148 resultados para groin pain treatment,sports hernia,athletic pubalgia,groin disruption injury,hip arthroscopy


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The available literature consistently shows increased pain sensitivity after sensory stimulation of healthy tissues in patients who have various chronic pain conditions. This indicates a state of hypersensitivity of the CNS that amplifies the nociceptive input arising from damaged tissues. Experimental data indicate that central hypersensitivity is probably induced primarily by nociceptive input arising from a diseased tissue. In patients, imbalance of descending modulatory systems connected with psychologic distress may play a role. There is experimental support in animal studies for the persistence of central hypersensitivity after complete resolution of tissue damage. This is particularly true for neuropathic pain conditions, whereby potentially irreversible plasticity changes of the CNS have been documented in animal studies. Whether such changes are present in musculoskeletal pain states is at present uncertain. Despite the likely importance of central hypersensitivity in the pathophysiology of chronic pain, this mechanism should not be used to justify the lack of understanding on the anatomic origin of the pain complaints in several pain syndromes, which is mostly due to limitations of the available diagnostic tools. Treatment strategies for central hypersensitivity in patients have been investigated mostly in neuropathic pain states. Possible therapy modalities for central hypersensitivity in chronic pain of musculoskeletal origin are largely unexplored. The limited evidence available and everyday practice show, at best, modest efficacy of the available treatment modalities for central hypersensitivity. The gap between basic knowledge and clinical benefits remains large and should stimulate further intensive research.


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BACKGROUND: Recent advances in the understanding of the anatomy and function of the acetabular labrum suggest that it is important for normal joint function. We found no available data regarding whether labral refixation after treatment of femoro-acetabular impingement affects the clinical and radiographic results. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical and radiographic results of fifty-two patients (sixty hips) with femoro-acetabular impingement who underwent arthrotomy and surgical dislocation of the hip to allow trimming of the acetabular rim and femoral osteochondroplasty. In the first twenty-five hips, the torn labrum was resected (Group 1); in the next thirty-five hips, the intact portion of the labrum was reattached to the acetabular rim (Group 2). At one and two years postoperatively, the Merle d'Aubigné clinical score and the Tönnis arthrosis classification system were used to compare the two groups. RESULTS: At one year postoperatively, both groups showed a significant improvement in their clinical scores (mainly pain reduction) compared with their preoperative values (p = 0.0003 for Group 1 and p < 0.0001 for Group 2). At two years postoperatively, 28% of the hips in Group 1 (labral resection) had an excellent result, 48% had a good result, 20% had a moderate result, and 4% had a poor result. In contrast, in Group 2 (labral reattachment), 80% of the hips had an excellent result, 14% had a good result, and 6% had a moderate result. Comparison of the clinical scores between the two groups revealed significantly better outcomes for Group 2 at one year (p = 0.0001) and at two years (p = 0.01). Radiographic signs of osteoarthritis were significantly more prevalent in Group 1 than in Group 2 at one year (p = 0.02) and at two years (p = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS: Patients treated with labral refixation recovered earlier and had superior clinical and radiographic results when compared with patients who had undergone resection of a torn labrum. Although the results must be considered preliminary, we now recommend refixation of the intact portion of the labrum after trimming of the acetabular rim during surgical treatment of femoro-acetabular impingement.


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Cement augmentation using PMMA cement is known as an efficient treatment for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures with a rapid release of pain in most patients and prevention of an ongoing kyphotic deformity of the vertebrae treated. However, after a vertebroplasty there is no chance to restore vertebral height. Using the technique of kyphoplasty a certain restoration of vertebral body height can be achieved. But there is a limitation of recovery due to loss of correction when deflating the kyphoplastic ballon and before injecting the cement. In addition, the instruments used are quite expensive. Lordoplasty is another technique to restore kyphosis by indirect fracture reduction as it is used with an internal fixateur. The fractured and the adjacent vertebrae are instrumented with bone cannulas bipediculary and the adjacent vertebrae are augmentated with cement. After curing of the cement the fractured vertebra is reduced by applying a lordotic moment via the cannulas. While maintaining the pretension the fractured vertebra is reinforced. We performed a prospective trial of 26 patients with a lordoplastic procedure. There was a pain relief of about 87% and a significant decrease in VAS value from 7.3 to 1.9. Due to lordoplasty there was a significant and permanent correction in vertebral and segmental kyphotic angle about 15.2 degrees and 10.0 degrees , respectively and also a significant restoration in anterior and mid vertebral height. Lordoplasty is a minimal invasive technique to restore vertebral body height. An immediate relief of pain is achieved in most patients. The procedure is safe and cost effective.


