68 resultados para saliva


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Aim: To evaluate the effects of salivary contamination and decontamination on bond strength of two one-step adhesives to primary and permanent dentin. Methods: Dentin specimens were prepared from extracted primary and permanent molars (210 of each) and were distributed to seven groups (n=15/group/molar type) for each adhesive (Xeno V+ and Scotchbond Universal): no saliva contamination (control); saliva contamination before or after light-curing of the adhesives followed either by air-drying, by rinsing with water and air-drying, or by rinsing with water, air-drying and reapplication of the adhesives. Resin composite was applied and the specimens were stored for 24h (37°C, 100% humidity). Then, shear bond strength (SBS) was measured and data analyzed with nonparametric ANOVA and Wilcoxon rank sum tests. Results: Saliva contamination reduced SBS of Xeno V+, the reduction being more pronounced when contamination occurred before light-curing than after. In both situations, decontamination involving reapplication of the adhesive restored SBS. Saliva contamination had no significant effect on Scotchbond Universal. There were no differences in SBS between primary and permanent teeth. Conclusion: Saliva contamination reduced SBS of Xeno V+, but not of Scotchbond Universal. SBS was restored when contaminated dentin was rinsed with water and air-dried followed by reapplication of the adhesive.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effects of human saliva contamination and two decontamination procedures at different stages of the bonding procedure on the bond strength of two one-step self-etching adhesives to primary and permanent dentin. Materials and Methods: Extracted human primary and permanent molars (210 of each) were ground to mid-coronal dentin. The dentin specimens were randomly divided into 7 groups (n = 15/group/molar type) for each adhesive (Xeno V+ and Scotchbond Universal): no saliva contamination (control); saliva contamination before or after light curing of the adhesives followed by air drying, rinsing with water spray/air drying, or by rinsing with water spray/air drying/reapplication of the adhesives. Resin composite (Filtek Z250) was applied on the treated dentin surfaces. The specimens were stored at 37°C and 100% humidity for 24 h. After storage, shear bond strength (SBS) was measured and data analyzed with nonparametric ANOVA followed by exact Wilcoxon rank sum tests. Results: Xeno V+ generated significantly higher SBS than Scotchbond Universal when no saliva contamination occurred. Saliva contamination reduced SBS of Xeno V+, with the reduction being more pronounced when contamination occurred before light curing than after. In both situations, decontamination involving reapplication of the adhesive restored SBS. Saliva contamination had no significant effect on Scotchbond Universal. There were no differences in SBS between primary and permanent teeth. Conclusion: Rinsing with water and air drying followed by reapplication of the adhesive restored bond strength to saliva-contaminated dentin.


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Recent studies have shown that women are more sensitive than men to subtle cuteness differences in infant faces. It has been suggested that raised levels in estradiol and progesterone may be responsible for this advantage. We compared young women's sensitivity to computer-manipulated baby faces varying in cuteness. Thirty-six women were tested once during ovulation and once during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle. In a two alternative forced-choice experiment, participants chose the baby which they thought was cuter (Task 1), younger (Task 2), or the baby that they would prefer to babysit (Task 3). Saliva samples to assess levels of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone were collected at each test session. During ovulation, women were more likely to choose the cuter baby than during the luteal phase, in all three tasks. These results suggest that cuteness discrimination may be driven by cyclic hormonal shifts. However none of the measured hormones were related to increased cuteness sensitivity. We speculate that other hormones than the ones measured here might be responsible for the increased sensitivity to subtle cuteness differences during ovulation.


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BACKGROUND: Mental stress reliably induces increases in salivary alpha amylase (sAA), a suggested surrogate marker for sympathetic nervous system (SNS) reactivity. While stress-induced sAA increases correlate with norepinephrine (NE) secretion, a potential mediating role of noradrenergic mechanisms remains unclear. In this study, we investigated for the first time in humans whether a NE-stress-reactivity mimicking NE-infusion with and without alpha-adrenergic blockade by phentolamine would induce changes in sAA. METHODS: In a single-blind placebo-controlled within-subjects design, 21 healthy men (29-66 years) took part in three different experimental trials varying in terms of substance infusion with a 1-min first infusion followed by a 15-min second infusion: saline-infusion (trial-1), NE-infusion (5 μg/min) without alpha-adrenergic blockade (trial-2), and with phentolamine-induced non-selective blockade of alpha1- and alpha2-adrenergic receptors (trial-3). Saliva samples were collected immediately before, during, and several times after substance infusion in addition to blood pressure and heart rate readings. RESULTS: Experimental trials significantly differed in sAA reactivity to substance-infusion (p=.001) with higher sAA reactivity following NE-infusion with (trial-3; p=.001) and without alpha-adrenergic-blockade (trial-2; p=.004) as compared to placebo-infusion (trial-1); sAA infusion reactivity did not differ between trial-2 and trial-3 (p=.29). Effective phentolamine application was verified by blood pressure and heart rate infusion reactivity. Salivary cortisol was not affected by NE, either with or without alpha-adrenergic-blockade. CONCLUSIONS: We found that NE-infusion stimulates sAA secretion, regardless of co-administered non-selective alpha-adrenergic blockade by phentolamine, suggesting that the mechanism underlying stress-induced sAA increases may involve NE.


