147 resultados para Epithelial Phenotype


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In this study, we investigated if monolayer expansion of adult human articular chondrocytes (AHAC) on specific substrates regulates cell phenotype and post-expansion multilineage differentiation ability. AHAC isolated from cartilage biopsies of five donors were expanded on plastic dishes (PL), on dishes coated with collagen type II (COL), or on slides coated with a ceramic material (Osteologic, OS). The phenotype of expanded chondrocytes was assessed by flow cytometry and real-time RT-PCR. Cells were then cultured in previously established conditions promoting differentiation toward the chondrogenic or osteogenic lineage. AHAC differentiation was assessed histologically, biochemically, and by real-time RT-PCR. As compared to PL-expanded AHAC, those expanded on COL did not exhibit major phenotypic changes, whereas OS-expanded cells expressed (i) higher bone sialoprotein (BSP) (22.6-fold) and lower collagen type II (9.3-fold) mRNA levels, and (ii) lower CD26, CD90 and CD140 surface protein levels (1.4-11.1-fold). Following chondrogenic differentiation, COL-expanded AHAC expressed higher mRNA levels of collagen type II (2.3-fold) and formed tissues with higher glycosaminoglycan (GAG) contents (1.7-fold), whereas OS-expanded cells expressed 16.5-fold lower collagen type II and generated pellets with 2.0-fold lower GAG contents. Following osteogenic differentiation, OS-expanded cells expressed higher levels of BSP (3.9-fold) and collagen type I (2.8-fold) mRNA. In summary, AHAC expansion on COL or OS modulated the de-differentiated cell phenotype and improved the cell differentiation capacity respectively toward the chondrogenic or osteogenic lineage. Phenotypic changes induced by AHAC expansion on specific substrates may mimic pathophysiological events occurring at different stages of osteoarthritis and may be relevant for the engineering of osteochondral tissues.


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The heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) has been implicated in wound-healing processes of various tissues. However, it is not known whether HB-EGF may represent a factor implicated in overstimulated wound-healing processes of the retina during proliferative retinopathies. Therefore, we investigated whether human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, which are crucially involved in proliferative retinopathies, express and respond to HB-EGF. RPE cells express mRNAs for various members of the EGF-related growth factor family, among them for HB-EGF, as well as for the EGF receptors ErbB1, -2, -3, and -4. The gene expression of HB-EGF is stimulated in the presence of transforming and basic fibroblast growth factors and by oxidative stress and is suppressed during chemical hypoxia. Exogenous HB-EGF stimulates proliferation and migration of RPE cells and the gene and protein expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). HB-EGF activates at least three signal transduction pathways in RPE cells including the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (involved in the proliferation-stimulating action of HB-EGF), p38 (mediates the effects on chemotaxis and secretion of VEGF), and the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (necessary for the stimulation of chemotaxis). In epiretinal membranes of patients with proliferative retinopathies, HB-EGF immunoreactivity was partially colocalized with the RPE cell marker, cytokeratins; this observation suggests that RPE cell-derived HB-EGF may represent one factor that drives the uncontrolled wound-healing process of the retina. The stimulating effect on the secretion of VEGF may suggest that HB-EGF is also implicated in the pathological angiogenesis of the retina.


