220 resultados para Auditory deficiency
BACKGROUND: In May 2003, a newborn auditory screening program was initiated in the Upper Palatinate. METHODS: Sequential OAE- and BERA-screening was conducted in all hospitals with obstetric facilities. The Screening Center at the Public Health Authority was responsible for the coordination of the screening process, completeness of participation, the follow-up of all subjects with a positive screening test and the quality of instrumental screening. RESULTS: A total of 96% of 17,469 newborns were screened. The referral rate at discharge was 1.6% (0.4% for bilateral positive findings). For 97% of the positive screening results, a definite diagnosis to confirm or exclude hearing loss was achieved; for 43% only after intervention by the Screening Center. Fifteen children with profound bilateral hearing impairment were identified of whom eight were only detected by the intervention of the Screening Center. CONCLUSION: The effective structures established in the Upper Palatinate provide a standard for the quality of neonatal auditory screening achievable in Germany.
CONTEXT: A polymorphism of the GH receptor (GHR) gene resulting in genomic deletion of exon 3 (GHR-d3) has been associated with responsiveness to GH therapy. However, the data reported so far do vary according to the underlying condition, replacement dose, and duration of the treatment. OBJECTIVE, DESIGN: The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the GHR genotypes in terms of the initial height velocity (HV) resulting from treatment and the impact upon adult height in patients suffering from severe isolated GH deficiency. CONTROLS, PATIENTS, SETTING: A total of 181 subjects (peak stimulated GH
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Alteration of exon splice enhancers (ESE) may cause autosomal dominant GH deficiency (IGHD II). Disruption analysis of a (GAA) (n) ESE motif within exon 3 by introducing single-base mutations has shown that single nucleotide mutations within ESE1 affect pre-mRNA splicing. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS: Confirming the laboratory-derived data, a heterozygous splice enhancer mutation in exon 3 (exon 3 + 2 A-->C) coding for GH-E32A mutation of the GH-1 gene was found in two independent pedigrees, causing familial IGHD II. Because different ESE mutations have a variable impact on splicing of exon 3 of GH and therefore on the expression of the 17.5-kDa GH mutant form, the GH-E32A was studied at the cellular level. INTERVENTIONS AND RESULTS: The splicing of GH-E32A, assessed at the protein level, produced significantly increased amounts of 17.5-kDa GH isoform (55% of total GH protein) when compared with the wt-GH. AtT-20 cells coexpressing both wt-GH and GH-E32A presented a significant reduction in cell proliferation as well as GH production after forskolin stimulation when compared with the cells expressing wt-GH. These results were complemented with confocal microscopy analysis, which revealed a significant reduction of the GH-E32A-derived isoform colocalized with secretory granules, compared with wt-GH. CONCLUSION: GH-E32A mutation found within ESE1 weakens recognition of exon 3 directly, and therefore, an increased production of the exon 3-skipped 17.5-kDa GH isoform in relation to the 22-kDa, wt-GH isoform was found. The GH-E32A mutant altered stimulated GH production as well as cell proliferation, causing IGHD II.
