual nucleoside and nucleobase permeases may be exploited for selective import, salvage enzymes for selective activation of purine antimetabolites.


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AIMS: To determine the effect of anti-ischaemic drug therapy on long-term outcomes of asymptomatic patients without coronary artery disease (CAD) history but silent exercise ST-depression. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a randomized multicentre trial, 263 of 522 asymptomatic subjects without CAD but at least one CAD risk factor in whom silent ischaemia by exercise ECG was confirmed by stress imaging were asked to participate. The 54 (21%) consenting patients were randomized to anti-anginal drug therapy in addition to risk factor control (MED, n = 26) or risk factor control-only (RFC, n = 28). They were followed yearly for 11.2 +/- 2.2 years. During 483 patient-years, cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, or acute coronary syndrome requiring hospitalization or revascularization occurred in 3 (12%) of MED vs. 17 (61%) of RFC patients (P < 0.001). In addition, MED patients had consistently lower rates of exercise-induced ischaemia during follow-up, and left ventricular ejection fraction remained unchanged (-0.7%, P = 0.597) in contrast to RFC patients in whom it decreased over time (-6.0%, P = 0.006). CONCLUSION: Anti-ischaemic drug therapy and aspirin seem to reduce cardiac events in subjects with asymptomatic ischaemia type I. In such patients, exercise-induced ST-segment depression should be verified by stress imaging; if silent ischaemia is documented, anti-ischaemic drug therapy and aspirin should be considered.


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Pneumonia continues to be one of the most important infectious diseases which often leads to hospital admissions and is occasionally fatal. The spectrum of causative organisms, their sensitivity pattern to antibiotics, diagnostic tools, and available antibiotics are continually changing. Currently, the most disquieting trend is the increasing development of resistance to commonly used antibiotics by the pneumococcus. Although this trend has thus far been observed primarily in other countries, it will most likely not spare Switzerland. Rational empiric therapy must include careful clinical assessment of the patient, knowledge of the spectrum of organisms locally causing pneumonias, including their resistance patterns, as well as a prognostic assessment of the patient. Using these factors, possible antibiotic schemes for empiric therapy of community-acquired pneumonia are reviewed.


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The clinical manifestations of anti-cancer drug associated cardiac side effects are diverse and can range from acutely induced cardiac arrhythmias to Q-T interval prolongation, changes in coronary vasomotion with consecutive myocardial ischemia, myocarditis, pericarditis, severe contractile dysfunction, and potentially fatal heart failure. The pathophysiology of these adverse effects is similarly heterogeneous and the identification of potential mechanisms is frequently difficult since the majority of cancer patients is not only treated with a multitude of cancer drugs but might also be exposed to potentially cardiotoxic radiation therapy. Some of the targets inhibited by new anti-cancer drugs also appear to be important for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis of normal tissue, in particular during exposure to cytotoxic chemotherapy. If acute chemotherapy-induced myocardial damage is only moderate, the process of myocardial remodeling can lead to progressive myocardial dysfunction over years and eventually induce myocardial dysfunction and heart failure. The tools for diagnosing anti-cancer drug associated cardiotoxicity and monitoring patients during chemotherapy include invasive and noninvasive techniques as well as laboratory investigations and are mostly only validated for anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity and more recently for trastuzumab-associated cardiac dysfunction.


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Pituitary apoplexy, diabetes insipidus, thyroid storm, myxedema coma, parathyrotoxic crisis, hypocalcemia tetany, pheochromocytoma and Addison crisis, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma, hypoglycemia and carcinoid crisis are the most important endocrine crises. Some of them are common, others very rare. All physicians nevertheless need to have at least a basic knowledge of all of them, since symptoms and signs of endocrine crises overlap with those of other severe disease states, and the failure to recognise endocrine crises as such and to begin rapidly the specific therapy can have fatal consequences.