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BACKGROUND: The deletion of three adjacent nucleotides in an exon may cause the lack of a single amino acid, while the protein sequence remains otherwise unchanged. Only one such in-frame deletion is known in the two RH genes, represented by the RHCE allele ceBP expressing a "very weak e antigen." STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Blood donor samples were recognized because of discrepant results of D phenotyping. Six samples came from Switzerland and one from Northern Germany. The molecular structures were determined by genomic DNA nucleotide sequencing of RHD. RESULTS: Two different variant D antigens were explained by RHD alleles harboring one in-frame triplet deletion each. Both single-amino-acid deletions led to partial D phenotypes with weak D antigen expression. Because of their D category V-like phenotypes, the RHD(Arg229del) allele was dubbed DVL-1 and the RHD(Lys235del) allele DVL-2. These in-frame triplet deletions are located in GAGAA or GAAGA repeats of the RHD exon 5. CONCLUSION: Partial D may be caused by a single-amino-acid deletion in RhD. The altered RhD protein segments in DVL types are adjacent to the extracellular loop 4, which constitutes one of the most immunogenic parts of the D antigen. These RhD protein segments are also altered in all DV, which may explain the similarity in phenotype. At the nucleotide level, the triplet deletions may have resulted from replication slippage. A total of nine amino acid positions in an Rhesus protein may be affected by this mechanism.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a pathological bone formation process in which ectopic bone is formed in soft tissue. The formation of bone depends on the expression of the osteoblast phenotype. Earlier studies have shown conflicting results on the expression of phenotype markers of cells originating from HO and normal bone. The hypothesis of the present study is that cells from HO show an altered expression of osteoblast-specific phenotype markers compared to normal osteoblasts. The aims of the study were to further characterize the expression of osteoblast phenotypemarkers and to provide a comparison with other study results. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Using an in vitro technique, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry, we compared the phenotype gene expression (type I collagen, alkaline phosphatase, Cbfa-1, osteocalcin) of osteoblasts from resected HO and normal bone (iliac crest). RESULTS: Cells from HO expressed the osteoblast phenotype (type I collagen, alkaline phosphatase) but were characterized by a depleted osteocalcin expression. The expression of Cbfa-1 (osteocalcin transcription gene) showed a large variety in our study. Preoperative radiotherapy had no effect on phenotype expression in cells from HO. CONCLUSION: Our results provide a characterization of cells originating from HO and support the thesis of an impaired osteoblast differentiation underlying the formation of HO. The transcription axis from Cbfa-1 to osteocalcin could be involved in the pathogenesis of HO.


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Primary renal tumors are rare neoplasms in nonhuman primates. This report describes a mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney (MESTK) in a 14.5-year-old female ringtail lemur. The well-demarcated, solid, and cystic mass was located in the pelvis of the left kidney and consisted histologically of both epithelial and mesenchymal components. The mesenchymal cells were arranged in fascicles around cysts lined by a well-differentiated epithelium. Neither the mesenchymal nor the epithelial parts showed significant nuclear atypia or mitotic figures. To our knowledge, only 1 similar case, classified as adenoleiomyofibromatous hamartoma, has been reported in a ringtail lemur. In humans this tumor affects predominantly perimenopausal women and can express estrogen and progesterone receptors. However, neither estrogen nor progesterone receptors could be identified by immunohistochemistry in the tumor of the present ringtail lemur. Therefore, a hormonal mechanism could not be demonstrated in this case.


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Clinical resistance to chemotherapy in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is associated with the expression of the multidrug resistance (MDR) proteins P-glycoprotein, encoded by the MDR1/ABCB1 gene, multidrug resistant-related protein (MRP/ABCC1), the lung resistance-related protein (LRP), or major vault protein (MVP), and the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2). The clinical value of MDR1, MRP1, LRP/MVP, and BCRP messenger RNA (mRNA) expression was prospectively studied in 154 newly diagnosed AML patients >or=60 years who were treated in a multicenter, randomized phase 3 trial. Expression of MDR1 and BCRP showed a negative whereas MRP1 and LRP showed a positive correlation with high white blood cell count (respectively, p < 0.05, p < 0.001, p < 0.001 and p < 0.001). Higher BCRP mRNA was associated with secondary AML (p < 0.05). MDR1 and BCRP mRNA were highly significantly associated (p < 0.001), as were MRP1 and LRP mRNA (p < 0.001) expression. Univariate regression analyses revealed that CD34 expression, increasing MDR1 mRNA as well as MDR1/BCRP coexpression, were associated with a lower complete response (CR) rate and with worse event-free survival and overall survival. When adjusted for other prognostic actors, only CD34-related MDR1/BCRP coexpression remained significantly associated with a lower CR rate (p = 0.03), thereby identifying a clinically resistant subgroup of elderly AML patients.


