86 resultados para bioinformatics gene expression liver
OBJECTIVES The dental follicle plays an important role in tooth eruption by providing key regulators of osteogenesis and bone resorption. Patients with cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) exhibit delayed tooth eruption in combination with increased bone density in the maxilla and mandible, suggesting disturbances in bone remodeling. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of genes relevant for tooth eruption and bone remodeling in the dental follicles of patients with CCD and normal subjects. MATERIAL AND METHODS Thirteen dental follicles were isolated from five unrelated patients with CCD, and fourteen dental follicles were obtained from 10 healthy individuals. All teeth were in the intraosseous phase of eruption. The expression of RANK, RANKL, OPG, and CSF-1 was determined by quantitative RT-PCR. RESULTS In patients with CCD, the mRNA levels of RANK, OPG, and CSF-1 were significantly elevated compared with the control group. Accordingly, the ratios of RANKL/OPG and RANKL/RANK mRNAs were significantly decreased in patients with CCD. CONCLUSION The observed alterations in the expression and ratios of the aforementioned factors in the dental follicle of CCD individuals suggest a disturbed paracrine signaling for bone remodeling that could be responsible for the impaired tooth eruption seen in these patients.
In the aquatic environment, fish are exposed to various stimuli at once and have developed different response mechanisms to deal with these multiple stimuli. The current study assessed the combined impacts of estrogens and bacterial infection on the physiological status of fish. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to two different concentrations of 17 beta-estradiol (E2) (2 or 20 mg/kg feed) and then infected with three concentrations of Yersinia ruckeri, a bacterial pathogen causing massive losses in wild and farmed salmonid populations. Organism-level endpoints to assess the impact of the single and combined treatments included hepatic vitellogenin transcript expression to evaluate the E2 exposure efficiency and survival rate of pathogen-challenged fish. The two E2 doses increased vitellogenin levels within the physiological range. Infection with Y. ruckeri caused mortality of trout, and this effect was significantly enhanced by a simultaneous exposure to high E2 dose. The hormone reduced survival at intermediate and high (10(4) and 10(6) colony forming units, cfu) bacterial concentrations, but not for a low one (10(2) cfu). Analysis of hepatic gene expression profiles by a salmonid 2 k cDNA microarray chip revealed complex regulations of pathways involved in immune responses, stress responses, and detoxicification pathways. E2 markedly reduced the expression of several genes implicated in xenobiotic metabolism. The results suggest that the interaction between pathogen and E2 interfered with the fish's capability of clearing toxic compounds. The findings of the current study add to our understanding of multiple exposure responses in fish.
BACKGROUND Moraxella catarrhalis, a major nasopharyngeal pathogen of the human respiratory tract, is exposed to rapid downshifts of environmental temperature when humans breathe cold air. The prevalence of pharyngeal colonization and respiratory tract infections caused by M. catarrhalis is greatest in winter. We investigated how M. catarrhalis uses the physiologic exposure to cold air to regulate pivotal survival systems that may contribute to M. catarrhalis virulence. RESULTS In this study we used the RNA-seq techniques to quantitatively catalogue the transcriptome of M. catarrhalis exposed to a 26 °C cold shock or to continuous growth at 37 °C. Validation of RNA-seq data using quantitative RT-PCR analysis demonstrated the RNA-seq results to be highly reliable. We observed that a 26 °C cold shock induces the expression of genes that in other bacteria have been related to virulence a strong induction was observed for genes involved in high affinity phosphate transport and iron acquisition, indicating that M. catarrhalis makes a better use of both phosphate and iron resources after exposure to cold shock. We detected the induction of genes involved in nitrogen metabolism, as well as several outer membrane proteins, including ompA, m35-like porin and multidrug efflux pump (acrAB) indicating that M. catarrhalis remodels its membrane components in response to downshift of temperature. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a 26 °C cold shock enhances the induction of genes encoding the type IV pili that are essential for natural transformation, and increases the genetic competence of M. catarrhalis, which may facilitate the rapid spread and acquisition of novel virulence-associated genes. CONCLUSION Cold shock at a physiologically relevant temperature of 26 °C induces in M. catarrhalis a complex of adaptive mechanisms that could convey novel pathogenic functions and may contribute to enhanced colonization and virulence.
