166 resultados para Raphael Lemkin
This study describes the development and validation of a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method to identify and quantitate phenytoin in brain microdialysate, saliva and blood from human samples. A solid-phase extraction (SPE) was performed with a nonpolar C8-SCX column. The eluate was evaporated with nitrogen (50°C) and derivatized with trimethylsulfonium hydroxide before GC-MS analysis. As the internal standard, 5-(p-methylphenyl)-5-phenylhydantoin was used. The MS was run in scan mode and the identification was made with three ion fragment masses. All peaks were identified with MassLib. Spiked phenytoin samples showed recovery after SPE of ≥94%. The calibration curve (phenytoin 50 to 1,200 ng/mL, n = 6, at six concentration levels) showed good linearity and correlation (r² > 0.998). The limit of detection was 15 ng/mL; the limit of quantification was 50 ng/mL. Dried extracted samples were stable within a 15% deviation range for ≥4 weeks at room temperature. The method met International Organization for Standardization standards and was able to detect and quantify phenytoin in different biological matrices and patient samples. The GC-MS method with SPE is specific, sensitive, robust and well reproducible, and is therefore an appropriate candidate for the pharmacokinetic assessment of phenytoin concentrations in different human biological samples.
Hintergrund: Im Rahmen des neuen nationalen Medizinalberufegesetzes [http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/as/2007/4031.pdf], [http://www.bag.admin.ch/themen/berufe/07918/07919/index.html], der Entwicklung hin zu Kompetenz-basierten Curricula [1] und der Einführung der Bologna-Reform in den medizinischen Studiengängen [2] wurde in der Schweiz eine neue eidgenössische Schlussprüfung Humanmedizin unter Aufsicht des Bundes und in Zusammenarbeit mit den medizinischen Fakultäten in zwei Sprachen (D/F) entwickelt und 2011 erstmals durchgeführt. Projektbeschreibung: Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Rahmenbedingungen für die Implementierung aufgezeigt und die Entwicklung der Gesamtprüfung als Pass/Fail-Prüfung einschliesslich ihrer 2 Einzelprüfungen beschrieben. Die 1. Einzelprüfung besteht aus einer schriftlichen Prüfung (MCQ) an 2 Prüfungstagen zu je 4.5 h mit je 150 interdisziplinären, taxonomisch auf Anwendungswissen ausgerichteten Fragen. Die 2. Einzelprüfung umfasst eine strukturierte, klinisch-praktische CS-Prüfung (OSCE) mit insgesamt 12 Rotationsposten über je 13 min Dauer und je 2 min Rotationszeit zwischen den Posten. Zur Qualitätssicherung wurden zahlreiche Massnahmen ergriffen wie z.B. die Schulung der standardisierten Patienten anhand zentraler Standardisierungsvorlagen. Der Gesamtblueprint ist abgestimmt auf den Schweizer Lernzielkatalog Humanmedizin [http://sclo.smifk.ch] und beinhaltet die 2 Hauptdimensionen „General Objectives/CanMed Roles“ und „Problems as Starting Points“. Ergebnisse: Die Prüfung wurde an allen 5 Standorten 2011 und 2012 erfolgreich durchgeführt. Die Prüfungsresultate der ersten 2 Kohorten differenziert nach Gesamtprüfung und Einzelprüfungen zeigen in etwa die erwarteten Werte hinsichtlich der Bestehensquote. Die Metadaten zur Prüfungsqualität zeigen für beide Jahre, dass die angestrebte Messzuverlässigkeit der Prüfung mit einem Cronbach Alpha als Mass für die Reliabilität von im Mittel α=0.9 für die MCQ Einzelprüfung und von im Mittel α>0.8 für die CS-Einzelprüfung erreicht wurde. Diskussion und Schlussfolgerungen: Basierend auf den Erfahrungen und Daten der ersten 2 Prüfungskohorten kann gesagt werden, dass die Implementierung einer neuen nationalen Prüfung, die neben der neu ausgerichteten MCQ-Einzelprüfung erstmals mit einem strukturierten, objektivierbaren und national standardisierten Instrument klinische Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten misst, grundsätzlich gelungen ist. In diesem Kontext muss die Relevanz der intensiven Koordination und Abstimmung von der Gesetzgebung und den Verordnungsvorgaben bis hin zum Lernzielkatalog und dem korrespondierenden Gesamtblueprint der Prüfung hervorgehoben werden. Bezüglich der zukünftigen Entwicklung werden Aspekte der Qualitätssicherung und der Weiterentwicklung der Gesamtprüfung auch im Sinne von ergänzenden Prüfungsformaten diskutiert werden.
