91 resultados para periodontitis pathogenesis


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BACKGROUND Due to the increasing number of older people, there is a need for studies focused on this population. The aims of the present study are to assess oral and systemic conditions in individuals aged 60 to 95 years with access to dental insurance. METHODS Probing depths (PDs), tooth loss, alveolar bone levels, and systemic health were studied among a representative cohort of older individuals. RESULTS A total of 1,147 individuals in young-old (aged 60 or 67 years), old (aged 72 or 78 years), and old-old (aged ≥81 years) age groups were enrolled, including 200 individuals who were edentulous, in this study. Annual dental care was received by 82% of dentate individuals. Systemic diseases were common (diabetes: 5.8%; cardiovascular diseases: 20.7%; obesity: 71.2%; elevated C-reactive protein [CRP]: 98.4%). Serum CRP values were unrelated to periodontal conditions. Rates of periodontitis, defined as ≥30% of sites with a distance from cemento-enamel junction to bone of ≥5 mm, were 11.2% in women in the young-old age group and 44.9% in men in the old-old age group. Individuals in older age groups had a higher likelihood of periodontitis defined by bone loss and cutoff levels of PD ≥5 mm (odds ratio: 1.8; 95% confidence interval: 1.2 to 2.5; P <0.01). A total of 7% of individuals in the old-old age group had ≥20 teeth and no periodontitis. Systemic diseases, dental use, or smoking were not explanatory, whereas age and sex were explanatory for periodontitis. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of periodontitis increased with age. Sex seems to be the dominant explanatory factor for periodontitis in older individuals. Despite frequent dental visits, overall oral health in the oldest age cohort was poor.


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Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, and is responsible for the highest number of rhythm-related disorders and cardioembolic strokes worldwide. Intracardiac signal analysis during the onset of paroxysmal AF led to the discovery of pulmonary vein as a triggering source of AF, which has led to the development of pulmonary vein ablation--an established curative therapy for drug-resistant AF. Complex, multicomponent and rapid electrical activity widely involving the atrial substrate characterizes persistent/permanent AF. Widespread nature of the problem and complexity of signals in persistent AF reduce the success rate of ablation therapy. Although signal processing applied to extraction of relevant features from these complex electrograms has helped to improve the efficacy of ablation therapy in persistent/permanent AF, improved understanding of complex signals should help to identify sources of AF and further increase the success rate of ablation therapy.


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Protozoan parasites are one of the major causes of diseases worldwide. The vector transmitted parasites exhibit complex life cycles involving interactions between humans, protozoa, and arthropods. In order to adapt themselves to the changing microenvironments, they have to undergo complex morphological and metabolic changes. These changes can be brought about by expressing a new pool of proteins in the cell or by modifying the existing repertoire of proteins via posttranslational modifications (PTMs). PTMs involve covalent modification and processing of proteins thereby modulating their functions. Some of these changes may involve PTMs of parasite proteins to help the parasite survive within the host and the vector. Out of many PTMs known, three are unique since they occur only on single proteins: ethanolamine phosphoglycerol (EPG) glutamate, hypusine and diphthamide. These modifications occur on eukaryotic elongation factor 1A (eEF1A), eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) and eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2), respectively. Interestingly, the proteins carrying these unique modifications are all involved in the elongation steps of translation. Here we review these unique PTMs, which are well conserved in protozoan parasites, and discuss their roles in viability and pathogenesis of parasites. Characterization of these modifications and studying their roles in physiology as well as pathogenesis will provide new insights in parasite biology, which may also help in developing new therapeutic interventions.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the subgingival microflora composition of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients with untreated chronic periodontitis and compare them with systemically healthy controls also having untreated chronic periodontitis. METHOD Thirty IBD patients [15 with Crohn's disease (CD) and 15 with ulcerative colitis (UC)] and 15 control individuals participated in the study. All patients had been diagnosed with untreated chronic periodontitis. From every patient, subgingival plaque was collected from four gingivitis and four periodontitis sites with paper points. Samples from the same category (gingivitis or periodontitis) in each patient were pooled together and stored at -70 °C until analysis using a checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique for 74 bacterial species. RESULTS Multiple-comparison analysis showed that the groups differed in bacterial counts for Bacteroides ureolyticus, Campylobacter gracilis, Parvimonas micra, Prevotella melaninogenica, Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus anginosus, Streptococcus intermedius, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus mutans, and Treponema denticola (P<0.001). CD patients had significantly higher levels of these bacteria than UC patients either in gingivitis or in periodontitis sites (P<0.05). CD patients harbored higher levels of P. melaninogenica, S. aureus, S. anginosus, and S. mutans compared with controls both at gingivitis and at periodontitis sites (P<0.05). UC patients harbored higher levels of S. aureus (P=0.01) and P. anaerobius (P=0.05) than controls only in gingivitis sites. CONCLUSION Our study showed that even with similar clinical periodontal parameters, IBD patients harbor higher levels of bacteria that are related to opportunistic infections in inflamed subgingival sites that might be harmful for the crucial microbe-host interaction.


