170 resultados para glycoproteins and pathological findings


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Macrocerebellum is a rare finding characterized by an abnormally large cerebellum. Only few patients with a syndromal or isolated macrocerebellum have been reported so far. This article aims to categorize the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, quantitate the macrocerebellum by volumetric analysis, characterize the neurological and dysmorphic features and cognitive outcome, and report the results of genetic analyses in children with macrocerebellum. All MR images were qualitatively evaluated for infratentorial and supratentorial abnormalities. Volumetric analysis was performed. Data about neurological and dysmorphic features, outcome, and genetic analysis were collected from clinical histories and follow-up examinations. Five patients were included. Volumetric analysis in three patients confirmed large cerebellar size compared to age-matched controls. MR evaluation showed that thickening of the cortical gray matter of the cerebellar hemispheres is responsible for the macrocerebellum. Additional infratentorial and supratentorial abnormalities were present in all patients. Muscular hypotonia, as well as impaired motor and cognitive development, was found in all patients, with ocular movement disorders in three of five patients. The five patients differed significantly in terms of dysmorphic features and involvement of extracerebral organs. Submicroscopic chromosomal aberrations were found in two patients. Macrocerebellum is caused by thickening of the cortical gray matter of the cerebellar hemispheres, suggesting that cerebellar granule cells may be involved in its development. Patients with macrocerebellum show highly heterogeneous neuroimaging, clinical, and genetic findings, suggesting that macrocerebellum is not a nosological entity, but instead represents the structural manifestation of a deeper, more basic biological disturbance common to heterogeneous disorders.


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Here, I merge the principles of synthetic biology1,2 and regulatory evolution3-11 to create a new species12-15 with a minimal set of known elements. Using preexisting transgenes and recessive mutations of Drosophila melanogaster, a transgenic population arises with small eyes and a different venation pattern that fulfills the criteria of a new species according to Mayr's "Biological Species Concept"7,10. The genetic circuit entails the loss of a non-essential transcription factor and the introduction of cryptic enhancers. Subsequent activation of those enhancers causes hybrid lethality. The transition from "transgenic organisms" towards "synthetic species", such as Drosophila synthetica, constitutes a safety mechanism to avoid hybridization with wild type populations and preserve natural biodiversity16-18. Drosophila synthetica is the first transgenic organism that cannot hybridize with the original wild type population but remains fertile when crossed with other transgenic animals.


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Betel quid (BQ) and areca nut chewing is widely prevalent in many parts of Asia and Asian-migrant communities throughout the world. Global reports estimate 600 million users. Sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity has been found for BQ and its main ingredient, areca nut. BQ areca nut users have an increased risk of potentially malignant disorders. Among chewers, BQ remains in contact with the oral mucosa for prolonged periods. This review examines the clinical and pathological aspects of lichenoid lesions caused by areca nut and BQ, a condition that has received little attention in the published literature.


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The clinical signs, pathological and laboratory findings of cattle suffering from a tremorgenic syndrome are described. Animals on a farm with a total of 22 cows, 18 heifers and 9 calves were fed mouldy grass and spent malt-grain silage. Five heifers were affected with muscular tremor, hyperexcitability and hypersensitivity. They were ataxic or in sternal recumbency, while their appetite remained normal. Haematology and blood chemistry in two heifers as well as cerebrospinal fluid from one sick animal were unremarkable. The pathological examination of one animal brought no macroscopic changes to light. Histological examination, however, revealed the degeneration of motor neurones in the midbrain, brain stem and spinal cord. Analysis of a silage sample provided evidence of the presence of Aspergillus clavatus, a mould capable of producing neurotoxic tremorgenic mycotoxins. Epidemiology, clinical findings, pathology and microbiological examination suggest that the five cattle were suffering from neuromycotoxicosis.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare oral administration of lomustine and prednisolone with oral administration of prednisolone alone as treatment for granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (GME) or necrotizing encephalitis (NE) in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. ANIMALS: 25 dogs with GME and 18 dogs with NE (diagnosis confirmed in 8 and 5 dogs, respectively). PROCEDURES: Records of dogs with GME or NE were reviewed for results of initial neurologic assessments and clinicopathologic findings, treatment, follow-up clinicopathologic findings (for lomustine-treated dogs), and survival time. Dogs with GME or NE treated with lomustine and prednisolone were assigned to groups 1 (n = 14) and 3 (10), respectively; those treated with prednisolone alone were assigned to groups 2 (11) and 4 (8), respectively. RESULTS: Prednisolone was administered orally every 12 hours to all dogs. In groups 1 and 3, mean lomustine dosage was 60.3 mg/m(2), PO, every 6 weeks. Median survival times in groups 1 through 4 were 457, 329, 323, and 91 days, respectively (no significant difference between groups 1 and 2 or between groups 3 and 4). Within the initial 12 months of treatment, median prednisolone dosage was reduced in all groups; dosage reduction in group 1 was significantly larger than that in group 2 at 6, 9, and 12 months. Combination treatment most frequently caused leukopenia, but had no significant effect on liver enzyme activities. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In dogs with GME and NE, oral administration of lomustine and prednisolone or prednisolone alone had similar efficacy. Inclusion of lomustine in the treatment regimen was generally tolerated well.


