142 resultados para Lower eyelid saccade
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation on the triggering of saccades. The right frontal eye field was stimulated during modified gap and overlap paradigms with flashed presentation of the lateral visual target of 80 ms. In order to examine possible facilitating or inhibitory effects on saccade triggering, three different time intervals of stimulation were chosen, i.e. simultaneously with onset of the target, during the presentation and after target end. Stimulation applied simultaneously with target onset significantly decreased the latency of contralateral saccades in the gap but not in the overlap paradigm. Stimulation after target end significantly increased saccade latency for both sides in the gap paradigm and for the contralateral side in the overlap paradigm. Stimulation during presentation had no effect in either paradigm. The results show that, depending on the time interval and the paradigm tested, a facilitation or inhibition of saccade triggering can be achieved. The results are discussed in a context of two probable transcranial magnetic stimulation effects, a direct interference with the frontal eye field on the one hand and a remote interference with the superior colliculus on the other hand.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of superselective embolization therapy in the management of acute lower gastrointestinal (LGI) hemorrhage, including any bleeding distal to the ligament of Treitz. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between June and August 2007, 20 patients with acute LGI bleeding underwent superselective transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) at the authors' institution. The bleeding had different causes. All patients were treated with use of microcatheters. The following embolic agents were used: microcoils (n = 16), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particles (n = 2), and a combination of microcoils and PVA particles (n = 2). Outcome measures included technical success (complete cessation of bleeding as documented at completion angiography), clinical success (resolution of signs or symptoms of LGI bleeding within 30 days after TAE), and the rate of major and minor complications. RESULTS: The identified bleeding sources were as follows: jejunal branch, branch of middle colic artery, branch of ileocolic artery, ileal branch, branch of left colic artery, branch of sigmoid artery, branch of the superior rectal artery, and branch of the middle rectal artery. Technical success with effective control of active bleeding was achieved in all patients (100%). Clinical success attributed to TAE was documented in 18 of the 20 patients (90%). Major complications included death due to pulmonary embolism, heart infarction, and multiorgan failure in the 3rd week after TAE; a procedure-related colonic infarction occurred in one patient. A minor complication occurred in one patient who developed a groin hematoma. CONCLUSIONS: Superselective embolization may be used for effective, minimally invasive control of acute LGI bleeding.
BACKGROUND: Studies continue to identify percutaneous coronary intervention procedural volume both at the institutional level and at the operator level as being strongly correlated with outcome. High-volume centers have been defined as those that perform >400 percutaneous coronary intervention procedures per year. The relationship between drug-eluting stent procedural volume and outcome is unknown. We investigated this relationship in the German Cypher Registry. METHODS AND RESULTS: The present analysis included 8201 patients treated with sirolimus-eluting stents between April 2002 and September 2005 in 51 centers. Centers that recruited >400 sirolimus-eluting stent patients in this time period were considered high-volume centers; those with 150 to 400 patients were considered intermediate-volume centers; and those with <150 patients were designated as low-volume centers. The primary end point was all death, myocardial infarction, and target-vessel revascularization at 6 months. This end point occurred in 11.3%, 12.1%, and 9.0% of patients in the low-, intermediate-, and high-volume center groups, respectively (P=0.0001). There was no difference between groups in the rate of target-vessel revascularization (P=0.2) or cerebrovascular accidents (P=0.5). The difference in death/myocardial infarction remained significant after adjustment for baseline factors (odds ratio 1.85, 95% confidence interval 1.31 to 2.59, P<0.001 for low-volume centers; odds ratio 1.69, 95% confidence interval 1.29 to 2.21, P<0.001 for intermediate-volume centers). Patient and lesion selection, procedural features, and postprocedural medications differed significantly between groups. CONCLUSIONS: The volume of sirolimus-eluting stent procedures performed on an institutional level was inversely related to death and myocardial infarction but not to target-vessel revascularization at 6-month follow-up. Safety issues are better considered in high-volume centers. These findings have important public health policy implications.
