146 resultados para Eichler, Margrit


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Dass jede literarische Selbstdarstellung fiktionale Elemente beinhaltet, ist in der gegenwärtigen Autobiographie-Diskussion unbestritten. Mit dem von Serge Doubrovsky geprägten Terminus »Autofiktion« hat sich die Forschung verstärkt literarischen Texten zugewendet, die fiktionales und faktuales Erzählen der eigenen Biographie mehr oder minder offensichtlich vermischen und so die Problematik literarischer Selbstthematisierung reflektieren. Ausgehend von der theoretischen Diskussion um Autobiographie und Autofiktion werden Texte und Textentwürfe von Robert Walser, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Paul Nizon, Friedrich Dürrenmatt und Urs Widmer mit ihren je eigenen und nicht selten eigenwilligen Konzepten des literarischen Umgangs mit der Biographie untersucht. Mit Beiträgen von Peter Gasser, Wolfram Groddeck, Lucas Marco Gisi, Heidy Margrit Müller, Ulrich Weber, Reto Sorg, Elio Pellin und Irmgard Wirtz.


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Accumulation and delta O-18 data from Alpine ice cores provide information on past temperature and precipitation. However, their correlation with seasonal or annual mean temperature and precipitation at nearby sites is often low. This is partly due to the irregular sampling of the atmosphere by the ice core (i.e. ice cores almost only record precipitation events and not dry periods) and the possible incongruity between annual layers and calendar years. Using daily meteorological data from a nearby station and reanalyses, we replicate the ice core from the Grenzgletscher (Switzerland, 4200m a.s.l.) on a sample-by-sample basis by calculating precipitation-weighted temperature (PWT) over short intervals. Over the last 15 yr of the ice core record, accumulation and delta O-18 variations can be well reproduced on a sub-seasonal scale. This allows a wiggle-matching approach for defining quasi-annual layers, resulting in high correlations between measured quasi-annual delta O-18 and PWT. Further back in time, the agreement deteriorates. Nevertheless, we find significant correlations over the entire length of the record (1938-1993) of ice core delta O-18 with PWT, but not with annual mean temperature. This is due to the low correlations between PWT and annual mean temperature, a characteristic which in ERA-Interim reanalysis is also found for many other continental mid-to-high-latitude regions. The fact that meteorologically very different years can lead to similar combinations of PWT and accumulation poses limitations to the use of delta O-18 from Alpine ice cores for temperature reconstructions. Rather than for reconstructing annual mean temperature, delta O-18 from Alpine ice cores should be used to reconstruct PWT over quasi-annual periods. This variable is reproducible in reanalysis or climate model data and could thus be assimilated into conventional climate models.