132 resultados para lower urinary tract symptoms
Pollakisuria in adult goats can be caused by diseases of the urinary tract and by distension of parts of the genital tract leading to irritation of the bladder. Hydrometra is the most common cause of uterine distension in goats and usually can be resolved by prostaglandin injections. But other pathologies of the uterus can generate a similar syndrome. A dwarf goat was presented at the clinic with a history of chronic pollakisuria and tenesm. An initial ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen led to the suspicion of hydrometra, but treatment with injections of prostaglandin were not successful. Blood samples revealed low progesterone and high oestrogen values. A laparotomy was performed and an enlarged uterus with 1.5 L of mucous content and cystic ovaries were found and partially removed. A single solid leiomyoma was diagnosed histologically in the uterine wall. Two months later the goat's condition had deteriorated and therefore she was euthanized. Necropsy and pathohistological examination revealed the presence of a metastasized adenocarcinoma of the uterus. In this case, the pollakisuria provoqued by distension of the uterus was not caused by hydrometra, but by neoplasia. The syndrome and the pathogenesis of the adenocarcinoma in consideration of the hormonal status of the patient is discussed.
Four studies, including two being published as an abstract, have recently demonstrated the feasibility of oral treatment of pyelonephritis in children, with no increased risk of treatment failure, early urinary tract re-infection, or renal scars. To do so, the pediatrician must ensure that: (1) the patient does not appear toxic, has no vomiting; (2) there is no known severe obstructive or refluxing uropathy and (3) parents are deemed to be adherent to the treatment. If these criteria are fulfilled, the pediatrician can start an oral treatment with a 3rd generation cephalosporine for 10 to 14 days. Ambulatory follow-up is crucial, and persistance of fever after 3 days is a reason for a new outpatient visit, additional or supplementary imaging studies (renal ultrasonography) and eventually a switch to intravenous treatment.
Diabetic nephropathy and end-stage renal failure are still a major cause of mortality amongst patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). In this study, we evaluated the Clinitek-Microalbumin (CM) screening test strip for the detection of microalbuminuria (MA) in a random morning spot urine in comparison with the quantitative assessment of albuminuria in the timed overnight urine collection ("gold standard"). One hundred thirty-four children, adolescents, and young adults with insulin-dependent DM Type 1 were studied at 222 outpatient visits. Because of urinary tract infection and/or haematuria, the data of 13 visits were excluded. Finally, 165 timed overnight urine were collected in the remaining 209 visits (79% sample per visit rate). Ten (6.1%) patients presented MA of > or =15 microg/min. In comparison however, 200 spot urine could be screened (96% sample/visit rate) yielding a significant increase in compliance and screening rate (P<.001, McNemar test). Furthermore, at 156 occasions, the gold standard and CM could be directly compared. The sensitivity and the specificity for CM in the spot urine (cut-off > or =30 mg albumin/l) were 0.89 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.56-0.99] and 0.73 (CI 0.66-0.80), respectively. The positive and negative predictive value were 0.17 (CI 0.08-0.30) and 0.99 (CI 0.95-1.00), respectively. Considering CM albumin-to-creatinine ratio, the results were poorer than with the albumin concentration alone. Using CM instead of quantitative assessment of albuminuria is not cost-effective (35 US dollars versus 60 US dollars/patient/year). In conclusion, to exclude MA, the CM used in the random spot urine is reliable and easy to handle, but positive screening results of > or =30 mg albumin/l must be confirmed by analyses in the timed overnight collected urine. Although the screening compliance is improved, in terms of analysing random morning spot urine for MA, we cannot recommend CM in a paediatric diabetic outpatient setting because the specificity is far too low.
