144 resultados para Romilly, Jacqueline de


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The giant tortoises of the Galapagos have become greatly depleted since European discovery of the islands in the 16th Century, with populations declining from an estimated 250000 to between 8000 and 14000 in the 1970s. Successful tortoise conservation efforts have focused on species recovery, but ecosystem conservation and restoration requires a better understanding of the wider ecological consequences of this drastic reduction in the archipelago's only large native herbivore. We report the first evidence from palaeoecological records of coprophilous fungal spores of the formerly more extensive geographical range of giant tortoises in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island. Upland tortoise populations on Santa Cruz declined 500-700years ago, likely the result of human impact or possible climatic change. Former freshwater wetlands, a now limited habitat-type, were found to have converted to Sphagnum bogs concomitant with tortoise loss, subsequently leading to the decline of several now-rare or extinct plant species.


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Humans colonized the Balearic Islands 5-4 ka ago. They arrived in a uniquely adapted ecosystem with the Balearic mountain goat Myotragus balearicus (Bovidae, Antilopinae, Caprini) as the only large mammal. This mammal went extinct rapidly after human arrival. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the extinction of M. balearicus. For the present study ancient DNA analysis (Sanger sequencing, Roche-454, Ion Torrent), and pollen and macrofossil analyses were performed on preserved coprolites from M. balearicus, providing information on its diet and paleo-environment. The information retrieved shows that M. balearicus was heavily dependent on the Balearic box species Buxus balearica during at least part of the year, and that it was most probably a browser. Hindcast ecological niche modelling of B. balearica shows that local distribution of this plant species was affected by climate changes. This suggests that the extinction of M. balearicus can be related to the decline and regional extinction of a plant species that formed a major component of its diet. The vegetation change is thought to be caused by increased aridity occurring throughout the Mediterranean. Previous hypotheses relating the extinction of M. balearicus directly to the arrival of humans on the islands must therefore be adjusted. (C) 2013 University of Washington. Published by Elsevier Inn All rights reserved.


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Exoerythrocytic Plasmodium parasites infect hepatocytes and develop to huge multinucleated schizonts inside a parasitophorous vacuole. Finally, thousands of merozoites are formed and released into the host cell cytoplasm by complete disintegration of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane. This, in turn, results in death and detachment of the infected hepatocyte, followed by the formation of merosomes. The fast growth of the parasite and host cell detachment are hallmarks of liver stage development and can easily be monitored. Here, we describe how to translate these observations into assays for characterizing parasite development. Additionally, other recently introduced techniques and tools to analyze and manipulate liver stage parasites are also discussed.


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Equine recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is an inflammatory, obstructive airway disease induced by exposure of susceptible horses to inhaled organic dust particles. The immunological process underlying RAO is still unclear. Previous studies have shown that RAO is linked to the Interleukin-4 receptor (IL-4R) gene in one Warmblood family (F1), but not in another (F2). It has also been shown that in F1, but not in F2, RAO is associated with resistance against parasites, suggesting that this association may have an immuno-genetic basis. Therefore, we hypothesized that the T helper (h)1/Th2/regulatory (Treg) cytokine profiles of RAO-associated antigen- and parasite-antigen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) differ between RAO-affected and healthy horses depending on their genetic background. In our study, PBMC from 17 RAO-affected and 14 healthy control horses of F1 and F2 were stimulated for 24h with antigens relevant to RAO [hay dust extract (HDE), Aspergillus fumigatus extract (AFE) and lipopolysaccharids (LPS)]; cyathostomin extract (CE) and recombinant cyathostomin antigen (RCA) or with concanavalin A (ConA). Total mRNA levels of IL-4, IL-4R, IL-13, interferon (INF)-γ and IL-10 were examined by qRT-PCR. Stimulation with either HDE or RCA resulted in significant differences in IL-4R mRNA levels between RAO-affected and control horses in F1, but not in F2. For IL-10 mRNA expression, a significant difference between RAO-affected and control horses in F1 but not in F2 was observed only following stimulation with HDE. In contrast to HDE, stimulation with CE resulted in a significant difference of IL-10 mRNA expression level between RAO-affected horses of F2 and healthy horses of F1. No significant differences were detected upon stimulation with any of the other challenge agents. These findings indicate that the immunological response, specifically IL-4R expression, in response to hay dust and cyathostomin antigens, differs between RAO-affected and healthy horses depending on their genetic background. This study shows that analysis of PBMC reveals systemic changes associated with RAO and helps to elucidate immunological pathways involved in this disease.


