124 resultados para wing shape
One goal of interbody fusion is to increase the height of the degenerated disc space. Interbody cages in particular have been promoted with the claim that they can maintain the disc space better than other methods. There are many factors that can affect the disc height maintenance, including graft or cage design, the quality of the surrounding bone and the presence of supplementary posterior fixation. The present study is an in vitro biomechanical investigation of the compressive behaviour of three different interbody cage designs in a human cadaveric model. The effect of bone density and posterior instrumentation were assessed. Thirty-six lumbar functional spinal units were instrumented with one of three interbody cages: (1) a porous titanium implant with endplate fit (Stratec), (2) a porous, rectangular carbon-fibre implant (Brantigan) and (3) a porous, cylindrical threaded implant (Ray). Posterior instrumentation (USS) was applied to half of the specimens. All specimens were subjected to axial compression displacement until failure. Correlations between both the failure load and the load at 3 mm displacement with the bone density measurements were observed. Neither the cage design nor the presence of posterior instrumentation had a significant effect on the failure load. The loads at 3 mm were slightly less for the Stratec cage, implying lower axial stiffness, but were not different with posterior instrumentation. The large range of observed failure loads overlaps the potential in vivo compressive loads, implying that failure of the bone-implant interface may occur clinically. Preoperative measurements of bone density may be an effective tool to predict settling around interbody cages.
Nuclear bone scintigraphy is commonly used in the diagnosis of sacroiliac disease in horses. The aim of the present retrospective study was to determine if there was an association between radiopharmaceutical uptake pattern and radiographic appearance of the sacroiliac region in horses. Seventy-nine horses undergoing bone scintigraphy with Tc-99 m-HDP and radiography of the pelvis because of lameness or poor performance were studied. Subjective and semiquantitative methods were used to characterize and compare radiopharmaceutical uptake between horses. Ventrodorsal radiographs of the region were obtained and were evaluated. Subjectively, 70 horses (88.6%) had an abnormal uptake pattern. In nine horses, the sacroiliac region was normal (11.4%). There was no association between subjective evaluation of the scintigraphic images and semiquantitative methods. There was a significant association between radiopharmaceutical uptake and conformation (T- or Y-like form) and shape (butterfly-, wing-, leaf-, or horn-like) of the sacrum. The radiopharmaceutical uptake of the tubera sacralia was significantly higher in males (left side P = 0.002, right side P = 0.003). In conclusion, the conformation of the sacrum may play an important role in the scintigraphic appearance and may be the cause of increased radiopharmaceutical uptake.
Randomly spread fibroblasts on fibronectin-coated elastomeric membranes respond to cyclic strain by a varying degree of focal adhesion assembly and actin reorganization. We speculated that the individual shape of the cells, which is linked to cytoskeletal structure and pre-stress, might tune these integrin-dependent mechanotransduction events. To this aim, fibronectin circles, squares and rectangles of identical surface area (2000μm(2)) were micro-contact printed onto elastomeric substrates. Fibroblasts plated on these patterns occupied the corresponding shapes. Cyclic 10% equibiaxial strain was applied to patterned cells for 30min, and changes in cytoskeleton and cell-matrix adhesions were quantified after fluorescence staining. After strain, megakaryocytic leukemia-1 protein translocated to the nucleus in most cells, indicating efficient RhoA activation independently of cell shape. However, circular and square cells (with radial symmetry) showed a significantly greater increase in the number of actin stress fibers and vinculin-positive focal adhesions after cyclic strain than rectangular (bipolar) cells of identical size. Conversely, cyclic strain induced larger changes in pY397-FAK positive focal complexes and zyxin relocation from focal adhesions to stress fibers in bipolar compared to symmetric cells. Thus, radially symmetric cells responded to cyclic strain with a larger increase in assembly, whereas bipolar cells reacted with more pronounced reorganization of actin stress fibers and matrix contacts. We conclude that integrin-mediated responses to external mechanical strain are differentially modulated in cells that have the same spreading area but different geometries, and do not only depend on mere cell size.
We derive multiscale statistics for deconvolution in order to detect qualitative features of the unknown density. An important example covered within this framework is to test for local monotonicity on all scales simultaneously. We investigate the moderately ill-posed setting, where the Fourier transform of the error density in the deconvolution model is of polynomial decay. For multiscale testing, we consider a calibration, motivated by the modulus of continuity of Brownian motion. We investigate the performance of our results from both the theoretical and simulation based point of view. A major consequence of our work is that the detection of qualitative features of a density in a deconvolution problem is a doable task, although the minimax rates for pointwise estimation are very slow.