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Certain magnetic resonance (MR) enhancement patterns are often considered to be associated with a specific diagnosis but experience shows that this association is not always consistent. Therefore, it is not clear how reliably contrast enhancement patterns correlate with specific tissue changes. We investigated the detailed histomorphologic findings of intracranial lesions in relation to Gadodiamide contrast enhancement in 55 lesions from 55 patients, nine cats, and 46 dogs. Lesions were divided into areas according to their contrast enhancement; therefore 81 areas resulted from the 55 lesions which were directly compared with histopathology. In 40 of 55 lesions (73%), the histomorphologic features explained the contrast enhancement pattern. In particular, vascular proliferation and dilated vessels occurred significantly more often in areas with enhancement than in areas without enhancement (P = 0.044). In 15 lesions, there was no association between MR images and histologic findings. In particular, contrast enhancement was found within necrotic areas (10 areas) and ring enhancement was seen in lesions without central necrosis (five lesions). These findings imply that necrosis cannot be differentiated reliably from viable tissue based on postcontrast images. Diffusion of contrast medium within lesions and time delays after contrast medium administration probably play important roles in the presence and patterns of contrast enhancement. Thus, histologic features of lesions cannot be predicted solely by contrast enhancement patterns.


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Case Description-A 9-year-old spayed female green iguana (Iguana iguana) was evaluated because of a distended coelom and weight loss. History included a single episode of egg binding and subsequent bilateral ovariosalpingectomy.;Clinical Findings-Physical examination revealed a mass within the coelomic cavity. Ultrasonography revealed a large, irregular mass with hypoechoic regions and coelomic effusion. Clinicopathologic derangements included heterophilia, monocytosis, lymphopenia, basophilia, hypocholesterolemia, hypoproteinemia, and hypercalcemia. Results of cytologic evaluation of the mass were suggestive of malignant epithelial neoplasia, but neoplastic cells were not found in the effusion. An ovarian tumor was suspected on the basis of clinical signs, clinicopathologic findings, and results of cytologic evaluation of the mass.;Treatment and Outcome-Surgical exploration revealed a large left ovary, a normal-appearing contralateral ovary, and a mass in the fat body, all of which were removed and submitted for histologic examination. The histologic diagnosis was granulosa cell tumor with metastasis to the fat body. The patient died 11 months after evaluation, and disseminated granulosa cell tumor was confirmed at necropsy; histologic examination at that time also identified systemic mastocytosis.;Clinical Relevance-Granulosa cell tumors are uncommon in reptiles, and this was the first granulosa cell tumor described antemortem cytologically, histologically, and ultrastructurally in an iguana. Findings in this iguana underscored concerns associated with incomplete oophorectomy of iguanas; cytologic and histopathologic findings were similar to those observed in other domestic animals. Oophorectomy should be considered as an alternative to standard ovariosalpingectomy to avoid potential complications in pet reptiles, and use of microsurgical instruments and vascular clips is advised. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011239:237-242)


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The presence of tumor budding (TuB) at the invasive front of rectal cancers is a valuable indicator of tumor aggressiveness. Tumor buds, typically identified as single cells or small tumor cell clusters detached from the main tumor body, are characterized by loss of cell adhesion, increased migratory, and invasion potential and have been referred to as malignant stem cells. The adverse clinical outcome of patients with a high-grade TuB phenotype has consistently been demonstrated. TuB is a category IIB prognostic factor; it has yet to be investigated in the prospective setting. The value of TuB in oncological and pathological practice goes beyond its use as a simple histomorphological marker of tumor aggressiveness. In this paper, we outline three situations in which the assessment of TuB may have direct implications on treatment within the multidisciplinary management of patients with rectal cancer: (a) patients with TNM stage II (i.e., T3/T4, N0) disease potentially benefitting from adjuvant therapy, (b) patients with early submucosally invasive (T1, sm1-sm3) carcinomas at a high risk of nodal positivity and (c) the role of intratumoral budding assessed in preoperative biopsies as a marker for lymph node and distant metastasis thus potentially aiding the identification of patients suitable for neoadjuvant therapy.