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Models of Immigrant Political Incorporation brings together a multidisciplinary group of scholars to consider pathways by which immigrants may be incorporated into the political processes of western democracies. It builds on a rich tradition of studying immigrant incorporation, but each chapter innovates by moving beyond singular accounts of particular groups and locations toward a general causal model with the scope and breadth to apply across groups, places, and time. Models of Immigrant Political Incorporation addresses three key analytic questions: what, if anything, are the distinctive features of immigrants or immigrant groups? How broadly should one define and study politics? What are the initial premises for analyzing pathways toward incorporation; does one learn more by starting from an assumption of racialization and exclusion or from an assumption of engagement and inclusion? While all models engage with all three key analytic questions, chapters vary in their relative focus on one or another, and in the answers they provide. Most include graphical illustrations of the model, as well as extended examples applying the model to one or more immigrant populations. At a time when research on immigrant political incorporation is rapidly accumulating - and when immigrants are increasingly significant political actors in many democratic polities — this volume makes a timely and valuable intervention by pushing researchers to articulate causal dynamics, provide clear definitions and measurable concepts, and develop testable hypotheses. Furthermore, the wide array of frameworks examining how immigrants become part of a polity or are shunted aside ensure that activists and analysts alike will find useful insights. By including historians, sociologists, and political scientists, by ranging across North America and Western Europe, by addressing successful and failed incorporative efforts, this handbook offers guides for anyone seeking to develop a dynamic, unified, and supple model of immigrant political incorporation.


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INTRODUCTION Erythema exsudativum multiforme majus (EEMM) and Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) are severe cutaneous reaction patterns caused by infections or drug hypersensitivity. The mechanism by which widespread keratinocyte death is mediated by the immune system in EEMM/SJS are still to be elucidated. Here, we characterized the blister cells isolated from a patient with EEMM/SJS overlap and investigated its cause. METHODS Clinical classification of the cutaneous eruption was done according to the consensus definition of severe blistering skin reactions and histological analysis. Common infectious causes of EEMM were investigated using standard clinical techniques. T cell reactivity for potentially causative drugs was assessed by lymphocyte transformation tests (LTT). Lymphocytes isolated from blister fluid were analyzed for their expression of activation markers and cytotoxic molecules using flow cytometry. RESULTS The healthy 58 year-old woman suffered from mild respiratory tract infection and therefore started treatment with the secretolytic drug Ambroxol. One week later, she presented with large palmar and plantar blisters, painful mucosal erosions, and flat atypical target lesions and maculae on the trunc, thus showing the clinical picture of an EEMM/SJS overlap (Fig. 1). This diagnosis was supported by histology, where also eosinophils were found to infiltrate the upper dermis, thus pointing towards a cutaneous adverse drug reaction (cADR). Analysis of blister cells showed that they mainly consisted of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells and a smaller population of NK cells. Both the CD8+ T cells and the NK cells were highly activated and expressed Fas ligand and the cytotoxic molecule granulysin (Fig. 2). In addition, in comparison to NK cells from PBMC, NK cells in blister fluids strongly upregulated the expression of the skin-homing chemokine receptor CCR4 (Fig 4). Surprisingly, the LTT performed on PBMCs in the acute phase was positive for Ambroxol (SI=2.9) whereas a LTT from a healthy but exposed individual did not show unspecific proliferation. Laboratory tests for common infectious causes of EEMM were negative (HSV-1/-2, M. pneumoniae, Parvovirus B19). However, 6 weeks later, specific proliferation to Ambroxol could no longer be observed in the LTT (Fig 4.).


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We validate, extend, and empirically and theoretically criticize the cultural dimension of humane orientation of the project GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program). Theoretically, humane orientation is not just a one-dimensionally positive concept about being caring, altruistic, and kind to others as discussed by Kabasakal and Bodur (2004), but there is also a certain ambivalence to this concept. We suggest differentiating humane orientation toward in-group members from humane orientation toward out-group members. A multicountry construct validation study used student samples from 25 countries that were either high or low in humane orientation (N = 876) and studied their relation to the traditional GLOBE scale and other cultural-level measures (agreeableness, religiosity, authoritarianism, and welfare state score). Findings revealed a strong correlation between humane orientation and agreeableness, welfare state score, and religiosity. Out-group humane orientation proved to be the more relevant subfacet of the original humane orientation construct, suggesting that future research on humane orientation should make use of this measure instead of the vague original scale. The ambivalent character of out-group humane orientation is displayed in its positive correlation to high authoritarianism. Patriotism was used as a control variable for noncritical acceptance of one’s society but did not change the correlations. Our findings are discussed as an example of how rigid expectations and a lack of tolerance for diversity may help explain the ambivalent nature of humane orientation


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PURPOSE To assess the extent of early recoil in patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI) undergoing conventional tibial balloon angioplasty. METHODS Our hypothesis was that early recoil, defined as lumen compromise >10%, is frequent and accounts for considerable luminal narrowing after tibial angioplasty, promoting restenosis. To test this theory, 30 consecutive CLI patients (18 men; mean age 76.2±12.1 years) were angiographically evaluated immediately after tibial balloon angioplasty and 15 minutes later. Half the patients were diabetics. Target lesions included anterior and posterior tibial arteries and the peroneal artery with / without the tibioperoneal trunk. Mean tibial lesion length was 83.8 mm. Early elastic recoil was determined on the basis of minimal lumen diameter (MLD) measurements at baseline (MLDbaseline), immediately after tibial balloon angioplasty (MLDpostdilation), and 15 minutes thereafter (MLD15min). RESULTS Elastic recoil was observed in 29 (97%) patients with a mean luminal compromise of 29% according to MLD measurements (MLDbaseline 0.23 mm, MLD postdilation 2.0 mm, and MLD15min 1.47 mm). CONCLUSION Early recoil is frequently observed in CLI patients undergoing tibial angioplasty and may significantly contribute to restenosis. These findings support the role of dedicated mechanical scaffolding approaches for the prevention of restenosis in tibial arteries.


