166 resultados para Psychological autopsy


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The aim of the study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity for typical abdominal injuries after major blunt trauma in postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


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BACKGROUND: Enquiries among patients on the one hand and experimental and observational studies on the other suggest an influence of stress on inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). However, since this influence remains hypothetical, further research is essential. We aimed to devise recommendations for future investigations in IBD by means of scrutinizing previously applied methodology. METHODS: We critically reviewed prospective clinical studies on the effect of psychological stress on IBD. Eligible studies were searched by means of the PubMed electronic library and through checking the bibliographies of located sources. RESULTS: We identified 20 publications resulting from 18 different studies. Sample sizes ranged between 10 and 155 participants. Study designs in terms of patient assessment, control variables, and applied psychometric instruments varied substantially across studies. Methodological strengths and weaknesses were irregularly dispersed. Thirteen studies reported significant relationships between stress and adverse outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Study designs, including accuracy of outcome assessment and repeated sampling of outcomes (i.e. symptoms, clinical, and endoscopic), depended upon conditions like sample size, participants' compliance, and available resources. Meeting additional criteria of sound methodology, like taking into account covariates of the disease and its course, is strongly recommended to possibly improve study designs in future IBD research.


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INTRODUCTION: Acute psychosocial stress accelerates blood coagulation and elicits hemoconcentration which mechanisms are implicated in acute coronary thrombotic events. We investigated the extent to which the change in prothrombotic measures with acute stress reflects hemoconcentration and genuine activation of coagulation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-one middle-aged healthy men underwent three sessions of a combined speech and mental arithmetic task with one-week intervals. Coagulation and plasma volume were assessed at baseline, immediately post-stress, and 45 min post-stress at sessions one and three. Measures of both visits were aggregated to enhance robustness of individual biological stress responses. Changes in eight coagulation measures with and without adjustment for simultaneous plasma volume shift were compared. RESULTS: From baseline to immediately post-stress, unadjusted levels of fibrinogen (p=0.028), clotting factor VII activity (FVII:C) (p=0.001), FVIII:C (p<0.001), FXII:C (p<0.001), and von Willebrand factor (VWF) (p=0.008) all increased. Taking into account hemoconcentration, fibrinogen (p=0.020) and FVII:C levels (p=0.001) decreased, activated partial prothrombin time (APPT) shortened (p<0.001) and prothrombin time (PT) was prolonged (p<0.001). Between baseline and 45 min post-stress, unadjusted (p=0.050) and adjusted (p=0.001) FVIII:C levels increased, adjusted APTT was prolonged (p=0.017), and adjusted PT was shortened (p=0.033). D-dimer levels did not significantly change over time. CONCLUSIONS: Adjustment for stress-hemoconcentration altered the course of unadjusted levels of several prothrombotic factors. After adjustment for hemoconcentration, APPT was shortened immediately post-stress, whereas 45 min post-stress, FVIII:C was increased and PT was shortened. Procoagulant changes to acute stress may reflect both hemoconcentration and genuine activation of coagulation molecules and pathways.


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Forgiveness is often assumed to be adaptive for psychological adjustment following interpersonal transgressions. Three hundred and forty seven individuals who had experienced a recent interpersonal transgression were surveyed on four occasions over the course of six weeks. Forgiveness was assessed with scales measuring interpersonal avoidance and revenge motivation and psychological adjustment was assessed with scales measuring depression and rumination. Latent growth curve analyses showed that intraindividual changes in forgiveness were positively correlated with changes in adjustment. Latent difference score analyses indicated that adjustment predicted subsequent change in forgiveness, but that forgiveness did not predict subsequent change in adjustment. The results suggest that adjustment facilitates forgiveness, but not that forgiveness facilitates adjustment.


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The authors describe a case of sellar fracture followed by sudden death. The victim was involved in a wrangle. The autopsy revealed facial damage and sellar fracture and no evidence of cerebral damage, except for a mild subarachnoid hemorrhage in the left parietotemporal regions and undersurface of both frontal lobes. Sellar fracture is a rare and severe entity, associated with serious complications, which is frequently diagnosed postmortem. In any case, death is rarely a direct consequence of the sellar fracture itself and is usually considered to be the result of associated cerebral trauma. This case prompted us to screen the literature on sellar fracture to gain a better understanding of the mechanism of death.


