103 resultados para infection control


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Respiratory virus infections play an important role in cystic fibrosis (CF) exacerbations, but underlying pathophysiological mechanisms are poorly understood. We aimed to assess whether an exaggerated inflammatory response of the airway epithelium on virus infection could explain the increased susceptibility of CF patients towards respiratory viruses. We used primary bronchial and nasal epithelial cells obtained from 24 healthy control subjects and 18 CF patients. IL-6, IL-8/CXCL8, IP-10/CXCL10, MCP-1/CCL2, RANTES/CCL5 and GRO-α/CXCL1 levels in supernatants and mRNA expression in cell lysates were measured before and after infection with rhinoviruses (RV-16 and RV-1B) and RSV. Cytotoxicity was assessed by lactate dehydrogenate assay and flow cytometry. All viruses induced strong cytokine release in both control and CF cells. The inflammatory response on virus infection was heterogeneous and depended on cell type and virus used, but was not increased in CF compared with control cells. On the contrary, there was a marked trend towards lower cytokine production associated with increased cell death in CF cells. An exaggerated inflammatory response to virus infection in bronchial epithelial cells does not explain the increased respiratory morbidity after virus infection in CF patients.


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One of the most important immunopathological consequence of intraperitoneal alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in the mouse is suppression of T cell-mediated immune responses. We investigated whether and how intraperitoneal macrophages (MØs) are, respectively, implicated as antigen-presenting cells (APCs). In a first step we showed that peritoneal MØs from infected mice (AE-MØs) exhibited a reduced ability to present a conventional antigen (chicken ovalbumin, C-Ova) to specific responder lymph node T cells. In a subsequent step, AE-MØs as well as naïve MØs (positive control) proved their ability to uptake and process C-Ova fluorescein isthiocyanate (FITC). Furthermore, in comparison with naïve MØs, the surface expression of Ia molecules was up-regulated on AE-MØs at the early stage of infection, suggesting that AE-MØs provide the first signal via the antigen-Ia complex. To study the accessory activity of MØs, AE-MØs obtained at the early and late stages of infection were found to decrease Con A-induced proliferation of peritoneal naïve T cells as well as of AE-sensitized peritoneal T cells, in contrast to stimulation with naïve MØs. The status of accessory molecules was assessed by analysing the expression level of costimulatory molecules on AE-MØs, with naïve MØs as controls. It was found that B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) expression remained unchanged, whereas CD40 was down-regulated and CD54 (= ICAM-1) was slightly up-regulated. In a leucocyte reaction of AE-MØs with naïve or AE-T cells, both types of T cells increased their proliferative response when CD28 - the ligand of B7 receptors - was exposed to anti-CD28 in cultures. Conversely to naïve MØs, pulsing of AE-MØs with agonistic anti-CD40 did not even partially restore their costimulatory activity and failed to increase naïve or AE-T cell proliferation. Neutralizing anti-B7-1, in combination with anti-B7-2, reduced naïve and AE-T cell proliferation, whereas anti-CD40 treatment of naïve MØs increased their proliferative response to Con A. These results point at the key role of B7 receptors as accessory molecules and the necessity of the integrity of CD40-expression by naïve MØs to improve their accessory activity. Taken together, the obstructed presenting-activity of AE-MØs appeared to trigger an unresponsiveness of T cells, contributing to the suppression of their clonal expansion during the chronic phase of AE-infection.


