95 resultados para elettrofilatura membrane nanofibrose in Nylon 66 CFRP contrasto alla delaminazione test DCB
OBJECTIVE: To find out whether conventional periapical radiographs can be used to determine the risk of creating an oroantral communication (OAC) while performing periapical surgery on maxillary premolars and molars. STUDY DESIGN: One hundred thirteen periapical radiographs of maxillary premolars and molars with periapical radiolucencies indicating chronic apical periodontitis were retrospectively analyzed and classified. The surgery reports were evaluated for occurrence of perforation of the maxillary sinus and postoperative complications. RESULTS: Perforation of the sinus membrane (also referred to as the Schneiderian membrane) occurred in 12 cases (9.6%). Exposure of the membrane without rupture occurred in 15 cases (12%). It was found that the distance between the apex or the periapical lesion and the sinus floor did not serve as a predictor of a possible sinus membrane rupture. On the other hand, if the radiograph showed a distinct distance between the lesion and the sinus floor, there was an 82.5% probability that OAC would not occur. Additionally, a blurred radiographic outline of the periapical lesion did not indicate an increased risk of sinus membrane rupture. CONCLUSION: Conventional periapical radiographs cannot be used as predictors for perforation of the maxillary sinus during periapical surgery. However, radiographs with a specific distance between the periapical lesion and the sinus floor point toward a very low risk of accidental sinus perforation during periapical surgery.
Aggretin, a potent platelet activator, was isolated from Calloselasma rhodostoma venom, and 30-amino acid N-terminal sequences of both subunits were determined. Aggretin belongs to the heterodimeric snake C-type lectin family and is thought to activate platelets by binding to platelet glycoprotein alpha(2)beta(1). We now show that binding to glycoprotein (GP) Ib is also required. Aggretin-induced platelet activation was inhibited by a monoclonal antibody to GPIb as well as by antibodies to alpha(2)beta(1). Binding of both of these platelet receptors to aggretin was confirmed by affinity chromatography. No binding of other major platelet membrane glycoproteins, in particular GPVI, to aggretin was detected. Aggretin also activates platelets from Fc receptor gamma chain (Fcgamma)-deficient mice to a greater extent than those from normal control mice, showing that it does not use the GPVI/Fcgamma pathway. Platelets from Fcgamma-deficient mice expressed fibrinogen receptors normally in response to collagen, although they did not aggregate, indicating that these platelets may partly compensate via other receptors including alpha(2)beta(1) or GPIb for the lack of the Fcgamma pathway. Signaling by aggretin involves a dose-dependent lag phase followed by rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of proteins. Among these are p72(SYK), p125(FAK), and PLCgamma2, whereas, in comparison with collagen and convulxin, the Fcgamma subunit neither is phosphorylated nor coprecipitates with p72(SYK). This supports an independent, GPIb- and integrin-based pathway for activation of p72(SYK) not involving the Fcgamma receptor.
Convulxin, a powerful platelet activator, was isolated from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom, and 20 amino acid N-terminal sequences of both subunits were determined. These indicated that convulxin belongs to the heterodimeric C-type lectin family. Neither antibodies against GPIb nor echicetin had any effect on convulxin-induced platelet aggregation showing that, in contrast to other venom C-type lectins acting on platelets, GPIb is not involved in convulxin-induced platelet activation. In addition, partially reduced/denatured convulxin only affects collagen-induced platelet aggregation. The mechanism of convulxin-induced platelet activation was examined by platelet aggregation, detection of time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of platelet proteins, and binding studies with 125I-convulxin. Convulxin induces signal transduction in part like collagen, involving the time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Fc receptor gamma chain, phospholipase Cgamma2, p72(SYK), c-Cbl, and p36-38. However, unlike collagen, pp125(FAK) and some other bands are not tyrosine-phosphorylated. Convulxin binds to a glycosylated 62-kDa membrane component in platelet lysate and to p62/GPVI immunoprecipitated by human anti-p62/GPVI antibodies. Convulxin subunits inhibit both aggregation and tyrosine phosphorylation in response to collagen. Piceatannol, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor with some specificity for p72(SYK), showed differential effects on collagen and convulxin-stimulated signaling. These results suggest that convulxin uses the p62/GPVI but not the alpha2beta1 part of the collagen signaling pathways to activate platelets. Occupation and clustering of p62/GPVI may activate Src family kinases phosphorylating Fc receptor gamma chain and, by a mechanism previously described in T- and B-cells, activate p72(SYK) that is critical for downstream activation of platelets.