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PURPOSE: We evaluated the incidence and clinical relevance of alternate or additional findings on unenhanced CT in patients with acute flank pain and suspected urinary calculi. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A consecutive series of 1,500 patients underwent unenhanced CT due to acute flank pain. The absence or presence of urinary tract calculi and their localization were recorded. Alternate or additional CT findings were classified according to whether they required immediate or deferred treatment, or were of little or no clinical importance. RESULTS: Of the 1,500 patients 1,035 (69%) had urinary tract calculi, including 309 (30%) with nephrolithiasis, 377 (36%) with ureterolithiasis and 349 (34%) with the 2 conditions. Urolithiasis alone was found in 331 of these patients (32%) and additional pathological conditions were noted in 704 (68%). Of all patients 1,064 (71%) had other or additional CT findings. Of all patients 207 (14%) had nonstone related CT findings requiring immediate or deferred treatment, 464 (31%) had pathological conditions of little clinical importance and 393 (26%) had pathological conditions of no clinical relevance. CT was normal in 105 of all patients (7%). CONCLUSIONS: Unenhanced CT in patients with acute flank pain allows the accurate diagnosis of urinary stone disease and it can also provide further important information leading to emergency or deferred treatment in a substantial number of patients.


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BACKGROUND: New equipment and techniques in winter sports, such as carving skis and snowboards, have brought up new trauma patterns into the spectrum of leisure trauma. The injuries resemble high-energy trauma known from road crashes. The aim of the present study was to assess the incidence of acute traumatic descending aortic rupture in recreational skiing-crashes. MATERIAL: Between January 1995 and December 2004, 22 patients were admitted to our hospital for aortic rupture. Four patients had skiing crashes (18.2%). Mean age was 31 years, all patients were male. In two cases, aortic rupture was associated with fractures of the upper and lower extremities. One patient additionally had a cerebral contusion with an initial Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13. In two patients, isolated aortic rupture was diagnosed. RESULTS: Two patients were treated by graft interposition, and one by endograft. One patient arrived under mechanical resuscitation without blood pressure. He died at admission. He had been observed for 5 hours in another hospital, complaining of severe intrascapular back pain, before transport to our trauma unit for unknown bleeding. In the other three cases, treatment was successful. CONCLUSION: Rescue services and paramedics should be aware of this new type of injury. Acute aortic rupture has to be considered as possible injury in high velocity skiing crashes.


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BACKGROUND: Neonates in a neonatal intensive care unit are exposed to a high number of painful procedures. Since repeated and sustained pain can have consequences for the neurological and behaviour-oriented development of the newborn, the greatest attention needs to be paid to systematic pain management in neonatology. Non-pharmacological treatment methods are being increasingly discussed with regard to pain prevention and relief either alone or in combination with pharmacological treatment. AIMS: To identify effective non-pharmacological interventions with regard to procedural pain in neonates. METHODS: A literature search was conducted via the MedLine, CINAHL, Cochrane Library databases and complemented by a handsearch. The literature search covered the period from 1984 to 2004. Data were extracted according to pre-defined criteria by two independent reviewers and methodological quality was assessed. RESULTS: 13 randomised controlled studies and two meta-analyses were taken into consideration with regard to the question of current nursing practice of non-pharmacological pain management methods. The selected interventions were "non-nutritive sucking", "music", "swaddling", "positioning", "olfactory and multisensorial stimulation", "kangaroo care" and "maternal touch". There is evidence that the methods of "non-nutritive sucking", "swaddling" and "facilitated tucking" do have a pain-alleviating effect on neonates. CONCLUSIONS: Some of the non-pharmacological interventions have an evident favourable effect on pulse rate, respiration and oxygen saturation, on the reduction of motor activity, and on the excitation states after invasive measures. However, unambiguous evidence of this still remains to be presented. Further research should emphasise the use of validated pain assessment instruments for the evaluation of the pain-alleviating effect of non-pharmacological interventions.