OBJECTIVE: The previously described c655G>A mutation of the human cytochrome P450 aromatase gene (P450aro, CYP19) results in aberrant splicing due to disruption of a donor splice site. To explain the phenotype of partial aromatase deficiency observed in a female patient described with this mutation, molecular consequences of the c655G>A mutation were investigated. DESIGN: To investigate whether the c655G>A mutation causes an aberrant spliced mRNA lacking exon 5 (-Ex5), P450aro RNA was analysed from the patient's lymphocytes by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and by splicing assays performed in Y1 cells transfected with a P450aro -Ex5 expression vector. Aromatase activity of the c655G>A mutant was predicted by three dimensional (3D) protein modelling studies and analysed in transiently transfected Y1 cells. Exon 5 might be predicted as a poorly defined exon suggesting a susceptibility to both splicing mutations and physiological alternative splicing events. Therefore, expression of the -Ex5 mRNA was also assessed as a possibly naturally occurring alternative splicing transcript in normal human steroidogenic tissues. PATIENTS: An aromatase deficient girl was born with ambiguous genitalia. Elevated serum LH, FSH and androgens, as well as cystic ovaries, were found during prepuberty. At the age of 8.4 years, spontaneous breast development and a 194.6 pmol/l serum oestradiol level was observed. RESULTS: The -Ex5 mRNA was found in lymphocytes of the P450aro deficient girl and her father, who was a carrier of the mutation. Mutant minigene expression resulted in complete exon 5 skipping. As expected from 3D protein modelling, -Ex5 cDNA expression in Y1 cells resulted in loss of P450aro activity. In addition, the -Ex5 mRNA was present in placenta, prepubertal testis and adrenal tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Alternative splicing of exon 5 of the CYP19 gene occurs in the wild type (WT) as well as in the c655G>A mutant. We speculate that for the WT it might function as a regulatory mechanism for aromatization, whereas for the mutant a relative prevalence of the shorter over the full-length protein might explain the phenotype of partial aromatase deficiency.
OBJECTIVE: Data on the GH-induced catch-up growth of severely GH-deficient children affected by monogenetic defects are missing. PATIENTS: Catch-up growth of 21 prepubertal children (6 females, 15 males) affected with IGHD type II was analyzed in a retrospective chart review. At start of therapy, mean age was 6.2 years (range, 1.6-15.0), mean height SDS was -4.7 (-7.6 to -2.2), mean IGF-I SDS was -6.2 (-10.1 to -2.2). GH was substituted using a mean dose of 30.5microg/kg*d. RESULTS: Catch-up growth was characterized by a mean height gain of +0.92, +0.82, and +0.61 SDS after 1, 2, and 3 years of GH therapy, respectively. Mean height velocities were 10.7, 9.2 and 7.7cm/year during the first three years. Mean duration of complete catch-up growth was 6 years (3-9). Mean height SDS reached was -0.97 (-2.3 to +1.1), which was within the range of the estimated target height of -0.60 SDS (-1.20 to -0.15). The younger and shorter the children were at start of therapy the better they grew during the first year independent of the dose. Mean bone age was delayed at start by 2.1 years and progressed by 2.5 years during the first two years of therapy. Incomplete catch-up growth was caused by late initiation or irregular administration of GH in four cases. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that GH-treated children with severe IGHD show a sustained catch-up growth over 6 years (mean) and reach their target height range. This response to GH is considered to be characteristic for young children with severe growth retardation due to IGHD.
When a child is not following the normal, predicted growth curve, an evaluation for underlying illness and central nervous system abnormalities is required and appropriate consideration should be given to genetic defects causing growth hormone (GH) deficiency. This article focuses on the GH gene, the various gene alterations, and their possible impact on the pituitary gland. Transcription factors regulating pituitary gland development may cause multiple pituitary hormone deficiency but may present initially as GH deficiency. The role of two most important transcription factors, POU1F1 (Pit-1) and PROP 1, is discussed.
The adult mammalian cochlea lacks regenerative capacity, which is the main reason for the permanence of hearing loss. Vestibular organs, in contrast, replace a small number of lost hair cells. The reason for this difference is unknown. In this work we show isolation of sphere-forming stem cells from the early postnatal organ of Corti, vestibular sensory epithelia, the spiral ganglion, and the stria vascularis. Organ of Corti and vestibular sensory epithelial stem cells give rise to cells that express multiple hair cell markers and express functional ion channels reminiscent of nascent hair cells. Spiral ganglion stem cells display features of neural stem cells and can give rise to neurons and glial cell types. We found that the ability for sphere formation in the mouse cochlea decreases about 100-fold during the second and third postnatal weeks; this decrease is substantially faster than the reduction of stem cells in vestibular organs, which maintain their stem cell population also at older ages. Coincidentally, the relative expression of developmental and progenitor cell markers in the cochlea decreases during the first 3 postnatal weeks, which is in sharp contrast to the vestibular system, where expression of progenitor cell markers remains constant or even increases during this period. Our findings indicate that the lack of regenerative capacity in the adult mammalian cochlea is either a result of an early postnatal loss of stem cells or diminishment of stem cell features of maturing cochlear cells.
