117 resultados para Effetto Compton Inverso, Comptonizzazione, alte energie,scattering,


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In recent years, high-accuracy data for pionic hydrogen and deuterium have become the primary source of information on the pion–nucleon scattering lengths. Matching the experimental precision requires, in particular, the study of isospin-breaking corrections both in pion– nucleon and pion–deuteron scattering. We review the mechanisms that lead to the cancellation of potentially enhanced virtual-photon corrections in the pion–deuteron system, and discuss the subtleties regarding the definition of the pion–nucleon scattering lengths in the presence of electromagnetic interactions by comparing to nucleon–nucleon scattering. Based on the p±p channels we find for the virtual-photon-subtracted scattering lengths in the isospin basis a1/2/ g= (170.5±2.0) · 10−3M−1p and a3/2/ g= (−86.5±1.8) · 10−3M−1p .


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Energie ist eine der wichtigsten Ressourcen der Gegenwart. Wir nutzen sie täglich zum Heizen, Kochen, Beleuchten, Fortbewegen, Arbeiten. Neben der Endlichkeit der fossilen Energieträger rückten in den letzten Jahren auch die mit den Energieregimen verbundenen Risiken (wieder) vermehrt ins Bewusstsein. Gerade deshalb erlebte besonders die Energiegeschichte zum 20. Jahrhundert jüngst einen Aufschwung. Die einzelnen Beiträge zeichnen dabei nicht nur den ungestillten Energiehunger während des Wirtschaftsbooms nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nach, sondern gehen auch den Wurzeln des heutigen Energieregimes im 19. Jahrhundert nach. Thematisiert werden die wichtigsten Triebkräfte der Innovationen in der Wasserkraft, die Entwicklungslinien der Energieverwendung und des Energieverbrauchs im Verkehr und in der Landwirtschaft sowie die Auswirkungen eines mehrtägigen Stromausfalls auf die Gesellschaft.


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Le Conseil fédéral a mis en consultation la Stratégie énergétique 2050. – L’initiative populaire des Vert’libéraux destinée à introduire une réforme fiscale écologique a abouti. – Swissgrid a repris le réseau suisse de transport de l'électricité. – Les Verts ont déposé une initiative populaire demandant la sortie de l’énergie nucléaire. – Des experts ont émis des doutes quant à l’indépendance des instances de sécurité nucléaire. – Le Tribunal fédéral administratif a fixé un délai à l’exploitation de la centrale nucléaire de Mühleberg.


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The freezing behavior of water confined in compacted charged and uncharged clays (montmorillonite in Na-and Ca-forms, illite in Na-and Ca-forms, kaolinite and pyrophyllite) was investigated by neutron scattering. Firstly, the amount of frozen (immobile) water was measured as a function of temperature at the IN16 backscattering spectrometer, Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL). Water in uncharged, partly hydrophobic (kaolinite) and fully hydrophobic (pyrophyllite) clays exhibited a similar freezing and melting behavior to that of bulk water. In contrast, water in charged clays which are hydrophilic could be significantly supercooled. To observe the water dynamics in these clays, further experiments were performed using quasielastic neutron scattering. At temperatures of 250, 260 and 270 K the diffusive motion of water could still be observed, but with a strong reduction in the water mobility as compared with the values obtained above 273 K. The diffusion coefficients followed a non-Arrhenius temperature dependence well described by the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann and the fractional power relations. The fits revealed that Na-and Ca-montmorillonite and Ca-illite have similar Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann temperatures (T-VFT, often referred to as the glass transition temperature) of similar to 120 K and similar temperatures at which the water undergoes the 'strong-fragile' transition, T-s similar to 210 K. On the other hand, Na-illite had significantly larger values of T-VFT similar to 180 K and T-s similar to 240 K. Surprisingly, Ca-illite has a similar freezing behavior of water to that of montmorillonites, even though it has a rather different structure. We attribute this to the stronger hydration of Ca ions as compared with the Na ions occurring in the illite clays.