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The breadth of material found in surgical pathology services in African countries differs from the common spectrum of "the West". We report our experience of a voluntary work in the pathology departments of Blantyre and Lilongwe, Malawi. During a 6-week period, 405 cases (378 histology and 27 cytology cases) were processed. The vast majority showed significant pathological findings (n = 369; 91.1 %): 175 cases (47.4 %) were non-tumoral conditions with predominance of inflammatory lesions, e.g., schistosomiasis (n = 11) and tuberculosis (n = 11). There were 39 (10.6 %) benign tumors or tumor-like lesions. Intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix uteri dominated among premalignant conditions (n = 15; 4.1 %). The large group of malignancies (n = 140; 37.9 %) comprised 11 pediatric tumors (e.g., rhabdomyosarcoma, small blue round cell tumors) and 129 adult tumors. Among women (n = 76), squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the cervix uteri predominated (n = 25; 32.9 %), followed by breast carcinomas (n = 12; 15.8 %) and esophageal SCC (n = 9; 11.8 %). Males (n = 53) most often showed SCC of the esophagus (n = 9; 17.0 %) and of the urinary bladder (n = 7; 13.2 %). Lymphomas (n = 7) and Kaposi's sarcomas (n = 6) were less frequent. Differences compared to the western world include the character of the conditions in general, the spectrum of inflammatory lesions, and the young age of adult tumor patients (median 45 years; range 18-87 years). Providing pathology service in a low-resource country may be handicapped by lack of personnel, inadequate material resources, or insufficient infrastructure. Rotating volunteers offer a bridge for capacity building of both personnel and the local medical service; in addition, the volunteer's horizons are broadened professionally and personally.


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Background and Purpose—There is some controversy on the association of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score to predict arterial occlusion on MR arteriography and CT arteriography in acute stroke. Methods—We analyzed NIHSS scores and arteriographic findings in 2152 patients (35.4% women, mean age 66±14 years) with acute anterior or posterior circulation strokes. Results—The study included 1603 patients examined with MR arteriography and 549 with CT arteriography. Of those, 1043 patients (48.5%; median NIHSS score 5, median time to clinical assessment 179 minutes) showed an occlusion, 887 in the anterior (median NIHSS score 7/0–31), and 156 in the posterior circulation (median NIHSS score 3/0–32). Eight hundred sixty visualized occlusions (82.5%) were located centrally (ie, in the basilar, intracranial vertebral, internal carotid artery, or M1/M2 segment of the middle cerebral artery). NIHSS scores turned out to be predictive for any vessel occlusions in the anterior circulation. Best cut-off values within 3 hours after symptom onset were NIHSS scores ≥9 (positive predictive value 86.4%) and NIHSS scores ≥7 within >3 to 6 hours (positive predictive value 84.4%). Patients with central occlusions presenting within 3 hours had NIHSS scores <4 in only 5%. In the posterior circulation and in patients presenting after 6 hours, the predictive value of the NIHSS score for vessel occlusion was poor. Conclusions—There is a significant association of NIHSS scores and vessel occlusions in patients with anterior circulation strokes. This association is best within the first hours after symptom onset. Thereafter and in the posterior circulation the association is poor.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze myoelectric activity of the ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon (PLAC), and spiral colon in cows with naturally occurring cecal dilatation-dislocation (CDD) and compare findings with those in healthy cows. ANIMALS: 8 CDD-affected and 6 healthy control cows. PROCEDURES: Immediately after diagnosis, CDD-affected cows underwent surgery; control cows underwent a similar surgical procedure. Before completion of surgery, 8 bipolar silver electrodes were implanted in the ileum (n = 2), cecum (1), PLAC (1), and spiral colon (4) of each cow. Beginning the day after surgery, intestinal myoelectric activity was recorded daily (8-hour period) for 4 days; data were analyzed by use of specialized software programs. Quantitative variables of myoelectric activity were compared between groups. RESULTS: Cows of both groups recovered without complications after surgery. In control cows, physiologic myoelectric activity was recorded in all intestinal segments on all days after surgery. Apparently normal myoelectric activity was evident in the ileum of CDD-affected cows on the first day after surgery, but myoelectric activity patterns in the cecum, PLAC, and spiral colon were variable with no organized cyclic myoelectric patterns, incomplete or normally organized migrating myoelectric complexes, and slow normalization over time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: After surgery for CDD, normal myoelectric patterns were disrupted in the large intestine of cows, especially in the spiral colon. Clinical recovery with effective transit of ingesta occurred before normalization of myoelectric activity in the large intestine. Therapeutic protocols for restoration or normalization of spiral colon motility should be developed for treatment of CDD-affected cattle.


