74 resultados para sex-age host
The single Hochdorf burial was found in 1887 during construction work in the Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland. It dates from between 320 and 250 BC. The calvarium, the left half of the pelvis and the left femur were preserved. The finding shows an unusual bony alteration of the skull. The aim of this study was to obtain a differential diagnosis and to examine the skull using various methods. Sex and age were determined anthropologically. Radiological examinations were performed with plain X-ray imaging and a multislice computed tomography (CT) scanner. For histological analysis, samples of the lesion were taken. The pathological processing included staining after fixation, decalcification, and paraffin embedding. Hard-cut sections were also prepared. The individual was female. The age at death was between 30 and 50 years. There is an intensely calcified bone proliferation at the right side of the os frontalis. Plain X-ray and CT imaging showed a large sclerotic lesion in the area of the right temple with a partly bulging appearance. The inner boundary of the lesion shows multi-edged irregularities. There is a diffuse thickening of the right side. In the left skull vault, there is a mix of sclerotic areas and areas which appear to be normal with a clear differentiation between tabula interna, diploë and tabula externa. Histology showed mature organised bone tissue. Radiological and histological findings favour a benign condition. Differential diagnoses comprise osteomas which may occur, for example, in the setting of hereditary adenomatous polyposis coli related to Gardner syndrome.
Background: Clear examples of ecological speciation exist, often involving divergence in trophic morphology. However, substantial variation also exists in how far the ecological speciation process proceeds, potentially linked to the number of ecological axes, traits, or genes subject to divergent selection. In addition, recent studies highlight how differentiation might occur between the sexes, rather than between populations. We examine variation in trophic morphology in two host-plant ecotypes of walking-stick insects (Timema cristinae), known to have diverged in morphological traits related to crypsis and predator avoidance, and to have reached an intermediate point in the ecological speciation process. Here we test how host plant use, sex, and rearing environment affect variation in trophic morphology in this species using traditional multivariate, novel kernel density based and Bayesian morphometric analyses. Results: Contrary to expectations, we find limited host-associated divergence in mandible shape. Instead, the main predictor of shape variation is sex, with secondary roles of population of origin and rearing environment. Conclusion: Our results show that trophic morphology does not strongly contribute to host-adapted ecotype divergence in T. cristinae and that traits can respond to complex selection regimes by diverging along different intraspecific lines, thereby impeding progress toward speciation.
IMPORTANCE Little is known about whether sex differences in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) presentation exist in young patients and what factors determine absence of chest pain in ACS presentation. OBJECTIVES To evaluate sex differences in ACS presentation and to estimate associations between sex, sociodemographic, gender identity, psychosocial and clinical factors, markers of coronary disease severity, and absence of chest pain in young patients with ACS. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS We conducted a prospective cohort study of 1015 patients (30% women) 55 years or younger, hospitalized for ACS and enrolled in the GENESIS PRAXY (Gender and Sex Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease: From Bench to Beyond Premature Acute Coronary Syndrome) study (January 2009-September 2012). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The McSweeney Acute and Prodromal Myocardial Infarction Symptom Survey was administered during hospitalization. RESULTS The median age for both sexes was 49 years. Women were more likely to have non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (37.5 vs 30.7; P = .03) and present without chest pain compared with men (19.0% vs 13.7%; P = .03). Patients without chest pain reported fewer symptoms overall and no discernable pattern of non-chest pain symptoms was found. In the multivariate model, being a woman (odds ratio [OR], 1.95 [95% CI, 1.23-3.11]; P = .005) and tachycardia (OR, 2.07 [95% CI, 1.20-3.56]; P = .009) were independently associated with ACS presentation without chest pain. Patients without chest pain did not differ significantly from those with chest pain in terms of ACS type, troponin level elevation, or coronary stenosis. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Chest pain was the most common ACS symptom in both sexes. Although women were more likely to present without chest pain than men, absence of chest pain was not associated with markers of coronary disease severity. Strategies that explicitly incorporate assessment of common non-chest pain symptoms need to be evaluated.