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The intestinal protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia causes diarrhoea in humans and animals. In the present study, we used the C57BL/6 inbred mouse model to assess the impact of a nematode (Trichinella spiralis) infection on the course of a G. lamblia (clone GS/M-83-H7) infection. Acute trichinellosis coincided with transient intestinal inflammation and generated an intestinal environment that strongly promoted growth of G. lamblia trophozoites although the local anti-Giardia immunoglobulin (Ig) A production was not affected. This increased G. lamblia infection intensity correlated with intestinal mast cell infiltration, mast cell degranulation, and total IgE production. Furthermore, a G. lamblia single-infection investigated in parallel also resulted in intestinal mast cell accumulation but severe infiltration was triggered in the absence of IgE. Recently, intestinal mast cells emerging during a G. lamblia infection were reported to be involved in those immunological mechanisms that control intestinal proliferation of the parasite in mice. This anti-giardial activity was assumed to be related to the capacity of mast cells to produce IL-6. However, this previous assumption was questioned by our present immunohistological findings indicating that murine intestinal mast cells, activated during a G. lamblia infection were IL-6-negative. In the present co-infection experiments, mast cells induced during acute trichinellosis were not able to control a concurrent G. lamblia infection. This observation makes it feasible that the T. spiralis infection created an immunological and physiological environment that superimposed the anti-giardial effect of mast cells and thus favoured intestinal growth of G. lamblia trophozoites in double-infected mice. Furthermore, our findings raise the possibility that intestinal inflammation e.g. as a consequence of a 'pre-existing' nematode infection is a factor which contributes to increased susceptibility of a host to a G. lamblia infection. The phenomenon of a 'pre-existing' nematode infection prior to a G. lamblia infection is a frequent constellation in endemic areas of giardiasis and may therefore have a direct impact on the epidemiological situation of the disease.


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BACKGROUND: Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) remains the most common opportunistic infection in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Among patients with HIV infection and PCP the mortality rate is 10 to 20% during the initial infection and increases substantially with the need for mechanical ventilation. It was suggested that in these patients corticosteroids adjunctive to standard treatment for PCP could prevent the need for mechanical ventilation and decrease mortality. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of adjunctive corticosteroids on overall mortality and the need for mechanical ventilation in HIV-infected patients with PCP and substantial hypoxemia (arterial oxygen partial pressure <70 mmHg or alveolar-arterial gradient >35 mmHg on room air). SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched Medline (January 1980-December 2004), EMBASE (January 1985-December 2004) and The Cochrane Library (Issue 4, 2004) without language restrictions to identify randomised controlled trials that compared adjunctive corticosteroids to control in HIV-infected patients with PCP. We further reviewed the reference lists from previously published overviews, we searched UptoDate version 2005 and Clinical Evidence Concise (Issue 12, 2004), contacted experts of the field, and searched reference lists of identified publications for citations of additional relevant articles. SELECTION CRITERIA: Trials were considered eligible for this review if they compared corticosteroids to placebo or usual care in HIV-infected patients with PCP in addition to baseline treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, pentamidine or dapsone-trimethoprim, used random allocation, and reported mortality data. We excluded trials in patients with no or mild hypoxemia (arterial oxygen partial pressure >70 mmHg or an alveolar-arterial gradient <35 mmHg on room air) and trials with a follow-up of less than 30 days. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two teams of reviewers independently evaluated the methodology and extracted data from each primary study. We pooled treatment effects across studies and calculated a weighted average risk ratio of overall mortality in the treatment and control groups by using a random effects model. MAIN RESULTS: Six studies were included in the review and meta-analysis. Risk ratios for overall mortality for adjunctive corticosteroids were 0.56 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.32-0.98) at 1 month and 0.68 (95% CI, 0.50-0.94) at 3-4 months of follow-up. To prevent 1 death, numbers needed to treat are 9 patients in a setting without highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) available, and 23 patients with HAART available. Only the 3 largest trials provided data on the need for mechanical ventilation with a risk ratio of 0.38 (95% CI, 0.20-0.73) in favour of adjunctive corticosteroids. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The number and size of trials investigating adjunctive corticosteroids for HIV-infected patients with PCP is small, but evidence from this review suggests a beneficial effect for patients with substantial hypoxemia.