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We report the phenotype of mice with targeted disruption of the Trpv6 (Trpv6 KO) epithelial calcium channel. The mice exhibit disordered Ca(2+) homeostasis, including defective intestinal Ca(2+) absorption, increased urinary Ca(2+) excretion, decreased BMD, deficient weight gain, and reduced fertility. Although our Trpv6 KO affects the closely adjacent EphB6 gene, the phenotype reported here is not related to EphB6 dysfunction. INTRODUCTIOn: The mechanisms underlying intestinal Ca(2+) absorption are crucial for overall Ca(2+) homeostasis, because diet is the only source of all new Ca(2+) in the body. Trpv6 encodes a Ca(2+)-permeable cation channel responsible for vitamin D-dependent intestinal Ca(2+) absorption. Trpv6 is expressed in the intestine and also in the skin, placenta, kidney, and exocrine organs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To determine the in vivo function of TRPV6, we generated mice with targeted disruption of the Trpv6 (Trpv6 KO) gene. RESULTS: Trpv6 KO mice are viable but exhibit disordered Ca(2+) homeostasis, including a 60% decrease in intestinal Ca(2+) absorption, deficient weight gain, decreased BMD, and reduced fertility. When kept on a regular (1% Ca(2+)) diet, Trpv6 KO mice have deficient intestinal Ca(2+) absorption, despite elevated levels of serum PTH (3.8-fold) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (2.4-fold). They also have decreased urinary osmolality and increased Ca(2+) excretion. Their serum Ca(2+) is normal, but when challenged with a low (0.25%) Ca(2+) diet, Trpv6 KO mice fail to further increase serum PTH and vitamin D, ultimately developing hypocalcemia. Trpv6 KO mice have normal urinary deoxypyridinoline excretion, although exhibiting a 9.3% reduction in femoral mineral density at 2 months of age, which is not restored by treatment for 1 month with a high (2%) Ca(2+) "rescue" diet. In addition to their deranged Ca(2+) homeostasis, the skin of Trpv6 KO mice has fewer and thinner layers of stratum corneum, decreased total Ca(2+) content, and loss of the normal Ca(2+) gradient. Twenty percent of all Trpv6 KO animals develop alopecia and dermatitis. CONCLUSIONS: Trpv6 KO mice exhibit an array of abnormalities in multiple tissues/organs. At least some of these are caused by tissue-specific mechanisms. In addition, the kidneys and bones of Trpv6 KO mice do not respond to their elevated levels of PTH and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. These data indicate that the TRPV6 channel plays an important role in Ca(2+) homeostasis and in other tissues not directly involved in this process.


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Many mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of chronic enteropathies or host-pathogen interactions in canine intestine have not been elucidated so far. Next to the clinical and in vivo research tools, an in vitro model of canine intestinal cell culture would be very helpful for studies at the cellular level. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to establish and characterize a primary canine duodenal epithelial cell culture. Neonatal duodenum was disrupted with trypsin-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and the mucosa scraped off and digested with collagenase and dispase. After centrifugation on a 2% sorbitol gradient, the cells were incubated at 37 degrees C in OptiMEM supplemented with Primocin, epidermal growth factor, insulin, hydrocortisone, and 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). After 24 h, the FCS concentration was reduced to 2.5%, and the temperature decreased to 33 degrees C. With this method, the cultures were growing to confluent monolayers within 5-6 d and remained viable for an average of 2 wk. Their epithelial nature was confirmed by electron microscopy and immunofluorescence staining using antibodies directed against specific cytokeratins, desmosomes, and tight junctions. The intestinal cells proliferated, as evidenced by immunolabeling with a Ki-67 antibody, and cryptal cell subpopulations could be identified. Furthermore, alkaline phosphatase and sucrase activity were detected.