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Glucocorticosteroid-induced spinal osteoporosis (GIOP) is the most frequent of all secondary types of osteoporosis. The understanding of the pathophysiology of glucocorticoid (GC) induced bone loss is of crucial importance for appropriate treatment and prevention of debilitating fractures that occur predominantly in the spine. GIOP results from depressed bone formation due to lower activity and higher death rate of osteoblasts on the one hand, and from increase bone resorption due to prolonged lifespan of osteoclasts on the other. In addition, calcium/phosphate metabolism may be disturbed through GC effects on gut, kidney, parathyroid glands and gonads. Therefore, therapeutic agents aim at restoring balanced bone cell activity by directly decreasing apoptosis rate of osteoblasts (e.g., cyclical parathyroid hormone) or by increasing apoptosis rate of osteoclasts (e.g., bisphosphonates). Other therapeutical efforts aim at maintaining/restoring calcium/phosphate homeostasis: improving intestinal calcium absorption (using calcium supplementation, vitamin D and derivates) and avoiding increased urinary calcium loss (using thiazides) prevent or counteract a secondary hyperparthyroidism. Bisphosphonates, particularly the aminobisphosphonates risedronate and alendronate, have been shown to protect patients on GCs from (further) bone loss to reduce vertebral fracture risk. Calcitonin may be of interest in situation where bisphosphonates are contraindicated or not applicable and in cases where acute pain due to vertebral fracture has to be manage. The intermittent administration of 1-34-parathormone may be an appealing treatment alternative, based on its documented anabolic effects on bone resulting from the reduction of osteoblastic apoptosis. Calcium and vitamin D should be a systematic adjunctive measure to any drug treatment for GIOP. Based on currently available evidence, fluoride, androgens, estrogens (opposed or unopposed) cannot be recommended for the prevention and treatment of GIOP. However, substitution of gonadal hormones may be indicated if GC-induced hypogonadism is present and leads to clinical symptoms. Data using the SERM raloxifene to treat or prevent GIOP are lacking, as are data using the promising bone anabolic agent strontium ranelate. Kyphoplasty performed in appropriately selected osteoporotic patients with painful vertebral fractures is a promising addition to current medical treatment.


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STUDY DESIGN: Open label study to determine drug dose for a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled parallel study. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy and side effects of oral Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and rectal THC-hemisuccinate (THC-HS) in SCI patients. SETTING: REHAB Basel, Switzerland. METHOD: Twenty-five patients with SCI were included in this three-phase study with individual dose adjustment, each consisting of 6 weeks. Twenty-two participants received oral THC open label starting with a single dose of 10 mg (Phase 1, completed by 15 patients). Eight subjects received rectal THC-HS (Phase 2, completed by seven patients). In Phase 3, six patients were treated with oral THC and seven with placebo. Major outcome parameters were the spasticity sum score (SSS) using the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) and self-ratings of spasticity. RESULTS: Mean daily doses were 31 mg with THC and 43 mg with THC-HS. Mean SSS for THC decreased significantly from 16.72 (+/-7.60) at baseline to 8.92 (+/-7.14) on day 43. Similar improvement was seen with THC-HS. We observed a significant improvement of SSS with active drug (P=0.001) in the seven subjects who received oral THC in Phase 1 and placebo in Phase 3. Major reasons for drop out were increase of pain and psychological side effects. CONCLUSION: THC is an effective and safe drug in the treatment of spasticity. At least 15-20 mg per day were needed to achieve a therapeutic effect.


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BACKGROUND: The use of conventional implants for intramedullary nailing of humeral shaft fractures is associated with specific difficulties. During antegrade implantation structures of the rotator cuff can be affected leading to a reduced functional result of the shoulder. If the nail is implanted in a retrograde manner problems arise due to a relatively large hole close to or within the olecranon fossa, which is necessary for insertion of the nail. Supracondylar fractures as well as persistent elbow pain and loss of function are reported in the literature. To overcome these disadvantages a flexible nail has been developed that can be stiffened and locked after implantation. METHOD: Between October 2000 and February 2002, 34 patients were treated with the flexible nail at our institution; 29 were available for follow-up. Fracture healing was documented on radiographs and clinical outcome was evaluated with use of the Constant as well as the Kwasny score. RESULTS: Median duration until fracture consolidation was 10 weeks. In two patients fracture union was not achieved within the follow-up period. The median outcome measured with the Constant score was 93 points and 2.5 with the Kwasny score. Both values correspond to a very good functional outcome. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the flexible humeral nail is an excellent treatment option for humeral shaft fractures. Damage to the rotator cuff and the distal humerus can be avoided due to its unique flexible construction, improving the functional outcome of intramedullary nailing for the treatment of humeral shaft fractures.