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In her book 'Living on Light', Jasmuheen tries to animate people worldwide to follow her drastic nutrition rules in order to boost their quality of life. Several deaths have been reported as a fatal consequence. A doctor of chemistry who believably claimed to have been 'living on light' for 2 years, except for the daily intake of up to 1.5 l of fluid containing no or almost no calories was interested in a scientific study on this phenomenon. PARTICIPANT AND METHODS: The 54-year-old man was subjected to a rigorous 10-day isolation study with complete absence of nutrition. During the study he obtained an unlimited amount of tea and mineral water but had no caloric intake. Parameters to monitor his metabolic and psychological state and vital parameters were measured regularly and the safety of the individual was ensured throughout the study. The subject agreed on these terms and the study was approved by the local ethics committee.


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OBJECTIVES: Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) was initially described as an uncommon and usually fatal disorder. With effective treatment it is more frequently diagnosed, the clinical presentations are more diverse, and long-term sequelae are becoming recognized. METHODS: Patient data are from The Oklahoma TTP-hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) Registry, an inception cohort of 348 consecutive patients with their first episode of clinically diagnosed TTP or HUS, 1989-2006. The Registry enrolls all patients in a defined region who are diagnosed with TTP or HUS and for whom plasma exchange treatment is requested. ADAMTS13 activity has been analyzed on 235 (93%) of 254 patients since 1995 at the University of Berne, Switzerland. Patients are described by clinical categories, related to their associated conditions and clinically apparent etiologies, and by the presence of severe ADAMTS13 deficiency. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The clinical spectrum of syndromes described as TTP is variable with multiple etiologies. Advances in clinical and laboratory investigation have provided better understanding of the pathogenesis of these syndromes, their clinical evaluation and management, and their long-term outcomes. In addition to new information about TTP, these studies provide a model for translational research to define the complete community spectrum of uncommon disorders.


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Coronary aneurysm formation after drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation is a rare complication with late stent thrombosis as a potentially fatal sequela. One possible mechanism involved in aneurysm formation is thought to be late-acquired stent malapposition due to a local inflammatory response to the polymer and/or the drug. Coronary aneurysm formation has been documented with sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting stents. We report a case of coronary aneurysm formation in a patient with an everolimus-eluting stent (EES; Xience(R) Abbott Vascular, Redwood City, California) relatively early (3 months) after stent implantation. This case illustrates that even with second-generation DES like the EES, which is thought to be highly biocompatible, there can be adverse reactions to the polymer and/or to the drug.


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OBJECT: Disturbed ionic and neurotransmitter homeostasis are now recognized as probably the most important mechanisms contributing to the development of secondary brain swelling after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Evidence obtained in animal models indicates that posttraumatic neuronal excitation by excitatory amino acids leads to an increase in extracellular potassium, probably due to ion channel activation. The purpose of this study was therefore to measure dialysate potassium in severely head injured patients and to correlate these results with measurements of intracranial pressure (ICP), patient outcome, and levels of dialysate glutamate and lactate, and cerebral blood flow (CBF) to determine the role of ischemia in this posttraumatic ion dysfunction. METHODS: Eighty-five patients with severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale Score < 8) were treated according to an intensive ICP management-focused protocol. All patients underwent intracerebral microdialyis. Dialysate potassium levels were analyzed using flame photometry, and dialysate glutamate and dialysate lactate levels were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography and an enzyme-linked amperometric method in 72 and 84 patients, respectively. Cerebral blood flow studies (stable xenon computerized tomography scanning) were performed in 59 patients. In approximately 20% of the patients, dialysate potassium values were increased (dialysate potassium > 1.8 mM) for 3 hours or more. A mean amount of dialysate potassium greater than 2 mM throughout the entire monitoring period was associated with ICP above 30 mm Hg and fatal outcome, as were progressively rising levels of dialysate potassium. The presence of dialysate potassium correlated positively with dialysate glutamate (p < 0.0001) and lactate (p < 0.0001) levels. Dialysate potassium was significantly inversely correlated with reduced CBF (p = 0.019). CONCLUSIONS: Dialysate potassium was increased after TBI in 20% of measurements. High levels of dialysate potassium were associated with increased ICP and poor outcome. The simultaneous increase in dialysate potassium, together with dialysate glutamate and lactate, supports the concept that glutamate induces ionic flux and consequently increases ICP, which the authors speculate may be due to astrocytic swelling. Reduced CBF was also significantly correlated with increased levels of dialysate potassium. This may be due to either cell swelling or altered vasoreactivity in cerebral blood vessels caused by higher levels of potassium after trauma. Additional studies in which potassium-sensitive microelectrodes are used are needed to validate these ionic events more clearly.