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Imatinib mesylate (imatinib) is a potent inhibitor of defined tyrosine kinases (TKs) and is effective in the treatment of malignancies characterized by constitutive activation of these TKs such as chronic myeloid leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal tumors. TKs also play an important role in T-cell receptor (TCR) signal transduction. Inhibitory as well as stimulating effects of imatinib on T cells and dendritic cells have been described. Here, we analyzed the effects of imatinib treatment on antiviral immune responses in vivo. Primary cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) responses were not impaired in imatinib-treated mice after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) or after immunization with a tumor cell line expressing LCMV glycoprotein (LCMV-GP). Similarly, neutralizing antibody responses to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) were not affected. In contrast, secondary expansion of LCMV-specific memory CTLs was reduced in vitro and in vivo, resulting in impaired protection against reinfection. In addition, imatinib treatment delayed the onset of diabetes in a CTL-induced diabetes model. In summary, imatinib treatment in vivo selectively inhibits the expansion of antigen-experienced memory CTLs without affecting primary T- or B-cell responses. Therefore, imatinib may be efficacious in the suppression of CTL-mediated immunopathology in autoimmune diseases without the risk of acquiring viral infections.


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OBJECTIVES: Chlamydia has been associated with autoimmune diseases, but a link between chlamydial infection and the aetiopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) remains controversial. In this study we assessed the relationship between chlamydial infection and IBD, as evidenced by serological measurement and DNA analysis of mucosal biopsy specimens. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The sera of 78 patients with Crohn's disease (CD), 24 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), 73 healthy family members, and 20 healthy controls were tested for anti-C. pneumoniae IgG titres. A subgroup consisting of 13 UC and 39 CD patients was screened for the presence of chlamydial DNA on 42 inflamed versus 30 non-inflamed biopsy specimens and for mutations of their NOD2/CARD15 gene. RESULTS: Anti-C. pneumoniae IgG antibodies were found in the sera of 32 (41%) patients with CD, 11 (46%) patients with UC, 35 (48%) of unaffected family members, and nine (45%) unrelated healthy controls. Thirty-five percent of the control, 18% CD and 24% UC biopsy specimens contained C. pneumoniae DNA. In CD, however, C. pneumoniae DNA was significantly more frequently found in inflamed (27%) versus non-inflamed (8%) biopsy specimens (P < 0.05, Fisher's exact test). The frequencies of NOD2/CARD15 mutations were 33% for CD patients with C. pneumoniae DNA compared to 47% for CD patients without C. pneumoniae DNA. CONCLUSION: We found no marked differences in respect to anti-C. pneumoniae serum IgG or C. pneumoniae DNA between healthy controls and patients with IBD. However, in CD patients, inflamed tissue specimens contained significantly more likely C. pneumoniae DNA compared with biopsies from unaffected areas. Thus C. pneumoniae is unlikely to be of pathogenic importance in IBD while it may still influence local clinical manifestations.


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Sexually transmitted infections other than HIV are important global health issues. They have, however, been neglected as a public-health priority and control efforts continue to fail. Sexually transmitted infections, by their nature, affect individuals, who are part of partnerships and larger sexual networks, and in turn populations. We propose a framework of individual, partnership, and population levels for examining the effects of sexually transmitted infections and interventions to control them. At the individual level we have a range of effective diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines. These options are unavailable or inaccessible in many resource-poor settings, where syndromic management remains the core intervention for individual case management. At the partnership level, partner notification and antenatal syphilis screening have the potential to prevent infection and re-infection. Interventions delivered to whole populations, or groups in whom the risks of infection and onward transmission are very high, have the greatest potential effect. Improvements to the infrastructure of treatment services can reduce the incidence of syphilis and gonorrhoea or urethritis. Strong evidence for the effectiveness of most other interventions on population-level outcomes is, however, scarce. Effective action requires a multifaceted approach including better basic epidemiological and surveillance data, high quality evidence about effectiveness of individual interventions and programmes, better methods to get effective interventions onto the policy agenda, and better advocacy and more commitment to get them implemented properly. We must not allow stigma, prejudice, and moral opposition to obstruct the goals of infectious disease control.