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Bacterial meningitis is fatal in 5% to 40% of patients and causes neurologic sequelae in up to 30% of survivors. Much has been learned recently about the mechanisms that lead to brain injury during meningitis. Once bacteria have gained access to the central nervous system, their multiplication triggers a complex host response consisting of humoral and cellular immune mediators, reactive oxygen intermediates, matrix-metalloproteinases, and other host-derived factors. Alterations of the cerebral vasculature, with disruption of the blood brain barrier and global and focal ischemia, ultimately lead to functional and structural brain damage. This article reviews current concepts of the pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis and emphasizes possible therapeutic strategies to prevent its harmful consequences.


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The nervous system is frequently affected in patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). In addition to opportunistic CNS infections and cerebral lymphomas, approx. 20% of the patients develop HIV-associated encephalopathies. Two major histopathological manifestations are observed. HIV leukoencephalopathy (progressive diffuse leukoencephalopathy) is characterized by a diffuse loss of myelin in the deep white matter of the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres, with scattered multinucleated giant cells and microglia but scarce or absent inflammatory reaction. HIV encephalitis (multinucleated giant cell encephalitis) is associated with accumulations of multinucleated giant cells, inflammatory reaction and often focal necroses. In some patients, both patterns may overlap. In order to identify the HIV genome in the CNS, brain tissue from 27 patients was analyzed for the presence of HIV gag sequences using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and primers encoding a 109 base pair segment of the gag gene. Amplification of HIV gag succeeded in all 5 patients with clinical and histopathological evidence for HIV encephalopathy but was negative in the 20 AIDS patients with opportunistic bacterial, parasitic and/or viral infections or with cerebral lymphomas. These results strongly suggest that the evolution of histopathologically recognizable HIV-encephalopathies closely correlates with the presence and/or tissue concentration of HIV. Since there were no cases with amplified HIV DNA in the absence of HIV-associated tissue lesions, we conclude that harboring and replication of HIV in the CNS rapidly causes corresponding clinical and morphological changes of HIV-associated encephalopathies. In two children with severe HIV encephalomyelitis, large amounts of HIV gag and env transcripts were detected in affected areas of the brain and spinal cord by in situ hybridization.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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The incidence of HIV encephalopathies was determined in an ongoing consecutive autopsy study. Among 345 patients who died from AIDS in Switzerland during 1981-1990, 68 (19%) showed morphological evidence of HIV encephalopathy. Two major histopathological manifestations were observed. Progressive diffuse leukoencephalopathy (PDL) was present in 33 cases and is characterized by a diffuse loss of myelin staining in the deep white matter of the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres, with scattered multinucleated giant cells but little or no inflammatory reaction. Multinucleated giant cell encephalitis (MGCE) was diagnosed in 32 cases; it's hallmarks are accumulations of multinucleated giant cells with prominent inflammatory reaction and focal necroses. In 3 patients both types of lesions overlapped. Brain tissue from 27 patients was analyzed for the presence of HIV gag sequences using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers encoding a 109 base pair segment of the viral gene. Amplification succeeded in all patients with clinical and histopathological evidence for HIV encephalopathy but was absent in AIDS patients with opportunistic bacterial, parasitic and/or viral infections. Potential mechanisms by which HIV exerts it's adverse effects on the human CNS are discussed.