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Designs for deep geological respositories of nuclear waste include bentonite as a hydraulic and chemisorption buffer material to protect the biosphere from leakage of radionuclides. Bentonite is chosen because it is a cheap, naturally occurring material with the required properties. It consists essentially of montmorillonite, a swelling clay mineral. Upon contact with groundwater such clays can seal the repository by incorporating water in the interlayers of their crystalline structure. The intercalated water exhibits significantly different properties to bulk water in the surrounding interparticle pores, such as lower diffusion coefficients (González Sánchez et. al. 2008). This doctoral thesis presents water distribution and diffusion behavior on various time and space scales in montmorillonite. Experimental results are presented for Na- and Cs-montmorillonite samples with a range of bulk dry densities (0.8 to 1.7 g/cm3). The experimental methods employed were neutron scattering (backscattering, diffraction, time-of-flight), adsorption measurements (water, nitrogen) and tracer-through diffusion. For the tracer experiments the samples were fully saturated via the liquid phase under volume-constrained conditions. In contrast, for the neutron scattering experiments, the samples were hydrated via the vapor phase and subsequently compacted, leaving a significant fraction of interparticle pores unfilled with water. Owing to these differences in saturation, the water contents of the samples for neutron scattering were characterized by gravimetry whereas those for the tracer experiments were obtained from the bulk dry density. The amount of surface water in interlayer pores could be successfully discriminated from the amount of bulk-like water in interparticle pores in Na- and Csmontmorillonite using neutron spectroscopy. For the first time in the literature, the distribution of water between these two pore environments was deciphered as a function of gravimetric water content. The amount was compared to a geometrical estimation of the amount of interlayer and interparticle water determined by neutron diffraction and adsorption measurements. The relative abundances of the 1 to 4 molecular water layers in the interlayer were determined from the area ratios of the (001)-diffraction peaks. Depending on the characterization method, different fractions of surface water and interlayer water were obtained. Only surface and interlayer water exists in amontmorillonite with water contents up to 0.18 g/g according to spectroscopic measurements and up to 0.32 g/g according to geometrical estimations, respectively. At higher water contents, bulk-like and interparticle water also exists. The amounts increase monotonically, but not linearly, from zero to 0.33 g/g for bulk-like water and to 0.43 g/g for interparticle water. It was found that water most likely redistributes between the surface and interlayer sites during the spectroscopic measurements and therefore the reported fraction is relevant only below about -10 ºC (Anderson, 1967). The redistribution effect can explain the discrepancy in fractions between the methods. In a novel approach the fractions of water in different pore environments were treated as a fixed parameter to derive local diffusion coefficients for water from quasielastic neutron scattering data, in particular for samples with high water contents. Local diffusion coefficients were obtained for the 1 to 4 molecular water layers in the interlayer of 0.5·10–9, 0.9·10–9, 1.5·10–9 and 1.4·10–9 m²/s, respectively, taking account of the different water fractions (molecular water layer, bulk-like water). The diffusive transport of 22Na and HTO through Na-montmorillonite was measured on the laboratory experimental scale (i.e. cm, days) by tracer through-diffusion experiments. We confirmed that diffusion of HTO is independent of the ionic strength of the external solution in contact with the clay sample but dependent on the bulk dry density. In contrast, the diffusion of 22Na was found to depend on both the ionic strength of the pore solution and on the bulk dry density. The ratio of the pore and surface diffusion could be experimentally determined for 22Na from the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the ionic strength. Activation energies were derived from the temperaturedependent diffusion coefficients via the Arrhenius relation. In samples with high bulk dry density the activation energies are slightly higher than those of bulk water whereas in low density samples they are lower. The activation energies as a function of ionic strengths of the pore solutions are similar for 22Na and HTO. The facts that (i) the slope of the logarithmic effective diffusion coefficients as a function of the logarithmic ionic strength is less than unity for low bulk dry densities and (ii) two water populations can be observed for high gravimetric water contents (low bulk dry densities) support the interlayer and interparticle porosity model proposed by Glaus et al. (2007), Bourg et al. (2006, 2007) and Gimmi and Kosakowski (2011).


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Two new approaches to quantitatively analyze diffuse diffraction intensities from faulted layer stacking are reported. The parameters of a probability-based growth model are determined with two iterative global optimization methods: a genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). The results are compared with those from a third global optimization method, a differential evolution (DE) algorithm [Storn & Price (1997). J. Global Optim. 11, 341–359]. The algorithm efficiencies in the early and late stages of iteration are compared. The accuracy of the optimized parameters improves with increasing size of the simulated crystal volume. The wall clock time for computing quite large crystal volumes can be kept within reasonable limits by the parallel calculation of many crystals (clones) generated for each model parameter set on a super- or grid computer. The faulted layer stacking in single crystals of trigonal three-pointedstar- shaped tris(bicylco[2.1.1]hexeno)benzene molecules serves as an example for the numerical computations. Based on numerical values of seven model parameters (reference parameters), nearly noise-free reference intensities of 14 diffuse streaks were simulated from 1280 clones, each consisting of 96 000 layers (reference crystal). The parameters derived from the reference intensities with GA, PSO and DE were compared with the original reference parameters as a function of the simulated total crystal volume. The statistical distribution of structural motifs in the simulated crystals is in good agreement with that in the reference crystal. The results found with the growth model for layer stacking disorder are applicable to other disorder types and modeling techniques, Monte Carlo in particular.


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The response of liquid xenon to low-energy electronic recoils is relevant in the search for dark-matter candidates which interact predominantly with atomic electrons in the medium, such as axions or axionlike particles, as opposed to weakly interacting massive particles which are predicted to scatter with atomic nuclei. Recently, liquid-xenon scintillation light has been observed from electronic recoils down to 2.1 keV, but without applied electric fields that are used in most xenon dark-matter searches. Applied electric fields can reduce the scintillation yield by hindering the electron-ion recombination process that produces most of the scintillation photons. We present new results of liquid xenon's scintillation emission in response to electronic recoils as low as 1.5 keV, with and without an applied electric field. At zero field, a reduced scintillation output per unit deposited energy is observed below 10 keV, dropping to nearly 40% of its value at higher energies. With an applied electric field of 450 V/cm, we observe a reduction of the scintillation output to about 75% relative to the value at zero field. We see no significant energy dependence of this value between 1.5 and 7.8 keV. With these results, we estimate the electronic-recoil energy thresholds of ZEPLIN-III, XENON10, XENON100, and XMASS to be 2.8, 2.5, 2.3, and 1.1 keV, respectively, validating their excellent sensitivity to low-energy electronic recoils.