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BACKGROUND: Periodontitis has been identified as a potential risk factor in cardiovascular diseases. It is possible that the stimulation of host responses to oral infections may result in vascular damage and the inducement of blood clotting. The aim of this study was to assess the role of periodontal infection and bacterial burden as an explanatory variable to the activation of the inflammatory process leading to acute coronary syndrome (ACS). METHODS: A total of 161 consecutive surviving cases admitted with a diagnosis of ACS and 161 control subjects, matched with cases according to their gender, socioeconomic level, and smoking status, were studied. Serum white blood cell (WBC) counts, high- and low-density lipoprotein (HDL/LDL) levels, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsC-rp) levels, and clinical periodontal routine parameters were studied. The subgingival pathogens were assayed by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. RESULTS: Total oral bacterial load was higher in the subjects with ACS (mean difference: 17.4x10(5); SD: 10.8; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 4.2 to 17.4; P<0.001), and significant for 26 of 40 species including Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythensis, and Treponema denticola. Serum WBC counts, hsC-rp levels, Streptococcus intermedius, and Streptococcus sanguis, were explanatory factors to acute coronary syndrome status (Nagelkerke r2=0.49). CONCLUSION: The oral bacterial load of S. intermedius, S. sanguis, Streptococcus anginosus, T. forsythensis, T. denticola, and P. gingivalis may be concomitant risk factors in the development of ACS.


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate epidemiological, social, diagnostic and economic aspects of chlamydia screening in non-genitourinary medicine settings. METHODS: Linked studies around a cross-sectional population-based survey of adult men and women invited to collect urine and (for women) vulvovaginal swab specimens at home and mail these to a laboratory for testing for Chlamydia trachomatis. Specimens were used in laboratory evaluations of an amplified enzyme immunoassay (PCE EIA) and two nucleic acid amplification tests [Cobas polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Becton Dickinson strand displacement amplification (SDA)]. Chlamydia-positive cases and two negative controls completed a risk factor questionnaire. Chlamydia-positive cases were invited into a randomised controlled trial of partner notification strategies. Samples of individuals testing negative completed psychological questionnaires before and after screening. In-depth interviews were conducted at all stages of screening. Chlamydia transmission and cost-effectiveness of screening were investigated in a transmission dynamic model. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: General population in the Bristol and Birmingham areas of England. In total, 19,773 women and men aged 16-39 years were randomly selected from 27 general practice lists. RESULTS: Screening invitations reached 73% (14,382/19,773). Uptake (4731 participants), weighted for sampling, was 39.5% (95% CI 37.7, 40.8%) in women and 29.5% (95% CI 28.0, 31.0%) in men aged 16-39 years. Chlamydia prevalence (219 positive results) in 16-24 year olds was 6.2% (95% CI 4.9, 7.8%) in women and 5.3% (95% CI 4.4, 6.3%) in men. The case-control study did not identify any additional factors that would help target screening. Screening did not adversely affect anxiety, depression or self-esteem. Participants welcomed the convenience and privacy of home-sampling. The relative sensitivity of PCR on male urine specimens was 100% (95% CI 89.1, 100%). The combined relative sensitivities of PCR and SDA using female urine and vulvovaginal swabs were 91.8% (86.1, 95.7, 134/146) and 97.3% (93.1, 99.2%, 142/146). A total of 140 people (74% of eligible) participated in the randomised trial. Compared with referral to a genitourinary medicine clinic, partner notification by practice nurses resulted in 12.4% (95% CI -3.7, 28.6%) more patients with at least one partner treated and 22.0% (95% CI 6.1, 37.8%) more patients with all partners treated. The health service and patients costs (2005 prices) of home-based postal chlamydia screening were 21.47 pounds (95% CI 19.91 pounds, 25.99) per screening invitation and 28.56 pounds (95% CI 22.10 pounds, 30.43) per accepted offer. Preliminary modelling found an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (2003 prices) comparing screening men and women annually to no screening in the base case of 27,000 pounds/major outcome averted at 8 years. If estimated screening uptake and pelvic inflammatory disease incidence were increased, the cost-effectiveness ratio fell to 3700 pounds/major outcome averted. CONCLUSIONS: Proactive screening for chlamydia in women and men using home-collected specimens was feasible and acceptable. Chlamydia prevalence rates in men and women in the general population are similar. Nucleic acid amplification tests can be used on first-catch urine specimens and vulvovaginal swabs. The administrative costs of proactive screening were similar to those for opportunistic screening. Using empirical estimates of screening uptake and incidence of complications, screening was not cost-effective.


