87 resultados para Trusted platform module
jmpierce computes the decomposition of differences between two outcome distributions introduced by Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1993). Examples are the decomposition of changes in the income distribution over time, the decomposition of male-female wage differentials, or the decomposition of wage inequality differences between countries. This routine was previously circulated as jmp.
jmpierce2 computes the decomposition of differences in mean outcome differentials proposed by Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1991). An example is the decomposition of the change of the black-white or the male-female wage differential over time or the decomposition of differences in the male-female wage differential between countries. This routine was previously circulated as jmp2.
relrank generates the so called (quasi-) relative data of a variable compared to an empirical reference distribution. This is also called the grade transformation.
cprplot2 is a variation of official Stata's cprplot and is used for graphing component-plus-residual plots (a.k.a. partial residual plots). Additional features (compared to cprplot): (1) cprplot2 can handle variables that enter the model repeatedly via different transformations (for example, polynomials). (2) cprplot2 can display component-plus-residual plots using the original units for transformed variables in the model. (3) A wrapper is provided to quickly display several component-plus-residual plots in a single image.
devcon transforms the coefficients of 0/1 dummy variables so that they reflect deviations from the "grand mean" rather than deviations from the reference category (the transformed coefficients are equivalent to those obtained by the so called "effects coding") and adds the coefficient for the reference category. The variance-covariance matrix of the estimates is transformed accordingly. The transformed estimated can be used with post estimation procedures. In particular, devcon can be used to solve the identification problem for dummy variable effects in the so-called Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition (see the oaxaca package).
-cochran- performs a test for equality of two or more proportions in matched samples. The chi-squared calculated by -cochran- is known as Cochran's Q (Cochran 1950)
duncan computes the Duncan and Duncan segregation statistic (dissimilarity index D) from individual level data.
estout produces a table of regression results from one or several models for use with spreadsheets, LaTeX, HTML, or a word-processor table. eststo stores a quick copy of the active estimation results for later tabulation. esttab is a wrapper for estout. It displays a pretty looking publication-style regression table without much typing. estadd adds additional results to the e()-returns for one or several models previously fitted and stored. This package subsumes the previously circulated esto, esta, estadd, and estadd_plus. An earlier version of estout is available as estout1.
mrtab tabulates multiple responses which are held as a set of indicator variables or as a set of polytomous response variables.
wgttest performs a test proposed by DuMouchel and Duncan (1983) to evaluate whether the weighted and unweighted estimates of a regression model are significantly different.
alphawgt computes the Cronbach's alpha statistic. It is the same than the official alpha (version 4.5.2, 09apr2002) except that fweights and aweights may be applied.
Given the results from two regressions (one for each of two groups), decompose computes several decompositions of the outcome variable differential. The decompositions shows how much of the gap is due to differing endowments between the two groups, and how much is due to discrimination. Usually this is applied to wage differentials using Mincer type earnings equations.