138 resultados para mRNA for neuropeptide


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Homozygous mutations in the Reelin gene result in severe disruption of brain development. The histogenesis of layered regions, like the neocortex, hippocampus and the cerebellum, is most notably affected in mouse reeler mutants and similar traits are also present in mice lacking molecular components of the Reelin signalling pathway. Moreover, there is evidence for an additional role of Reelin in sustaining synaptic plasticity in adult networks. Nitric oxide is an important gaseous messenger that can modulate neuronal plasticity both in developing and mature synaptic networks and has been shown to facilitate synaptic changes in the hippocampus, cerebellum and olfactory bulb. We studied the distribution and content of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the olfactory bulbs of reeler and wildtype mice. Immunocytochemistry reveals that Reelin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase containing interneurons are two distinct, non overlapping cell populations of the olfactory bulb. We show by in situ hybridization that both nitrergic and Reelin expressing cells represent only a subset of olfactory bulb GABAergic neurons. Immunoblots show that neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein content is decreased by two thirds in reeler mice causing a detectable loss of immunolabelled cells throughout the olfactory bulb of this strain. However, neuronal nitric oxide synthase mRNA levels, essayed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, are unaffected in the reeler olfactory bulb. Thus, disruption of the Reelin signalling pathway may modify the turnover of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the olfactory bulb and possibly affects nitric oxide functions in reeler mice.


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Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a lethal hereditary disease caused by homozygous deletion/inactivation of the survival of motoneuron 1 (SMN1) gene. The nearby SMN2 gene, despite its identical coding capacity, is only an incomplete substitute, because a single nucleotide difference impairs the inclusion of its seventh exon in the messenger RNA (mRNA). This splicing defect can be corrected (transiently) by specially designed oligonucleotides. Here we have developed a more permanent correction strategy based on bifunctional U7 small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs). These carry both an antisense sequence that allows specific binding to exon 7 and a splicing enhancer sequence that will improve the recognition of the targeted exon. When expression cassettes for these RNAs are stably introduced into cells, the U7 snRNAs become incorporated into small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) particles that will induce a durable splicing correction. We have optimized this strategy to the point that virtually all SMN2 pre-mRNA becomes correctly spliced. In fibroblasts from an SMA patient, this approach induces a prolonged restoration of SMN protein and ensures its correct localization to discrete nuclear foci (gems).


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BACKGROUND: Neuropeptides, such as substance P (SP), are mediators of neurogenic inflammation and play an important role in inflammatory disorders. To further investigate the role of the SP pathway in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), we analyzed the following in normal intestinal tissue specimens and in tissue specimens from patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC): neurokinin receptor-1 (NK-1R); its isoforms (NK-1R-L and NK-1R-S); its ligand SP, encoded by preprotachykinin-A (PPT-A); and the SP-degradation enzyme, neutral endopeptidase (NEP). METHODS: Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to simultaneously determine the expression of NK-1R-L, NK-1R-S, and PPT-A. Protein levels of NK-1R and NEP were determined by immunoblot analysis. RESULTS: In noninflamed small-bowel tissue samples of CD patients, PPT-A mRNA expression was significantly increased, whereas there was no difference between inflamed or noninflamed UC and normal intestinal tissue samples. Examining subgroups of diverse intestinal segments from CD and UC samples with various levels of inflammation revealed no differences in NK-1R-L and NK-1R-S mRNA expression, whereas there was a tendency toward overall lower NK-1R-S mRNA copy numbers. Immunoblot analysis showed upregulation of NK-1R protein levels in cases of IBD, with more pronounced enhancement in cases of CD than in UC. For NEP, there were no differences in protein levels in normal, CD, and UC intestinal tissues. COMMENTS: These observations suggest a contribution of SP and its receptor, NK-1R, in the local inflammatory reaction in IBD and particularly in ileal CD. Moreover, significant upregulation of PPT-A mRNA in the noninflamed ileum of these patients suggests an influence of inflamed intestines on their healthy counterparts.


