143 resultados para Streptococcus salivarius


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Background: Periodontitis and caries are common diseases in older adults. Aims: To test if rinsing with chlorhexidine over five years has an impact on the subgingival microbiota. Methods: In a double blind randomized five years chlorhexidine rinse study clinical oral data and subgingival plaque samples were analyzed by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. Results: At year 5 subject mean age was 71.2 years (S.D. + 4.1) (56.2% women). Only in subjects with no bone loss did the chlorhexidine rinse group subjects presented with lower total bacterial (DNA) counts (mean diff: 63.1 (x105), S.E diff + 30.1 (x105), 95%CI: 0.8 to 120.5 (x105), p<0.05) [(i.e.Lactobacillus acidophilicus (p<0.05) , Streptococcus oralis (p<0.05), Eikenella. corrodens (p< 0.05), C. gracilis (p<0.01), F.nucl.sp. nucleatum (p< 0.02), Fusobacterium nucl. sp. polymorphum (p<0.02), Neisseria mucosa (p<0.02), Leptothrichia buccalis (p<0.02), and Selenomonas noxia (p<0.050)]. Higher bacterial loads were found for the green (p<0.05), yellow (streptococci spp) (p<0.01), and the ‘other' complexes (p<0.01). Conclusions: Independent of probing pocket depth, older subjects carry a large variety of bacteria associated with periodontitis. The oral microbiota in older subjects is linked to alveolar bone loss and not to probing depth. Chlorhexidine may provide a benefit in preventing periodontitis in older persons.


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Objectives: The aims of the present study were (1)to assess the microbiota at implants in function diagnosed as having either peri-implantitis, or mucositis, or being clinically without symptoms of inflammation, (2) to identify explanatory factors to implant status. Material and Methods: Clinical and microbiological data were collected from 138 subjects (mean age: 62.3 ± 14.9) with 524 implants in function for an average of 10.8 years (S.D. +1.5). The checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method was used to identify 40 bacterial species. Results: Subjects had poor oral hygiene with a mean % plaque score 53.2 ± 24.4. In 36% of cases periodontitis was reported as the cause for implant therapy. Mucositis was diagnosed in 61.6% and per-implantitis in 15.9% of all cases. Edentulous subjects had at implants with peri-implantitis significantly higher bacterial loads for Streptococcus sanguis (p<0.01), Fusobacterium nucleatum sp. nucleatum (p<0.02), and Leptothrichia buccalis (p<0.05) than did dentate implant subjects. Dentate subjects had higher bacterial loads of Porphyromonas gingivalis (p<0.02). The levels of Fusobacterium nucleatum sp.vincentii and Capnocytophaga ochracea were explanatory to mucositis. Only a history of periodontitis as cause of tooth loss and smoking were explanatory to peri-implantitis. The microbiota was not affect by supportive care patterns. Conclusions: Presence or absence of teeth partly explains the implant microbiota. A past history of periodontitis and smoking are associated with peri-implantitis. The microbiota at implants with mucositis, or peri-implantitis is similar to that of teeth. Supportive periodontal and implant therapy fails to have an impact on implant microbiota and does not prevent mucositis and peri-implantitis.


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PURPOSE: To design an artificial mouth in order to evaluate if a new diagnostic tool (Clinpro Cario Diagnosis) can be used for early detection of secondary caries at resin composite margins in vitro. METHODS: 32 intact human third molars received standardized Class-V resin composite restorations (Tetric Ceram bonded with Syntac SC). After storage for 4 weeks at 37 degrees C, teeth were subjected to 5,000 or 10,000 thermocycles (+/- 5 degrees C and +/- 55 degrees C) and polysiloxane impressions were taken. Streptococcus mutans 10449 (SM) was used in a nutrition medium to initiate a secondary caries process. Daily, the teeth were incubated for 2 x 2.5 hours in SM containing nutrition medium followed by 2 x 9.5 hours incubation in artificial saliva. Teeth were investigated after total incubation periods of 4, 6, and 8 weeks. After the different incubation protocols, the restoration margins were evaluated for infection and secondary caries processes in using Clinpro Cario Diagnosis which measures site-specifically the lactic acid production of SM in response to a sucrose challenge. The color signal was read 5 minutes after removal of the diagnostic impression. After thermocycling and biological load cycling, precision polysiloxane impressions were taken and replicas were investigated under a light microscope for gap widths at enamel and dentin margins. Demineralization was evaluated by fluorescence microscopy in using a special FITC filter. The demineralization depths at the cavity margin were calculated with Xpert for Windows using a pixel distance of 5 microm. RESULTS: After the different thermocycling protocols, no differences in gap widths and demineralization depths were found (P > 0.05). After SM incubation, gap widths and demineralization depths were significantly dependent on SM incubation time and previous number of thermocycles (P < 0.05). Lactic acid formations of SM were detectable by Clinpro Cario Diagnosis at dentin cavosurface margins formed after 6 weeks of incubation with SM (P < 0.05).