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Site-specific delivery of anticancer agents to tumors represents a promising therapeutic strategy because it increases efficacy and reduces toxicity to normal tissues compared with untargeted drugs. Sterically stabilized immunoliposomes (SIL), guided by antibodies that specifically bind to well internalizing antigens on the tumor cell surface, are effective nanoscale delivery systems capable of accumulating large quantities of anticancer agents at the tumor site. The epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) holds major promise as a target for antibody-based cancer therapy due to its abundant expression in many solid tumors and its limited distribution in normal tissues. We generated EpCAM-directed immunoliposomes by covalently coupling the humanized single-chain Fv antibody fragment 4D5MOCB to the surface of sterically stabilized liposomes loaded with the anticancer agent doxorubicin. In vitro, the doxorubicin-loaded immunoliposomes (SIL-Dox) showed efficient cell binding and internalization and were significantly more cytotoxic against EpCAM-positive tumor cells than nontargeted liposomes (SL-Dox). In athymic mice bearing established human tumor xenografts, pharmacokinetic and biodistribution analysis of SIL-Dox revealed long circulation times in the blood with a half-life of 11 h and effective time-dependent tumor localization, resulting in up to 15% injected dose per gram tissue. These favorable pharmacokinetic properties translated into potent antitumor activity, which resulted in significant growth inhibition (compared with control mice), and was more pronounced than that of doxorubicin alone and nontargeted SL-Dox at low, nontoxic doses. Our data show the promise of EpCAM-directed nanovesicular drug delivery for targeted therapy of solid tumors.


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Invasion of non-professional phagocytes is a strategy employed by several mucosal pathogens, but has not been investigated in detail for Moraxella catarrhalis, a major cause of human respiratory tract infections. We investigated the role of outer membrane protein (OMP) UspA1 and lipooligosaccharide (LOS) in M. catarrhalis invasion into epithelial cells. An isogenic mutant of strain O35E, which lacked expression of the UspA1 adhesin, demonstrated not only severely impaired adherence (86%) to but also reduced invasion (77%) into Chang conjunctival cells in comparison with the wild-type strain. The isogenic, LOS-deficient mutant strain O35E.lpxA was attenuated in adherence (93%) and its capacity to invade was severely reduced (95%), but not abolished. Inhibition assays using sucrose and cytochalasin D, respectively, demonstrated that clathrin and actin polymerization contribute to internalization of M. catarrhalis by Chang cells. Furthermore, inhibition of UspA1-mediated binding to cell-associated fibronectin and alpha5beta1 integrin decreased invasion of M. catarrhalis strain O35E (72% and 41%, respectively). These data indicate that OMP UspA1 and LOS profoundly affect the capacity of M. catarrhalis to invade epithelial cells.


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OBJECTIVE: The previously described c655G>A mutation of the human cytochrome P450 aromatase gene (P450aro, CYP19) results in aberrant splicing due to disruption of a donor splice site. To explain the phenotype of partial aromatase deficiency observed in a female patient described with this mutation, molecular consequences of the c655G>A mutation were investigated. DESIGN: To investigate whether the c655G>A mutation causes an aberrant spliced mRNA lacking exon 5 (-Ex5), P450aro RNA was analysed from the patient's lymphocytes by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and by splicing assays performed in Y1 cells transfected with a P450aro -Ex5 expression vector. Aromatase activity of the c655G>A mutant was predicted by three dimensional (3D) protein modelling studies and analysed in transiently transfected Y1 cells. Exon 5 might be predicted as a poorly defined exon suggesting a susceptibility to both splicing mutations and physiological alternative splicing events. Therefore, expression of the -Ex5 mRNA was also assessed as a possibly naturally occurring alternative splicing transcript in normal human steroidogenic tissues. PATIENTS: An aromatase deficient girl was born with ambiguous genitalia. Elevated serum LH, FSH and androgens, as well as cystic ovaries, were found during prepuberty. At the age of 8.4 years, spontaneous breast development and a 194.6 pmol/l serum oestradiol level was observed. RESULTS: The -Ex5 mRNA was found in lymphocytes of the P450aro deficient girl and her father, who was a carrier of the mutation. Mutant minigene expression resulted in complete exon 5 skipping. As expected from 3D protein modelling, -Ex5 cDNA expression in Y1 cells resulted in loss of P450aro activity. In addition, the -Ex5 mRNA was present in placenta, prepubertal testis and adrenal tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Alternative splicing of exon 5 of the CYP19 gene occurs in the wild type (WT) as well as in the c655G>A mutant. We speculate that for the WT it might function as a regulatory mechanism for aromatization, whereas for the mutant a relative prevalence of the shorter over the full-length protein might explain the phenotype of partial aromatase deficiency.