93 resultados para Computer files
The following is an analysis of the role of computer aided surgery by infralabyrinthine-subcochlear approach to the petrous apex for cholesterol granulomas with hearing preservation. In a retrospective case review from 1996 to 2008 six patients were analysed in our tertiary referral centre, otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinic. Excellent intraoperative localisation of the carotid artery, facial nerve and the entrance into the cholesterol cyst of the bone by means of the navigation system was seen. Additionally, the operation time decreased from an initial 4 h down to 2 h. The application of computer-aided surgery allows intraoperative monitoring of the position of the tip of the microsurgical instruments in case of a rare disease and in the delicate area of the petrous apex giving a high security level.
Endoscopic or microscopic surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with or without nasal polyps is a routine intervention in daily practice. It is often a delicate and difficult minimally invasive intervention in a narrow space, with a tunnel view of 4 mm in the case of endoscopy and frequent bleeding in chronically inflamed tissue. Therefore, orientation in such a "labyrinth" is often difficult. In the case of polyp recurrence or tumors, the normal anatomical landmarks are often missing, which renders orientation even more difficult. In such cases, computer-aided navigation together with images such as those from computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging can support the surgeon to make the operation more accurate and, in some cases, faster. Computer-aided surgery also has great potential for education.
Cationic and anionic electrophoretic mobilization for focusing of hemoglobins (Hb's) in the presence of 100 carrier ampholytes covering a pI range of 6.00-7.98 was studied by computer simulation at a constant current density of 300 A/m(2). Electropherograms that would be produced by whole column imaging and by single detectors placed at different locations along the focusing column are presented. Upon mobilization, peak heights of the Hb zones decrease, but the zones retain a relatively sharp constant profile and are migrating at a constant velocity. A further peak decrease occurs during readjustment at the locations of the original buffer/column interfaces, indicating that detection sensitivity is the lowest at these locations. An anionic carrier ampholyte mobility smaller than that of its cationic species produces a cathodic drift which is smaller than the transport rate used for electrophoretic mobilization. Compared to the case with equal mobilities of carrier ampholyte species, a small increase (decrease) is predicted for the cationic (anionic) mobilization rate within the focusing column. Simulation data suggest that electrophoretic mobilization after focusing and focusing with concurrent electrophoretic mobilization are comparable isotachophoretic processes that occur when there is an uninterrupted flux of an ion through the focusing column. Cathodic drift caused by unequal mobilities of the species of carrier ampholytes, electrophoretic mobilization, and decomposition occurring at the pH gradient edges are related electrophoretic processes.
The impact of the systematic variation of either DeltapK(a) or mobility of 140 biprotic carrier ampholytes on the conductivity profile of a pH 3-10 gradient was studied by dynamic computer simulation. A configuration with the greatest DeltapK(a) in the pH 6-7 range and uniform mobilities produced a conductivity profile consistent with that which is experimentally observed. A similar result was observed when the neutral (pI = 7) ampholyte is assigned the lowest mobility and mobilities of the other carriers are systematically increased as their pI's recede from 7. When equal DeltapK(a) values and mobilities are assigned to all ampholytes a conductivity plateau in the pH 5-9 region is produced which does not reflect what is seen experimentally. The variation in DeltapK(a) values is considered to most accurately reflect the electrochemical parameters of commercially available mixtures of carrier ampholytes. Simulations with unequal mobilities of the cationic and anionic species of the carrier ampholytes show either cathodic (greater mobility of the cationic species) or anodic (greater mobility of the anionic species) drifts of the pH gradient. The simulated cationic drifts compare well to those observed experimentally in a capillary in which the focusing of three dyes was followed by whole column optical imaging. The cathodic drift flattens the acidic portion of the gradient and steepens the basic part. This phenomenon is an additional argument against the notion that focused zones of carrier ampholytes have no electrophoretic flux.