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The aim of this study was to obtain comprehensive data on clinical presentation, microbiology, computed tomography, surgical findings and histology in acute, sub-acute and chronic mastoiditis. We performed a prospective, observational study in children under 16 years of age presenting to our institution during the 2-year period beginning in April 2000. The children were examined and their condition treated in accordance with a standardized protocol elaborated by the paediatric, otolaryngology (ORL) and radiology departments. Thirty-eight patients were hospitalized (22 with acute mastoiditis, seven with sub-acute mastoiditis, nine with chronic mastoiditis). There were 30 complications present in 21 patients (55%). Streptococcus pyogenes was the most common pathogen (7/24 cases), followed by Streptococcus pneumoniae (4/24 cases). Mastoid surgery was performed in 29 patients. Histology of mastoid tissue revealed predominantly acute inflammation in two cases, mixed acute/chronic inflammation in 19 cases and predominantly chronic inflammation in seven cases. Radiologic data were evaluated retrospectively. Spiral, volume-based high-resolution (HR) computed tomography (CT) of the temporal bone had a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 38%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 50% and negative predictive value (NPV) of 100% in detecting coalescence of mastoid trabeculae. Cranial CT with contrast had a sensitivity of 80%, specificity of 94%, PPV of 80% and NPV of 94% in identifying intra-cranial extension. Conclusion: histological evidence suggests that sub-acute/chronic infection underlies not only sub-acute and chronic mastoiditis, but most cases of acute mastoiditis as well. HR-CT of the temporal bone is effective in ruling out coalescence. Cranial CT is valuable in identifying intra-cranial extension. Cranial and HR-CT are recommended in the examination of children with mastoiditis.


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In experimental bacterial meningitis, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) contribute to brain damage. MMP-9 increases in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) during bacterial meningitis and is associated with the brain damage that is a consequence of the disease. This study assesses the origin of MMP-9 in bacterial meningitis and how ROS modulate its activity. Rat brain-slice cultures and rat polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) that had been challenged with capsule-deficient heat-inactivated Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 (hiR6) released MMP-9. Coincubation with either catalase, with the myeloperoxidase inhibitor azide, or with the hypochlorous acid scavenger methionine almost completely prevented activation, but not the release, of MMP-9, in supernatants of human PMNs stimulated with hiR6. Thus, in bacterial meningitis, both brain-resident cells and invading PMNs may act as sources of MMP-9, and stimulated PMNs may activate MMP-9 via an ROS-dependent pathway. MMP-9 activation by ROS may represent a target for therapeutic intervention in bacterial meningitis.


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Antioxidant treatment has previously been shown to be neuroprotective in experimental bacterial meningitis. To obtain quantitative evidence for oxidative stress in this disease, we measured the major brain antioxidants ascorbate and reduced glutathione, and the lipid peroxidation endproduct malondialdehyde in the cortex of infant rats infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae. Cortical levels of the two antioxidants were markedly decreased 22 h after infection, when animals were severely ill. Total pyridine nucleotide levels in the cortex were unaltered, suggesting that the loss of the two antioxidants was not due to cell necrosis. Bacterial meningitis was accompanied by a moderate, significant increase in cortical malondialdehyde. While treatment with either of the antioxidants alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone or N-acetylcysteine significantly inhibited this increase, only the former attenuated the loss of endogenous antioxidants. Cerebrospinal fluid bacterial titer, nitrite and nitrate levels, and myeloperoxidase activity at 18 h after infection were unaffected by antioxidant treatment, suggesting that they acted by mechanisms other than modulation of inflammation. The results demonstrate that bacterial meningitis is accompanied by oxidative stress in the brain parenchyma. Furthermore, increased cortical lipid peroxidation does not appear to be the result of parenchymal oxidative stress, because it was prevented by NAC, which had no effect on the loss of brain antioxidants.