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BACKGROUND: The oral cavity is frequently affected in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), especially in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). Periodontitis is thought to influence systemic autoimmune or inflammatory diseases. We aimed to analyze the relationship of periodontitis and gingivitis markers with specific disease characteristics in patients with IBD and to compare these data with healthy controls. METHODS: In a prospective 8-month study, systematic oral examinations were performed in 113 patients with IBD, including 69 patients with CD and 44 patients with ulcerative colitis. For all patients, a structured personal history was taken. One hundred thirteen healthy volunteers served as a control group. Oral examination focussed on established oral health markers for periodontitis (bleeding on probing, loss of attachment, and periodontal pocket depth) and gingivitis (papilla bleeding index). Additionally, visible oral lesions were documented. RESULTS: Both gingivitis and periodontitis markers were higher in patients with IBD than in healthy control. In univariate analysis and logistic regression analysis, perianal disease was a risk factor for periodontitis. Nonsmoking decreased the risk of having periodontitis. No clear association was found between clinical activity and periodontitis in IBD. In only the CD subgroup, high clinical activity (Harvey-Bradshaw index > 10) was associated with 1 periodontitis marker, the loss of attachment at sites of maximal periodontal pocket depth. Oral lesions besides periodontitis and gingivitis were not common, but nevertheless observed in about 10% of patients with IBD. CONCLUSIONS: IBD, and especially perianal disease in CD, is associated with periodontitis. Optimal therapeutic strategies should probably focus on treating both local oral and systemic inflammation.


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Two genes with related functions in RNA biogenesis were recently reported in patients with familial ALS: the FUS/TLS gene at the ALS6 locus and the TARDBP/TDP-43 gene at the ALS10 locus [1, 2]. FUS has been implicated to function in several steps of gene expression, including transcription regulation [3], RNA splicing [4, 5], mRNA transport in neurons [6] and, interestingly, in microRNA (miRNA) processing [7]. The goal of this project is to identify the molecular mechanisms leading to the development of FUS mutations-associated ALS. Specifically, we want to test the hypothesis that these FUS mutations misregulate miRNA levels that in turn affect the expression of genes critical for motor neuron survival. In addition we want to test whether misregulation of the miRNA profile is a common feature in ALS. We have performed immunoprecipitations from total extracts of 293T cells expressing FLAG-tagged FUS to characterize its interactome by mass spectrometry. This proteomic study not only revealed a strong interaction of FUS with splicing factors, but shows that FUS might be involved in many, quite different pathways. To map which parts of the FUS protein contribute to the interaction with splicing factors, we have performed a set of experiments with a series of missense and deletion mutants. With this approach, we will not only gain information on the binding partners of FUS along with a map of the required domains for the interactions, but it will also help to unravel whether certain ALS-associated FUS mutations lead to a loss or gain of function due to gain or loss of interactors. Additionally, we have performed quantitative interactomics using SILAC to identify interactome differences of ALS-associated FUS mutants. To this end we have performed immunoprecipitations of total extract from 293T cells, stably transduced with constructs expressing wild-type FUS-FLAG as well as three different ALS-associated mutants (G156E, R244C, P525L). First results indicate striking differences in the interactome with certain RNA binding proteins. We are now validating these candidates in order to reveal the importance of these differential interactions in the context of ALS.


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ALS is the most common adult neurodegenerative disease that specifically affects upper and lower neurons leading to progressive paralysis and death. There is currently no effective treatment. Thus, identification of the signaling pathways and cellular mediators of ALS remains a major challenge in the search for novel therapeutics. Recent studies have shown that noncoding RNA molecules have a significant impact on normal CNS development and on causes and progression of human neurological disorders. To investigate the hypothesis that expression of the mutant SOD1 protein, which is one of the genetic causes of ALS, may alter expression of miRNAs thereby contributing to the pathogenesis of familial ALS, we compared miRNA expression in SH-SY5Y expressing either the wild type or the SOD1 protein using small RNA deep-sequencing followed by RT-PCR validation. This strategy allowed us to find a group of up and down regulated miRNAs, which are predicted to play a role in the motorneurons physiology and pathology. The aim of my work is to understand if these modulators of gene expression may play a causative role in disease onset or progression. To this end I have checked the expression level of these misregulated miRNAs derived from RNA-deep sequencing by qPCR on cDNA derived from ALS mice models at early onset of the disease. Thus, I’m looking for the most up-regulated one even in Periferal Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) of sporadic ALS patients. Furthermore I’m functionally characterizing the most up-regulated miRNAs through the validation of bioinformatic-predicted targets by analyzing endogenous targets levels after microRNA transfection and by UTR-report luciferase assays. Thereafter I’ll analyze the effect of misregulated targets on pathogenesis or progression of ALS by loss of functions or gain of functions experiments, based on the identified up/down-regulation of the specific target by miRNAs. In the end I would define the mechanisms responsible for the miRNAs level misregulation, by silencing or stimulating the signal transduction pathways putatively involved in miRNA regulation.


