92 resultados para Throwing Shoulder


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A 15-month-old, spayed female, Bernese mountain dog was presented to the Institute of Small Animal Surgery at the University of Zurich because of chronic left forelimb lameness. The referring veterinarian diagnosed pain in the left shoulder region and had treated the dog with systemic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and restricted exercise for a two-week period. The follow-up examination revealed only minimal improvement and therefore, the dog was referred for further diagnostic evaluation. Chronic bicipital tenosynovitis and tendinitis of the infraspinatus muscle was diagnosed based on survey radiographs, arthrography, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and synovial fluid cytology. The dog underwent three sessions of extracorporeal shockwave therapy and substantial clinical improvement was observed. On follow-up examinations, only mild left forelimb lameness was evident following exercise, and changes in the intertubercular groove and at the supraglenoid tuberosity appeared less active on radiographs and CT. However, six months following treatment, mild degenerative joint disease was apparent.


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PURPOSE To evaluate and compare crestal bone level changes and peri-implant status of implant-supported reconstructions in edentulous and partially dentate patients after a minimum of 5 years of loading. MATERIALS AND METHODS All patients who received a self-tapping implant with a microstructured surface during the years 2003 and 2004 at the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Bern, were included in this study. The implant restorations comprised fixed and removable prostheses for partially and completely edentulous patients. Radiographs were taken immediately after surgery, at impression making, and 1 and 5 years after loading. Crestal bone level (BIC) was measured from the implant shoulder to the first bone contact, and changes were calculated over time (ΔBIC). The associations between pocket depth, bleeding on probing (BOP), and ΔBIC were assessed. RESULTS Sixty-one implants were placed in 20 patients (mean age, 62 ± 7 years). At the 5-year follow-up, 19 patients with 58 implants were available. Implant survival was 98.4% (one early failure; one patient died). The average ΔBIC between surgery and 5-year follow-up was 1.5 ± 0.9 mm and 1.1 ± 0.6 mm for edentulous and partially dentate patients, respectively. Most bone resorption (50%, 0.7 mm) occurred during the first 3 months (osseointegration) and within the first year of loading (21%, 0.3 mm). Mean annual bone loss during the 5 years of loading was < 0.12 mm. Mean pocket depth was 2.6 ± 0.7 mm. Seventeen percent of the implant sites displayed BOP; the frequency was significantly higher in women. None of the variables were significantly associated with crestal bone loss. CONCLUSION Crestal bone loss after 5 years was within the normal range, without a significant difference between edentulous and partially dentate patients. In the short term, this implant system can be used successfully for various prosthetic indications.


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BACKGROUND The etiology of rotator cuff disease is age related, as documented by prevalence data. Despite conflicting results, growing evidence suggests that distinct scapular morphologies may accelerate the underlying degenerative process. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the predictive power of 5 commonly used radiologic parameters of scapular morphology to discriminate between patients with intact rotator cuff tendons and those with torn rotator cuff tendons. METHODS A pre hoc power analysis was performed to determine the sample size. Two independent readers measured the acromion index, lateral acromion angle, and critical shoulder angle on standardized anteroposterior radiographs. In addition, the acromial morphology according to Bigliani and the acromial slope were determined on true outlet views. Measurements were performed in 51 consecutive patients with documented degenerative rotator cuff tears and in an age- and sex-matched control group of 51 patients with intact rotator cuff tendons. Receiver operating characteristic analyses were performed to determine cutoff values and to assess the sensitivity and specificity of each parameter. RESULTS Patients with degenerative rotator cuff tears demonstrated significantly higher acromion indices, smaller lateral acromion angles, and larger critical shoulder angles than patients with intact rotator cuffs. However, no difference was found between the acromial morphology according to Bigliani and the acromial slope. With an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.855 and an odds ratio of 10.8, the critical shoulder angle represented the strongest predictor for the presence of a rotator cuff tear. CONCLUSION The acromion index, lateral acromion angle, and critical shoulder angle accurately predict the presence of degenerative rotator cuff tears.


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In the current study we investigated whether ego depletion negatively affects attention regulation under pressure in sports by assessing participants' dart throwing performance and accompanying gaze behavior. According to the strength model of self-control, the most important aspect of self-control is attention regulation. Because higher levels of state anxiety are associated with impaired attention regulation, we chose a mixed design with ego depletion (yes vs. no) as between-subjects and anxiety level (high vs. low) as within-subjects factor. Participants performed a perceptual-motor task requiring selective attention, namely, dart throwing. In line with our expectations, depleted participants in the high-anxiety condition performed worse and displayed a shorter final fixation on bull's eye, demonstrating that when one's self-control strength is depleted, attention regulation under pressure cannot be maintained. This is the first study that directly supports the general assumption that ego depletion is a major factor in influencing attention regulation under pressure.