One of the current advances in functional biodiversity research is the move away from short-lived test systems towards the exploration of diversity-ecosystem functioning relationships in structurally more complex ecosystems. In forests, assumptions about the functional significance of tree species diversity have only recently produced a new generation of research on ecosystem processes and services. Novel experimental designs have now replaced traditional forestry trials, but these comparatively young experimental plots suffer from specific difficulties that are mainly related to the tree size and longevity. Tree species diversity experiments therefore need to be complemented with comparative observational studies in existing forests. Here we present the design and implementation of a new network of forest plots along tree species diversity gradients in six major European forest types: the FunDivEUROPE Exploratory Platform. Based on a review of the deficiencies of existing observational approaches and of unresolved research questions and hypotheses, we discuss the fundamental criteria that shaped the design of our platform. Key features include the extent of the species diversity gradient with mixtures up to five species, strict avoidance of a dilution gradient, special attention to community evenness and minimal covariation with other environmental factors. The new European research platform permits the most comprehensive assessment of tree species diversity effects on forest ecosystem functioning to date since it offers a common set of research plots to groups of researchers from very different disciplines and uses the same methodological approach in contrasting forest types along an extensive environmental gradient. (C) 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Activated T cells use very late antigen-4/α4β1 integrin for capture, rolling on, and firm adhesion to endothelial cells, and use leukocyte function-associated antigen-1/αLβ2 integrin for subsequent crawling and extravasation. Inhibition of α4β1 is sufficient to prevent extravasation of activated T cells and is successfully used to combat autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis. Here we show that effector T cells lacking the integrin activator Kindlin-3 extravasate and induce experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice immunized with autoantigen. In sharp contrast, adoptively transferred autoreactive T cells from Kindlin-3-deficient mice fail to extravasate into the naïve CNS. Mechanistically, autoreactive Kindlin-3-null T cells extravasate when the CNS is inflamed and the brain microvasculature expresses high levels of integrin ligands. Flow chamber assays under physiological shear conditions confirmed that Kindlin-3-null effector T cells adhere to high concentrations of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1, albeit less efficiently than WT T cells. Although these arrested T cells polarize and start crawling, only few remain firmly adherent over time. Our data demonstrate that the requirement of Kindlin-3 for effector T cells to induce α4β1 and αLβ2 integrin ligand binding and stabilization of integrin-ligand bonds is critical when integrin ligand levels are low, but of less importance when integrin ligand levels are high.
A new Swiss federal licencing examination for human medicine (FLE) was developed and released in 2011. This paper describes the process from concept design to the first results obtained on implementation of the new examination. The development process was based on the Federal Act on University Medical Professions and involved all national stakeholders in this venture. During this process questions relating to the assessment aims, the assessment formats, the assessment dimensions, the examination content and necessary trade-offs were clarified. The aims were to create a feasible, fair, valid and psychometrically sound examination in accordance with international standards, thereby indicating the expected knowledge and skills level at the end of undergraduate medical education. Finally, a centrally managed and locally administered examination comprising a written multiple-choice element and a practical “clinical skills” test in the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) format was developed. The first two administrations of the new FLE show that the examination concept could be implemented as intended. The anticipated psychometric indices were achieved and the results support the validity of the examination. Possible changes to the format or content in the future are discussed.