Retinae of aged humans show signs of vascular regression. Vascular regression involves a mismatch between Angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression. We used heterozygous Ang-2 deficient (Ang2LacZ) mice to evaluate murine retinal vascular changes and gene expression of growth factors. Vascular changes were assessed by quantitative retinal morphometry and gene expression levels of growth factors were measured by quantitative PCR. The numbers of endothelial cells and pericytes did not change in the Ang2LacZ retinae with age, whereas they decreased throughout the age spectrum studied in the wild type retinae. Moreover, vascular regression significantly decelerated in the heterozygous Ang2LacZ retinae (200% to 1 month), while the formation of acellular capillaries was significantly increased at 13 months in the wild type retinae (340% to 1 month). Gene expression analysis revealed that VEGF, Ang-1, PDGF-B and Ang2 mRNA levels were decreased in the wild type retinae at 9 month of age. However, the decrease of Ang-2 was smaller compared with other genes. While VEGF levels dropped in wild type mice up to 60% compared to 1 month, VEGF increased in heterozygous Ang-2 deficient retinae at an age of 9 months (141% to 1 month). Similarly, Ang-1 levels decreased in wild type mice (45% to 1 month), but remained stable in Ang2LacZ mice. These data suggest that Ang-2 gene dose reduction decelerates vasoregression in the retina with age. This effect links to higher levels of survival factors such as VEGF and Ang-1, suggesting that the ratio of these factors is critical for capillary cell survival.
Several studies have suggested that lipoproteins generated during the post-prandial phase are highly atherogenic, with modifications in low-density lipoproteins (LDL) size and density. In the present study we assessed post-prandial variations in LDL size and subclasses in patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD).
Patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) have increased cardiovascular risk and may show elevated triglyceride and reduced high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations, two lipid abnormalities usually accompanied by increased small dense LDL in the 'atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype' (ALP). In the present study, we directly investigated (1) whether hypopituitary patients with GHD have increased small dense LDL; (2) whether growth hormone replacement therapy (GHRT) beneficially impact on such particles; (3) the prevalence of ALP in GHD and GHRT patients.
Inherited factor XIII (FXIII) deficiency is known as one of the most rare blood coagulation disorder in humans. In the present study, phenotype and genotype of eight FXIII deficient Polish patients from five unrelated families were compared. The patients presented with a severe phenotype demonstrated by a high incidence of intracerebral haemorrhages (seven of eight patients), haemarthrosis (six patients) and bleeding due to trauma (five patients). Introduction of regular substitution with FXIII concentrate prevented spontaneous bleeding in seven patients. In all patients, mutations within the F13A gene have been identified revealing four missense mutations (Arg77Cys, Arg260Cys, Ala378Pro, Gly420Ser), one nonsense mutation (Arg661X), one splice site mutation (IVS5-1 G>A) and one small deletion (c.499-512del). One homozygous large deletion involving exon 15 was detected by failure of PCR product. The corresponding mutations resulted in severely reduced FXIII activity and FXIII A-subunit antigen concentration, while FXIII B-subunit antigen remained normal or mildly decreased. Structural analysis demonstrated that the novel Ala378Pro mutation may cause a disruption of the FXIII catalytic triad leading to a non-functional protein which presumably undergoes premature degradation. In conclusion, the severe phenotype with high incidence of intracranial bleeding and haemarthrosis was in accordance with laboratory findings on FXIII and with severe molecular defects of the F13A gene.