The solution structure of cupiennin 1a, a 35 residue, basic antibacterial peptide isolated from the venom of the spider Cupiennius salei, has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The peptide was found to adopt a helix−hinge−helix structure in a membrane mimicking solvent. The hinge may play a role in allowing the amphipathic N-terminal helix and polar C-terminal helix to orient independently upon membrane binding, in order to achieve maximal antibacterial efficacy. Solid-state 31P and 2H NMR was used to further study the effects of cupiennin 1a on the dynamic properties of lipid membranes, using zwitterionic chain deuterated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (d54-DMPC) and anionic dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) multilamellar vesicles. In d54-DMPC alone, cupiennin 1a caused a decrease in the 31P chemical shift anisotropy, indicating some interaction with the lipid head groups, and a decrease in order over the entire acyl chain. In contrast, for the mixed (d54-DMPC/DMPG) lipid system cupiennin 1a appeared to induce lateral separation of the two lipids as evidenced by the 31P spectra, in which the peptide preferentially interacted with DMPG. Little effect was observed on the deuterated acyl chain order parameters in the d54-DMPC/DMPG model membranes. Furthermore, 31P NMR relaxation measurements confirmed a differential effect on the lipid motions depending upon the membrane composition. Therefore, subtle differences are likely in the mechanism by which cupiennin 1a causes membrane lysis in either prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells, and may explain the specific spectrum of activity.
The in vitro activity of gentamicin was compared with its therapeutic efficacy in rabbits with Streptococcus faecalis endocarditis. The test strain was resistant to gentamicin as measured by MICs and MBCs determined in Mueller-Hinton broth alone or in broth supplemented with 50% rabbit serum. Gentamicin also failed to manifest anti-enterococcal activity when evaluated by time-kill studies in broth. However, the addition of serum to the medium did enhance the activity of gentamicin. In the therapy of experimental endocarditis, gentamicin used alone demonstrated anti-enterococcal activity equivalent to that of ampicillin used alone. Vegetation titers in animals treated with gentamicin alone were lower than those of untreated controls (P less than 0.01) and comparable to those in animals treated with ampicillin alone. Thus, gentamicin demonstrated anti-enterococcal activity in vivo despite the resistance observed in vitro, as measured by conventional assays to determine MICs and MBCs.
Exercise intolerance may be reported by parents of young children with respiratory diseases. There is, however, a lack of standardized exercise protocols which allow verification of these reports especially in younger children. Consequently the aims of this pilot study were to develop a standardized treadmill walking test for children aged 4-10 years demanding low sensorimotor skills and achieving high physical exhaustion. In a prospective experimental cross sectional pilot study, 33 healthy Caucasian children were separated into three groups: G1 (4-6 years, n = 10), G2 (7-8 years, n = 12), and G3 (9-10 years, n = 11). Children performed the treadmill walking test with increasing exercise levels up to peak condition with maximal exhaustion. Gas exchange, heart rate, and lactate were measured during the test, spirometry before and after. Parameters were statistically calculated at all exercise levels as well as at 2 and 4 mmol/L lactate level for group differences (Kruskal-Wallis H-test, alpha = 0.05; post hoc: Mann-Whitney U-test with Bonferroni correction alpha = 0.05/n) and test-retest differences (Wilcoxon-rank-sum test) with SPSS. The treadmill walking test could be demonstrated to be feasible with a good repeatability within groups for most of the parameters. All children achieved a high exhaustion level. At peak level under exhaustion condition only the absolute VO2 and VCO2 differed significantly between age groups. In conclusion this newly designed treadmill walking test indicates a good feasibility, safety, and repeatability. It suggests the potential usefulness of exercise capacity monitoring for children aged from early 4 to 10 years. Various applications and test modifications will be investigated in further studies.
BACKGROUND: In Switzerland approximately 8% of infants are born prematurely. Some of them undergo mechanical ventilation including endotracheal suctioning (ETS). ETS is one of the most frequently performed interventions and is linked to stress and pain, but its treatment is controversial. In Switzerland there is a lack of standardisation in pain relief for ETS. AIMS: To test the hypothesis that an intermittent dose of morphine reduces pain during ETS and that subsequent multisensorial stimulation (MSS), as a non pharmacological comforting intervention, helps infants to recover from experienced pain. METHOD: A randomized placebo controlled trial in two tertiary neonatal intensive care units (NICU) with a sample of 30 mechanically ventilated preterm infants was conducted. Pain was measured by three pain assessment tools (Bernese Pain Scale for Neonates, Premature Infant Pain Profile and Visual Analogue Scale) RESULTS: Morphine did not lead to any pain relief from ETS as measured by three pain scales. Nor did the comforting intervention of MSS show any effect. Repeated-measure analysis of variance for the within and between groups comparison showed no statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of morphine for pain relief in ventilated preterm neonates during ETS remains questionable and the use of MSS as a comforting intervention after painful stimulus cannot be recommended. The validity testing of the instruments for this patient population should undergo a systematic validation trajectory. Future research should focus on options among non pharmacological interventions for relieving pain during ETS.