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Pelvic lymph node dissection is an integral part of the radical cystectomy procedure for patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer. The optimal extent of the lymphadenectomy (LND) and mainly the proximal template boundary remain controversial issues. In view of the existing mapping studies and retrospective analyses, extended LND up to the mid-upper third of the common iliac vessels appears to provide further prognostic and therapeutic benefit and therefore should be defined as standard LND. This applies for all procedures irrespective of the choice of surgical approach (open surgery, minimally invasive approach). In this context total lymph node count is not a quality criterion because nodal yield is overly influenced by the individual patient's anatomy, surgical technique, template applied and pathological work-up. Consecutively, considerable inter-institutional differences result, which render any comparison impossible. Lymph node density is thought to be a superior prognostic factor, but it is similarly influenced by the above-mentioned factors. Concerning molecular techniques to improve the sensitivity of postoperative nodal staging further research is necessary. The two ongoing prospective randomized trials will potentially help to further define the optimal LND template.


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BACKGROUND: Splanchnic vein thrombosis may complicate inherited thrombotic disorders. Acute cytomegalovirus infection is a rare cause of acquired venous thrombosis in the portal or mesenteric territory, but has never been described extending into a main hepatic vein. CASE PRESENTATION: A 36-year-old immunocompetent woman presented with acute primary cytomegalovirus infection in association with extensive thrombosis in the portal and splenic vein. In addition, a fresh thrombus was evident in the right hepatic vein. A thorough evaluation for a hypercoagulable state was negative. The clinical course, biological evolution, radiological and histological findings were consistent with cytomegalovirus hepatitis complicated by a partial acute Budd-Chiari syndrome and portal thrombosis. Therapeutic anticoagulation was associated with a slow clinical improvement and partial vascular recanalization. CONCLUSION: We described in details a new association between cytomegalovirus infection and acute venous thrombosis both in the portal vein and in the right hepatic vein, realizing a partial Budd-Chiari syndrome. One should be aware that this rare thrombotic event may be complicated by partial venous outflow block.


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BACKGROUND: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is often associated with concomitant atopic diseases. In children with EE in whom food allergens have been identified as causative factors, elemental and elimination diets result in an improvement or resolution of symptoms. Most adult EE patients are sensitized to aeroallergens, which cross-react with plant-derived food allergens, most commonly to grass pollen and cereals. AIMS OF THE STUDY: To investigate the clinical relevance of the sensitization to wheat and rye, and the efficacy of an allergen-specific elimination diet in adult EE patients. METHODS: Six patients (five men, one women) with permanently active EE sensitized to grass pollen and the cereals wheat and rye underwent a double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge and were kept on an elimination diet avoiding wheat and rye for 6 weeks. RESULTS: The challenge tests with wheat and rye did not provoke any EE symptoms in all patients. The elimination diet failed in reducing disease activity. Although one patient noticed an improvement of symptoms, endoscopic and histopathologic findings remained unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: In adult EE patients, sensitization to wheat and rye does not seem causative for EE. Elimination diet is not a reliable and efficient therapeutic measure in EE patients sensitized to wheat and rye. Low specific immunoglobulin-E levels to wheat and rye may be a consequence of the underlying grass pollen allergy.


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PURPOSE: We evaluated the incidence of pathological findings of the ureter at cystectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder and assessed the usefulness of intraoperative frozen section examination of the ureter. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Histopathological findings of ureteral frozen section examination were compared to the corresponding permanent sections and the diagnostic accuracy of frozen section examination was evaluated. These segments were then compared to the more proximal ureteral segments resected at the level where they cross over the common iliac arteries. The histopathological findings of the ureteral segments were then correlated for upper urinary tract recurrence and overall survival. RESULTS: Transitional cell carcinoma or carcinoma in situ was found on frozen section examination of the distal ureter in 39 of 805 patients (4.8%) and on permanent sections in 29 (3.6%). In 755 patients the false-negative rate of frozen section examination of the ureters was 0.8%. Of the patients with carcinoma in situ diagnosed on the first frozen section examination 80% also had carcinoma in situ in the bladder. Transitional cell carcinoma or carcinoma in situ in the most proximally resected ureteral segments was found in 1.2% of patients. After radical cystectomy there was tumor recurrence in the upper urinary tract in 3% of patients with negative ureteral frozen section examination and in 17% with carcinoma in situ on frozen section examination. CONCLUSIONS: Routine frozen section examination of the ureters at radical cystectomy is only recommended for patients with carcinoma in situ of the bladder, provided the ureters are resected where they cross the common iliac arteries.