87 resultados para Welding defects


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Intrabony periodontal defects are a frequent complication of periodontitis and, if left untreated, may negatively affect long-term tooth prognosis. The optimal outcome of treatment in intrabony defects is considered to be the absence of bleeding on probing, the presence of shallow pockets associated with periodontal regeneration (i.e. formation of new root cementum with functionally orientated inserting periodontal ligament fibers connected to new alveolar bone) and no soft-tissue recession. A plethora of different surgical techniques, often including implantation of various types of bone graft and/or bone substitutes, root surface demineralization, guided tissue regeneration, growth and differentiation factors, enamel matrix proteins or various combinations thereof, have been employed to achieve periodontal regeneration. Despite positive observations in animal models and successful outcomes reported for many of the available regenerative techniques and materials in patients, including histologic reports, robust information on the degree to which reported clinical improvements reflect true periodontal regeneration does not exist. Thus, the aim of this review was to summarize, in a systematic manner, the available histologic evidence on the effect of reconstructive periodontal surgery using various types of biomaterials to enhance periodontal wound healing/regeneration in human intrabony defects. In addition, the inherent problems associated with performing human histologic studies and in interpreting the results, as well as certain ethical considerations, are discussed. The results of the present systematic review indicate that periodontal regeneration in human intrabony defects can be achieved to a variable extent using a range of methods and materials. Periodontal regeneration has been observed following the use of a variety of bone grafts and substitutes, guided tissue regeneration, biological factors and combinations thereof. Combination approaches appear to provide the best outcomes, whilst implantation of alloplastic material alone demonstrated limited, to no, periodontal regeneration.


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BACKGROUND Treatment of furcation defects is a core component of periodontal therapy. The goal of this consensus report is to critically appraise the evidence and to subsequently present interpretive conclusions regarding the effectiveness of regenerative therapy for the treatment of furcation defects and recommendations for future research in this area. METHODS A systematic review was conducted before the consensus meeting. This review aims to evaluate and present the available evidence regarding the effectiveness of different regenerative approaches for the treatment of furcation defects in specific clinical scenarios compared with conventional surgical therapy. During the meeting, the outcomes of the systematic review, as well as other pertinent sources of evidence, were discussed by a committee of nine members. The consensus group members submitted additional material for consideration by the group in advance and at the time of the meeting. The group agreed on a comprehensive summary of the evidence and also formulated recommendations for the treatment of furcation defects via regenerative therapies and the conduction of future studies. RESULTS Histologic proof of periodontal regeneration after the application of a combined regenerative therapy for the treatment of maxillary facial, mesial, distal, and mandibular facial or lingual Class II furcation defects has been demonstrated in several studies. Evidence of histologic periodontal regeneration in mandibular Class III defects is limited to one case report. Favorable outcomes after regenerative therapy for maxillary Class III furcation defects are limited to clinical case reports. In Class I furcation defects, regenerative therapy may be beneficial in certain clinical scenarios, although generally Class I furcation defects may be treated predictably with non-regenerative therapies. There is a paucity of data regarding quantifiable patient-reported outcomes after surgical treatment of furcation defects. CONCLUSIONS Based on the available evidence, it was concluded that regenerative therapy is a viable option to achieve predictable outcomes for the treatment of furcation defects in certain clinical scenarios. Future research should test the efficacy of novel regenerative approaches that have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of therapy in clinical scenarios associated historically with less predictable outcomes. Additionally, future studies should place emphasis on histologic demonstration of periodontal regeneration in humans and also include validated patient-reported outcomes. CLINICAL RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the prevailing evidence, the following clinical recommendations could be offered. 1) Periodontal regeneration has been established as a viable therapeutic option for the treatment of various furcation defects, among which Class II defects represent a highly predictable scenario. Hence, regenerative periodontal therapy should be considered before resective therapy or extraction; 2) The application of a combined therapeutic approach (i.e., barrier, bone replacement graft with or without biologics) appears to offer an advantage over monotherapeutic algorithms; 3) To achieve predictable regenerative outcomes in the treatment of furcation defects, adverse systemic and local factors should be evaluated and controlled when possible; 4) Stringent postoperative care and subsequent supportive periodontal therapy are essential to achieve sustainable long-term regenerative outcomes.