RATIONALE: Structural alterations to airway smooth muscle (ASM) are a feature of asthma and cystic fibrosis (CF) in adults. OBJECTIVES: We investigated whether increase in ASM mass is already present in children with chronic inflammatory lung disease. METHODS: Fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed in 78 children (median age [IQR], 11.3 [8.5-13.8] yr): 24 with asthma, 27 with CF, 16 with non-CF bronchiectasis (BX), and 11 control children without lower respiratory tract disease. Endobronchial biopsy ASM content and myocyte number and size were quantified using stereology. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The median (IQR) volume fraction of subepithelial tissue occupied by ASM was increased in the children with asthma (0.27 [0.12-0.49]; P < 0.0001), CF (0.12 [0.06-0.21]; P < 0.01), and BX (0.16 [0.04-0.21]; P < 0.01) compared with control subjects (0.04 [0.02-0.05]). ASM content was related to bronchodilator responsiveness in the asthmatic group (r = 0.66, P < 0.01). Median (IQR) myocyte number (cells per mm(2) of reticular basement membrane) was 8,204 (5,270-11,749; P < 0.05) in children with asthma, 4,504 (2,838-8,962; not significant) in children with CF, 4,971 (3,476-10,057; not significant) in children with BX, and 1,944 (1,596-6,318) in control subjects. Mean (SD) myocyte size (mum(3)) was 3,344 (801; P < 0.01) in children with asthma, 3,264 (809; P < 0.01) in children with CF, 3,177 (873; P < 0.05) in children with BX, and 1,927 (386) in control subjects. In all disease groups, the volume fraction of ASM in subepithelial tissue was related to myocyte number (asthma: r = 0.84, P < 0.001; CF: r = 0.81, P < 0.01; BX: r = 0.95, P < 0.001), but not to myocyte size. CONCLUSIONS: Increases in ASM (both number and size) occur in children with chronic inflammatory lung diseases that include CF, asthma, and BX.
BACKGROUND: Acute bronchiolitis is the most common lower respiratory tract infection in infants and there is no evidence that drug treatment alters its natural course. Despite this, most Swiss paediatricians reported in 2001 prescribing bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). This situation led to the creation of national guidelines followed by a tailored implementation programme. The aim of this study was to examine if treatment practices changed after the implementation of the new guidelines. METHODS: A questionnaire on treatment of bronchiolitis was sent to all Swiss paediatricians before (2001) and after (2006) creation and implementation of national guidelines (2003-2005). Guidelines were created in collaboration with all paediatric pulmonologists and implemented carefully using a multifaceted approach. RESULTS: Questionnaires were returned by 541 paediatricians (58%) in 2001 and by 639 (54%) in 2006. While both surveys showed a wide variation in the treatment of bronchiolitis between physicians, reported drug prescription decreased significantly between the two surveys. For outpatients, general use (for all patients) of bronchodilators dropped from 60% to 23%, and general use of ICS from 34% to 6%. For inpatients, general use of bronchodilators and ICS dropped from 55% to 18% and from 26% to 6%, respectively (all p<0.001). The decrease was evident in all regions, among hospital and primary care physicians, and among general paediatricians and paediatric pulmonologists. CONCLUSIONS: National guidelines together with a tailored implementation programme can have a major impact on medical management practices in a country.
PURPOSE: We evaluated the impact of stenting the ureteroileal anastomosis on its competence, upper urinary tract dilatation, gastrointestinal recovery, metabolic parameters and patency rate after cystectomy with ileal bladder substitution or ileal conduit. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 54 patients (37 with an ileal bladder substitute and 17 with an ileal conduit) were prospectively randomized into 2 groups, with (29) or without (25) perioperative stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis. In all cases an end-to-side ureteroileal refluxing anastomosis was performed. The stents were removed after 5 to 10 days. The parameters assessed postoperative days 1, 3 and 7 were creatinine concentration from the wound drains, upper urinary tract dilatation, time to bowel function recovery, serum creatinine, as well as urea and incidence of metabolic acidosis. RESULTS: Median patient age was 68 years (range 45 to 85). Urine leak on postoperative day 1 was more frequent in those anastomoses without stents, and on postoperative days 3 and 7 the values were comparable. Stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis resulted in significantly decreased early postoperative upper urinary tract dilatation, improved recovery of bowel function and decreased metabolic acidosis. In either group no patient had clinical evidence of ureteroileal anastomotic stricture during the early postoperative period. Three patients with perioperative stenting required surgical or endoscopic treatment for a stricture of the ureteroileal anastomosis during the 12-month followup. CONCLUSIONS: Stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis allows for significantly less frequent incidence of early postoperative dilatation of the pelvicaliceal system, bowel activity resumes significantly earlier and metabolic acidosis is significantly less frequent.
Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is an important nuclear receptor xenosensor that regulates the expression of metabolic enzymes and transporters involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics and endobiotics. In this study, ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled with electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS), revealed altered urinary metabolomes in both Pxr-null and wild-type mice treated with the mouse PXR activator pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN). Multivariate data analysis revealed that PCN significantly attenuated the urinary vitamin E metabolite alpha-carboxyethyl hydroxychroman (CEHC) glucuronide together with a novel metabolite in wild-type but not Pxr-null mice. Deconjugation experiments with beta-glucuronidase and beta-glucosidase suggested that the novel urinary metabolite was gamma-CEHC beta-D-glucoside (Glc). The identity of gamma-CEHC Glc was confirmed by chemical synthesis and by comparing tandem mass fragmentation of the urinary metabolite with the authentic standard. The lower urinary CEHC was likely due to PXR-mediated repression of hepatic sterol carrier protein 2 involved in peroxisomal beta-oxidation of branched-chain fatty acids (BCFA). Using a combination of metabolomic analysis and a genetically modified mouse model, this study revealed that activation of PXR results in attenuated levels of the two vitamin E conjugates, and identification of a novel vitamin E metabolite, gamma-CEHC Glc. Activation of PXR results in attenuated levels of the two vitamin E conjugates that may be useful as biomarkers of PXR activation.
Rational outpatient therapy restricts antibiotics to infections where they are beneficial and selects substances based on local resistance patterns. Respiratory tract infections typically caused by viruses should not be treated with antibiotics (e.g., rhinitis, bronchitis, sinusitis). Many respiratory infections likely caused by bacteria can be treated with aminopenicillin, sometimes combined with a beta-lactamase inhibitor. Quinolones should be used only as exception for respiratory tract infections, since resistance is rising. For this reason uncomplicated urinary tract infections (cystitis) should be treated with trimethoprim-sulfa-methoxazole (TMP-SMX) instead of quinolones, even though approximately 20% of Escherichia coli are resistant to TMP-SMX. Skin and soft tissue infections are best treated with beta-lactam antibiotics, as long as the community acquired methicillin-resistant strains of S. aureus frequently seen in certain countries remain uncommon here.
Forty Escherichia coli strains isolated primarily from neonatal meningitis, urinary tract infections and feces were screened for the presence of virulence genes with a newly developed microarray on the array tube format. A total of 32 gene probes specific for extraintestinal as well as intestinal E. coli pathotypes were included. Eighty-eight percent of the analyzed strains were positive for the K1-specific probe on the microarray and could be confirmed with a specific antiserum against the K1 capsular polysaccharide. The gene for the hemin receptor ChuA was predominantly found in 95% of strains. Other virulence genes associated with K1 and related strains were P, S, and F1C fimbriae specific for extraintestinal E. coli, the genes for aerobactin, the alpha-hemolysin and the cytotoxic necrotizing factor. In two strains, the O157-specific catalase gene and the gene for the low-molecular-weight heat-stable toxin AstA were detected, respectively. A total of 19 different virulence gene patterns were observed. No correlation was observed between specific virulence gene patterns and a clinical outcome. The data indicate that virulence genes typical of extraintestinal E. coli are predominantly present in K1 strains. Nevertheless, some of them can carry virulence genes known to be characteristic of intestinal E. coli. The distribution and combination of virulence genes show that K1 isolates constitute a heterogeneous group of E. coli.
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed on a total of 581 clinical Escherichia coli isolates from diarrhea and edema disease in pigs, from acute mastitis in dairy cattle, from urinary tract infections in dogs and cats, and from septicemia in laying hens collected in Switzerland between 1999 and 2001. Among the 16 antimicrobial agents tested, resistance was most frequent for sulfonamides, tetracycline, and streptomycin. Isolates from swine presented significantly more resistance than those from the other animal species. The distribution of the resistance determinants for sulfonamides, tetracycline, and streptomycin was assessed by hybridization and PCR in resistant isolates. Significant differences in the distribution of resistance determinants for tetracycline (tetA, tetB) and sulfonamides (sulII) were observed between the isolates from swine and those from the other species. Resistance to sulfonamides could not be explained by known resistance mechanisms in more than a quarter of the sulfonamide-resistant and sulfonamide-intermediate isolates from swine, dogs and cats. This finding suggests that one or several new resistance mechanisms for sulfonamides may be widespread among E. coli isolates from these animal species. The integrase gene (intI) from class I integrons was detected in a large proportion of resistant isolates in association with the sulI and aadA genes, thus demonstrating the importance of integrons in the epidemiology of resistance in clinical E. coli isolates from animals.