ntense liver regeneration and almost 100% survival follows partial hepatectomy of up to 70% of liver mass in rodents. More extensive resections of 70 to 80% have an increased mortality and partial hepatectomies of >80% constantly lead to acute hepatic failure and death in mice. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of systemically administered granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) on animal survival and liver regeneration in a small for size liver remnant mouse model after 83% partial hepatectomy (liver weight <0.8% of mouse body weight). Methods: Male Balb C mice (n=80, 20-24g) were preconditioned daily for five days with 5μg G-CSF subcutaneously or sham injected (aqua ad inj). Subsequently 83% hepatic resection was performed and daily sham or G-CSF injection continued. Survival was determined in both groups (G-CSF n=35; Sham: n=33). In a second series BrdU was injected (50mg/kg Body weight) two hours prior to tissue harvest and animals euthanized 36 and 48 hours after 83% liver resection (n=3 each group). To measure hepatic regeneration the BrdU labeling index and Ki67 expression were determined by immunohistochemistry by two independent observers. Harvested liver tissue was dried to constant weight at 65 deg C for 48 hours. Results: Survival was 0% in the sham group on day 3 postoperatively and significantly better (26.2% on day 7 and thereafter) in the G-CSF group (Log rank test: p<0.0001). Dry liver weight was increased in the G-CSF group (T-test: p<0.05) 36 hours after 83% partial hepatectomy. Ki67 expression was elevated in the G-CSF group at 36 hours (2.8±2.6% (Standard deviation) vs 0.03±0.2%; Rank sum test: p<0.0001) and at 48 hours (45.1±34.6% vs 0.7±1.0%; Rank sum test: p<0.0001) after 83% liver resection. BrdU labeling at 48 hours was 0.1±0.3% in the sham and 35.2±34.2% in the G-CSF group (Rank sum test: p<0.0001) Conclusions: The surgical 83% resection mouse model is suitable to test hepatic supportive regimens in the setting of small for size liver remnants. Administration of G-CSF supports hepatic regeneration after microsurgical 83% partial hepatectomy and leads to improved long-term survival in the mouse. G-CSF might prove to be a clinically valuable supportive substance in small for size liver remnants in humans after major hepatic resections due to primary or secondary liver tumors or in the setting of living related liver donation.
OBJECTIVES: Reactivation of latent tuberculosis (TB) in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients treated with antitumor necrosis factor-alpha medication is a serious problem. Currently, TB screening includes chest x-rays and a tuberculin skin test (TST). The interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube (QFT-G-IT) shows better specificity for diagnosing TB than the skin test. This study evaluates the two test methods among IBD patients. METHODS: Both TST and IGRA were performed on 212 subjects (114 Crohn's disease, 44 ulcerative colitis, 10 indeterminate colitis, 44 controls). RESULTS: Eighty-one percent of IBD patients were under immunosuppressive therapy; 71% of all subjects were vaccinated with Bacille Calmette Guérin; 18% of IBD patients and 43% of controls tested positive with the skin test (P < 0.0001). Vaccinated controls tested positive more often with the skin test (52%) than did vaccinated IBD patients (23%) (P = 0.011). Significantly fewer immunosuppressed patients tested positive with the skin test than did patients not receiving therapy (P = 0.007); 8% of patients tested positive with the QFT-G-IT test (14/168) compared to 9% (4/44) of controls. Test agreement was significantly higher in the controls (P = 0.044) compared to the IBD group. CONCLUSIONS: Agreement between the two test methods is poor in IBD patients. In contrast to the QFT-G-IT test, the TST is negatively influenced by immunosuppressive medication and vaccination status, and should thus be replaced by the IGRA for TB screening in immunosuppressed patients having IBD.
Posttraumatic adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) still involves significant mortality, despite progress in management concepts. Current therapeutic strategies are briefly described, including kinetic therapy, high-frequency jet ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. In addition, a spectacular case of the first successful lung transplantation for posttraumatic ARDS after failed ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) support is reported. This young man with severe posttraumatic ARDS developed a potentially lethal bilateral pulmonary hemorrhage under treatment with ECMO, and on the basis of this bilateral pulmonary transplantation was considered to be indicated. The patient is alive and well 2 years after the procedure.