FXIII deficiency is known as one of the rarest blood coagulation disorders. In this study, the phenotypic and in part genotypic data of 104 FXIII-deficient patients recorded from 1993 - 2005 are presented. The most common bleeding symptoms were subcutaneous bleeding (57%) followed by delayed umbilical cord bleeding (56%), muscle hematoma (49%), hemorrhage after surgery (40%), hemarthrosis (36%), and intracerebral bleeding (34%). Prophylactic treatment was initiated in about 70% of all patients. FXIII-B subunit-deficient patients had a milder phenotype than patients with FXIII-A subunit deficiency. The most frequent mutation affecting the F13A gene was a splice site mutation in intron 5 (IVS5-1G>A). This mutation was found in eight (17%) of 46 analyzed families. The haplotype analysis of patients carrying the IVS5-1A allele was consistent with a founder effect. The international registry (http://www.f13-database.de) will provide clinicians and scientists working on FXIII deficiency with a helpful tool to improve patient care and direct future studies towards better understanding and treatment of the disease.
Nose-ear-throat manifestations of immunodeficiency disorders represent a diagnostic challenge for clinicians as these diseases often constitute the initial sign for connective disorders or autoimmune disease. The history of chronic rhinosinusitis and conductive hearing loss is often non specific. Therefore attention to an HLA class I deficiency must be considered if the disease has not been diagnosed on routine examination. One of the syndromes is due to a defective TAP complex, the peptide transporter complex associated with antigen presentation. Herein, we report two sisters with TAP-deficiency. The treatment of choice for TAP-deficient patients is conservative.
Adult-onset growth hormone (GH) deficiency (GHD) is associated with insulin resistance and decreased exercise capacity. Intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) depend on training status, diet, and insulin sensitivity. Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we studied IMCL content following physical activity (IMCL-depleted) and high-fat diet (IMCL-repleted) in 15 patients with GHD before and after 4 mo of GH replacement therapy (GHRT) and in 11 healthy control subjects. Measurements of insulin resistance and exercise capacity were performed and skeletal muscle biopsies were carried out to assess expression of mRNA of key enzymes involved in skeletal muscle lipid metabolism by real-time PCR and ultrastructure by electron microscopy. Compared with control subjects, patients with GHD showed significantly higher difference between IMCL-depleted and IMCL-repleted. GHRT resulted in an increase in skeletal muscle mRNA expression of IGF-I, hormone-sensitive lipase, and a tendency for an increase in fatty acid binding protein-3. Electron microscopy examination did not reveal significant differences after GHRT. In conclusion, variation of IMCL may be increased in patients with GHD compared with healthy control subjects. Qualitative changes within the skeletal muscle (i.e., an increase in free fatty acids availability from systemic and/or local sources) may contribute to the increase in insulin resistance and possibly to the improvement of exercise capacity after GHRT. The upregulation of IGF-I mRNA suggests a paracrine/autocrine role of IGF-I on skeletal muscle.
BACKGROUND: A false-positive sweat test in patients with deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate-1-dehydrogenase (EC; G6PD) is repeatedly reported. METHODS: Sweat chloride or conductivity was measured in 11 patients with G6PD deficiency. RESULTS: Mean (SD) chloride level (n = 8, median age 9.2 years, range 1.9-48.5) was 18.8 (9.6 mmol/l) and, mean (SD) sodium level was 26.0 (10.0 mmol/l), respectively, and mean (SD) conductivity (n = 3, median age 6.6 years, range 1.9-40.5) was 34.3 (6.5 mmol/l). CONCLUSION: In sweat of 11 patients with G6PD deficiency we did not find any abnormality. The reason for alleged false-positive sweat test in patients with G6PD deficiency is not known and we were unable to identify any original reference. It appears that tables of putative false-positive sweat tests in several disease states have been directly "copied and pasted" from one paper or textbook to another without verifying the original literature, a phenomenon one can call "chain citation".