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Experimental bacterial meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae in infant rats was associated with a time-dependent increase in CSF and cortical urate that was approximately 30-fold elevated at 22 h after infection compared to baseline. This increase was mirrored by a 20-fold rise in cortical xanthine oxidoreductase activity. The relative proportion of the oxidant-producing xanthine oxidase to total activity did not increase, however. Blood plasma levels of urate also increased during infection, but part of this was as a consequence of dehydration, as reflected by elevated ascorbate concentrations in the plasma. Administration of the radical scavenger alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone, previously shown to be neuroprotective in the present model, did not significantly affect either xanthine dehydrogenase or xanthine oxidase activity, and increased even further cortical accumulation of urate. Treatment with the xanthine oxidoreductase inhibitor allopurinol inhibited CSF urate levels earlier than those in blood plasma, supporting the notion that urate was produced within the brain. However, this treatment did not prevent the loss of ascorbate and reduced glutathione in the cortex and CSF. Together with data from the literature, the results strongly suggest that xanthine oxidase is not a major cause of oxidative stress in bacterial meningitis and that urate formation due to induction of xanthine oxidoreductase in the brain may in fact represent a protective response.


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Bacterial meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae is associated with an significant mortality rate and persisting neurologic sequelae including sensory-motor deficits, seizures, and impairments of learning and memory. The histomorphological correlate of these sequelae is a pattern of brain damage characterized by necrotic tissue damage in the cerebral cortex and apoptosis of neurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Different animal models of pneumococcal meningitis have been developed to study the pathogenesis of the disease. To date, the infant rat model is unique in mimicking both forms of brain damage documented in the human disease. In the present study, we established an infant mouse model of pneumococcal meningitis. Eleven-days-old C57BL/6 (n = 299), CD1 (n = 42) and BALB/c (n = 14) mice were infected by intracisternal injection of live Streptococcus pneumoniae. Sixteen hours after infection, all mice developed meningitis as documented by positive bacterial cultures of the cerebrospinal fluid. Sixty percent of infected C57BL/6 mice survived more than 40 h after infection (50% of CD1, 0% of BALB/c). Histological evaluations of brain sections revealed apoptosis in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in 27% of infected C57BL/6 and in 5% of infected CD1 mice. Apoptosis was confirmed by immunoassaying for active caspase-3 and by TUNEL staining. Other forms of brain damage were found exclusively in C57BL/6, i.e. caspase-3 independent (pyknotic) cell death in the dentate gyrus in 2% and cortical damage in 11% of infected mice. This model may prove useful for studies on the pathogenesis of brain injury in childhood bacterial meningitis.


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BACKGROUND: Calorimetry is a nonspecific technique which allows direct measurement of heat generated by biological processes in the living cell. We evaluated the potential of calorimetry for rapid detection of bacterial growth in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in a rat model of bacterial meningitis. METHODS: Infant rats were infected on postnatal day 11 by direct intracisternal injection with either Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis or Listeria monocytogenes. Control animals were injected with sterile saline or heat-inactivated S. pneumoniae. CSF was obtained at 18 hours after infection for quantitative cultures and heat flow measurement. For calorimetry, 10 microl and 1 microl CSF were inoculated in calorimetry ampoules containing 3 ml trypticase soy broth (TSB). RESULTS: The mean bacterial titer (+/- SD) in CSF was 1.5 +/- 0.6 x 108 for S. pneumoniae, 1.3 +/- 0.3 x 106 for N. meningitidis and 3.5 +/- 2.2 x 104 for L. monocytogenes. Calorimetric detection time was defined as the time until heat flow signal exceeded 10 microW. Heat signal was detected in 10-microl CSF samples from all infected animals with a mean (+/- SD) detection time of 1.5 +/- 0.2 hours for S. pneumoniae, 3.9 +/- 0.7 hours for N. meningitidis and 9.1 +/- 0.5 hours for L. monocytogenes. CSF samples from non-infected animals generated no increasing heat flow (<10 microW). The total heat was the highest in S. pneumoniae ranging from 6.7 to 7.5 Joules, followed by L. monocytogenes (5.6 to 6.1 Joules) and N. meningitidis (3.5 to 4.4 Joules). The lowest detectable bacterial titer by calorimetry was 2 cfu for S. pneumoniae, 4 cfu for N. meningitidis and 7 cfu for L. monocytogenes. CONCLUSION: By means of calorimetry, detection times of <4 hours for S. pneumoniae and N. meningitidis and <10 hours for Listeria monocytogenes using as little as 10 microl CSF were achieved. Calorimetry is a new diagnostic method allowing rapid and accurate diagnosis of bacterial meningitis from a small volume of CSF.