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In the present study we investigated whether ego depletion negatively affects attention regulation under pressure in sports by assessing participants’ dart throwing performance and accompanying gaze behavior. According to the strength model of self-control the most important aspect of self-control is attention regulation (Schmeichel & Baumeister, 2010). As higher levels of state anxiety are associated with impaired attention regulation (Nieuwenhuys & Oudejans, 2012) we chose a mixed design with ego depletion (yes vs. no) as between-subjects and anxiety level (high vs. low) as within-subjects factor. A total of 28 right-handed students participated in our study (Mage = 23.4, SDage = 2.5; 10 female; no professional dart experience). Participants performed a perceptual-motor task requiring selective attention, namely, dart throwing. The task was performed while participants were positioned high and low on a climbing wall (i.e., with high and low levels of anxiety). In line with our expectations, a mixed-design ANOVA revealed that depleted participants in the high anxiety condition performed worse (p < .001) and displayed a shorter final fixation on bull’s eye (p < .01) than in the low anxiety condition, demonstrating that when one is depleted attention regulation under pressure cannot be maintained. This is the first study that directly supports the general assumption that ego depletion is a major factor in influencing attention regulation under pressure.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the role of the periosteum in preserving the buccal bone after ridge splitting and expansion with simultaneous implant placement. MATERIAL AND METHODS In 12 miniature pigs, the mandibular premolars and first molars were removed together with the interdental bone septa and the buccal bone. Three months later, ridge splitting and expansion of the buccal plate was performed with simultaneous placement of two titanium implants per quadrant. Access by a mucosal flap (MF) was prepared on test sides, while a mucoperiosteal flap (MPF) with complete denudation of the buccal bone was increased on control sides. After healing periods of six and 12 weeks, the animals were sacrificed for histologic and histometric evaluation. RESULTS In the MF group, all 16 implants were osseointegrated, while in the MPF group, four of 16 implants were lost. Noticeable differences of bone levels on the implant surface and of the bone crest (BC) were found between the MF and the MPF group. Buccally after 6 weeks, the median distance between the implant shoulder (IS) and the coronal-most bone on the implant (cBIC) was for the MF group -1.42 ± 0.42 mm and for the MPF group -4.80 ± 2.72 mm (P = 0.15). The median distance between the IS and the buccal BC was -1.24 ± 0.51 mm and -2.78 ± 1.98 mm (P = 0.12) for the MF and MPF group, respectively. After 12 weeks, median IS-cBIC was -2.12 ± 0.84 mm for MF and -7.19 mm for MPF, while IS-BC was -2.08 ± 0.79 mm for MF and -5.96 mm for MPF. After 6 weeks, the median buccal bone thickness for MF and MPF was 0.01 and 0 mm (P < 0.001) at IS, 1.48 ± 0.97 mm and 0 ± 0.77 mm (P = 0.07) at 2 mm apical to IS, and 2.12 ± 1.19 mm and 1.72 ± 01.50 mm (P = 0.86) at 4 mm apical to IS, respectively. After 12 weeks, buccal bone thickness in the MF group was 0 mm at IS, 0.21 mm at 2 mm apical to IS, and 2.56 mm at 4 mm apical to IS, whereas complete loss of buccal bone was measured from IS to 4 mm apical to IS for the MPF group. CONCLUSIONS In this ridge expansion model in miniature pigs, buccal bone volume was significantly better preserved when the periosteum remained attached to the bone.


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In central Switzerland, the earliest wetland settlements with definitely attested finds and features date into the second half of the 5th millennium BC. Combining the information they have yielded with that from dryland sites, we can construct a detailed picture of material culture at the turn of the 5th to the 4th millennium. On this basis, the definition of clearly delimited archaeological cultures seems questionable, not only from a theoretical point of view. Similiarities and differences in the pottery show small-scale regional units defined via vessel forms as well as stylistic and technological aspects. Yet there are also inter-regional connections: roundbased vessels with opposing handles are typical for Lake Zurich, central and western Switzerland, the Valais and the central Rhône valley. In turn, ‘foreign‘ types such as shoulder-band beakers indicate regular connections between groups living in central Switzerland and those in Alsace and southern Germany. Are these beakers ‘imports‘ or locally produced items (‘imitations‘) indicating the adoption of ‘foreign‘ vessel types and concepts? This and similar material culture phenomena result in a picture of many material entanglements and problematise the kinds of relationships and mobility which might have existed. Our paper addresses these questions and discusses how and whether these interwoven connections changed in the early 4th millennium.