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OBJECTIVES To assess the association between presence of periodontal pathogens and recurrence of disease in patients with aggressive periodontitis (AgP) after active periodontal therapy (APT) and further influencing factors. MATERIAL & METHODS Microbiological samples were taken from 73 patients with AgP 5-17 years after APT at 292 sites (deepest site per quadrant). Real-time polymerase chain reactions were used to detect the periodontal pathogens Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola. Uni- and multivariate analyses evaluated the associations between pathogens and recurrence of disease, smoking and adjunctive antibiotic therapy. RESULTS At re-examination A. actinomycetemcomitans could be detected in six patients (8.2%), P. gingivalis in 24 (32.9%), T. forsythia in 31 (42.5%) and T. denticola in 35 (48.0%). Increased levels of T. forsythia and T. denticola at re-examination were significantly associated with recurrence of disease in multivariate analyses (OR: 12.72, p < 0.001; OR 5.55, p = 0.002 respectively). Furthermore, high counts of T. denticola were found in patients with increased percentage of sites with clinical attachment levels (CAL) ≥ 6 mm compared to those with low counts (13.8% versus 3.2%, p = 0.005). CONCLUSION In patients with recurrence of disease T. forsythia and T. denticola were detected more frequently and in higher counts. Furthermore, T. denticola was found more frequently in patients with increased CAL.


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OBJECTIVE A controlled clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of oral prophylaxis on halitosis-associated, immunological and microbiological parameters. METHODS Thirty subjects were included in this controlled clinical trial (patients with generalized chronic periodontitis and controls without clinical attachment loss; each n = 15). Before oral prophylaxis and 14 days after (including tongue cleaning) volatile sulphur compounds (VSC), organoleptic scores and a tongue coating index were evaluated. The levels of IL-1β, IL-8, IL-10 and MMP-8 were measured in GCF, and also major periodontal pathogens were detected. Data were statistically analysed using anova and paired t-test. RESULTS Supragingival plaque and calculus removal with combined tongue cleaning was able to reduce significantly (P < 0.05) the VSC values in both groups (no significant differences between both groups). Two weeks after periodontal debridement, the VSC values were observed in the periodontitis group, but not in the control group, similar to the baseline values. The difference between the groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Only a repeated prophylaxis session in the periodontitis group was able to reduce VSC values significantly in comparison with baseline (P < 0.05). Organoleptic scores (10 and 30 cm) were significantly different (P < 0.05) between both groups before and after the treatment. Periodontal pathogens and host-derived markers were not significantly affected by a single prophylaxis session. CONCLUSIONS Oral prophylaxis may result in a significant decrease in VSC values. However, in periodontal diseases, a more complex treatment seems to be necessary.


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OBJECTIVES To assess the literature on carotid calcifications defined from panoramic radiographs (PMX) and concurrent diagnosis of stroke and periodontitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS A literature search screening for publications using search terms such as PMX and carotid calcification, stroke and periodontitis was performed in November 2012. RESULTS A total of 189 articles were retrieved, among which 30 were included in the review. The sensitivity for PMX findings of carotid calcifications (CC) compared to a diagnosis by Doppler sonography varied between 31.1-100%. The specificity for PMX findings of carotid calcifications compared to a diagnosis by Doppler sonography varied between 21.4-87.5%. Individuals with CC findings from PMX have more periodontitis and risk for stroke. CONCLUSIONS There is a shortage of well-designed studies in older dentate individuals assessing the associations between periodontitis and radiographic evidence of CC and in relation to stroke or other cardiovascular diseases. STATEMENT OF CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Carotid calcifications are prevalent in patients with periodontitis and such individuals may have an increased risk for stroke. The absence of signs of carotid calcification on panoramic radiographs is indicative of no calcification of carotid arteries.


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Owing to its single surgical intervention, immediate implant placement has the advantage of shortening treatment time, and thus positively affects patient morbidity. According to the bone resorption pattern after tooth extraction, bone loss should be anticipated if immediate implant placement is considered. The present case report aims to present a possible treatment option and to demonstrate that a partially edentulous arch may be rehabilitated esthetically by immediate implant placement and by corresponding anticipatory measures.