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OBJECTIVE Arthroscopy is "the gold standard" for the diagnosis of knee cartilage lesions. However, it is invasive and expensive, and displays all the potential complications of an open surgical procedure. Ultra-high-field MRI now offers good opportunities for the indirect assessment of the integrity and structural changes of joint cartilage of the knee. The goal of the present study is to determine the site of early cartilaginous lesions in adults with non-traumatic knee pain. METHODS 3-T MRI examinations of 200 asymptomatic knees with standard and three-dimensional double-echo steady-state (3D-DESS) cartilage-specific sequences were prospectively studied for early degenerative lesions of the tibiofemoral joint. Lesions were classified and mapped using the modified Outerbridge and modified International Cartilage Repair Society classifications. RESULTS A total of 1437 lesions were detected: 56.1% grade I, 33.5% grade II, 7.2% grade III and 3.3% grade IV. Cartographically, grade I lesions were most common in the anteromedial tibial areas; grade II lesions in the anteromedial L5 femoral areas; and grade III in the centromedial M2 femoral areas. CONCLUSION 3-T MRI with standard and 3D-DESS cartilage-specific sequences demonstrated that areas predisposed to early osteoarthritis are the central, lateral and ventromedial tibial plateau, as well as the central and medial femoral condyle. ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE In contrast with previous studies reporting early cartilaginous lesions in the medial tibial compartment and/or in the medial femoral condyle, this study demonstrates that, regardless of grade, lesions preferentially occur at the L5 and M4 tibial and L5 and L2 femoral areas of the knee joint.


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Atrial septal defects (ASDs) are one of the most frequent congenital cardiac malformations, accounting for about 8-10% of all congenital heart defects. The prevalence of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in adults with an ASD is 8-10%. Different clinical PAH scenarios can be encountered. At one end of the spectrum are adults with no or only mild pulmonary vascular disease and a large shunt. These are patients who can safely undergo shunt closure. In the elderly, mild residual pulmonary hypertension after shunt closure is the rule. At the other end of the spectrum are adults with severe, irreversible pulmonary vascular disease, shunt reversal and chronic cyanosis, that is, Eisenmenger syndrome. These are patients who need to be managed medically. The challenge is to properly classify ASD patients with PAH falling in between the two ends of the spectrum as the ones with advanced, but reversible pulmonary vascular disease amenable to repair, versus the ones with progressive pulmonary vascular disease not responding to shunt closure. There are concerns that adults with progressive pulmonary vascular disease have worse outcomes after shunt closure than patients not undergoing shunt closure. Due to the correlation of pulmonary vascular changes and pulmonary hemodynamics, cardiac catheterization is used in the decision-making process. It is important to consider the hemodynamic data in the context of the clinical picture, the defect anatomy and further noninvasive tests when evaluating the option of shunt closure in these patients.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and possible etiological factors of erosive tooth wear and wedge-shaped defects in Swiss Army recruits and compare the findings with those of an analogous study conducted in 1996. In 2006, 621 recruits between 18 and 25 years of age (1996: 417 recruits; ages 19 to 25) were examined for erosive tooth wear and wedge-shaped defects. Additional data was acquired using a questionnaire about personal details, education, dentitions subjective condition, oral hygiene, eating and drinking habits, medications used, and general medical problems. In 2006, 60.1% of those examined exhibited occlusal erosive tooth wear not involving the dentin (1996: 82.0%) and 23.0% involving the dentin (1996: 30.7%). Vestibular erosive tooth wear without dentin involvement was seen in 7.7% in 2006 vs. 14.4% in 1996. Vestibular erosive tooth wear with dentin involvement was rare in both years (0.5%). Oral erosive tooth wear lacking exposed dentin was also rare in those years, although more teeth were affected in 2006 (2.1%) than in 1996 (0.7%). The examinations in 2006 found one or more initial wedge-shaped lesions in 8.5% of the recruits, while 20.4% of the study participants exhibited such in 1996. In 1996, 53% consumed acidic foods and beverages more than 5 times/day; in 2006, 83.9% did so. In neither study did multivariate regression analyses show any significant correlations between occurrence and location of erosive tooth wear and wedge-shaped defects and various other parameters, e.g., eating and hygiene habits, or dentin hyper-sensitivity. Despite a significant increase in consumption of acidic products between 1996 and 2006, the latter study found both fewer erosive tooth wear and fewer wedge-shaped defects (i.e., fewer non-carious lesions.).


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Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is characterized by motoneuron loss and muscle weakness. However, the structural and functional deficits that lead to the impairment of the neuromuscular system remain poorly defined. By electron microscopy, we previously found that neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) and muscle fibres of the diaphragm are among the earliest affected structures in the severe mouse SMA model. Because of certain anatomical features, i.e. its thinness and its innervation from the cervical segments of the spinal cord, the diaphragm is particularly suitable to characterize both central and peripheral events. Here we show by immunohistochemistry that, at postnatal day 3, the cervical motoneurons of SMA mice receive less stimulatory synaptic inputs. Moreover, their mitochondria become less elongated which might represent an early stage of degeneration. The NMJs of the diaphragm of SMA mice show a loss of synaptic vesicles and active zones. Moreover, the partly innervated endplates lack S100 positive perisynaptic Schwann cells (PSCs). We also demonstrate the feasibility of comparing the proteomic composition between diaphragm regions enriched and poor in NMJs. By this approach we have identified two proteins that are significantly upregulated only in the NMJ-specific regions of SMA mice. These are apoptosis inducing factor 1 (AIFM1), a mitochondrial flavoprotein that initiates apoptosis in a caspase-independent pathway, and four and a half Lim domain protein 1 (FHL1), a regulator of skeletal muscle mass that has been implicated in several myopathies.