Cystadenomas are a rare, painless, and slow-growing benign epithelial tumor of the salivary gland. This article describes the case of a papillary cystadenoma in the lower lip of a 46-year-old man. The lesion was removed using a carbon dioxide laser, and there were no signs of recurrence 1 year postoperatively.
BACKGROUND: The influence of adiposity on upper-limb bone strength has rarely been studied in children, despite the high incidence of forearm fractures in this population. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to compare the influence of muscle and fat tissues on bone strength between the upper and lower limbs in prepubertal children. DESIGN: Bone mineral content, total bone cross-sectional area, cortical bone area (CoA), cortical thickness (CoTh) at the radius and tibia (4% and 66%, respectively), trabecular density (TrD), bone strength index (4% sites), cortical density (CoD), stress-strain index, and muscle and fat areas (66% sites) were measured by using peripheral quantitative computed tomography in 427 children (206 boys) aged 7-10 y. RESULTS: Overweight children (n = 93) had greater values for bone variables (0.3-1.3 SD; P < 0.0001) than did their normal-weight peers, except for CoD 66% and CoTh 4%. The between-group differences were 21-87% greater at the tibia than at the radius. After adjustment for muscle cross-sectional area, TrD 4%, bone mineral content, CoA, and CoTh 66% at the tibia remained greater in overweight children, whereas at the distal radius total bone cross-sectional area and CoTh were smaller in overweight children (P < 0.05). Overweight children had a greater fat-muscle ratio than did normal-weight children, particularly in the forearm (92 +/- 28% compared with 57 +/- 17%). Fat-muscle ratio correlated negatively with all bone variables, except for TrD and CoD, after adjustment for body weight (r = -0.17 to -0.54; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Overweight children had stronger bones than did their normal-weight peers, largely because of greater muscle size. However, the overweight children had a high proportion of fat relative to muscle in the forearm, which is associated with reduced bone strength.
Coronavirus NL63 has been identified as a new member of the coronavirus genus, but its role as a cause of respiratory disease needs to be established. We studied the first episode of lower respiratory tract symptoms in a cohort of healthy neonates. NL63 was identified in 6 (7%) of 82 cases and was as frequent as other coronaviruses (9%). NL63 was recovered at the onset of symptoms and was cleared within 3 weeks in half of the cases. Our data suggests that coronavirus NL63 causes lower respiratory tract symptoms and is acquired in early life.
With prenatal detection of hydronephrosis and technological advances in surgical equipment, the management of lower urinary tract obstruction has evolved to include prenatal surgical intervention. Surgical intervention, was based upon the rationale that restoring amniotic fluid to normal levels by shunting fetal urine from the obstructed urinary system to the amniotic space would prevent lung hypoplasia and, thus, improve neonatal survival. Inaddition, relief of the obstruction would also reduce back pressure and reduce injury to the developing nephron, thus improving long-term renal function postnatally. However, this remains investigational, and the vast majority of affected infants are treated soon after birth. We have experience since 1991 with prenatal treatment of megacystis. In 23 cases of 50 detected megacystis with oligohydramnion in male and without other abnormalities a prenatal intervention by bladderpunction and in 12 cases additional vesicoamniotic shunt placement was performed. The prognosis of megacystis with oligohydramnion is stated with a survival rate of 10-30%. In our group 54% (13 children) survived. Also we want present 56 cases of urethral valves with a postnatal transurethral intervention. With a follow up time from 8.6 (3 to 15) years we attend 34 children (60%) with normal renal function, 21% (12) with mild or moderate renal insufficiency and there was a kidney transplantation in 6 cases necessary. With our multidisciplinary presentation we want to discuss the indication, interdisciplinary aspects,risks and the follow up of pre- and postnatal intervention in such cases.
