812 resultados para 550 Earth sciences


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A series of more than 70 radiocarbon dates confirms that the Schnidejoch pass, linking the Bernese Highlands with the River Rhone valley, was in use at least from 4800â4500 BC on. The pass was of easy access when the glaciers from the nearby Wildhorn mountain range (peak on 3248 a.s.l) were in a retreating phase e.g. as is the situation today. During holocene phases of advancing glaciers the pass was blocked for humans accompanied by herding animals. The presentation reviews the publication of Grosjean et al. (Ice-borne prehistoric finds in the Swiss Alps reflect Holocene glacier fluctuations, JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, 200, 22.3, 203â207) on a larger basis of radiocarbon dating and discusses the position of the pass within a system of prehistoric settlements, camp sites and passes.


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Bentonite and iron metals are common materials proposed for use in deep-seated geological repositories for radioactive waste. The inevitable corrosion of iron leads to interaction processes with the clay which may affect the sealing properties of the bentonite backfill. The objective of the present study was to improve our understanding of this process by studying the interface between iron and compacted bentonite in a geological repository-type setting. Samples of MX-80 bentonite samples which had been exposed to an iron source and elevated temperatures (up to 115ºC) for 2.5 y in an in situ experiment (termed ABM1) at the Ãspà Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden, were investigated by microscopic means, including scanning electron microscopy, μ-Raman spectroscopy, spatially resolved X-ray diffraction, and X-ray fluorescence. The corrosion process led to the formation of a ~100 mm thick corrosion layer containing siderite, magnetite, some goethite, and lepidocrocite mixed with the montmorillonitic clay. Most of the corroded Fe occurred within a 10 mm-thick clay layer adjacent to the corrosion layer. An average corrosion depth of the steel of 22â35 μm and an average Fe2+ diffusivity of 1â26Ã10â13 m2/s were estimated based on the properties of the Fe-enriched clay layer. In that layer, the corrosion-derived Fe occurred predominantly in the clay matrix. The nature of this Fe could not be identified. No indications of clay transformation or newly formed clay phases were found. A slight enrichment of Mg close to the Feâclay contact was observed. The formation of anhydrite and gypsum, and the dissolution of some SiO<inf>2</inf> resulting from the temperature gradient in the in situ test, were also identified. © 2014, Clay Minerals Society. All right reserved.


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The microporous material Ionsiv is used for 137Cs removal from aqueous nuclear waste streams. In the UK, Cs-loaded Ionsiv is classed as an intermediate-level waste; no sentencing and disposal route is yet defined for this material and it is currently held in safe interim storage on several nuclear sites. In this study, the suitability of fly ash and blast furnace slag blended cements for encapsulation of Cs-Ionsiv in a monolithic wasteform was investigated. No evidence of reaction or dissolution of the Cs-Ionsiv in the cementitious environment was found by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. However, a small fraction (<= 1.6 wt.%) of the Cs inventory was released from the encapsulated Ionsiv during leaching experiments carried out on hydrated samples. Furthermore, it was evident that K and Na present in the cementitious pore water exchanged with Cs and H in the Ionsiv. Therefore, cement systems lower in K and Na, such as slag based cements, showed lower Cs release than the fly ash based cements.


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Digital light, fluorescence and electron microscopy in combination with wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy were used to visualize individual polymers, air voids, cement phases and filler minerals in a polymer-modified cementitious tile adhesive. In order to investigate the evolution and processes involved in formation of the mortar microstructure, quantifications of the phase distribution in the mortar were performed including phase-specific imaging and digital image analysis. The required sample preparation techniques and imaging related topics are discussed. As a form of case study, the different techniques were applied to obtain a quantitative characterization of a specific mortar mixture. The results indicate that the mortar fractionates during different stages ranging from the early fresh mortar until the final hardened mortar stage. This induces process-dependent enrichments of the phases at specific locations in the mortar. The approach presented provides important information for a comprehensive understanding of the functionality of polymer-modified mortars.