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INTRODUCTION For ultrasonographic diagnosis of a fetal trisomy so-called "soft markers" (=ultrasonographically detectable morphological variants) are used. Detection of a certain number of them increases the diagnostic certainty of a fetal trisomy. Up to now there are very few diagnostically accepted osseous soft markers for trisomy. Hence potential osseous soft markers applicable for first and second trimester ultrasound screening for trisomy 21, 18 or 13 were studied. METHODS Postmortal fetal X-rays (ap, lateral) of 358 fetuses (trisomy 21: n = 109, trisomy 18: n = 46; trisomy 13: n = 38, control group: n = 165). RESULTS Not yet described but with trisomy 21 statistically associated soft markers were un-timely os sternale ossification, delayed os sacrum ossification, shortened os maxillare, reduced os maxillare-jaw-corner distance, augmented orbita height, premature os calcaneus ossification, bell-shaped thorax, coronal clefts, trend to wider binocular as well as wider intraocular distances; for trisomy 18: elevated clavicula slope, reduced number of ribs, bell-shaped thorax, coronal clefts, reduced os maxillare-jaw-corner distance, shortened ramus mandibulare, shortened os metacarpale IV and V, augmented ratio between biparietal diameter and (osseus and soft-tissue) shoulder width; for trisomy 13: longer os nasale, elevated clavicula slope, premature sternum, delayed os sacrum ossification, delayed/premature cranium ossification, reduced number of ribs, coronal clefts, reduced os maxillare-jaw-corner distance, shortened ramus mandibulare, augmented orbita height, shortened os metacarpale V and a tendency for a shortened os metacarpale IV. CONCLUSION We found several not yet published osseous soft markers statistically associated with trisomy 21, 18 and 13, which can help to ensure sonographically these aneuploidy diagnoses.


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PURPOSE The objective of this study was to evaluate stiffness, strength, and failure modes of monolithic crowns produced using computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture, which are connected to diverse titanium and zirconia abutments on an implant system with tapered, internal connections. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty monolithic lithium disilicate (LS2) crowns were constructed and loaded on bone level-type implants in a universal testing machine under quasistatic conditions according to DIN ISO 14801. Comparative analysis included a 2 × 2 format: prefabricated titanium abutments using proprietary bonding bases (group A) vs nonproprietary bonding bases (group B), and customized zirconia abutments using proprietary Straumann CARES (group C) vs nonproprietary Astra Atlantis (group D) material. Stiffness and strength were assessed and calculated statistically with the Wilcoxon rank sum test. Cross-sections of each tested group were inspected microscopically. RESULTS Loaded LS2 crowns, implants, and abutment screws in all tested specimens (groups A, B, C, and D) did not show any visible fractures. For an analysis of titanium abutments (groups A and B), stiffness and strength showed equally high stability. In contrast, proprietary and nonproprietary customized zirconia abutments exhibited statistically significant differences with a mean strength of 366 N (Astra) and 541 N (CARES) (P < .05); as well as a mean stiffness of 884 N/mm (Astra) and 1,751 N/mm (CARES) (P < .05), respectively. Microscopic cross-sections revealed cracks in all zirconia abutments (groups C and D) below the implant shoulder. CONCLUSION Depending on the abutment design, prefabricated titanium abutment and proprietary customized zirconia implant-abutment connections in conjunction with monolithic LS2 crowns had the best results in this laboratory investigation.


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The rotator cuff is a complex musculotendinous unit, which plays a major role in glenohumeral joint stability and mobilization. Tears of the rotator cuff tendon and its subsequent changes of the rotator cuff muscle are common, and the incidence increases with age. Several structures such as the muscle, tendon, and bone may contribute to the development of a tear as well as on the outcome following a rotator cuff repair. Knowledge of these structures may help to improve rotator cuff healing after rotator cuff tear. The goal of this chapter is to discuss the evidence which exists with regard to the pathophysiological changes in the muscle, tendon, and bone that lead to a rotator cuff rupture as well as the changes that occur in these structures after a tear has occurred.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of this cross-sectional study was to estimate bone loss of implants with platform-switching design and analyze possible risk indicators after 5 years of loading in a multi-centered private practice network. METHOD AND MATERIALS Peri-implant bone loss was measured radiographically as the distance from the implant shoulder to the mesial and distal alveolar crest, respectively. Risk factor analysis for marginal bone loss included type of implant prosthetic treatment concept and dental status of the opposite arch. RESULTS A total of 316 implants in 98 study patients after 5 years of loading were examined. The overall mean value for radiographic bone loss was 1.02 mm (SD ± 1.25 mm, 95% CI 0.90- 1.14). Correlation analyses indicated a strong association of peri-implant bone loss > 2 mm for removable implant-retained prostheses with an odds ratio of 53.8. CONCLUSION The 5-year-results of the study show clinically acceptable values of mean bone loss after 5 years of loading. Implant-supported removable prostheses seem to be a strong co-factor for extensive bone level changes compared to fixed reconstructions. However, these results have to be considered for evaluation of the included special cohort under private dental office conditions.