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OBJECTIVE To summarize empirical studies on the effectiveness of psychological interventions in long-term rehabilitation after an acquired brain injury (ABI) in reducing depressive symptoms. DATA SOURCES A systematic literature search was conducted on MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Embase, and CINAHL to identify articles published between January 1990 and October 2011. Search terms included the 3 concepts (1) "brain injur*" or "stroke," (2) "psychotherap*" or "therapy" or "intervention" or "rehabilitation," and (3) "depress*." STUDY SELECTION Studies evaluating psychological interventions in patients after ABI were included. Time since injury was on average more than 1 year. Trials reported data on validated depression questionnaires before and after the psychological intervention. DATA EXTRACTION Two independent reviewers extracted information from the sample, the intervention, and the outcome of the included studies and calculated effect sizes (ESs) from depression questionnaires. Thirteen studies were included in a pre-post analysis. Seven studies were eligible for a meta-analysis of ESs in active interventions and control conditions. DATA SYNTHESIS Pre-post ESs were significant in 4 of 13 studies. The overall ES of .69 (95% confidence interval [CI], .29-1.09) suggests a medium effectiveness of psychological interventions on depressive symptoms compared with control conditions. Moderator analysis of the number of sessions and adequate randomization procedure did not show significant ES differences between strata. Studies with adequate randomization did not, however, suggest the effectiveness of psychological interventions on depressive symptoms after ABI. CONCLUSIONS Psychological interventions are a promising treatment option for depressive symptoms in long-term rehabilitation after ABI. Since only a few adequately randomized controlled trials (RCTs) exist, more RCTs are required to confirm this initial finding.


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Sexual dysfunction is highly prevalent in the general population and associated with psychological distress and impaired sexual satisfaction. Psychological interventions are promising treatment options, as sexual dysfunction is frequently caused by and deteriorates because of psychological factors. However, research into the efficacy of psychological interventions is rather scarce and an up-to-date review of outcome studies is currently lacking. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of all available studies from 1980 to 2009 to examine the efficacy of psychological interventions for patients with sexual dysfunction. A total of 20 randomized controlled studies comparing a psychological intervention with a wait-list were included in the meta-analysis. The overall post-treatment effect size for symptom severity was d = 0.58 (95% CI: 0.40 to 0.77) and for sexual satisfaction d = 0.47 (95% CI: 0.27 to 0.70). Psychological interventions were shown to especially improve symptom severity for women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and orgasmic disorder. Our systematic review of 14 studies comparing at least two active interventions head-to-head revealed that very few comparative studies are available with large variability in effect sizes across studies (d between -0.69 and 2.29 for symptom severity and -0.56 and 14.02 for sexual satisfaction). In conclusion, psychological interventions are effective treatment options for sexual dysfunction. However, evidence varies considerably across single disorders. Good evidence exists to date for female hypoactive sexual desire disorder and female orgasmic disorder. Further research is needed on psychological interventions for other sexual dysfunctions, their long-term and comparative effects.


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Self-Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan in Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. Plenum Press, New York, 1985) suggests that certain experiences, such as competence, are equally beneficial to everyone’s well-being (universal hypothesis), whereas Motive Disposition Theory (McClelland in Human motivation. Scott, Foresman, Glenview, IL, 1985) predicts that some people, such as those with a high achievement motive, should benefit particularly from such experiences (matching hypothesis). Existing research on motives as moderators of the relationship between basic need satisfaction and positive outcomes supports both these seemingly inconsistent views. Focusing on the achievement motive, we sought to resolve this inconsistency by considering the specificity of the outcome variables. When predicting domain-specific well-being and flow, the achievement motive should interact with felt competence. However, when it comes to predicting general well-being and flow, felt competence should unfold its effects without being moderated by the achievement motive. Two studies confirmed these assumptions indicating that the universal and matching hypotheses are complementary rather than mutually exclusive.