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Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is the most common sequel of bacterial meningitis (BM) and is observed in up to 30% of survivors when the disease is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. BM is the single most important origin of acquired SNHL in childhood. Anti-inflammatory dexamethasone holds promises as potential adjuvant therapy to prevent SNHL associated with BM. However, in infant rats, pneumococcal meningitis (PM) increased auditory brainstem response (ABR) thresholds [mean difference = 54 decibels sound pressure level (dB SPL)], measured 3 wk after infection, irrespective to treatment with ceftriaxone plus dexamethasone or ceftriaxone plus saline (p < 0.005 compared with mock-infected controls). Moreover, dexamethasone did not attenuate short- and long-term histomorphologic correlates of SNHL. At 24 h after infection, blood-labyrinth barrier (BLB) permeability was significantly increased in infected animals of both treatment groups compared with controls. Three weeks after the infection, the averaged number of type I neurons per square millimeter of the Rosenthal's canal dropped from 0.3019 +/- 0.0252 in controls to 0.2227 +/- 0.0635 in infected animals receiving saline (p < 0.0005). Dexamethasone was not more effective than saline in preventing neuron loss (0.2462 +/- 0.0399; p > 0.05). These results suggest that more efficient adjuvant therapies are needed to prevent SNHL associated with pediatric PM.


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BACKGROUND: Streptococcus (S.) pneumoniae meningitis has a high lethality despite antibiotic treatment. Inflammation is a major pathogenetic factor, which is unresponsive to antibiotics. Therefore adjunctive therapies with antiinflammatory compounds have been developed. TNF484 is a TNF-alpha converting enzyme (TACE) inhibitor and has been found efficacious in experimental meningitis. Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) contributes to host response in pneumococcal meningitis by enhancing bacterial clearing and downmodulating inflammation. In this study, TNF484 was applied in mice, which lacked TLR2 and exhibited a strong meningeal inflammation. METHODS: 103 CFU S. pneumoniae serotype 3 was inoculated subarachnoidally into C57BL/6 wild type (wt) mice or TLR2-/-, CD14-/- and CD14-/-/TLR2-/- mice. Severity of disease and survival was followed over 9 days. Response to antibiotics (80 mg/kg ceftriaxone i.p. for 5 days) and/or TACE inhibitor treatment (1 mg/kg s.c. twice daily for 4 days) was evaluated. Animals were sacrificed after 12, 24, and 48 h for analysis of bacterial load in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain and for TNF and leukocyte measurements in CSF. RESULTS: TLR2-/- mice were significantly sicker than the other mouse strains 24 h after infection. All knockout mice showed higher disease severity after 48 h and died earlier than wt mice. TNF release into CSF was significantly more elevated in TLR2-/- than in the other strains after 24 h. Brain bacterial numbers were significantly higher in all knockout than wt mice after 24 h. Modulation of outcome by antibiotic and TACE inhibitor treatment was evaluated. With antibiotic therapy all wt, CD14-/- and TLR2-/-/CD14-/- mice, but only 79% of TLR2-/- mice, were rescued. TACE inhibitor treatment alone did not rescue, but prolonged survival in wt mice, and in TLR2-/- and CD14-/- mice to the values observed in untreated wt mice. By combined antibiotic and TACE inhibitor treatment 95% of TLR2-/- mice were rescued. CONCLUSION: During pneumococcal meningitis strong inflammation in TLR2-deficiency was associated with incomplete responsiveness to antibiotics and complete response to combined antibiotic and TACE inhibitor treatment. TACE inhibitor treatment offers a promising adjuvant therapeutic strategy in pneumococcal meningitis.


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Bacteriolytic antibiotics cause the release of bacterial components that augment the host inflammatory response, which in turn contributes to the pathophysiology of brain injury in bacterial meningitis. In the present study, antibiotic therapy with nonbacteriolytic daptomycin was compared with that of bacteriolytic ceftriaxone in experimental pneumococcal meningitis, and the treatments were evaluated for their effects on inflammation and brain injury. Eleven-day-old rats were injected intracisternally with 1.3 x 10(4) +/- 0.5 x 10(4) CFU of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 3 and randomized to therapy with ceftriaxone (100 mg/kg of body weight subcutaneously [s.c.]; n = 55) or daptomycin (50 mg/kg s.c.; n = 56) starting at 18 h after infection. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was assessed for bacterial counts, matrix metalloproteinase-9 levels, and tumor necrosis factor alpha levels at different time intervals after infection. Cortical brain damage was evaluated at 40 h after infection. Daptomycin cleared the bacteria more efficiently from the CSF than ceftriaxone within 2 h after the initiation of therapy (log(10) 3.6 +/- 1.0 and log(10) 6.3 +/- 1.4 CFU/ml, respectively; P < 0.02); reduced the inflammatory host reaction, as assessed by the matrix metalloproteinase-9 concentration in CSF 40 h after infection (P < 0.005); and prevented the development of cortical injury (cortical injury present in 0/30 and 7/28 animals, respectively; P < 0.004). Compared to ceftriaxone, daptomycin cleared the bacteria from the CSF more rapidly and caused less CSF inflammation. This combined effect provides an explanation for the observation that daptomycin prevented the development of cortical brain injury in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. Further research is needed to investigate whether nonbacteriolytic antibiotic therapy with daptomycin represents an advantageous alternative over current bacteriolytic antibiotic therapies for the treatment of pneumococcal meningitis.