Desmosomes are cell adhesion junctions required for the normal development and maintenance of mammalian tissues and organs such as the skin, skin appendages, and the heart. The goal of this study was to investigate how desmocollins (DSCs), transmembrane components of desmosomes, are regulated at the transcriptional level. We hypothesized that differential expression of the Dsc2 and Dsc3 genes is a prerequisite for normal development of skin appendages. We demonstrate that plakoglobin (Pg) in conjunction with lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1 (Lef-1) differentially regulates the proximal promoters of these two genes. Specifically, we found that Lef-1 acts as a switch activating Dsc2 and repressing Dsc3 in the presence of Pg. Interestingly, we also determined that NF-κB pathway components, the downstream effectors of the ectodysplasin-A (EDA)/ ectodysplasin-A receptor (EDAR)/NF-κB signaling cascade, can activate Dsc2 expression. We hypothesize that Lef-1 and EDA/EDAR/NF-κB signaling contribute to a shift in Dsc isoform expression from Dsc3 to Dsc2 in placode keratinocytes. It is tempting to speculate that this shift is required for the invasive growth of placode keratinocytes into the dermis, a crucial step in skin appendage formation.
Different life-cycle stages of Trypanosoma brucei are characterized by stage-specific glycoprotein coats. GPEET procyclin, the major surface protein of early procyclic (insect midgut) forms, is transcribed in the nucleolus by RNA polymerase I as part of a polycistronic precursor that is processed to monocistronic mRNAs. In culture, when differentiation to late procyclic forms is triggered by removal of glycerol, the precursor is still transcribed, but accumulation of GPEET mRNA is prevented by a glycerol-responsive element in the 3' UTR. A genome-wide RNAi screen for persistent expression of GPEET in glycerol-free medium identified a novel protein, NRG1 (Nucleolar Regulator of GPEET 1), as a negative regulator. NRG1 associates with GPEET mRNA and with several nucleolar proteins. These include two PUF proteins, TbPUF7 and TbPUF10, and BOP1, a protein required for rRNA processing in other organisms. RNAi against each of these components prolonged or even increased GPEET expression in the absence of glycerol as well as causing a significant reduction in 5.8S rRNA and its immediate precursor. These results indicate that components of a complex used for rRNA maturation can have an additional role in regulating mRNAs that originate in the nucleolus.
Synchrotron Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT) relies on the spatial fractionation of the synchrotron photon beam into parallel micro-beams applying several hundred of grays in their paths. Several works have reported the therapeutic interest of the radiotherapy modality at preclinical level, but biological mechanisms responsible for the described efficacy are not fully understood to date. The aim of this study was to identify the early transcriptomic responses of normal brain and glioma tissue in rats after MRT irradiation (400Gy). The transcriptomic analysis of similarly irradiated normal brain and tumor tissues was performed 6 hours after irradiation of 9 L orthotopically tumor-bearing rats. Pangenomic analysis revealed 1012 overexpressed and 497 repressed genes in the irradiated contralateral normal tissue and 344 induced and 210 repressed genes in tumor tissue. These genes were grouped in a total of 135 canonical pathways. More than half were common to both tissues with a predominance for immunity or inflammation (64 and 67% of genes for normal and tumor tissues, respectively). Several pathways involving HMGB1, toll-like receptors, C-type lectins and CD36 may serve as a link between biochemical changes triggered by irradiation and inflammation and immunological challenge. Most immune cell populations were involved: macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer, T and B lymphocytes. Among them, our results highlighted the involvement of Th17 cell population, recently described in tumor. The immune response was regulated by a large network of mediators comprising growth factors, cytokines, lymphokines. In conclusion, early response to MRT is mainly based on inflammation and immunity which appear therefore as major contributors to MRT efficacy.
BACKGROUND In Parkinson's disease (PD), bradykinesia, or slowness of movement, only appears after a large striatal dopamine depletion. Compensatory mechanisms probably play a role in this delayed appearance of symptoms. OBJECTIVE Our hypothesis is that the striatal direct and indirect pathways participate in these compensatory mechanisms. METHODS We used the unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) rat model of PD and control animals. Four weeks after the lesion, the spontaneous locomotor activity of the rats was measured and then the animals were killed and their brain extracted. We quantified the mRNA expression of markers of the striatal direct and indirect pathways as well as the nigral expression of dopamine transporter (DAT) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA. We also carried out an immunohistochemistry for the striatal TH protein expression. RESULTS As expected, the unilateral 6-OHDA rats presented a tendency to an ipsilateral head turning and a low locomotor velocity. In 6-OHDA rats only, we observed a significant and positive correlation between locomotor velocity and both D1-class dopamine receptor (D1R) (direct pathway) and enkephalin (ENK) (indirect pathway) mRNA in the lesioned striatum, as well as between D1R and ENK mRNA. CONCLUSIONS Our results demonstrate a strong relationship between both direct and indirect pathways and spontaneous locomotor activity in the parkinsonian rat model. We suggest a synergy between both pathways which could play a role in compensatory mechanisms and may contribute to the delayed appearance of bradykinesia in PD.