The present study was designed to elucidate sex-related differences in two basic auditory and one basic visual aspect of sensory functioning, namely sensory discrimination of pitch, loudness, and brightness. Although these three aspects of sensory functioning are of vital importance in everyday life, little is known about whether men and women differ from each other in these sensory functions. Participants were 100 male and 100 female volunteers ranging in age from 18 to 30 years. Since sensory sensitivity may be positively related to individual levels of intelligence and musical experience, measures of psychometric intelligence and musical background were also obtained. Reliably better performance for men compared to women was found for pitch and loudness, but not for brightness discrimination. Furthermore, performance on loudness discrimination was positively related to psychometric intelligence, while pitch discrimination was positively related to both psychometric intelligence and levels of musical training. Additional regression analyses revealed that each of three predictor variables (sex, psychometric intelligence, and musical training) accounted for a statistically significant portion of unique variance in pitch discrimination. With regard to loudness discrimination, regression analysis yielded a statistically significant portion of unique variance for sex as a predictor variable, whereas psychometric intelligence just failed to reach statistical significance. The potential influence of sex hormones on sex-related differences in sensory functions is discussed.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Age is frequently discussed as negative host factor to achieve a sustained virological response (SVR) to antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C. However, elderly patients often show advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis as known negative predictive factor. The aim of this study was to assess age as an independent predictive factor during antiviral therapy. METHODS: Overall, 516 hepatitis C patients were treated with pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin, thereof 66 patients ≥60 years. We analysed the impact of host factors (age, gender, fibrosis, haemoglobin, previous hepatitis C treatment) and viral factors (genotype, viral load) on SVR per therapy course by performing a generalized estimating equations (GEE) regression modelling, a matched pair analysis and a classification tree analysis. RESULTS: Overall, SVR per therapy course was 42.9 and 26.1%, respectively, in young and elderly patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes 1/4/6. The corresponding figures for HCV genotypes 2/3 were 74.4 and 84%. In the GEE model, age had no significant influence on achieving SVR. In matched pair analysis, SVR was not different in young and elderly patients (54.2 and 55.9% respectively; P = 0.795 in binominal test). In classification tree analysis, age was not a relevant splitting variable. CONCLUSIONS: Age is not a significant predictive factor for achieving SVR, when relevant confounders are taken into account. As life expectancy in Western Europe at age 60 is more than 20 years, it is reasonable to treat chronic hepatitis C in selected elderly patients with relevant fibrosis or cirrhosis but without major concomitant diseases, as SVR improves survival and reduces carcinogenesis.
In ecology, "disease tolerance" is defined as an evolutionary strategy of hosts against pathogens, characterized by reduced or absent pathogenesis despite high pathogen load. To our knowledge, tolerance has to date not been quantified and disentangled from host resistance to disease in any clinically relevant human infection. Using data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, we investigated if there is variation in tolerance to HIV in humans and if this variation is associated with polymorphisms in the human genome. In particular, we tested for associations between tolerance and alleles of the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) genes, the CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), the age at which individuals were infected, and their sex. We found that HLA-B alleles associated with better HIV control do not confer tolerance. The slower disease progression associated with these alleles can be fully attributed to the extent of viral load reduction in carriers. However, we observed that tolerance significantly varies across HLA-B genotypes with a relative standard deviation of 34%. Furthermore, we found that HLA-B homozygotes are less tolerant than heterozygotes. Lastly, tolerance was observed to decrease with age, resulting in a 1.7-fold difference in disease progression between 20 and 60-y-old individuals with the same viral load. Thus, disease tolerance is a feature of infection with HIV, and the identification of the mechanisms involved may pave the way to a better understanding of pathogenesis.
In Europe the procedure of trepanation is known since the Neolithic and is still practiced today in East African native tribes. Trepanation is the oldest known surgical intervention and is defined as the intentional penetration of the cranial vault with removal of piece of a skull bone. Therefore, it is believed that neurosurgery is one of the world’s oldest professions. In this study two skulls with lesions from the Late Iron Age cemetery of Münsingen (420–240 BC), Switzerland, are presented. Aim of the study was to analyse the lesions and to assess whether they were caused by surgical interventions. Sex and age of the individuals were determined by current morphologic-anthropological methods. Radiological examinations were performed with a multislice CT-scanner. Different trepanation methods and signs of healing are discussed. In Switzerland about 33 skulls with possible trepanations dating from Neolithic to medieval times are known and are presented in a short review. Studies of ancient surgical interventions provide important information of pre- and early historic populations. Trepanations of the skull such as the presented cases prove a profound understanding of the human body in ancient times.