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Bacterial meningitis is associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality, despite advances in antibiotic therapy. Meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is associated with a particularly high incidence of neurological sequelae including deficits resulting from damage to the hippocampus. Previous studies have documented that in neonatal rats with experimental pneumococcal meningitis, cells in the subgranular layer of the dentate gyrus undergo apoptosis. The aim of the present study was to define in more detail the nature of the dying cells in the dentate gyrus. Using bromodeoxyuridine labeling at different times before infection combined with immunocytochemistry, we identified the vulnerable cells as those which underwent mitosis 6-10 days before infection. A majority of these cells are of neuronal lineage. Thus, immature neuronal cells several days after the last cell division are preferentially triggered into apoptosis during pneumococcal meningitis. The loss of these cells may contribute to the long-lasting impairment of hippocampal function identified in animal models and in humans after bacterial meningitis.


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Objectives: The goal of the present study was to elucidate the contribution of the newly recognized virulence factor choline to the pathogenesis of Streptococcus pneumoniae in an animal model of meningitis. Results: The choline containing strain D39Cho(-) and its isogenic choline-free derivative D39Cho(-)licA64 -each expressing the capsule polysaccharide 2 - were introduced intracisternally at an inoculum size of 10(3) CFU into 11 days old Wistar rats. During the first 8 h post infection both strains multiplied and stimulated a similar immune response that involved expression of high levels of proinflammatory cytokines, the matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), IL-10, and the influx of white blood cells into the CSF. Virtually identical immune response was also elicited by intracisternal inoculation of 10(7) CFU equivalents of either choline-containing or choline-free cell walls. At sampling times past 8 h strain D39Cho(-) continued to replicate accompanied by an intense inflammatory response and strong granulocytic pleiocytosis. Animals infected with D39Cho(-) died within 20 h and histopathology revealed brain damage in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. In contrast, the initial immune response generated by the choline-free strain D39Cho(-)licA64 began to decline after the first 8 h accompanied by elimination of the bacteria from the CSF in parallel with a strong WBC response peaking at 8 h after infection. All animals survived and there was no evidence for brain damage. Conclusion: Choline in the cell wall is essential for pneumococci to remain highly virulent and survive within the host and establish pneumococcal meningitis.


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BACKGROUND: Excitotoxic neuronal injury by action of the glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) subtype have been implicated in the pathogenesis of brain damage as a consequence of bacterial meningitis. The most potent and selective blocker of NMDA receptors containing the NR2B subunit is (R,S)-alpha-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-beta-methyl-4-(phenylmethyl)-1-piperid inepropanol (RO 25-6981). Here we evaluated the effect of RO 25-6981 on hippocampal neuronal apoptosis in an infant rat model of meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Animals were randomized for treatment with RO 25-6981 at a dosage of either 0.375 mg (15 mg/kg; n = 28) or 3.75 mg (150 mg/kg; n = 15) every 3 h or an equal volume of sterile saline (250 microl; n = 40) starting at 12 h after infection. Eighteen hours after infection, animals were assessed clinically and seizures were observed for a period of 2 h. At 24 h after infection animals were sacrificed and brains were examined for apoptotic injury to the dentate granule cell layer of the hippocampus. RESULTS: Treatment with RO 25-6981 had no effect on clinical scores, but the incidence of seizures was reduced (P < 0.05 for all RO 25-6981 treated animals combined). The extent of apoptosis was not affected by low or high doses of RO 25-6981. Number of apoptotic cells (median [range]) was 12.76 [3.16-25.3] in animals treated with low dose RO 25-6981 (control animals 13.8 [2.60-31.8]; (P = NS) and 9.8 [1.7-27.3] (controls: 10.5 [2.4-21.75]) in animals treated with high dose RO 25-6981 (P = NS). CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with a highly selective blocker of NMDA receptors containing the NR2B subunit failed to protect hippocampal neurons from injury in this model of pneumococcal meningitis, while it had some beneficial effect on the incidence of seizures.