Senescence is a form of programmed cell death (PCD) which leads to the death of whole organs, e.g., leaves or flowers, and eventually to the death of entire plants. Like all forms of PCD, senescence is a highly regulated and energy consuming process. Senescence parameters, like protein content, chlorophyll content, expression of photosynthesis-associated genes or senescence-associated genes (SAGs), reveal that senescence occurs in old leaves derived from young plants (6 week old) as well as in young leaves derived from older plants (8 week old), indicating that it is governed by the actual age of the leaves. in order to analyse the differential gene expression profiles during leaf senescence, hybridizations of high-density genome arrays were performed with: i) individual leaves within the rosette of a 6-week-old plant and ii) leaves of the same position within the rosette but harvested from plants of different ages, ranging from 5 to 8 weeks. Cluster and genetree analyses, according to the expression pattern revealed that genes which are up-regulated with respect to the age of the entire plant, showed completely different expression profiles with respect to the age of the individual leaves within one rosette. This was observed even though the actual difference in leaf age was approximately the same. This indicates that gene expression appears to be governed by different parameters: i) the age of the individual leaf and ii) the age and developmental stage of the entire plant.
Expansins are members of a multigene family of extracellular proteins, which increase cell wall extensibility in vitro and thus are thought to be involved in cell expansion. The major significance of the presence of this large gene family may be that distinctly expressed genes can independently regulate cell expansion in place and time. Here we report on LeExp9, a new expansin gene from tomato, and compare its expression in the shoot tip with that of LeExp2 and LeExp18. LeExp18 gene is expressed in very young tissues of the tomato shoot apex and the transcript levels are upregulated in the incipient primordium. LeExp2 mRNA accumulated in more mature tissues and transcript levels correlated with cell elongation in the elongation zone. In situ hybridization experiments showed a uniform distribution of LeExp9 mRNA in submeristematic tissues. When gibberellin-deficient mutant tomatoes that lacked elongation of the internodes were treated with gibberellin, the phenotypic rescue was correlated with an increase in LeExp9 and LeExp2, but not LeExp18 levels. We propose that the three expansins define three distinct growing zones in the shoot tip. In the meristem proper, gibberellin-independent LeExp18 mediates the cell expansion that accompanies cell division. In the submeristematic zone, LeExp9 mediates cell expansion at a time that cell division comes to a halt. LeExp9 expression requires gibberellin but the hormone is not normally limiting. Finally, LeExp2 mediates cell elongation in young stem tissue. LeExp2 expression is limited by the available gibberellin. These data suggest that regulation of cell wall extensibility is controlled, at least in part, by differential regulation of expansin genes.
Genome-wide microarrays have suggested that Emdogain regulates TGF-β target genes in gingival and palatal fibroblasts. However, definitive support for this contention and the extent to which TGF-β signaling contributes to the effects of Emdogain has remained elusive. We therefore studied the role of the TGF-β receptor I (TGF-βRI) kinase to mediate the effect of Emdogain on palatal fibroblasts. Palatal fibroblasts were exposed to Emdogain with and without the inhibitor for TGF-βRI kinase, SB431542. Emdogain caused 39 coding genes to be differentially expressed in palatal fibroblasts by microarray analysis (p<0.05; >10-fold). Importantly, in the presence of the TGF-βRI kinase inhibitor SB431542, Emdogain failed to cause any significant changes in gene expression. Consistent with this mechanism, three independent TGF-βRI kinase inhibitors and a TGF-β neutralizing antibody abrogated the increased expression of IL-11, a selected Emdogain target gene. The MAPK inhibitors SB203580 and U0126 lowered the impact of Emdogain on IL-11 expression. The data support that TGF-βRI kinase activity is necessary to mediate the effects of Emdogain on gene expression in vitro.