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Eukaryotes have evolved quality control mechanisms that prevent the expression of genes in which the protein coding potential is crippled by the presence of a premature translation-termination codon (PTC). In addition to nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), a well documented posttranscriptional consequence of the presence of a PTC in an mRNA, we recently reported the transcriptional silencing of PTC-containing immunoglobulin (Ig) mu and gamma minigenes when they are stably integrated into the genome of HeLa cells. Here we demonstrate that this transcriptional silencing of PTC-containing Ig-mu constructs requires active translation of the cognate mRNA, as it is not observed under conditions where translation of the PTC-containing mRNA is inhibited through an iron-responsive element in the 5'-untranslated region. Furthermore, RNA interference-mediated depletion of the essential NMD factor Upf1 not only abolishes NMD but also reduces the extent of nonsense-mediated transcriptional gene silencing (NMTGS). Collectively, our data indicate that NMTGS and NMD are linked, relying on the same mechanism for PTC recognition, and that the NMTGS pathway branches from the NMD pathway at a step after Upf1 function.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY), which is found in high concentrations in several regions of the brain including nuclei of the brain stem and in nerve fibers surrounding cerebral vessels, has been proposed to play a role in regulating cerebral blood flow (CBF) and systemic vegetative functions. Since CBF is altered during meningitis, we examined whether NPY concentrations changed in various regions of the rabbit brain in response to experimental pneumococcal meningitis. Changes were most pronounced in the medulla, where NPY concentration increased threefold after 48 h of infection. Concomitantly, there was an increase in NPY immunoreactive fibers surrounding small vessels in the dorsolateral medulla, especially in the nucleus tractus solitarius. These results suggest that NPY may play a role in inducing some of the hemodynamic changes seen during pneumococcal meningitis.


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Peptide receptors are often overexpressed in tumors, and they may be targeted in vivo. We evaluated neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor expression in 131 primary human brain tumors, including gliomas, embryonal tumors, meningiomas, and pituitary adenomas, by in vitro receptor autoradiography using the 125I-labeled NPY receptor ligand peptide YY in competition with NPY receptor subtype-selective analogs. Receptor functionality was investigated in selected cases using [35S]GTPgammaS-binding autoradiography. World Health Organization Grade IV glioblastomas showed a remarkably high expression of the NPY receptor subtype Y2 with respect to both incidence (83%) and density (mean, 4,886 dpm/mg tissue); astrocytomas World Health Organization Grades I to III and oligodendrogliomas also exhibited high Y2 incidences but low Y2 densities. In glioblastomas, Y2 agonists specifically stimulated [35S]GTPgammaS binding, suggesting that tumoral Y2 receptors were functional. Furthermore, nonneoplastic nerve fibers containing NPY peptide were identified in glioblastomas by immunohistochemistry. Medulloblastomas, primitive neuroectodermal tumors of the CNS, and meningiomas expressed Y1 and Y2 receptor subtypes in moderate incidence and density. In conclusion, Y2 receptors in glioblastomas that are activated by NPY originating from intratumoral nerve fibers might mediate functional effects on the tumor cells. Moreover, identification of the high expression of NPY receptors in high-grade gliomas and embryonal brain tumors provides the basis for in vivo targeting.


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BACKGROUND: Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency is the most common inborn error of urea metabolism that can lead to hyperammonemic crises and orotic aciduria. To date, a total of 341 causative mutations within the OTC gene have been described. However, in about 20% of the patients with enzymatically confirmed OTC deficiency no mutation can be detected when sequencing of genomic DNA analyzing exons and adjacent intronic segments of the OTC gene is performed. METHODS: Standard genomic DNA analysis of the OTC gene in five consecutive patients from five families revealed no mutation. Hence, liver tissue was obtained by needle sampling or open biopsy and RNA extracted from liver was analyzed. RESULTS: Complex rearrangements of the OTC transcript (three insertions and two deletions) were found in all five patients. CONCLUSION: In patients with a strong suspicion of OTC deficiency despite normal results of sequencing exonic regions of the OTC gene, characterization of liver OTC mRNA is highly effective in resolving the genotype. Liver tissue sampling by needle aspiration allows for both enzymatic analysis and RNA based diagnostics of OTC deficiency.