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BACKGROUND: Recent advances in the understanding of the anatomy and function of the acetabular labrum suggest that it is important for normal joint function. We found no available data regarding whether labral refixation after treatment of femoro-acetabular impingement affects the clinical and radiographic results. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical and radiographic results of fifty-two patients (sixty hips) with femoro-acetabular impingement who underwent arthrotomy and surgical dislocation of the hip to allow trimming of the acetabular rim and femoral osteochondroplasty. In the first twenty-five hips, the torn labrum was resected (Group 1); in the next thirty-five hips, the intact portion of the labrum was reattached to the acetabular rim (Group 2). At one and two years postoperatively, the Merle d'Aubigné clinical score and the Tönnis arthrosis classification system were used to compare the two groups. RESULTS: At one year postoperatively, both groups showed a significant improvement in their clinical scores (mainly pain reduction) compared with their preoperative values (p = 0.0003 for Group 1 and p < 0.0001 for Group 2). At two years postoperatively, 28% of the hips in Group 1 (labral resection) had an excellent result, 48% had a good result, 20% had a moderate result, and 4% had a poor result. In contrast, in Group 2 (labral reattachment), 80% of the hips had an excellent result, 14% had a good result, and 6% had a moderate result. Comparison of the clinical scores between the two groups revealed significantly better outcomes for Group 2 at one year (p = 0.0001) and at two years (p = 0.01). Radiographic signs of osteoarthritis were significantly more prevalent in Group 1 than in Group 2 at one year (p = 0.02) and at two years (p = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS: Patients treated with labral refixation recovered earlier and had superior clinical and radiographic results when compared with patients who had undergone resection of a torn labrum. Although the results must be considered preliminary, we now recommend refixation of the intact portion of the labrum after trimming of the acetabular rim during surgical treatment of femoro-acetabular impingement.


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BACKGROUND: Thirty-eight of the 73 consecutive acute ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) proven by a magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI) in skeletally mature patients (16-55 years old) were classified as suitable for primarily conservative treatment. Patient selection was performed using a preoperative screening protocol based on the structural damage, clinical symptoms, compliance, sportive activity, and the consent of a well-informed patient. METHODS: In 12 of the 38 treated patients, the conservative protocol showed a good to very good outcome, 2 patients had persistent giving-way and were considering ACL reconstruction, 14 patients had a secondary ACL reconstruction in our clinic (average 5.3 months after injury), 9 patients were operated on in other hospitals (average 13.3 months after injury), and 1 patient was lost to follow-up. RESULTS: All patients with successful conservative treatment were able to perform low-risk pivoting sports and two patients are practicing high-risk pivoting sports. The average International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) score was 92.5 (82.8-98.9); the subjective overall knee function was 93% (60% to 100%). Of the 12 patients with good and very good results, 6 continued playing the same sports at an unreduced intensity, 4 patients reduced their activities slightly, and 1 patient played more sports than before. CONCLUSIONS: Although the authors performed a preoperative screening to select patients suitable for conservative treatment, almost two-thirds of the primarily conservatively treated ACL ruptures needed an operative reconstruction in the long term. In one-third of the patients, conservative treatment led to a good or very good result. At the endpoint of the study only 12 (16%) of a total of 73 patients with acute injuries of the ACL had successful conservative treatment. Therefore, patients must be comprehensively instructed about the treatment program and the chances of success of conservative ACL treatment.