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Disturbed ionic and neurotransmitter homeostasis are now recognized to be probably the most important mechanisms contributing to the development of secondary brain swelling after traumatic brian injury (TBI). Evidence obtained from animal models indicates that posttraumatic neuronal excitation via excitatory amino acids leads to an increase in extracellular potassium, probably due to ion channel activation. The purpose of this study was therefore to measure dialysate potassium in severely head injured patients and to correlate these results with intracranial pressure (ICP), outcome, and also with the levels of dialysate glutamate, lactate, and cerebral blood flow (CBF) so as to determine the role of ischemia in this posttraumatic ionic dysfunction. Eighty-five patients with severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale score < 8) were treated according to an intensive ICP management-focused protocol. All patients underwent intracerebral microdialyis. Dialysate potassium levels were analyzed by flame photometry, as were dialysate glutamate and dialysate lactate levels, which were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography and an enzyme-linked amperometric method in 72 and 84 patients respectively. Cerebral blood flow studies (stable Xenon--computerized tomography scanning) were performed in 59 patients. In approximately 20% of the patients, potassium values were increased (dialysate potassium > 1.8 mmol). Mean dialysate potassium (> 2 mmol) was associated with ICP above 30 mm Hg and fatal outcome. Dialysate potassium correlated positively with dialysate glutamate (p < 0.0001) and lactate levels (p < 0.0001). Dialysate potassium was significantly inversely correlated with reduced CBF (p = 0.019). Dialysate potassium was increased after TBI in 20% of measurements. High levels of dialysate potassium were associated with increased ICP and poor outcome. The simultaneous increase of potassium, together with dialysate glutamate and lactate, supports the hypothesis that glutamate induces ionic flux and consequently increases ICP due to astrocytic swelling. Reduced CBF was also significantly correlated with increased levels of dialysate potassium. This may be due to either cell swelling or altered potassium reactivity in cerebral blood vessels after trauma.


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STUDY DESIGN: In vitro testing of vertebroplasty techniques including pulsed jet-lavage for fat and marrow removal in human cadaveric lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. OBJECTIVE: To develop jet-lavage techniques for vertebroplasty and investigate their effect on cement distribution, injection forces, and fat embolism. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: The main complications of cement vertebroplasty are cement leakage and pulmonary fat embolism, which can have fatal consequences and are difficult to prevent reliably by current vertebroplasty techniques. METHODS: Twenty-four vertebrae (Th8-L04) from 5 osteoporotic cadaver spines were grouped in triplets depending on bone mineral density (BMD). Before polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) vertebroplasty, a pulsatile jet-lavage for removal of intertrabecular fat and bone marrow was performed in 2 groups with 8 specimens each, performing radial and axial irrigation from the biopsy needles. One hundred mL of Ringer solution were injected through 1 pedicle and regained by low vacuum via the contralateral pedicle. Eight control vertebrae were not irrigated. All specimens underwent standardized PMMA cement augmentation injecting 20% of the vertebral volume. Injection forces, cement distribution, and extravasations were quantified. RESULTS: All irrigation solution could be retrieved with the vacuum applied. A Kruskal-Wallis test revealed significantly higher injection forces of the control group as compared with the irrigated groups (P = 0.021). Dilatation of the syringe at forces above 300 N occurred in 75% of the untreated compared with 12.5% of the lavaged specimens. CT distribution analysis showed more homogenous cement distribution of the cement and significantly less extravasation in the irrigated specimens. CONCLUSION: The developed lavage technique for vertebroplasty showed to be feasible and reproducible. The reduction of injection forces would allow the use of more viscous PMMA cement lowering the risk for cement embolization and results in a safer procedure. The wash-out of bone marrow and the possible reduction of pulmonary fat embolism have to be verified with in vivo models.