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The mRNA stabilizing factor HuR is involved in the posttranscriptional regulation of many genes, including that coding for cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2). Employing RNA interference technology and actinomycin D experiments, we demonstrate that in human mesangial cells (hMC) the amplification of cytokine-induced COX-2 by angiotensin II (AngII) occurs via a HuR-mediated increase of mRNA stability. Using COX-2 promoter constructs with different portions of the 3' untranslated region of COX-2, we found that the increase in COX-2 mRNA stability is attributable to a distal class III type of AU-rich element (ARE). Likewise, the RNA immunoprecipitation assay showed AngII-induced binding of HuR to this ARE. Using the RNA pulldown assay, we demonstrate that the AngII-caused HuR assembly with COX-2 mRNA is found in free and cytoskeleton-bound polysomes indicative of an active RNP complex. Mechanistically, the increased HuR binding to COX-2-ARE by AngII is accompanied by increased nucleocytoplasmic HuR shuttling and depends on protein kinase Cdelta (PKCdelta), which physically interacts with nuclear HuR, thereby promoting its phosphorylation. Mapping of phosphorylation sites identified serines 221 and 318 as critical target sites for PKCdelta-triggered HuR phosphorylation and AngII-induced HuR export to the cytoplasm. Posttranslational modification of HuR by PKCdelta represents an important novel mode of HuR activation implied in renal COX-2 regulation.


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DJ-1 is mutated in autosomal recessive, early onset Parkinson's disease but the exact localization of the DJ-1 gene product in the mammalian brain is largely unknown. We aimed to evaluate the DJ-1 mRNA expression pattern in the mouse brain. Serial coronal sections of brains of five male and five female adult mice were investigated by using in situ hybridization with a DJ-1 specific 35S-labeled oligonucleotide probe. Hybridized sections were analyzed after exposure to autoradiography films and after coating with a photographic emulsion. DJ-1 was heterogeneously expressed throughout the mouse central nervous system. A high expression of DJ-1 mRNA was detected in neuronal and non-neuronal populations of several structures of the motor system such as the substantia nigra, the red nucleus, the caudate putamen, the globus pallidus, and the deep nuclei of the cerebellum. Furthermore, DJ-1 mRNA was also highly expressed in non-motor structures including the hippocampus, the olfactory bulb, the reticular nucleus of the thalamus, and the piriform cortex. The high expression of DJ-1 mRNA in brain regions involved in motor control is compatible with the occurrence of parkinsonian symptoms after DJ-1 mutations. However, expression in other regions indicates that a dysfunction of DJ-1 may contribute to additional clinical features in patients with a DJ-1 mutation.


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Through alternative splicing, multiple different transcripts can be generated from a single gene. Alternative splicing represents an important molecular mechanism of gene regulation in physiological processes such as developmental programming as well as in disease. In cancer, splicing is significantly altered. Tumors express a different collection of alternative spliceoforms than normal tissues. Many tumor-associated splice variants arise from genes with an established role in carcinogenesis or tumor progression, and their functions can be oncogenic. This raises the possibility that products of alternative splicing play a pathogenic role in cancer. Moreover, cancer-associated spliceoforms represent potential diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets. G protein-coupled peptide hormone receptors provide a good illustration of alternative splicing in cancer. The wild-type forms of these receptors have long been known to be expressed in cancer and to modulate tumor cell functions. They are also recognized as attractive clinical targets. Recently, splice variants of these receptors have been increasingly identified in various types of cancer. In particular, alternative cholecystokinin type 2, secretin, and growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor spliceoforms are expressed in tumors. Peptide hormone receptor splice variants can fundamentally differ from their wild-type receptor counterparts in pharmacological and functional characteristics, in their distribution in normal and malignant tissues, and in their potential use for clinical applications.


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Skeletal muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration develop after tendon tearing. The extent of atrophy serves as one prognostic factor for the outcome of surgical repair of rotator cuff tendon tears. We asked whether mRNA of genes involved in regulation of degradative processes leading to muscle atrophy, ie, FOXOs, MSTN, calpains, cathepsins, and transcripts of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, are overexpressed in the supraspinatus muscle in patients with and without rotator cuff tears. We evaluated biopsy specimens collected during surgery of 53 consecutive patients with different sizes of rotator cuff tendon tears and six without tears. The levels of corresponding gene transcripts in total RNA extracts were assessed by semiquantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. Supraspinatus muscle atrophy was assessed by MRI. The area of muscle tissue (or atrophy), decreased (increased) with increasing tendon tear size. The transcripts of CAPN1, UBE2B, and UBE3A were upregulated more than twofold in massive rotator cuff tears as opposed to smaller tears or patients without tears. These atrophy gene products may be involved in cellular processes that impair functional recovery of affected muscles after surgical rotator cuff repair. However, the damaging effects of gene products in their respective proteolytic processes on muscle structures and proteins remains to be investigated.


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