97 resultados para Radio reception
Reflexe, Radio SRF2Kultur Interview, Dagmar Walser, 31. Oktober 2014 Ausgangslage: Es häufen sich derzeit die Umbauten, die notwendigen Renovationen von Theaterhäusern, die in die Jahre gekommen sind. Das Theater Solothurn wird im Januar nach einem längeren Umbau fertig, in Bern endet die Spielzeit nächsten Frühling früher wegen der Renovationen, in Baden am Kurtheater wurde der längst notwendige Umbau wieder einmal verschoben Wie hängen Architektur und Ästhetik zusammen? Wie spielt man in einem historischen Ambiente zeitgenössische Stoffe? Weshalb werden Volksabstimmungen für den Erhalt der Theater jeweils hoch angenommen, und klagen die Theater doch über Publikumsschwund? Fragen, die ich dem Professor für Theaterwissenschaft Andreas Kotte in Bern stellen will.
Cloudification of the Centralized-Radio Access Network (C-RAN) in which signal processing runs on general purpose processors inside virtual machines has lately received significant attention. Due to short deadlines in the LTE Frequency Division Duplex access method, processing time fluctuations introduced by the virtualization process have a deep impact on C-RAN performance. This paper evaluates bottlenecks of the OpenAirInterface (OAI is an open-source software-based implementation of LTE) cloud performance, provides feasibility studies on C-RAN execution, and introduces a cloud architecture that significantly reduces the encountered execution problems. In typical cloud environments, the OAI processing time deadlines cannot be guaranteed. Our proposed cloud architecture shows good characteristics for the OAI cloud execution. As an example, in our setup more than 99.5% processed LTE subframes reach reasonable processing deadlines close to performance of a dedicated machine.
Rapport d'avancement - février 2005
Ronald Geppl und Alcides Benavente Ponce im Gespräch mit der Filmemacherin über ihren Film entre memorias, der am 5.5.2015 als Weltpremiere zu sehen war; im Rahmen des ethnographischen und dokumentarischen Filmfestivals ethnocineca 2015.
Many location-based services target users in indoor environments. Similar to the case of dense urban areas where many obstacles exist, indoor localization techniques suffer from outlying measurements caused by severe multipath propaga??tion and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) reception. Obstructions in the signal path caused by static or mobile objects downgrade localization accuracy. We use robust multipath mitigation techniques to detect and filter out outlying measurements in indoor environments. We validate our approach using a power-based lo??calization system with GSM. We conducted experiments without any prior knowledge of the tracked device's radio settings or the indoor radio environment. We obtained localization errors in the range of 3m even if the sensors had NLOS links to the target device.