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BACKGROUND A caesarean scar defect is a late complication of caesarean birth with a wide range of prevalence between 56 and 84 % depending on which diagnostic tool and which definition is used [1]. The referred symptoms which include postmenstrual spotting and infertility are fortunately rare. Moreover, severe complications such as caesarean scar pregnancy and uterine rupture in the following pregnancy may occur. Given the increasing incidence of caesarean births, the potential morbidity associated with caesarean scars is likely to become more important. Recently, a few repair techniques were described in the literature including the hysteroscopic resection of scarred tissue or the laparoscopic repair with or without robotic assistance [2, 3]. METHODS Between June 2009 and February 2014, 21 women with caesarean scar defects were operated with the Rendez-vous technique, a minimally invasive surgery combining the laparoscopic and hysteroscopic approach. Data were retrospectively collected. The indications for this surgery included secondary infertility, previous caesarean scar pregnancy, recurrent miscarriage and postmenstrual spotting. Prior to operation, a transvaginal ultrasound was performed to examine the uterine wall defect. RESULTS The patient characteristics are provided in Table 1. In all cases, the operation was successfully completed laparoscopically. The median operation time was 125 min. One case was complicated by recurrence of the scar defect 6 weeks after the operation. No other intra- or post-operative complications were observed, and the median in-patient stay was 3 days. CONCLUSIONS The benefits of the technique include the feasibility and safety of the procedure, the "Halloween sign" (Fig. 1) which indicates the exact extent and localization of the scar defect and the immediate assessment of repair through the hysteroscopy at the end of the surgery. However, before further studies evaluate the efficacy of this method, the routine repair of caesarean scar defects cannot be recommended. A video of the technique is presented.


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OBJECTIVES We sought to assess the safety and efficacy of percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects (ASDs) under fluoroscopic guidance only, without periprocedural echocardiographic guidance. BACKGROUND Percutaneous closure of ASDs is usually performed using simultaneous fluoroscopic and transthoracic, transesophageal (TEE), or intracardiac echocardiographic (ICE) guidance. However, TEE requires deep sedation or general anesthesia, which considerably lengthens the procedure. TEE and ICE increase costs. METHODS Between 1997 and 2008, a total of 217 consecutive patients (age, 38 ± 22 years; 155 females and 62 males), of whom 44 were children ≤16 years, underwent percutaneous ASD closure with an Amplatzer ASD occluder (AASDO). TEE guidance and general anesthesia were restricted to the children, while devices were implanted under fluoroscopic guidance only in the adults. For comparison of technical safety and feasibility of the procedure without echocardiographic guidance, the children served as a control group. RESULTS The implantation procedure was successful in all but 3 patients (1 child and 2 adults; 1.4%). Mean device size was 23 ± 8 mm (range, 4-40 mm). There was 1 postprocedural complication (0.5%; transient perimyocarditis in an adult patient). At last echocardiographic follow-up, 13 ± 23 months after the procedure, 90% of patients had no residual shunt, whereas a minimal, moderate, or large shunt persisted in 7%, 1%, and 2%, respectively. Four adult patients (2%) underwent implantation of a second device for a residual shunt. During a mean follow-up period of 3 ± 2 years, 2 deaths and 1 ischemic stroke occurred. CONCLUSION According to these results, percutaneous ASD closure using the AASDO without periprocedural echocardiographic guidance seems safe and feasible.


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IRT1 and IRT2 are members of the Arabidopsis ZIP metal transporter family that are specifically induced by iron deprivation in roots and act as heterologous suppressors of yeast mutations inhibiting iron and zinc uptake. Although IRT1 and IRT2 are thought to perform redundant functions as root-specific metal transporters, insertional inactivation of the IRT1 gene alone results in typical symptoms of iron deficiency causing severe leaf chlorosis and lethality in soil. The irt1 mutation is characterized by specific developmental defects, including a drastic reduction of chloroplast thylakoid stacking into grana and lack of palisade parenchyma differentiation in leaves, reduced number of vascular bundles in stems, and irregular patterns of enlarged endodermal and cortex cells in roots. Pulse labeling with 59Fe through the root system shows that the irt1 mutation reduces iron accumulation in the shoots. Short-term labeling with 65Zn reveals no alteration in spatial distribution of zinc, but indicates a lower level of zinc accumulation. In comparison to wild-type, the irt1 mutant responds to iron and zinc deprivation by altered expression of certain zinc and iron transporter genes, which results in the activation of ZIP1 in shoots, reduction of ZIP2 transcript levels in roots, and enhanced expression of IRT2 in roots. These data support the conclusion that IRT1 is an essential metal transporter required for proper development and regulation of iron and zinc homeostasis in Arabidopsis.