OBJECTIVES: To determine age and gender differences in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in children and adolescents across 12 European countries using a newly developed HRQOL measure (KIDSCREEN). METHODS: The KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire was filled in by 21,590 children and adolescents aged 8-18 from 12 countries. We used multilevel regression analyses to model the hierarchical structure of the data. In addition, effect sizes were computed to test for gender differences within each age group. RESULTS: Children generally showed better HRQOL than adolescents (P < 0.001). While boys and girls had similar HRQOL at young age, girls' HRQOL declined more than boys' (P < 0.001) with increasing age, depending on the HRQOL scale. There was significant variation between countries both at the youngest age and for age trajectories. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, gender and age differences in children's and adolescents' HRQOL across Europe were assessed using a comprehensive and standardised instrument. Gender and age differences exist for most HRQOL scales. Differences in HRQOL across Europe point to the importance of national contexts for youth's well-being.
BACKGROUND: Pain and depression are known to be associated in later life, and both have a negative effect on physical performance both separately and in combination. The nature of the relationships between pain intensity and depression in elderly persons experiencing pain is less clear. The objectives of this study were to explore which factors are associated with depressed mood in older people experiencing pain, and to test the hypothesis that older people experiencing pain are at risk of depressed mood according to the severity or frequency of their pain. In addition we explored whether other potentially modifiable factors might increase the risk of depressed mood in these persons. METHODS: The study is a secondary analysis of baseline data for four hundred and six community-dwelling non-disabled people aged 65 and over registered with three group practices in suburban London who had experienced pain in the past 4 weeks. Intensity and frequency of pain was measured using 24 item Geriatric Pain Measure (GPM) and the presence of depressive symptoms using the 5 item Mental Health Inventory. Risk for social isolation was measured using the 6 item Lubben Social Network scale and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) were also measured. RESULTS: Overall 76 (19%) had depressed mood. Pain frequency and severity were not statistically significantly associated with depressed mood in this population. In multivariate analyses, significant predictors of the presence of depressive symptoms were difficulties with basic ADLs (OR 2.8, 95% CI, risk for social isolation (OR 4.1, 95% CI 1.8-9.3), and basic education only (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.1-4.4). CONCLUSION: Older people experiencing pain are also likely to experience depression. Among those experiencing pain, social network and functional status seem to be more important predictors of depressive symptoms than the severity of pain. Further studies should evaluate whether improvement of social network and functional status might reduce depressive symptoms in older patients.
Pore-forming (poly)peptides originating from invading pathogens cause plasma membrane damage in target cells, with consequences as diverse as proliferation or cell death. However, the factors that define the outcome remain unknown. We show that in cells maintaining an intracellular Ca(2+) concentration [Ca(2+)](i) below a critical threshold of 10 microM, repair mechanisms seal off 'hot spots' of Ca(2+) entry and shed them in the form of microparticles, leading to [Ca(2+)](i) reduction and cell recovery. Cells that are capable of preventing an elevation of [Ca(2+)](i) above the critical concentration, yet are unable to complete plasma membrane repair, enter a prolonged phase of [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations, accompanied by a continuous shedding of microparticles. When [Ca(2+)](i) exceeds the critical concentration, an irreversible formation of ceramide platforms within the plasma membrane and their internalisation drives the dying cells beyond the 'point of no return'. These findings show that the extent of [Ca(2+)](i) elevation determines the fate of targeted cells and establishes how different Ca(2+)-dependent mechanisms facilitate either cell survival or death.
OBJECTIVES: (1) To assess spinal cord blood flow (SCBF) during surgical treatment of disk extrusion in dogs and (2) to investigate associations between SCBF, clinical signs, presurgical MRI images, and 24-hour surgical outcome. STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study. ANIMALS: Chondrodystrophic dogs with thoracolumbar disk extrusion (n=12). METHODS: Diagnosis was based on clinical signs and MRI findings, and confirmed at surgery. Regional SCBF was measured intraoperatively by laser-Doppler flowmetry before, immediately after surgical spinal cord decompression, and after 15 minutes of lavaging the lesion. Care was taken to ensure a standardized surgical procedure to minimize factors that could influence measurement readings. RESULTS: A significant increase in intraoperative SCBF was found in all dogs (Wilcoxon's signed-rank test; P=.05) immediately after spinal cord decompression and after 15 minutes. Changes in SCBF were not associated with duration of clinical signs; initial or 24-hour neurologic status; or degree of spinal cord compression assessed by MRI. CONCLUSION: SCBF increases immediately after spinal cord decompression in dogs with disk herniation; however, increased SCBF was not associated with a diminished 24-hour neurologic status. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: An increase in SCBF does not appear to be either associated with the degree of spinal cord compression or of a magnitude sufficient to outweigh the benefit of surgical decompression by resulting in clinically relevant changes in 24-hour outcome.