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Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a group of neurodegenerative diseases that can occur spontaneously or can be caused by infection or mutations within the prion protein gene PRNP. Nonsynonymous DNA polymorphisms within the PRNP gene have been shown to influence susceptibility/resistance to infection in sheep and humans. Analysis of DNA polymorphisms within the core promoter region of the PRNP gene in four major German bovine breeds resulted in the identification of both SNPs and insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphisms. Comparative genotyping of both controls and animals that tested positive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) revealed a significantly different distribution of two indel polymorphisms and two SNPs within Braunvieh animals, suggesting an association of these polymorphisms with BSE susceptibility. The functional relevance of these polymorphisms was analyzed using reporter gene constructs in neuronal cells. A specific haplotype near exon 1 was identified that exhibited a significantly lower expression level. Genotyping of nine polymorphisms within the promoter region and haplotype calculation revealed that the haplotype associated with the lowest expression level was underrepresented in the BSE group of all breeds compared to control animals, indicating a correlation of reduced PRNP expression and increased resistance to BSE.


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OBJECTIVE: Infected pancreatic necrosis is the main cause of death in patients with acute pancreatitis, and therefore its early prediction is of utmost importance. Endogenous cortisol metabolism plays a basic role both in the course of acute pancreatitis and in the process of infection. The purpose of this study was to analyze corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), total cortisol, calculated free cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone as potential early predictors in order to differentiate between infected pancreatic necrosis and sterile pancreatic necrosis in patients with acute pancreatitis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Serum levels of CBG, total cortisol, calculated free cortisol, and plasma levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone were determined in 109 consecutive patients with acute pancreatitis. C-reactive protein was measured as the control parameter. Thirty-five patients developed necrotizing pancreatitis and 10 developed infection of the necrosis. Blood was monitored for 6 days after the onset of pain; 30 healthy individuals served as controls. RESULTS: Of all parameters only CBG showed a significant difference (p = 0.0318) in its peak levels measured in the first 48 h in patients with sterile (26.5 microg/ml, range 21.3-34.7) and infected (16.0 microg/ml, range 15.2-25.0) necrosis at a cut-off level of 16.8 microg/ml. That difference was further preserved for the first 6 days after onset of pain. CONCLUSIONS: In our group of patients, a decreased CBG level below 16.8 g/ml within the initial 48 h of acute pancreatitis was an early predictor of later infected pancreatic necrosis, with a positive predictive value of 100% and a negative predictive value of 87.5%.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease is characterized by infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and a sustained accumulation of neutrophils. In this study, we analyzed 1) the expression of MyD88-dependent TLRs on circulating and airway neutrophils in P. aeruginosa-infected CF patients, P. aeruginosa-infected non-CF bronchiectasis patients, and noninfected healthy control subjects and 2) studied the regulation of TLR expression and functionality on neutrophils in vitro. TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, and TLR9 expression was increased on airway neutrophils compared with circulating neutrophils in CF and bronchiectasis patients. On airway neutrophils, TLR5 was the only TLR that was significantly higher expressed in CF patients compared with bronchiectasis patients and healthy controls. Studies using confocal microscopy and flow cytometry revealed that TLR5 was stored intracellularly in neutrophils and was mobilized to the cell surface in a protein synthesis-independent manner through protein kinase C activation or after stimulation with TLR ligands and cytokines characteristic of the CF airway microenvironment. The most potent stimulator of TLR5 expression was the bacterial lipoprotein Pam(3)CSK(4). Ab-blocking experiments revealed that the effect of Pam(3)CSK(4) was mediated through cooperation of TLR1 and TLR2 signaling. TLR5 activation enhanced the phagocytic capacity and the respiratory burst activity of neutrophils, which was mediated, at least partially, via a stimulation of IL-8 production and CXCR1 signaling. This study demonstrates a novel mechanism of TLR regulation in neutrophils and suggests a critical role for TLR5 in neutrophil-P. aeruginosa interactions in CF lung disease.


