231 resultados para berne
Disc herniation is one of the main research topics at the Tierspital Berne. In this review article about canine disc disease, results from recent clinical research are presented and integrated to the actual knowledge about the disease. These new results deal mainly with neurosurgery/neuroradiology and especially focus on therapeutic value of commonly used treatment methods (hemilaminectomy, fenestration, durotomy, lateral corpectomy) in order to further improve therapeutical results in future.
A heifer with developmental skeletal disorder was presented to the ruminant clinic of the University of Berne. Abnormal long bone growth and a wobbling gait were the main clinical signs. All long bones were examined radiologically, several parameters of body size were measured and the results were compared to the measurements of a healthy control animal. Haematology and blood chemistry were normal. Based on the poor prognosis the animal was slaughtered. The final diagnosis of hyena disease was based on the characteristic growth disturbances in the caudal parts of the body, giving the animal a hyena-like appearance. For the first time a case of hyena disease is reported in Switzerland.
OBJECTIVES: To merge clinical information from partly overlapping medical record databases of the Small Animal Teaching Hospital of the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Berne. To describe the frequencies and localisations of neurological diseases in dogs, as well as their age, gender, breed and geographical distributions. METHODS: In this retrospective study, a new database, with specific variables and a diagnosis key list 'VITAMIN D', was created and defined. A total of 4497 dogs (average of 375 per year) with a well-documented neurological disease were included in the study. A key list for the diagnoses was developed and applied to either the presumptive or the clinical and neurohistopathological diagnosis, with a serial number, a code for localisation and a code for differential diagnoses. RESULTS: Approximately 1159 dogs (26 per cent) had a neurohistopathological diagnosis confirmed, 1431 (32 per cent) had a clinical diagnosis confirmed and 1491 (33 per cent) had a presumptive diagnosis. The most frequent breeds were mixed-breed dogs (577 of 4497, 13 per cent), followed by German shepherd dogs (466 of 4497, 10 per cent). The most common localisations were the forebrain (908 of 4497, 20 per cent) and the spinal cord at the thoracolumbar area (840 of 4497, 19 per cent). Most dogs were diagnosed with degenerative diseases (38 per cent), followed by inflammatory/infectious diseases (14 per cent). The highest number of submissions originated from geographic regions around the referral hospital and from regions with higher human population densities. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: By defining closed-list fields and allocating all data to the corresponding fields, a standardised database that can be used for further studies was generated. The analysis of this study gives examples of the possible uses of a standardised database.
BACKGROUND: Transferring patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) for primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) from a community hospital to a PCI centre has been evaluated in randomised trials and shown to be safe and effective. A prolonged transfer time may restrict the benefit of this strategy. AIM: We sought to assess 1) safety of transfer from Neuchâtel to Berne, 2) time intervals of patients transferred either directly from on-site or after evaluation in the local emergency room, and 3) clinical long-term outcome. METHODS AND RESULTS: 42 patients with STEMI eligible for reperfusion therapy were prospectively included between January 2003 and June 2004. Twenty patients (48%, group 1) were directly transferred to the PCI centre from on-site. Twenty-two were transferred after initial treatment in the local emergency room: 11 patients (26%, group 2) presented spontaneously at the hospital and 11 patients (26%, group 3) were admitted by the rescue team. No major complication occurred during transport. Median transport time was 33 minutes. Median time from first healthcare contact to balloon consisted of 131 minutes in group 1, 158 minutes in group 2 and 174 minutes in group 3. The overall rate of Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE) at 6 months amounted to 9.5%. CONCLUSIONS: Transfer for primary PCI of our patients with acute STEMI was safe. Direct transfer from on-site to the PCI centre reduced the time of ischaemia. The overall MACE rate was low.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine occupational facial fractures in central Switzerland. Concomitant injuries were also studied. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Hospital in Berne provides a 24-hour maxillofacial trauma service for its population (1.6 million). The present study was comprised of 42 patients (8.4% of treated maxillofacial injuries) with occupational maxillofacial fractures registered at this unit between 2000 and 2002. Information on the topic of occupation, the cause of the accidents, and the topographic location of the fractures was analyzed. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 44.4 years, with a male to female ratio of 41:1. Sixty-nine percent of the injuries occurred in farm and forestry workers and in construction laborers during the summertime (33%). Workers in these occupations carried a 127-fold (farm and forestry workers) and a 44-fold (construction laborers) higher risk of incurring maxillofacial fractures than did service and office workers. Injuries were most frequently (43%) caused by a thrown, projected, or falling object. Eighty-two percent of the fractures occurred in the midface region and at the skull base. Fifty-nine percent of the patients had concomitant injuries. In 69%, surgery was necessary, the mean duration of their hospital stay being 4.8 days. CONCLUSION: The probability of sustaining work-related maxillofacial traumata is correlated to the nature of the occupation. Farm and forestry workers are at the highest risk, most frequently injured by being struck by an object or an animal. The introduction of personalized safety measures should become obligatory in high-risk occupations.