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The closed Tangra Yumco Basin underwent the strongest Quaternary lake-level changes so far recorded on the Tibetan Plateau. It was hitherto unknown what effect this had on local Holocene vegetation development. A 3.6-m sediment core from a recessional lake terrace at 4,700 m a.s.l., 160 m above the present lake level of Tangra Yumco, was studied to reconstruct Holocene flooding phases (sedimentology and ostracod analyses), vegetation dynamics and human influence (palynology, charcoal and coprophilous fungi analyses). Peat at the base of the profile proves lake level was below 4,700 m a.s.l. during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. A deep-lake phase started after 11 cal ka BP, but the ostracod record indicates the level was not higher than similar to 4,720 m a.s.l. (180 m above present) and decreased gradually after the early Holocene maximum. Additional sediment ages from the basin suggest recession of Tangra Yumco from the coring site after 2.6 cal ka BP, with a shallow local lake persisting at the site until similar to 1 cal ka BP. The final peat formation indicates drier conditions thereafter. Persistence of Artemisia steppe during the Holocene lake high-stand resembles palynological records from west Tibet that indicate early Holocene aridity, in spite of high lake levels that may have resulted from meltwater input. Yet pollen assemblages indicate humidity closer to that of present potential forest areas near Lhasa, with 500-600 mm annual precipitation. Thus, the early mid-Holocene humidity was sufficient to sustain at least juniper forest, but Artemisia dominance persisted as a consequence of a combination of environmental disturbances such as (1) strong early Holocene climate fluctuations, (2) inundation of habitats suitable for forest, (3) extensive water surfaces that served as barriers to terrestrial diaspore transport from refuge areas, (4) strong erosion that denuded the non-flooded upper slopes and (5) increasing human influence since the late glacial.


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Bicaudal-D (Bic-D), Egalitarian (Egl), microtubules and their motors form a transport machinery that localizes a remarkable diversity of mRNAs to specific cellular regions during oogenesis and embryogenesis. Bic-D family proteins also promote dynein-dependent transport of Golgi vesicles, lipid droplets, synaptic vesicles and nuclei. However, the transport of these different cargoes is still poorly understood. We searched for novel proteins that either mediate Bic-Ddependent transport processes or are transported by them. Clathrin heavy chain (Chc) co-immunopurifies with Bic-D in embryos and ovaries, and a fraction of Chc colocalizes with Bic-D. Both proteins control posterior patterning of the Drosophila oocyte and endocytosis. Although the role of Chc in endocytosis is well established, our results show that Bic-D is also needed for the elevated endocytic activity at the posterior of the oocyte. Apart fromaffecting endocytosis indirectly by its role in osk mRNA localization, Bic-D is also required to transport Chc mRNA into the oocyte and for transport and proper localization of Chc protein to the oocyte cortex, pointing to an additional,more direct role of Bic-D in the endocytic pathway. Furthermore, similar to Bic-D, Chc also contributes to proper localization of osk mRNA and to oocyte growth. However, in contrast to other endocytic components and factors of the endocytic recycling pathway, such as Rabenosyn-5 (Rbsn-5) and Rab11, Chc is needed during early stages of oogenesis (from stage 6 onwards) to localize oskmRNA correctly.Moreover,we also uncovered a novel, presumably endocytosis-independent, role of Chc in the establishment of microtubule polarity in stage 6 oocytes.


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Oxygen-isotope variations were analyzed on bulk samples of shallow-water lake marl from Gerzensee, Switzerland, in order to evaluate major and minor climatic oscillations during the late-glacial. To highlight the overall signature of the Gerzensee δ18O record, δ18O records of four parallel sediment cores were first correlated by synchronizing major isotope shifts and pollen abundances. Then the records were stacked with a weighting depending on the differing sampling resolution. To develop a precise chronology, the δ18O-stack was then correlated with the NGRIP δ18O record applying a Monte Carlo simulation, relying on the assumption that the shifts in δ18O were climate-driven and synchronous in both archives. The established chronology on the GICC05 time scale is the basis for (1) comparing the δ18O changes recorded in Gerzensee with observed climatic and environmental fluctuations over the whole North Atlantic region, and (2) comparing sedimentological and biological changes during the rapid warming with smaller climatic variations during the Bølling/Allerød period. The δ18O record of Gerzensee is characterized by two major isotope shifts at the onset and at the termination of the Bølling/Allerød warm period, as well as four intervening negative shifts labeled GI-1e2, d, c2, and b, which show a shift of one third to one fourth of the major δ18O shifts at the beginning and end of the Bølling/Allerød. Despite some inconsistency in terminology, these oscillations can be observed in various climatic proxies over wide regions in the North Atlantic region, especially in reconstructed colder temperatures, and they seem to be caused by hemispheric climatic variations.