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Hintergrund Begleitverletzungen können in bis zu 90 % der Fälle nach erstmaliger Schulterluxation auftreten. Auch wenn sie nicht immer einen Einfluss auf die Therapiewahl haben, so ist eine sorgfältige Diagnostik entscheidend. Einteilung In der Akutsituation ist eine konventionelle Bildgebung in mindestens 2 Ebenen (a.-p./Neer/evtl. axial) vor und nach Reposition zwingend. Luxationsfrakturen dürfen nicht übersehen bzw. durch das Manöver der geschlossenen Reposition sekundär disloziert werden. Bestehen ossäre glenoidale, humerale oder kombinierte Verletzungen, sollten sie gemäß Stabilitätskriterien versorgt werden. Dies kann umgehend, nach manifester Dezentrierung oder Instabilität entweder mittels Osteosythese oder als glenohumerale Stabilisation im Verlauf erfolgen. Bei einer Instabilität ist prinzipiell zur Bilanzierung einer ossären Ursache das Arthro-CT die Untersuchung der Wahl, welche auch eine Beurteilung der kapsulolabroligamentären Verletzung sowie einer traumatischen Rotatorenmanschettenläsion ermöglicht. Letztere ist jedoch besser mittels Arthro-MRT zu beurteilen. Diskussion Eine signifikante frische, meist größere oder massive, Rotatorenmanschettenläsion sollte rasch operativ angegangen werden. Medial reichende „off the track“ Hill-Sachs-Läsionen können mittels einer Hill-Sachs-Remplissage oder, wie auch glenoidale Defekte, mittels einer Kochenaugmentation versorgt werden. Langzeitresultate des Latarjet-Verfahrens zeigen 25 Jahre nach dem Eingriff die niedrigste Reluxationsrate < 4 %, eine gute Außenrotation, eine sehr hohe Patientenzufriedenheit und degenerative Veränderungen, welche vergleichbar mit der natürlichen Entwicklung nach erstmaliger Schulterluxation ohne Rezidiv sind.


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AIM To associate the dimension of the facial bone wall with clinical, radiological, and patient-centered outcomes at least 10 years after immediate implant placement with simultaneous guided bone regeneration in a retrospective study. MATERIAL AND METHODS Primary endpoint was the distance from the implant shoulder (IS) to the first bone-to-implant contact (IS-BIC10y ). Secondary endpoints included the facial bone thickness (BT10y ) 2, 4, and 6 mm apical to the IS, and the implant position. At baseline, the horizontal defect width (HDWBL ) from the implant surface to the alveolar wall was recorded. At recall, distance from the IS to the mucosal margin (IS-MM10y ), degree of soft tissue coverage of the mesial and distal aspects of the implants (PISm10y , PISd10y ; Papilla Index), pocket probing depth (PPD10y ), and patient-centered outcomes were determined. Width of the keratinized mucosa (KM), Full-Mouth Plaque and Bleeding Score (FMPS, FMBS) were available for both time points. RESULTS Of the 20 patients who underwent immediate implant placement with simultaneous guided bone regeneration and transmucosal healing, nine males and eight females with a median age of 62 years (42 min, 84 max) were followed up for a median period of 10.5 y (min 10.1 max 11.5). The 10-year implant survival rate was 100%. Multivariate regression analysis revealed a correlation of the IS-BIC10y , controlled for age and gender, with four parameters: HDWBL (P = 0.03), KMBL -10 (P = 0.02), BT10 4 mm (P = 0.01), and BT10 6 mm (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION Within the conditions of the present study, the horizontal defect width was the main indicator for the vertical dimension of the facial bone. The facial bone dimension was further associated with a reduction in the width of the keratinized mucosa and the dimension of the buccal bone.