Background Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) represents a chronic progressive interstitial nephritis in striking correlation with uroepithelial tumours of the upper urinary tract. The disease has endemic distribution in the Danube river regions in several Balkan countries. DNA methylation is a primary epigenetic modification that is involved in major processes such as cancer, genomic imprinting, gene silencing, etc. The significance of CpG island methylation status in normal development, cell differentiation and gene expression is widely recognized, although still stays poorly understood. Methods We performed whole genome DNA methylation array analysis on DNA pool samples from peripheral blood from 159 affected individuals and 170 healthy individuals. This technique allowed us to determine the methylation status of 27 627 CpG islands throughout the whole genome in healthy controls and BEN patients. Thus we obtained the methylation profile of BEN patients from Bulgarian and Serbian endemic regions. Results Using specifically developed software we compared the methylation profiles of BEN patients and corresponding controls and revealed the differently methylated regions. We then compared the DMRs between all patient-control pairs to determine common changes in the epigenetic profiles. SEC61G, IL17RA, HDAC11 proved to be differently methylated throughout all patient-control pairs. The CpG islands of all 3 genes were hypomethylated compared to controls. This suggests that dysregulation of these genes involved in immunological response could be a common mechanism in BEN pathogenesis in both endemic regions and in both genders. Conclusion Our data propose a new hypothesis that immunologic dysregulation has a place in BEN etiopathogenesis. Keywords: Epigenetics; Whole genome array analysis; Balkan endemic nephropathy
BACKGROUND Chronic kidney disease is associated with an increased risk of cancer, but whether reduced kidney function also leads to increased cancer mortality is uncertain. The aim of our study was to assess the independent effects of reduced kidney function on the risk of cancer deaths. STUDY DESIGN Prospective population-based cohort study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS Participants of the Blue Mountains Eye Study (n=4,077; aged 49-97 years). PREDICTOR Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). OUTCOMES Overall and site-specific cancer mortality. RESULTS During a median follow-up of 12.8 (IQR, 8.6-15.8) years, 370 cancer deaths were observed in our study cohort. For every 10-mL/min/1.73 m(2) reduction in eGFR, there was an increase in cancer-specific mortality of 18% in the fully adjusted model (P<0.001). Compared with participants with eGFR ≥ 60 mL/min/1.73 m(2), the adjusted HR for cancer-specific mortality for those with eGFR<60 mL/min/1.73 m(2) was 1.27 (95% CI, 1.00-1.60; P=0.05). This excess cancer mortality varied with site, with the greatest risk for breast and urinary tract cancer deaths (adjusted HRs of 1.99 [95% CI, 1.05-3.85; P=0.01] and 2.54 [95% CI, 1.02-6.44; P=0.04], respectively). LIMITATIONS Residual confounding, such as from unmeasured socioeconomic factors and the potential effects of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents on cancer deaths, may have occurred. CONCLUSIONS eGFR<60 mL/min/1.73m(2) appears to be a significant risk factor for death from cancer. These effects appear to be site specific, with breast and urinary tract cancers incurring the greatest risk of death among those with reduced kidney function.