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Prior research has shown that mothers with Interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder (IPV-PTSD) report greater difficulty in parenting their toddlers. Relative to their frequent early exposure to violence and maltreatment, these mothers display dysregulation of their hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA-axis), characterized by hypocortisolism. Considering methylation of the promoter region of the glucocorticoid receptor gene NR3C1 as a marker for HPA-axis functioning, with less methylation likely being associated with less circulating cortisol, the present study tested the hypothesis that the degree of methylation of this gene would be negatively correlated with maternal IPV-PTSD severity and parenting stress, and positively correlated with medial prefrontal cortical (mPFC) activity in response to video-stimuli of stressful versus non-stressful mother-child interactions. Following a mental health assessment, 45 mothers and their children (ages 12-42 months) participated in a behavioral protocol involving free-play and laboratory stressors such as mother-child separation. Maternal DNA was extracted from saliva. Interactive behavior was rated on the CARE-Index. During subsequent fMRI scanning, mothers were shown films of free-play and separation drawn from this protocol. Maternal PTSD severity and parenting stress were negatively correlated with the mean percentage of methylation of NR3C1. Maternal mPFC activity in response to video-stimuli of mother-child separation versus play correlated positively to NR3C1 methylation, and negatively to maternal IPV-PTSD and parenting stress. Among interactive behavior variables, child cooperativeness in play was positively correlated with NR3C1 methylation. Thus, the present study is the first published report to our knowledge, suggesting convergence of behavioral, epigenetic, and neuroimaging data that form a psychobiological signature of parenting-risk in the context of early life stress and PTSD.


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Stereotypies are repetitive and relatively invariant patterns of behavior, which are observed in a wide range of species in captivity. Stereotypic behavior occurs when environmental demands produce a physiological response that, if sustained for an extended period, exceeds the natural physiological regulatory capacity of the organism, particularly in situations that include unpredictability and uncontrollability. One hypothesis is that stereotypic behavior functions to cope with stressful environments, but the existing evidence is contradictory. To address the coping hypothesis of stereotypies, we triggered physiological reactions in 22 horses affected by stereotypic behavior (crib-biters) and 21 non-crib-biters (controls), using an ACTH challenge test. Following administration of an ACTH injection, we measured saliva cortisol every 30min and heart rate (HR) continuously for a period of 3h. We did not find any differences in HR or HR variability between the two groups, but crib-biters (Group CB) had significantly higher cortisol responses than controls (Group C; mean±SD: CB, 5.84±2.62ng/ml, C, 4.76±3.04ng/ml). Moreover, crib-biters that did not perform the stereotypic behavior during the 3-hour test period (Group B) had significantly higher cortisol levels than controls, which was not the case of crib-biters showing stereotypic behavior (Group A) (B, 6.44±2.38ng/ml A, 5.58±2.69ng/ml). Our results suggest that crib-biting is a coping strategy that helps stereotypic individuals to reduce cortisol levels caused by stressful situations. We conclude that preventing stereotypic horses from crib-biting could be an inappropriate strategy to control this abnormal behavior, as it prevents individuals from coping with situations that they perceive as stressful.


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New preventive approaches against dental erosion caused by acidic drinks and beverages include fortification of beverages with natural polymers. We have shown that the mixture of casein and mucin significantly improved the erosion-inhibiting properties of the human pellicle layer. This study aimed to investigate the effect of pellicle modification by casein, mucin and a casein-mucin mixture on the adhesion of early bacterial colonizers. Test specimens of human tooth enamel were prepared, covered with saliva and coated with 0.5% aqueous (aq.) casein, 0.27% aq. mucin or with 0.5% aq. casein-0.27% aq. mucin, after which the adhesion of Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus oralis, and Actinomyces odontolyticus was measured after incubation for 30 min and 2 h. log10 colony-forming units were compared by nonparametric tests. All three bacterial strains adhered in higher number to pellicle-coated enamel than to native enamel. The protein modifications of pellicle all decreased the counts of adhering bacteria up to 0.34 log10/mm2, the most efficient being the casein-mucin mixture. In addition to the recently shown erosion-reducing effect by casein-mucin, modification of the pellicle may inhibit bacterial adherence compared to untreated human pellicle.


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The role of genetic polymorphisms in pediatric brain tumor (PBT) etiology is poorly understood. We hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on adult glioma would also be associated with PBT risk. The study is based on the Cefalo study, a population-based multicenter case-control study. Saliva DNA from 245 cases and 489 controls, aged 7-19 years at diagnosis/reference date, was extracted and genotyped for 29 SNPs reported by GWAS to be significantly associated with risk of adult glioma. Data were analyzed using unconditional logistic regression. Stratified analyses were performed for two histological subtypes: astrocytoma alone and the other tumor types combined. The results indicated that four SNPs, CDKN2BAS rs4977756 (p = 0.036), rs1412829 (p = 0.037), rs2157719 (p = 0.018) and rs1063192 (p = 0.021), were associated with an increased susceptibility to PBTs, whereas the TERT rs2736100 was associated with a decreased risk (p = 0.018). Moreover, the stratified analyses showed a decreased risk of astrocytoma associated with RTEL1 rs6089953, rs6010620 and rs2297440 (p trend = 0.022, p trend = 0.042, p trend = 0.029, respectively) as well as an increased risk of this subtype associated with RTEL1 rs4809324 (p trend = 0.033). In addition, SNPs rs10464870 and rs891835 in CCDC26 were associated with an increased risk of non-astrocytoma tumor subtypes (p trend = 0.009, p trend = 0.007, respectively). Our findings indicate that SNPs in CDKN2BAS, TERT, RTEL1 and CCDC26 may be associated with the risk of PBTs. Therefore, we suggest that pediatric and adult brain tumors might share common genetic risk factors and similar etiological pathways.