The Sun shows strong variability in its magnetic activity, from Grand minima to Grand maxima, but the nature of the variability is not fully understood, mostly because of the insufficient length of the directly observed solar activity records and of uncertainties related to long-term reconstructions. Here we present a new adjustment-free reconstruction of solar activity over three millennia and study its different modes. Methods. We present a new adjustment-free, physical reconstruction of solar activity over the past three millennia, using the latest verified carbon cycle, 14C production, and archeomagnetic field models. This great improvement allowed us to study different modes of solar activity at an unprecedented level of details. Results. The distribution of solar activity is clearly bi-modal, implying the existence of distinct modes of activity. The main regular activity mode corresponds to moderate activity that varies in a relatively narrow band between sunspot numbers 20 and 67. The existence of a separate Grand minimum mode with reduced solar activity, which cannot be explained by random fluctuations of the regular mode, is confirmed at a high confidence level. The possible existence of a separate Grand maximum mode is also suggested, but the statistics is too low to reach a confident conclusion. Conclusions. The Sun is shown to operate in distinct modes – a main general mode, a Grand minimum mode corresponding to an inactive Sun, and a possible Grand maximum mode corresponding to an unusually active Sun. These results provide important constraints for both dynamo models of Sun-like stars and investigations of possible solar influence on Earth’s climate.
The responses of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other climate variables to an emission pulse of CO2 into the atmosphere are often used to compute the Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Global Temperature change Potential (GTP), to characterize the response timescales of Earth System models, and to build reduced-form models. In this carbon cycle-climate model intercomparison project, which spans the full model hierarchy, we quantify responses to emission pulses of different magnitudes injected under different conditions. The CO2 response shows the known rapid decline in the first few decades followed by a millennium-scale tail. For a 100 Gt-C emission pulse added to a constant CO2 concentration of 389 ppm, 25 ± 9% is still found in the atmosphere after 1000 yr; the ocean has absorbed 59 ± 12% and the land the remainder (16 ± 14%). The response in global mean surface air temperature is an increase by 0.20 ± 0.12 °C within the first twenty years; thereafter and until year 1000, temperature decreases only slightly, whereas ocean heat content and sea level continue to rise. Our best estimate for the Absolute Global Warming Potential, given by the time-integrated response in CO2 at year 100 multiplied by its radiative efficiency, is 92.5 × 10−15 yr W m−2 per kg-CO2. This value very likely (5 to 95% confidence) lies within the range of (68 to 117) × 10−15 yr W m−2 per kg-CO2. Estimates for time-integrated response in CO2 published in the IPCC First, Second, and Fourth Assessment and our multi-model best estimate all agree within 15% during the first 100 yr. The integrated CO2 response, normalized by the pulse size, is lower for pre-industrial conditions, compared to present day, and lower for smaller pulses than larger pulses. In contrast, the response in temperature, sea level and ocean heat content is less sensitive to these choices. Although, choices in pulse size, background concentration, and model lead to uncertainties, the most important and subjective choice to determine AGWP of CO2 and GWP is the time horizon.
Radiocarbon production, solar activity, total solar irradiance (TSI) and solar-induced climate change are reconstructed for the Holocene (10 to 0 kyr BP), and TSI is predicted for the next centuries. The IntCal09/SHCal04 radiocarbon and ice core CO2 records, reconstructions of the geomagnetic dipole, and instrumental data of solar activity are applied in the Bern3D-LPJ, a fully featured Earth system model of intermediate complexity including a 3-D dynamic ocean, ocean sediments, and a dynamic vegetation model, and in formulations linking radiocarbon production, the solar modulation potential, and TSI. Uncertainties are assessed using Monte Carlo simulations and bounding scenarios. Transient climate simulations span the past 21 thousand years, thereby considering the time lags and uncertainties associated with the last glacial termination. Our carbon-cycle-based modern estimate of radiocarbon production of 1.7 atoms cm−2 s−1 is lower than previously reported for the cosmogenic nuclide production model by Masarik and Beer (2009) and is more in-line with Kovaltsov et al. (2012). In contrast to earlier studies, periods of high solar activity were quite common not only in recent millennia, but throughout the Holocene. Notable deviations compared to earlier reconstructions are also found on decadal to centennial timescales. We show that earlier Holocene reconstructions, not accounting for the interhemispheric gradients in radiocarbon, are biased low. Solar activity is during 28% of the time higher than the modern average (650 MeV), but the absolute values remain weakly constrained due to uncertainties in the normalisation of the solar modulation to instrumental data. A recently published solar activity–TSI relationship yields small changes in Holocene TSI of the order of 1 W m−2 with a Maunder Minimum irradiance reduction of 0.85 ± 0.16 W m−2. Related solar-induced variations in global mean surface air temperature are simulated to be within 0.1 K. Autoregressive modelling suggests a declining trend of solar activity in the 21st century towards average Holocene conditions.