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Natural deformation in carbonate mylonites bearing sheet silicates occurs via a complex interaction of granular flow and solution transfer processes and involves continuous cycles of dissolution, grain boundary diffusion, nucleation and growth. In this way, new sheet silicates (a) nucleate within voids formed by grain boundary sliding of calcite grains. (b) grow, and (c) rotate towards the shear plane. As a consequence, small mica grains show a wide range of orientations with respect to the shear plane, but moderate to large grains are subparallel both to each other and to the shear plane. Increases of average grain sizes with increasing temperature of sheet silicates in mica-rich layers is more pronounced than in mica-poor layers. In the calcitic matrix however, sheet silicates can only grow via solution-precipitation and mass transfer processes. Therefore, the observed grain size variability indicates drastic differences in mass transfer behavior between the individual layers, which might be related to differences in the fluid flux. Based on these observations, a conceptual model for the microfabric evolution in sheet silicate bearing mylonites is presented. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The impact of polymer modification on the physical properties of cementitious mortars is investigated using a multimethod approach. Special emphasis is put on the identification and quantification of different polymer components within the cementitious matrix. With respect to thin-bed applications, particularly tile adhesives, the spatial distributions of latex, cellulose ether (CE), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), and cement hydration products can be quantified. It is shown that capillary forces and evaporation induce water fluxes in the interconnected part of the pore system, which transport CE, PVA, and cement ions to the mortar interfaces. In contrast, the distribution of latex remains homogeneous. In combination with results from qualitative experiments, the quantitative findings allow reconstruction of the evolution from fresh to hardened mortar, including polymer film formation, cement hydration, and water migration. The resulting microstructure and the failure modes can be correlated with the final adhesive strength of the tile adhesive. The results demonstrate that skinning prior to tile inlaying can strongly reduce wetting properties of the fresh mortar and lower final adhesive strength.


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The important task to observe the global coverage of middle atmospheric trace gases like water vapor or ozone usually is accomplished by satellites. Climate and atmospheric studies rely upon the knowledge of trace gas distributions throughout the stratosphere and mesosphere. Many of these gases are currently measured from satellites, but it is not clear whether this capability will be maintained in the future. This could lead to a significant knowledge gap of the state of the atmosphere. We explore the possibilities of mapping middle atmospheric water vapor in the Northern Hemisphere by using Lagrangian trajectory calculations and water vapor profile data from a small network of five ground-based microwave radiometers. Four of them are operated within the frame of NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change). Keeping in mind that the instruments are based on different hardware and calibration setups, a height-dependent bias of the retrieved water vapor profiles has to be expected among the microwave radiometers. In order to correct and harmonize the different data sets, the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Aura satellite is used to serve as a kind of traveling standard. A domain-averaging TM (trajectory mapping) method is applied which simplifies the subsequent validation of the quality of the trajectory-mapped water vapor distribution towards direct satellite observations. Trajectories are calculated forwards and backwards in time for up to 10 days using 6 hourly meteorological wind analysis fields. Overall, a total of four case studies of trajectory mapping in different meteorological regimes are discussed. One of the case studies takes place during a major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) accompanied by the polar vortex breakdown; a second takes place after the reformation of stable circulation system. TM cases close to the fall equinox and June solstice event from the year 2012 complete the study, showing the high potential of a network of ground-based remote sensing instruments to synthesize hemispheric maps of water vapor.


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Debris flows are highly complex natural phenomena. The assessment of these processes requires the parallel application of various approaches and methods. However, many uncertainties remain even if proven procedures are available. Uncertainties are highest for magnitude-frequency relations and for the behaviour of the process.


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Based on historic documents the event history for 17 mountain torrents in the Swiss Alps was evaluated. Four classes could be determined for the recurrence interval of the debris flow events. The magnitude is not necessarily dependent on the recurrence interval. The characteristics of the catchment basin (disposition) are mainly controlling the magnitude. In order to evaluate the effects of climatic change on the debris flow activity, knowledge about the magnitude and the frequency are necessary.