Background Infections with vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) are a growing concern in hospitals. The impact of vancomycin resistance in enterococcal urinary tract infection is not well-defined. Aim To describe the epidemiology of enterococcal bacteriuria in a hospital and compare the clinical picture and patient outcomes depending on vancomycin resistance. Methods This was a 6-month prospective cohort study of hospital patients who were admitted with or who developed enterococcal bacteriuria in a 1250-bed tertiary care hospital. We examined clinical presentation, diagnostic work-up, management, and outcomes. Findings We included 254 patients with enterococcal bacteriuria; 160 (63%) were female and median age was 65 years (range: 17–96). A total of 116 (46%) bacteriurias were hospital-acquired and 145 (57%) catheter-associated. Most patients presented with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) (119; 47%) or pyelonephritis (64; 25%); 51 (20%) had unclassifiable bacteriuria and 20 (8%) had cystitis. Secondary bloodstream infection was detected in 8 (3%) patients. Seventy of 119 (59%) with ASB received antibiotics (mostly vancomycin). There were 74 (29%) VRE bacteriurias. VRE and vancomycin-susceptible enterococci (VSE) produced similar rates of pyelonephritis [19 (25%) vs 45 (25%); P = 0.2], cystitis, and ASB. Outcomes such as ICU transfer [10 (14%) VRE vs 17 (9%) VSE; P = 0.3], hospital length of stay (6.8 vs 5.0 days; P = 0.08), and mortality [10 (14%) vs 13 (7%); P = 0.1] did not vary with vancomycin susceptibility. Conclusions Vancomycin resistance did not affect the clinical presentation nor did it impact patient outcomes in this cohort of inpatients with enterococcal bacteriuria. Almost half of our cohort had enterococcal ASB; more than 50% of these asymptomatic patients received unnecessary antibiotics. Antimicrobial stewardship efforts should address overtreatment of enterococcal bacteriurias.
Background Escherichia coli is a common cause of asymptomatic and symptomatic bacteriuria in hospitalized patients. Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) is frequently treated with antibiotics without a clear indication. Our goal was to determine patient and pathogen factors suggestive of ASB. Methods We conducted a 12-month prospective cohort study of adult inpatients with E. coli bacteriuria seen at a tertiary care hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Urine cultures were taken at the discretion of treating physicians. Bacterial isolates were tested for 14 putative virulence genes using high-throughput dot-blot hybridization. Results The median age of the 287 study patients was 65 (19–101) years; 78% were female. Seventy percent had community-acquired bacteriuria. One-hundred ten (38.3%) patients had ASB and 177 (61.7%) had symptomatic urinary tract infection (sUTI). Asymptomatic patients were more likely than symptomatic patients to have congestive heart failure (p = 0.03), a history of myocardial infarction (p = 0.01), chronic pulmonary disease (p = 0.045), peripheral vascular disease (p = 0.04), and dementia (p = 0.03). Patients with sUTI were more likely to be neutropenic at the time of bacteriuria (p = 0.046). Chronic pulmonary disease [OR 2.1 (95% CI 1.04, 4.1)] and dementia [OR 2.4 (95% CI 1.02, 5.8)] were independent predictors for asymptomatic bacteriuria. Absence of pyuria was not predictive of ASB. None of the individual virulence genes tested were associated with ASB nor was the total number of genes. Conclusions Asymptomatic E. coli bacteriuria in hospitalized patients was frequent and more common in patients with dementia and chronic pulmonary disease. Bacterial virulence factors could not discriminate symptomatic from asymptomatic bacteriurias. Asymptomatic E. coli bacteriuria cannot be predicted by virulence screening.
Neutrophils recruited to the postischemic kidney contribute to the pathogenesis of ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), which is the most common cause of renal failure among hospitalized patients. The Slit family of secreted proteins inhibits chemotaxis of leukocytes by preventing activation of Rho-family GTPases, suggesting that members of this family might modulate the recruitment of neutrophils and the resulting IRI. Here, in static and microfluidic shear assays, Slit2 inhibited multiple steps required for the infiltration of neutrophils into tissue. Specifically, Slit2 blocked the capture and firm adhesion of human neutrophils to inflamed vascular endothelial barriers as well as their subsequent transmigration. To examine whether these observations were relevant to renal IRI, we administered Slit2 to mice before bilateral clamping of the renal pedicles. Assessed at 18 hours after reperfusion, Slit2 significantly inhibited renal tubular necrosis, neutrophil and macrophage infiltration, and rise in plasma creatinine. In vitro, Slit2 did not impair the protective functions of neutrophils, including phagocytosis and superoxide production, and did not inhibit neutrophils from killing the extracellular pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. In vivo, administration of Slit2 did not attenuate neutrophil recruitment or bacterial clearance in mice with ascending Escherichia coli urinary tract infections and did not increase the bacterial load in the livers of mice infected with the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. Collectively, these results suggest that Slit2 may hold promise as a strategy to combat renal IRI without compromising the protective innate immune response.