During 2003, a total of 258 new patients with oral soft tissue lesions were admitted at the Stomatology Service of the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology at the University of Berne. For the present study, 185 patients with clinically and histopathologically verified diagnoses were included. The following data was collected: prevalence of oral mucosal lesions, distribution of benign, precancerous and malign lesions in different age groups, and the concordance of the referral with the working diagnosis at the Stomatology Service. The most frequent pathological soft tissue findings were fibrous hyperplasias (n = 44) and oral lichen planus (n = 30). Precancerous lesions were present in 41 cases (30 patients with oral lichen planus, eleven oral leukoplakias), and ten patients had oral malignomas. Most lesions were found in patients between the age of 40 and 60 years. The referral diagnosis concurred in 36.6% (n = 67) of the cases with the definite diagnosis before initiation of treatment, the working diagnosis in 70% (n = 128) of the cases. Therefore, it can be concluded that a specialised Stomatology Service serves as a center of competence due to large numbers of patients/cases seen and treated, and the resulting high level of clinical experience of the staff. Moreover, it is important in the primary diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma, in collaboration with the referring dentist in private practice.
A 4-month-old female Holstein Friesian calf was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Berne, Switzerland for evaluation of ataxia, weakness, apathy and stunted growth. Clinical examination revealed generalized ataxia, propioceptive deficits, decreased menace response and sensibility. Postmortem examination did not reveal macroscopic changes of major organs. Histologically, the brain and the spinal cord lesions were characterized by polymicrocavitation, preferentially affecting the white matter fibers at the junction of grey and white matter and by the presence of Alzheimer type II cells. The liver revealed lesions consistent with a congenital portosystemic shunt, characterized by increased numbers of arteriolar profiles and hypoplasia to absence of portal veins. The pathological investigations along with the animal history and clinical signs indicated a hepatic encephalomyelopathy due to a congenital portosystemic shunt.
Diagnostic and therapeutic interventions following dental injuries are not part of the routine practice in the dental office. Quite often, these patients are emergency cases who seek treatment after normal office hours. The objective of this and the future papers is to present the current treatment concepts in dental traumatology at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Berne. The fruitful cooperation in the field of dental traumatology between the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, and the Department of Conservative Dentistry (including pediatric dentistry and endodontology), is based on the interdisciplinary approach that has been established four years ago. Following discussion and evaluation of such treated cases, and considering current clinical and experimental studies, the said concepts have been worked out. The present paper describes the therapeutic approach for root fractures.
In a retrospective multicentre study, the success rate and efficiency of activator treatment were analysed. All patients from two University clinics (Giessen, Germany and Berne, Switzerland) that fulfilled the selection criteria (Class II division 1 malocclusion, activator treatment, no aplasia, no extraction of permanent teeth, no syndromes, no previous orthodontic treatment except transverse maxillary expansion, full available records) were included in the study. The subject material amounted to 222 patients with a mean age of 10.6 years. Patient records, lateral head films, and dental casts were evaluated. Treatment was classified as successful if the molar relationship improved by at least half to three-fourths cusp width depending on whether or not the leeway space was used during treatment. Group comparisons were carried out using Wilcoxon two-sample and Kruskal-Wallis tests. For discrete data, chi-square analysis was used and Fisher's exact test when the sample size was small. Stepwise logistic regression was also employed. The success rate was 64 per cent in Giessen and 66 per cent in Berne. The only factor that significantly (P < 0.001) influenced treatment success was the level of co-operation. In approximately 27 per cent of the patients at both centres, the post-treatment occlusion was an 'ideal' Class I. In an additional 38 per cent of the patients, marked improvements in occlusal relationships were found. In subjects with Class II division 1 malocclusions, in which orthodontic treatment is performed by means of activators, a marked improvement of the Class II dental arch relationships can be expected in approximately 65 per cent of subjects. Activator treatment is more efficient in the late than in the early mixed dentition.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: In patients with an implantable defibrillator (ICD), inappropriate ICD interventions alter the quality of life, may cause hospitalisations and limit cost-effectiveness. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence and causes of inappropriate ICD interventions, and to identify patients at risk. METHODS: For this observational longitudinal study, consecutive patients undergoing ICD implantation at the University Hospital of Berne were included in a registry. All stored electrograms of episodes triggering ICD interventions were systematically reviewed and analysed to determine whether ICD interventions were appropriate or inappropriate. Inappropriate ICD interventions were classified according to their cause, and risk factors were sought. RESULTS: 214 consecutive patients were followed during a median time of 2.7 years (3.7 years IQR, 698 patient years). 81 inappropriate ICD interventions occurred in 58 patients (27%). Factors triggering inappropriate ICD interventions included atrial fibrillation and flutter (n = 35, 44%), sinus tachycardia (n = 26, 32%), lead fracture (n = 12), recurrent self-terminating ventricular tachycardia (n = 5), double-counting due to T-wave oversensing (n = 3). The only identifiable risk factor for inappropriate ICD interventions was sustained ventricular tachycardia as index arrhythmia. CONCLUSIONS: An important proportion of ICD patients suffer inappropriate ICD interventions that are most commonly due to supraventricular arrhythmias. Patients with ventricular tachycardia prior to ICD implantation are at higher risk of inappropriate ICD interventions. Interventions aiming at decreasing the risk of inappropriate ICD interventions should be considered in these patients.
OBJECTIVES: In patients with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), the time interval to convert to clinically definite multiple sclerosis (CDMS) is highly variable. Individual and geographical prognostic factors remain to be determined. Whether anti-myelin antibodies may predict the risk of conversion to CDMS in Swiss CIS patients of the canton Berne was the subject of the study. METHODS: Anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein and anti-myelin basic protein antibodies were determined prospectively in patients admitted to our department. RESULTS: After a mean follow-up of 12 months, none of nine antibody-negative, but 22 of 30 antibody-positive patients had progressed to CDMS. Beta-Interferon treatment delayed the time to conversion from a mean of 7.4 to 10.9 months. CONCLUSIONS: In a Swiss cohort, antibody-negative CIS patients have a favorable short-term prognosis, and antibody-positive patients benefit from early treatment.
A new study is presently being conducted on the exposure of the Swiss population to radiation by diagnostic measures. This study is performed by the Department of Medical Radiation Physics of the University of Berne in collaboration with the Federal Health Bureau and the Swiss Institute for Health and Hospital Matters. In earlier studies the genetically significant exposure of the population and subsequently the median exposure of the red bone marrow had been investigated, whereas now the risk exposure to radiation of as far as possible practically all the risk-relevant organs will be studied. Prior to the initiation of the study, all results of earlier investigations during 1957, 1971 and 1978 were collected and analysed. It was found that the published results are hardly comparable, since the first study was based on individual X-ray examinations and the two subsequent studies on the localised X-ray examinations. To ensure that all data are now comparable, the results of the three studies were appropriately recalculated. Although certain assumptions had to be made that cannot be fully verified any more in view of the time that has elapsed, the collected results will provide a fairly reliable overview of the present-day state of knowledge in this particular field.
Risk factors for invasive aspergillosis (IA) are incompletely identified and may undergo changes due to differences in medical practice. A cohort of 189 consecutive, adult patients with neutropenia hospitalized in the hemato-oncology ward of the University hospital Berne between 1995 and 1999 were included in a retrospective study to assess risk factors for IA. In total, 45 IA cases (nine proven, three probable, 33 possible), 11 patients with refractory fever and 133 controls were analyzed. IA cases had more often acute leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) (88 vs 38%, P < 0.001) and a longer duration of neutropenia (mean 20.6 vs 9.9 days, P < 0.001). They also had fewer neutropenic episodes during the preceding 6 months (mean 0.42 vs 1.03, P < 0.001), that is, confirmed (82%) and probable (73%) IA occurred most often during the induction cycle. A short time interval ( < or = 14 days) between neutropenic episodes increased the risk of IA four-fold (P = 0.06). Bacteremia, however, was not related to the number of preceding neutropenic episodes. Therefore, neutropenic patients with leukemia or MDS have the highest risk of IA. The risk is highest during the first induction cycle of treatment and increases with short-time intervals between treatment cycles.