The molecular regulation of horn growth in ruminants is still poorly understood. To investigate this process, we collected 1019 hornless (polled) animals from different cattle breeds. High-density SNP genotyping confirmed the presence of two different polled associated haplotypes in Simmental and Holstein cattle co-localized on BTA 1. We refined the critical region of the Simmental polled mutation to 212 kb and identified an overlapping region of 932 kb containing the Holstein polled mutation. Subsequently, whole genome sequencing of polled Simmental and Holstein cows was used to determine polled associated genomic variants. By genotyping larger cohorts of animals with known horn status we found a single perfectly associated insertion/deletion variant in Simmental and other beef cattle confirming the recently published possible Celtic polled mutation. We identified a total of 182 sequence variants as candidate mutations for polledness in Holstein cattle, including an 80 kb genomic duplication and three SNPs reported before. For the first time we showed that hornless cattle with scurs are obligate heterozygous for one of the polled mutations. This is in contrast to published complex inheritance models for the bovine scurs phenotype. Studying differential expression of the annotated genes and loci within the mapped region on BTA 1 revealed a locus (LOC100848215), known in cow and buffalo only, which is higher expressed in fetal tissue of wildtype horn buds compared to tissue of polled fetuses. This implicates that the presence of this long noncoding RNA is a prerequisite for horn bud formation. In addition, both transcripts associated with polledness in goat and sheep (FOXL2 and RXFP2), show an overexpression in horn buds confirming their importance during horn development in cattle.
Acute psychosocial stress stimulates transient increases in circulating pro-inflammatory plasma cytokines, but little is known about stress effects on anti-inflammatory cytokines or underlying mechanisms. We investigated the stress kinetics and interrelations of pro- and anti-inflammatory measures on the transcriptional and protein level. Forty-five healthy men were randomly assigned to either a stress or control group. While the stress group underwent an acute psychosocial stress task, the second group participated in a non-stress control condition. We repeatedly measured before and up to 120min after stress DNA binding activity of the pro-inflammatory transcription factor NF-κB (NF-κB-BA) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, whole-blood mRNA levels of NF-κB, its inhibitor IκBα, and of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1ß and IL-6, and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. We also repeatedly measured plasma levels of IL-1ß, IL-6, and IL-10. Compared to non-stress, acute stress induced significant and rapid increases in NF-κB-BA and delayed increases in plasma IL-6 and mRNA of IL-1ß, IL-6, and IκBα (p's<.045). In the stress group, significant increases over time were also observed for NF-κB mRNA and plasma IL-1ß and IL-10 (p's<.055). NF-κB-BA correlated significantly with mRNA of IL-1β (r=.52, p=.002), NF-κB (r=.48, p=.004), and IκBα (r=.42, p=.013), and marginally with IL-6 mRNA (r=.31, p=.11). Plasma cytokines did not relate to NF-κB-BA or mRNA levels of the respective cytokines. Our data suggest that stress induces increases in NF-κB-BA that relate to subsequent mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory, but not anti-inflammatory cytokines, and of regulatory-cytoplasmic-proteins. The stress-induced increases in plasma cytokines do not seem to derive from de novo synthesis in circulating blood cells.
11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11beta-HSD) modulate mineralocorticoid receptor transactivation by glucocorticoids and regulate access to the glucocorticoid receptor. The isozyme 11beta-HSD2 is selectively expressed in mineralocorticoid target tissues and its activity is reduced in various disease states with abnormal sodium retention and hypertension, including the apparent mineralocorticoid excess. As 50% of patients with essential hypertension are insulin resistant and hyperinsulinemic, we hypothesized that insulin downregulates the 11beta-HSD2 activity. In the present study we show that insulin reduced the 11beta-HSD2 activity in cancer colon cell lines (HCT116, SW620 and HT-29) at the transcriptional level, in a time and dose dependent manner. The downregulation was reversible and required new protein synthesis. Pathway analysis using mRNA profiling revealed that insulin treatment modified the expression of the transcription factor family C/EBPs (CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins) but also of glycolysis related enzymes. Western blot and real time PCR confirmed an upregulation of C/EBP beta isoforms (LAP and LIP) with a more pronounced increase in the inhibitory isoform LIP. EMSA and reporter gene assays demonstrated the role of C/EBP beta isoforms in HSD11B2 gene expression regulation. In addition, secretion of lactate, a byproduct of glycolysis, was shown to mediate insulin-dependent HSD11B2 downregulation. In summary, we demonstrate that insulin downregulates HSD11B2 through increased LIP expression and augmented lactate secretion. Such mechanisms are of interest and potential significance for sodium reabsorption in the colon.