Atmospheric concentrations of the three important greenhouse gases (GHGs) CO2, CH4 and N2O are mediated by processes in the terrestrial biosphere that are sensitive to climate and CO2. This leads to feedbacks between climate and land and has contributed to the sharp rise in atmospheric GHG concentrations since pre-industrial times. Here, we apply a process-based model to reproduce the historical atmospheric N2O and CH4 budgets within their uncertainties and apply future scenarios for climate, land-use change and reactive nitrogen (Nr) inputs to investigate future GHG emissions and their feedbacks with climate in a consistent and comprehensive framework1. Results suggest that in a business-as-usual scenario, terrestrial N2O and CH4 emissions increase by 80 and 45%, respectively, and the land becomes a net source of C by AD 2100. N2O and CH4 feedbacks imply an additional warming of 0.4–0.5 °C by AD 2300; on top of 0.8–1.0 °C caused by terrestrial carbon cycle and Albedo feedbacks. The land biosphere represents an increasingly positive feedback to anthropogenic climate change and amplifies equilibrium climate sensitivity by 22–27%. Strong mitigation limits the increase of terrestrial GHG emissions and prevents the land biosphere from acting as an increasingly strong amplifier to anthropogenic climate change.
We present a fully automatic segmentation method for multi-modal brain tumor segmentation. The proposed generative-discriminative hybrid model generates initial tissue probabilities, which are used subsequently for enhancing the classi�cation and spatial regularization. The model has been evaluated on the BRATS2013 training set, which includes multimodal MRI images from patients with high- and low-grade gliomas. Our method is capable of segmenting the image into healthy (GM, WM, CSF) and pathological tissue (necrotic, enhancing and non-enhancing tumor, edema). We achieved state-of-the-art performance (Dice mean values of 0.69 and 0.8 for tumor subcompartments and complete tumor respectively) within a reasonable timeframe (4 to 15 minutes).
The past 1500 years provide a valuable opportunity to study the response of the climate system to external forcings. However, the integration of paleoclimate proxies with climate modeling is critical to improving the understanding of climate dynamics. In this paper, a climate system model and proxy records are therefore used to study the role of natural and anthropogenic forcings in driving the global climate. The inverse and forward approaches to paleoclimate data–model comparison are applied, and sources of uncertainty are identified and discussed. In the first of two case studies, the climate model simulations are compared with multiproxy temperature reconstructions. Robust solar and volcanic signals are detected in Southern Hemisphere temperatures, with a possible volcanic signal detected in the Northern Hemisphere. The anthropogenic signal dominates during the industrial period. It is also found that seasonal and geographical biases may cause multiproxy reconstructions to overestimate the magnitude of the long-term preindustrial cooling trend. In the second case study, the model simulations are compared with a coral δ18O record from the central Pacific Ocean. It is found that greenhouse gases, solar irradiance, and volcanic eruptions all influence the mean state of the central Pacific, but there is no evidence that natural or anthropogenic forcings have any systematic impact on El Niño–Southern Oscillation. The proxy climate relationship is found to change over time, challenging the assumption of stationarity that underlies the interpretation of paleoclimate proxies. These case studies demonstrate the value of paleoclimate data–model comparison but also highlight the limitations of current techniques and demonstrate the need to develop alternative approaches.