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TNF is an essential player in infections with Leishmania major, contributing to the control of the inflammatory lesion and, to a lesser degree, to parasite killing. However, the relative contribution of the soluble and transmembrane forms of TNF in these processes is unknown. To investigate the role of transmembrane TNF (mTNF) in the control of L. major infections, mTNF-knock-in (mTNF(Delta/Delta)) mice, which express functional mTNF but do not release soluble TNF, were infected with L. major, and the development of the inflammatory lesion and the immune response was compared to that occurring in L. major-infected TNF(-/-) and wild-type mice. mTNF(Delta/Delta) mice controlled the infection and resolved their inflammatory lesion as well as wild-type mice, a process associated with the early clearance of neutrophils at the site of parasite infection. In contrast, L. major-infected TNF(-/-) mice developed non-healing lesions, characterized by an elevated presence of neutrophils at the site of infection and partial control of parasite number within the lesions. Altogether, the results presented here demonstrate that mTNF, in absence of soluble TNF, is sufficient to control infection due to L. major, enabling the regulation of inflammation, and the optimal killing of Leishmania parasites at the site of infection.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether prolonged sacral neuromodulation (SNM) testing induces a substantial risk of infection because of the percutaneous passage of the extension wire. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A consecutive series of 20 patients with negative prolonged SNM testing for >or=14 days who underwent tined-lead explantation were prospectively evaluated. The explanted tined leads were sent for microbiological examination. The tined lead, gluteal, and extension wire incision sites were investigated for clinical signs of infection according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classification system. RESULTS: In all, 17 patients had bilateral and three unilateral implanted tined leads. The median (range) test period was 30 (21-62 days). Bacterial growth (Staphylococcus species) was detected in four of 20 (20%) patients on seven of 37 (19%) explanted tined leads. There were clinical signs of infection in one of 20 (5%) patients at none of 37 tined lead, one of 20 (5%) gluteal, and none of 20 extension wire incision sites. There were no clinical signs of infection in the remaining three of four patients with bacterial growth. CONCLUSIONS: After prolonged tined-lead testing, we found an infection rate comparable to that reported with the usual short test period. In addition, most patients with bacterial growth on tined leads showed no clinical signs of infection. Thus, prolonged tined-lead testing does not seem to induce clinically relevant infection, warranting randomized trials.


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HYPOTHESIS: Clinically apparent surgical glove perforation increases the risk of surgical site infection (SSI). DESIGN: Prospective observational cohort study. SETTING: University Hospital Basel, with an average of 28,000 surgical interventions per year. PARTICIPANTS: Consecutive series of 4147 surgical procedures performed in the Visceral Surgery, Vascular Surgery, and Traumatology divisions of the Department of General Surgery. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The outcome of interest was SSI occurrence as assessed pursuant to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention standards. The primary predictor variable was compromised asepsis due to glove perforation. RESULTS: The overall SSI rate was 4.5% (188 of 4147 procedures). Univariate logistic regression analysis showed a higher likelihood of SSI in procedures in which gloves were perforated compared with interventions with maintained asepsis (odds ratio [OR], 2.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4-2.8; P < .001). However, multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that the increase in SSI risk with perforated gloves was different for procedures with vs those without surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis (test for effect modification, P = .005). Without antimicrobial prophylaxis, glove perforation entailed significantly higher odds of SSI compared with the reference group with no breach of asepsis (adjusted OR, 4.2; 95% CI, 1.7-10.8; P = .003). On the contrary, when surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis was applied, the likelihood of SSI was not significantly higher for operations in which gloves were punctured (adjusted OR, 1.3; 95% CI, 0.9-1.9; P = .26). CONCLUSION: Without surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis, glove perforation increases the risk of SSI.