Intermittent and continuous renal replacement therapies (RRTs) are available for the treatment of acute renal failure (ARF) in the intensive care unit (ICU). Although at present there are no adequately powered survival studies, available data suggest that both methods are equal with respect to patient outcome. Therefore, cost comparison between techniques is important for selecting the modality. Expenditures were prospectively assessed as a secondary end point during a controlled, randomized trial comparing intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) with continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF). The outcome of the primary end points of this trial, that is, ICU and in-hospital mortality, has been previously published. One hundred twenty-five patients from a Swiss university hospital ICU were randomized either to CVVHDF or IHD. Out of these, 42 (CVVHDF) and 34 (IHD) were available for cost analysis. Patients' characteristics, delivered dialysis dose, duration of stay in the ICU or hospital, mortality rates, and recovery of renal function were not different between the two groups. Detailed 24-h time and material consumption protocols were available for 369 (CVVHDF) and 195 (IHD) treatment days. The mean daily duration of CVVHDF was 19.5 +/- 3.2 h/day, resulting in total expenditures of Euro 436 +/- 21 (21% for human resources and 79% for technical devices). For IHD (mean 3.0 +/- 0.4 h/treatment), the costs were lower (Euro 268 +/- 26), with a larger proportion for human resources (45%). Nursing time spent for CVVHDF was 113 +/- 50 min, and 198 +/- 63 min per IHD treatment. Total costs for RRT in ICU patients with ARF were lower when treated with IHD than with CVVHDF, and have to be taken into account for the selection of the method of RRT in ARF on the ICU.
When we actively explore the visual environment, our gaze preferentially selects regions characterized by high contrast and high density of edges, suggesting that the guidance of eye movements during visual exploration is driven to a significant degree by perceptual characteristics of a scene. Converging findings suggest that the selection of the visual target for the upcoming saccade critically depends on a covert shift of spatial attention. However, it is unclear whether attention selects the location of the next fixation uniquely on the basis of global scene structure or additionally on local perceptual information. To investigate the role of spatial attention in scene processing, we examined eye fixation patterns of patients with spatial neglect during unconstrained exploration of natural images and compared these to healthy and brain-injured control participants. We computed luminance, colour, contrast, and edge information contained in image patches surrounding each fixation and evaluated whether they differed from randomly selected image patches. At the global level, neglect patients showed the characteristic ipsilesional shift of the distribution of their fixations. At the local level, patients with neglect and control participants fixated image regions in ipsilesional space that were closely similar with respect to their local feature content. In contrast, when directing their gaze to contralesional (impaired) space neglect patients fixated regions of significantly higher local luminance and lower edge content than controls. These results suggest that intact spatial attention is necessary for the active sampling of local feature content during scene perception.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between social support and coagulation parameter reactivity to mental stress in men and to determine if norepinephrine is involved. Lower social support is associated with higher basal coagulation activity and greater norepinephrine stress reactivity, which in turn, is linked with hypercoagulability. However, it is not known if low social support interacts with stress to further increase coagulation reactivity or if norepinephrine affects this association. These findings may be important for determining if low social support influences thrombosis and possible acute coronary events in response to acute stress. We investigated the relationship between social support and coagulation parameter reactivity to mental stress in men and determined if norepinephrine is involved. METHODS: We measured perceived social support in 63 medication-free nonsmoking men (age (mean +/- standard error of the mean) = 36.7 +/- 1.7 years) who underwent an acute standardized psychosocial stress task combining public speaking and mental arithmetic in front of an audience. We measured plasma D-dimer, fibrinogen, clotting Factor VII activity (FVII:C), and plasma norepinephrine at rest as well as immediately after stress and 20 minutes after stress. RESULTS: Independent of body mass index, mean arterial pressure, and age, lower social support was associated with higher D-dimer and fibrinogen levels at baseline (p < .012) and with greater increases in fibrinogen (beta = -0.36, p = .001; DeltaR(2) = .12), and D-dimer (beta = -0.21, p = .017; DeltaR(2) = .04), but not in FVII:C (p = .83) from baseline to 20 minutes after stress. General linear models revealed significant main effects of social support and stress on fibrinogen, D-dimer, and norepinephrine (p < .035). Controlling for norepinephrine did not change the significance of the reported associations between social support and the coagulation measures D-dimer and fibrinogen. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that lower social support is associated with greater coagulation activity before and after acute stress, which was unrelated to norepinephrine reactivity.