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BACKGROUND: Medial ankle joint pain with localized cartilage degeneration due to medial joint overload in varus malalignment of the hindfoot lends itself to treatment by lateral closing wedge supramalleolar osteotomy. METHODS: From 1998 to 2003, nine patients between the ages of 21 to 59 years were operated. The etiology of the malalignment and degeneration was posttraumatic in eight and childhood osteomyelitis in one. Preoperative and postoperative standing radiographs were analyzed to determine the correction of the deformity and the grade of degeneration. Function and pain were assessed using the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) Ankle-Hindfoot Scale. The average followup was 56 (range 15 to 88) months. RESULTS: The average time to osseous union was 10 +/- 3.31 weeks. There were no operative or postoperative complications. The average AOFAS score improved from 48 +/- 16.0 preoperatively to 74 +/- 11.7 postoperatively (p<0.004). The average pain subscore improved from 16 +/- 8.8 to 30 +/- 7.1 (p<0.008). The average tibial-ankle surface angle improved from 6.9 +/- 3.8 degrees of varus preoperatively to 0.6 +/- 1.9 degrees of valgus postoperatively (p<0.004). In the sagittal plane, the tibial-lateral-surface angle remained unchanged. At the final followup, two patients showed progression of radiographic ankle arthrosis grades. In one patient, it rose from grade 0 to I. In the other patient it advanced from grade II to III, with subsequent ankle arthrodesis required 16 months after the index procedure. Seven patients returned to their previous work. CONCLUSIONS: Lateral supramalleolar closing wedge osteotomy was an easy and safe procedure, effectively correcting hindfoot malalignment, relieving pain, restoring function, and halting progression of the degeneration in the short-term to mid-term in seven of nine patients.


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PURPOSE: Venlafaxine has shown benefit in the treatment of depression and pain. Worldwide data are extensively lacking investigating the outcome of chronic pain patients with depressive symptoms treated by venlafaxine in the primary care setting. This observational study aimed to elucidate the efficacy of venlafaxine and its prescription by Swiss primary care physicians and psychiatrists in patients with chronic pain and depressive symptomatology. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We studied 505 patients with depressive symptoms suffering from chronic pain in a prospective naturalistic Swiss community based observational trial with venlafaxine in primary care. These patients have been treated with venlafaxine by 122 physicians, namely psychiatrists, general practitioners, and internists. RESULTS: On average, patients were treated with 143+/-75 mg (0-450 mg) venlafaxine daily for a follow-up of three months. Venlafaxine proved to be beneficial in the treatment of both depressive symptoms and chronic pain. DISCUSSION: Although side effects were absent in most patients, physicians might have frequently omitted satisfactory response rate of depression by underdosing venlafaxine. Our results reflect the complexity in the treatment of chronic pain in patients with depressive symptoms in primary care. CONCLUSION: Further randomized dose-finding studies are needed to learn more about the appropriate dosage in treating depression and comorbid pain with venlafaxine.


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This case report describes the diagnosis and treatment of a Ewing's sarcoma in the right maxillary sinus and alveolar bone of a 19-year-old female patient. The first clinical symptoms were a loss of sensitivity of the premolars and first molar in the right maxilla and acute pain located in the area of these teeth. Initially, the referring dentist had treated these findings as an acute apical periodontitis with root canal medication. Because swellings on the palatal and buccal aspects of the teeth occurred and could not be treated with incision and drainage, the dentist referred the patient. Cone-beam computed tomography revealed a proliferation of soft tissue in the right maxillary sinus, with a radiopaque material at the tip of the mesiobuccal root of the first molar and resorptive signs of the mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots of the first molar. The palatal cortical bone of the right alveolar process seemed to be intact. After explorative surgery with biopsies from the buccal, palatal, and sinus proliferation areas, the pathologist diagnosed the lesion as a Ewing's sarcoma. Treatment of the patient consisted of initial chemotherapy, hemimaxillectomy, and postsurgical chemoradiotherapy.


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INTRODUCTION: Thrombotic events are a common and severe complication of endovascular aneurysm treatment with significant impact on patients' outcome. This study evaluates risk factors for thrombus formation and assesses the efficacy and safety of abciximab for clot dissolution. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All patients treated with abciximab during (41 patients) or shortly after (22 patients) intracranial aneurysm coil embolisation were retrieved from the institutional database (2000 to 2007, 1,250 patients). Sixty-three patients (mean age, 55.3 years, +/-12.8) had received either intra-arterial or intravenous abciximab. Risk factors for clot formation were assessed and the angiographic and clinical outcome evaluated. RESULTS: No aneurysm rupture occurred during or after abciximab application. The intra-procedural rate of total recanalisation was 68.3%. Thromboembolic complications were frequently found in aneurysms of the Acom complex and of the basilar artery, whilst internal carotid artery aneurysms were underrepresented. Two patients died of treatment-related intracranial haemorrhages into preexisting cerebral infarcts. Two patients developed a symptomatic groin haematoma. CONCLUSIONS: Abciximab is efficacious and safe for thrombolysis during and after endovascular intracranial aneurysm treatment in the absence of preexisting ischaemic stroke.