205 resultados para Europäische Union, Wirtschafts - und Währungsunion, Asylrecht


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Die nachhaltige Veränderung der Gesellschaft stellt die Schule vor neue Herausforderungen und verlangt eine Neuausrichtung ihres Zusammenspiels mit der Familie. Die steigende Nachfrage nach Institutionen der Familien ergänzenden Kinderbetreuung befördert die Einrichtung von schulischen Tagesstrukturen und den Ausbau des Angebots an ­Tagesschulen. Dabei stehen jedoch oft sozial-, wirtschafts- und gleichstellungspolitische Anliegen im Vordergrund, während pädagogische Argumente, die das Wohl des Kindes und die kindliche Entwicklung im Auge haben, leicht vergessen gehen. Wie aber soll eine Tagesschule gestaltet sein, damit auch den Ansprüchen auf optimale Bildung und förderliche Betreuung der Kinder Rechnung getragen wird? Diese Frage steht im Zentrum des vorliegenden Bandes. Er versammelt namhafte Beiträge aus Theorie und Praxis, die der Frage nach der pädagogischen Qualität von Tagesschulen und ganztägigen Bildungseinrichtungen nachgehen.


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The issuance of the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA) in the year 2007 and the revision thereof in 2013 expanded the possibilities for restructuring of collective investment schemes and simplified the procedures. For instance, in article 95 the CISA contains a provision that deals in a non-conclusive way with the restructuring of open-ended collective investment schemes. As a novelty regulation, this provision allows for mergers not only of contractual funds but also of investment companies with variable capital (SICAV). Additionally, the transformation of an open-ended collective investment into another CISA legal form was also included into the catalogue of possible restructuring processes. Further, a SICAV still maintains the possibility for asset transfer according to article 69 ff. of the Federal Act on Merger, Demerger, Transformation and Transfer of Assets (MerA). However, not all open questions have been clarified. As long as the CISA does not contain restructuring provisions, as is the case with closed-ended collective investment schemes, generally the MerA and/or the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) apply. The interplay of diverse, partly overlapping legislative bases leads to the emergence of unwanted gaps. Moreover, the partial revision of the CISA was not completely implemented at the ordinance level. Among others, the following issues have not been conclusively or clearly regulated: the permitted combinations of mergers, the merger procedure of the SICAV, the permitted restructurings, the transformation procedure as well as the application scope of the asset transfer for collective investment schemes according to the relevant merger regulations. Although these questions will be clarified in the following article through a systematic and teleological analysis of the relevant regulations, it is to be hoped that the gaps will be closed within the next CISA revision in order to guarantee comprehensive legal certainty.


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Software-maintenance offshore outsourcing (SMOO) projects have been plagued by tedious knowledge transfer during the service transition to the vendor. Vendor engineers risk being over-strained by the high amounts of novel information, resulting in extra costs that may erode the business case behind offshoring. Although stakeholders may desire to avoid these extra costs by implementing appropriate knowledge transfer practices, little is known on how effective knowledge transfer can be designed and managed in light of the high cognitive loads in SMOO transitions. The dissertation at hand addresses this research gap by presenting and integrating four studies. The studies draw on cognitive load theory, attributional theory, and control theory and they apply qualitative, quantitative, and simulation methods to qualitative data from eight in-depth longitudinal cases. The results suggest that the choice of appropriate learning tasks may be more central to knowledge transfer than the amount of information shared with vendor engineers. Moreover, because vendor staff may not be able to and not dare to effectively self-manage learn-ing tasks during early transition, client-driven controls may be initially required and subsequently faded out. Collectively, the results call for people-based rather than codification-based knowledge management strategies in at least moderately specific and complex software environments.


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This dissertation presents the concept of Deliberative Transformative Moment and the instrument to identify it, in a further attempt to bridge the gap between deliberation theory and practice. A transformative moment in the deliberative process occurs when the level of deliberation is either lifted from low to high or drops from high to low. In order to identify such a moment, one has to look at the context and dynamics of the group discussion. This broadening of the unit of analysis is a big difference from other existing instruments to measure the level of deliberation, such as the Deliberative Quality Index –DQI, which focuses primarily on the individual speech acts. Consistent with the theoretical framework of consociational and deliberation approaches, the observed discussions took place among two deeply divided groups, Colombian ex-combatants from both the extreme left and the extreme right. Moving beyond a pure Habermasian perspective, this study finds that besides pure rational arguments, there are some contexts in which personal stories, jokes and self-interests, acting as justification of arguments, have either a positive or a negative impact on deliberative transformative moments. Although this research has a strongly qualitative orientation, reliability tests scored high, giving it strength as a reliable and valid research method that shedding some light on the sort of speech acts that enhance deliberation and those that detract from it.