Monazite-bearing Alpine clefts located in the Sonnblick region of the eastern Tauern Window, Austria, are oriented perpendicular to the foliation and lineation. Ion probe (SIMS) Th–Pb and U–Pb dating of four cleft monazites yields crystallization ages of different growth domains and aggregate regions ranging from 18.99 ± 0.51 to 15.00 ± 0.51 Ma. The crystallization ages obtained are overlapping or slightly younger than zircon fission track ages but older than zircon (U–Th)/He cooling ages from the same area. This constrains cleft monazite crystallization in this area to *300–200 �C. LA-ICP-MS data of dated hydrothermal monazites indicate that in graphite-bearing, reduced host lithologies, cleft monazite is poor in As and has higher La/Yb values and U concentrations, whereas in oxidised host rocks opposite trends are observed. Monazites show negative Eu anomalies and variable La/Yb values ranging from 520 to 6050. The positive correlation between Ca and Sr concentration indicates dissolution of plagioclase or carbonates as the source of these elements. The data show that early exhumation and cleft formation in the Tauern is related to metamorphic dome formation caused by the collision of the Adriatic with the European plate and that monazite crystallization in the clefts occurred later. Our data also demonstrate that hydrothermal monazite ages offer great potential in helping to constrain the chronology of exhumation in collisional orogens.
Thrombophilia and risk of VTE recurrence according to the age at the time of first VTE manifestation
BACKGROUND Whether screening for thrombophilia is useful for patients after a first episode of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a controversial issue. However, the impact of thrombophilia on the risk of recurrence may vary depending on the patient's age at the time of the first VTE. PATIENTS AND METHODS Of 1221 VTE patients (42 % males) registered in the MAISTHRO (MAin-ISar-THROmbosis) registry, 261 experienced VTE recurrence during a 5-year follow-up after the discontinuation of anticoagulant therapy. RESULTS Thrombophilia was more common among patients with VTE recurrence than those without (58.6 % vs. 50.3 %; p = 0.017). Stratifying patients by the age at the time of their initial VTE, Cox proportional hazards analyses adjusted for age, sex and the presence or absence of established risk factors revealed a heterozygous prothrombin (PT) G20210A mutation (hazard ratio (HR) 2.65; 95 %-confidence interval (CI) 1.71 - 4.12; p < 0.001), homozygosity/double heterozygosity for the factor V Leiden and/or PT mutation (HR 2.35; 95 %-CI 1.09 - 5.07, p = 0.030), and an antithrombin deficiency (HR 2.12; 95 %-CI 1.12 - 4.10; p = 0.021) to predict recurrent VTE in patients aged 40 years or older, whereas lupus anticoagulants (HR 3.05; 95%-CI 1.40 - 6.66; p = 0.005) increased the risk of recurrence in younger patients. Subgroup analyses revealed an increased risk of recurrence for a heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation only in young females without hormonal treatment whereas the predictive value of a heterozygous PT mutation was restricted to males over the age of 40 years. CONCLUSIONS Our data do not support a preference of younger patients for thrombophilia testing after a first venous thromboembolic event.
While many myxozoan parasites produce asymptomatic infections in fish hosts, several species cause diseases whose patterns of prevalence and pathogenicity are highly dependent on host and environmental factors. This chapter reviews how these factors influence pathogenicity and disease prevalence. Influential host factors include age, size and nutritional state. There is also strong evidence for host strains that vary in resistance to infection and that there is a genetic basis for resistance. A lack of co-evolutionary processes appears to generally underly the devastating impacts of diseases caused by myxozoans when introduced fish are exposed to novel parasites (e.g. PKD in rainbow trout in Europe) or when native fish are exposed to an introduced parasite (e.g. whirling disease in North America). Most available information on abiotic factors relates to water temperature, which has been shown to play a crucial role in several host parasite systems (e.g. whirling disease, PKD) and is therefore of concern in view of global warming, fish health and food sustainability. Eutrophication may also influence disease development. Abiotic factors may also drive fish disease via their impact on parasite development in invertebrate hosts.
PURPOSE: Exercise-related sudden cardiac deaths (SCD) occur with a striking male predominance. A higher sympathetic tone in men has been suggested as risk factor for SCD. Elite athletes have the highest risk for exercise-related SCD. We aimed to analyze the autonomic nervous system of elite cross-country skiers from Norway, Russia and Switzerland in supine position and after orthostatic challenge in various training periods (TP). METHOD: Measurements of heart rate variability (HRV) were performed on a weekly basis over 1 year using an orthostatic challenge test with controlled breathing. Main outcome parameters were the high-frequency power in supine position (HFsupine) as marker of cardiac parasympathetic activity and the low-frequency/high-frequency power ratio after orthostatic challenge (LF/HFstand) as marker of cardiac sympathetic activation. Training intensity and duration were recorded daily and expressed as training strain. The training year was divided into three TPs. An average of weekly HRV measurements was calculated for each TP. RESULT: Female (n = 19, VO2max 62.0 +/- 4.6 ml kg(-1) min(-1), age 25.8 +/- 4.3 years) and male (n = 16, VO2max 74.3 +/- 6.3 ml kg(-1) min(-1), age 24.4 +/- 4.2 years) athletes were included. Training strain was comparable between sexes (all p > 0.05) and changed between TPs (all p < 0.05) while no HRV parameters changed over time. There were no sex differences in HFsupine while the LF/HFstand was significantly higher in male athletes in all TPs. CONCLUSION: For a comparable amount of training, male athletes showed constantly higher markers of sympathetic activity after a provocation maneuver. This may explain part of the male predominance in sports-related SCD.
The currently presented large dataset (n = 1,422) consists of results that have been assembled over the last 8 years at science fairs using the 16-item odor identification part of the "Sniffin' Sticks". In this context, the focus was on olfactory function in children; in addition before testing, we asked participants to rate their olfactory abilities and the patency of the nasal airways. We reinvestigated some simple questions, e.g., differences in olfactory odor identification abilities in relation to age, sex, self-ratings of olfactory function and nasal patency. Three major results evolved: first, consistent with previously published reports, we found that identification scores of the youngest and the oldest participants were lower than the scores obtained by people aged 20-60. Second, we observed an age-related increase in the olfactory abilities of children. Moreover, the self-assessed olfactory abilities were related to actual performance in the smell test, but only in adults, and self-assessed nasal patency was not related to the "Sniffin' Sticks" identification score.
BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to assess sex-associated differences in lung cancer patients in Eastern Switzerland. METHODS All 670 lung cancer patients referred to the cancer center in St. Gallen between January 2000 and December 2005 were retrospectively analyzed. We investigated sex-associated differences in age, smoking habits, histology, stage, treatment and survival. RESULTS There were 474 (71%) men and 196 (29%) women with lung cancer. Mean age at the time of diagnosis was 64 years for women and 67 years for men (p = 0.01). Of the patients <55 years of age, 47 (24%) were women and only 65 (14%) were men. Men smoked significantly more than women (median pack-years: 50 vs. 30; p < 0.001). Of the heavy smokers (>40 pack-years), 278 (56%) were men and 68 (33%) were women. More men had squamous cell carcinoma (36%) than women (17%). Conversely, more women presented with adenocarcinoma (48%) than men (27%). No significant sex-associated differences were observed when analyzing first treatments received. Median overall survival was 10 months for both sexes. CONCLUSIONS In Eastern Switzerland, women with lung cancer were younger, more likely to have smoked significantly less and more likely to have adenocarcinoma, compared to men with lung cancer. These findings are consistent with those found in other western populations.
Individuals differ in their orientation toward uncommitted sexual encounters. While previous research has given much emphasis on biological sex as important factor of influence, social determinants, such as relationship status, have been rather ignored. In the present study, the effects of biological sex and relationship status were investigated in a sample of 501 heterosexual adults (mean age: 28.1 years; 71.7 % female). Two-way analyses of variance yielded main effects of biological sex on Sociosexual Attitude and Desire implying men to be more permissive than women with regard to both facets. Relationship status had a main effect on Sociosexual Desire with singles having more permissive motivations than partnered individuals. Concerning Sociosexual Behavior, an interaction between biological sex and relationship status emerged indicating men to be more permissive than women among partnered individuals, but not among singles. Our results complement earlier research by highlighting the differential influence of biological sex and relationship status on aspects of sociosexuality.